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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 68 KB, 564x563, fa fashionnn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13425647 No.13425647 [Reply] [Original]

so i live in the middle east. in the more lenient side of it i would say. it's so hard when summer comes around because everything that looks cute is all crop tops, short dresses, and shorts. i really would like to dress like that but i can't because of the traditions and everything. i really like the teenagery alternative style and i would really like to dress like that. (pic related) what do i do?

>> No.13425655

>what do i do

>> No.13425657

but i can't do that anon. ;_;

>> No.13425659

pls be in dubai


>> No.13425660

i wish! at least there girls can actually wear cute summer clothes. but unfortunately no, not the uae.

>> No.13425662

why not? lose your passport and move to Germany as a refugee pretending to be Syrian, that is how all the Egyptians did it.

>> No.13425671

well you said one of the more lenient places so I guess you're in kuwait? qatar is sorta hostile imo

>> No.13425673

not the gulf, anon.

>> No.13425683

i mean, ive been to turkey, jordan and lebanon and, at least in the cities, I'd think you'd get away w something this revealing.
if youre interested in an alt style you should try to get a friend into it as well itll be chiller then

>> No.13425738


Western Turkey is more open about revealing clothing than most of the Balkans. Been there seen them.

I'd say try something loose with a bit of arthoe without revealing pieces. Maybe even comfycore without too many layers. The right material will breathe and keep you safe from the heat.

>> No.13426908

You get back in your niqab or it's the stoning pit for you
(seriously though gtfo of the middle east, just go on a road trip to germany lmao it's not like they're going to kick you out)

>> No.13427543

don't really have anything to say to help, but i just wanna say that it sucks you can't express yourself because of where you live. Sucks

>> No.13427654
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This. You should leave when you can, the west is the best. Are you Islamic? Not a fan of Islam myself honestly but I have a Bangladeshi friend who rocks the hijab really well.

>> No.13427772

israeli thot detected


>> No.13428233
File: 186 KB, 1080x1920, b9e76600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stay out of Europe. We don't want anymore mudslime cockroaches.

>> No.13428527

Dont idolize gook whores

>> No.13428529


>> No.13428539

just get tight shirts that cover everything up then wear a blousey thing.
or go full on breast plate battle armor.
i dunno.
for women you either look like
a sexy
a nun
a buisness lady
or bride
or sweatpants

>> No.13428545
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>> No.13428547

seriously though gtfo of the /fa/, just go on a road trip to /pol/ lmao it's not like they're going to kick you out

>> No.13428722

She sounds like one of the good ones. Worry more about the ones who don't want to be more western.

>> No.13428757
File: 45 KB, 469x452, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of the good ones
Mhm... Tell me more shlomo

>> No.13428809

Wrong board.

>> No.13428903
File: 132 KB, 704x796, 1526375094962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(even though it's not in the mid-east)

>> No.13429006
File: 154 KB, 1000x1341, e5dd3dc2c196ced59dfd236f89c8c640041ee431007be04e18c8b412e8456167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the female equivalent to mogging?

>> No.13429011

>he thinks he can contain racism to one board
how laughable

>> No.13429034

Muzzie robes look pretty /fa/, OP.

>> No.13429188

If you're in lebanon people don't cate as much, just don't go to shitty conservative areas like the mountains or suburburbs where every woman wears hijab or every guy has a "religious" beard

>visiting lebanon
The richer more urban areas are also a good place to wear whatever, think universities and downtown capital

I kinda hate the shit sense of fashion that guys have here, it's either full faggot horrible looking grilled skin or fat balding at the age lf 26

>> No.13429215

im on 4chan but i cant handle scary opinions

>> No.13429221

wrong website

>> No.13429225
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>> No.13429403
File: 191 KB, 296x427, Screen Shot 2018-06-08 at 09.31.09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13429418

Go back to North Korea

>> No.13429474

mad you mongrel cuck?

>> No.13429484

Korean fashion is god tier, pleb

>> No.13429512

Hey some of my best friends are Korean Hapa Betas

>> No.13429540

I would say to focus mostly on silhouettes and what colors you're using. try lighter clothes like pants made of linen if you can.