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13415561 No.13415561 [Reply] [Original]

--- finestride discussion ---
---- cope and support ----
----- norwood check -----
----- hairstyle help -----

routines and folk remedies edition

>> No.13415565

Just shave it.

>> No.13415608

is it /fa/ to wear a bandana with a bald head

>> No.13416124

first thing first, learn what balding mean.

>> No.13416145
File: 54 KB, 594x623, regenepure-minoxidil-spray-for-hair-loss_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ok this will be a good post from me.

I am 25 verging on a NW2 with the beginnings of further thinning (that leads to a bald head eventually. First noticed receding about 23.

Ok, I started Propecia 1mg over a year ago and took it for like a week. I got ridiculous sides and never recovered fully, I barely ever shoot jizz whereas before I took Propecia I was a literal horse with much vitality, dick was dead at times.

I quit it probably for half a year and then decided to start taking 0.5mg every 2 days for a few months... Now this really fucked with my prostate, I got prostatitis, all inflamed and aching, constant urge to pee etc. This was even worse than the sexual sides desu. Also throughout my times taking Propecia I think it messed with my hormones leading to some mood issues but this is more speculative.

Then, I decided try topical RU. I took this for months. My chest would hurt from time to time, even constantly aching. At first I assumed this was just me as I have had some chest issues in the past. One day I look up the sides with RU and found the chest issues and decided to go off it. After a few days my chest starts to feel a lot better.. After a couple of weeks I decide to try RU again to check if it is the RU.... Then bingo after a couple of days my chest aches a lot and I really have to lay down and try to relax as it felt like I could have a heart attack or something.

Throughout all of this I am using Ket shampoo which is brilliant and no sides.

After a month or so quitting RU I feel ok. I then decide to use 5% liquid minoxidil once a day and microdose Propecia every Sunday. I use this as well as ket shampoo and derma rolling about once a week. I just started this last week and intend to do this for at least a decade but we shall see.

I am also going to look into other things on the side, like using Pumpkin seed oil (mild dht inhibitor) for cooking instead of olive oil etc.

I am interesting to hear what is up with you other guys too.

>> No.13416176

Just go 100% bald, you effeminate cucks.

>> No.13416185


Going 100% bald is a choice to 100% ugly. I hope you bald within the next two years mate. Would love to your attitude here be completely trashed. M8 if you went bald you would consider suicide. This AINT NO GAME NIGGR!

>> No.13416228

>M8 if you went bald you would consider suicide.
Holy shit. Didn't know it was that bad.

>> No.13416242

fragile masculinity is not exceptable.
balding people are high test.
embrace the inner savage

>> No.13416247



>> No.13416262

I went on estrogen to stop balding and male aging. as long as I hide boobs decently, it works perfectly

>> No.13416272


Haha love it, but you should take fin or something too. Your body might produce more test in response to elevated estrogen and the enzymes will convert the test into dht which will likely result in balding.

>> No.13416279

Shave it off completely.

>> No.13416303

Luckily I have thick dark southern euro hair but desu famalam if I were balding i'd save it like this anon suggests I think it looks good on balding men. Dont shave it to the skin but close to it.

>> No.13416305

Was feeling bad about my thinning crown.

Buzzed, months of anxiety gone.

Would recomend.

>> No.13416308


Just make sure you don't end up with a shiny bald scalp my friend.

>> No.13416391

semen retention helps with hairloss

>> No.13417497
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>> No.13417574


Depending on your aesthetic, you could wear caps alot and not look like youre desperately trying to hide your baldness sorta like desu & mero.

>> No.13417869

So, going to get hair transplants in a few months, any experiences from former baldies?
I refuse to be bald until i'm about 50/60 years old, i'm 25 for fucks sakes.

>> No.13417880

How much are you paying? Went to a guy and he told me 12,000 for 1500 grafts

>> No.13417887

Is there the slightest possibly that using nizoral could make me lose hair faster or is it all in my head?

>> No.13417891

they haven't given me a price because i have to see my doctor to have a guess on how bad my balding is.
I really only have a bald spot on the top of my head, hairline is pretty decent but it lost its thickness so i don't really need many grafts.
The estimate is that 1500 graft is around $1500, wich in argentina is around 30.000 pesos that i'll have to pay for being a stubborn fuck who doesn't want to be bald.

>> No.13418053
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What does /fa/ think of a mohawk like pic related for transitioning into baldness? I've shaved my head before to get used to the idea of it after having had long hair my whole life, but I'd like to keep something while I still can.

>> No.13418587

In my 30s and Im pretty sure its starting to thin on top. I can cover it up with certain hairstyles for now, but Im worried where the ride will end.

>> No.13418631

Started thinning really bad on my crown the moment I turned 20. I'm using 5% minoxidil to try and recover it for a while until it reaches that critical point. I'd shave my head now if I had a solid beard going but that's also gonna take a while.

Would Nizoral be helpful since i'm only using minoxidil?

>> No.13418635
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>everyone always says "just buzz"
>the only buzz inspo they post are of people who still have full hairlines or that are old as fuck and would still look better with normal hair

>> No.13418699

Man thinning at the top is really the worst form of balding. All these people complaining about receding hairlines really dont know true pain.

>> No.13418932
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Thinning and receding here, I am suffer

>> No.13419318
File: 262 KB, 497x393, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at 18.39.47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it

>> No.13419348

Show top. Mine looks fine from the front as well, but top looks bad under harsh light.

>> No.13419389

Like is it thinning on top?
Not that I see

>> No.13419401

Then I dont really see a problem? Your hair looks fine.

>> No.13419420

What about the peak, and large forehead?

>> No.13419434

might be receding, if you are under 20 i would monitor it each month. if you are 28+ i would just say its normal

>> No.13419476

Thats really not a big deal. You hardly notice it (or not at all really).

>> No.13419489

Really, I really fucking notice it all the fucking time

>> No.13419510

Just look at the hair in front, does it thin? does it get noticeable less? Do you have lots of baby hair on your scalp? Those are signs of balding. Every man's hairline eventually goes up but if you're lucky it doesn't thin out.

>> No.13419519

If you are prone to hairloss at a young age (18-30) please heed my words.
Stop jacking off. Never again.
I am 24 and two years ago started thinning. I had a bald spot on my crown and my hairline was going away.
I tried everything recommended here, /fit/, hairloss forums, nothing helped. The intense strain my hair was undergoing + my stress was only making things worse.
I realized soon after that if I stopped ejaculating, within three days my hair felt alive again. Then after doing this for a few months, I checked my hairline. It was back. Little hairs filled in the bald areas, now they are thick and long. My hairline is 95% of what it was when I was 16.
Semen retention is legit. My broscience view is that your hair displays your virility and is heavily affected by semen production because both semen and hair require the same nutrients. Zinc and biotin.
If you fap/cum during sex frequently, your zinc and biotin go straight to your balls. If they are full often, the nutrients go to your hair.
Not to mention fapping increases DHT which leads to hairloss as well as anxiety.
I also take supplements daily, only shampoo / condition once every two weeks, and I put black castor oil on my hairline every couple of days/after showering.
So if you're young and feel like your hairloss is premature, please consider semen retention. Try it for a few weeks and take note of the bounce/thickness of your hair and strands.
If you stick with it, within 30 days you will see great results and after a few months you'll feel much more confident with your hair.
>inb4 lol nofap meme
Cool if you want to fap but it makes you look pathetique if you get offended when people mention the idea of not jacking off.

>> No.13419530


>> No.13419531
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>> No.13419535

Like others said, thinning is way worse, you dont even have bad receding. Just keep your hair somewhat long if you're that worried about (you shouldnt be).

>> No.13419541

i'm on day 3 of nofap right now and i'm thinning on the crown

>Little hairs filled in the bald areas, now they are thick and long. My hairline is 95% of what it was when I was 16.
How long did it take?

>> No.13419544
File: 186 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 6-3-18 at 2.36 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25 years old.
Do I just shave it atp?

>> No.13419549
File: 331 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 6-3-18 at 2.37 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have heard:
Biotin/Peppermint oil/alma oil
Any recommendations?

>> No.13419553
File: 238 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 6-3-18 at 2.37 PM #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other side. Someone please help. I also feel like my hair is a lot less thick/curly than it used to be. It used to look seaswept naturally. Suicide?

>> No.13419561

How old are you?
Like I said stop shampooing and conditioning. The only time I do is when my scalp physically itches and my hair is beyond greasy. Other than that I only water wash. Also no hot water on your scalp ever. In the shower, massage your scalp with your fingers to condition it with the natural oils then rinse with cold water. The colder the water on your scalp the better.
Do scalp massages at least three times a day with your finger tips and brush your hair at least once a day. You need that circulation + knotted hair falls out.
My crown started showing hairs after thirty days of not cumming once and within 3 months the thin spot was invisible. I had to trim my hair because the new hairs were so short in comparison to the rest of my hair that it looked like a crater.
Now it looks like it was never thinning in the first place.
I also started taking horny goat weed daily and for some reason my hair loves it. The only downside is it makes you horny af if you take it in the evening and makes you want to have sex or fap. I take it first thing when I wake up.

>> No.13419566

how often do you jack off?

>> No.13419577

i'm 22. and yes, i've noticed that my hair feels fuller if i dont use shampoo.

do you have any pics? also do you take fin or propecia or anything or just no fap?

>> No.13419578

Are you trolling? That is a great hairline senpai.

>> No.13419601

Just keep it to cold water rinses and scalp massages only except every two weeks or so where you feel like your hair is dirty af and needs a good wash / condition. Unless you work in a coal mine cold water rinses are fine for at least a week.
No fin or propecia. Biotin 5000 daily, horny goat weed/saw palmetto mix daily, vitamin D, and zinc 50 MG every two days. I also have to avoid casual sex which was kinda shitty because I was addicted to tinder sluts but in the long run I feel a million times better. That shit was unhealthy for me.

>> No.13419638

Infrequently, maybe once a week.

>> No.13419640

Thanks, anon. 4chan has fucked my mind up irrevocably. I know I'll be bald eventually because of my shit genetics but at least maybe I have a couple years left. I'm taking cold showers only.

>> No.13419658

that's too often.

>> No.13419662

Does masturbation accelerate baldness?

>> No.13419689

reminder to take 0,4 mg passing through

>> No.13419695

Orgasms release a hormone that turns into DHT which causes baldness. It isn't the direct cause but it accelerates the process.

>> No.13419713

Any tips on quitting masturbation?
I've gotten some dumb habits from having used fapping as a depression coping mechanism.

22 NW2 btw, have been using minox and fin for a month so far

>> No.13419723

So I can't get laid either? This is bullshit. No orgasms forever?

>> No.13419725

Not him but cold turkey is the only way. Your testosterone will keep rising for the first week which is the biggest hurdle, after that it will plateau and become easier.

>> No.13419739

Just need regulation. Even celibacy won't prevent eventual baldness, but regulated sexual activity will prevent it from speeding up.

>> No.13419745


>it accelerates the process

There isn't evidence for that really. The whole claim is shaky because technically orgasm releases DHT but that's about all they know

>> No.13419753

Being a degenerate has downsides, who knew?
Sex is fine just find someone you actually want to date/marry and have sex become a positive thing in your life. Casual sex should be kept to a minimum, maybe once a month/ every two months is fine.

>> No.13419754

No one loves me, anon, and no one ever will. Fuck. I don't need this feels right now desu.

>> No.13419756

>using minox and fin
Wtf who told you to do that? Bad idea. Your hair is going to fall out if you stop using it and now you're stuck. You probably didn't need to start doing that in the first place you should have tried not jacking off first.
Now you have to use minox for the rest of your life and there's a chance it may actually make your hair shittier than it could have been had you found an alternative solution.

>> No.13419757

bullshit..ejaculation does rise test levels but they get back to normal within a couple of hours.

Do you guys really think that something as natural and normal such as ejaculation (either in the form of sex or masturbation) promotes baldness?


>> No.13419759

false celibacy does prevent baldness.
Look up how the castrato literally never went bald and had full heads of hair till the day they died. They had their balls cut off and had no choice but to be celibate.

>> No.13419764

oh look another fap addict who hates when people tell him it's bad

>> No.13419766

Balding is also natural, so your argument is sorta flimsy.

>> No.13419767

post your hairline and how often you fap then, buddy.
Even Asian dudes thousands of years ago know more about fapping and being a man than you do now in 2018. That's sad, stop touching yourself. Go get a gf.

>> No.13419769

>Go get a gf.
That's gonna be hard to do when you can't fuck her for fear of going bald.

>> No.13419775

Fuck, that's gonna be tough.
Wish me luck I suppose.
Wanted to tone down sexual activity with my gf anyway so maybe this'll be a good opportunity.

>who told you to do that
Well, virtually everybody on here and anywhere else I looked.
Fin and minox are the only drugs that have double-blind study-proven effects as far as I know. Scientific method is kinda drilled into me by now so I was reluctant to trust other things, especially after wasting my time (and thus - hairline) on snake oil bullshit.
I know it can get bad with the sides and getting off of it.
When you get suicidal thoughts whenever somebody you haven't seen in a year or so mentions your hairline you can get pretty desperate, you know?
Now I'm just hoping all this stem cell therapy shit takes off and I can afford it.

>> No.13419776

for some reason people there is a group of dudes hardcore on science, empiricism, facts, logic, and reason, but have a blind spot when it comes to nofap. according to them something magic happens in the body and they suddenly have more energy, their skin clear up, they have more confidence, sleep better, their social anxiety disappears, i dunno man all kinds of pseudo shit like that is claimed. that someone would say it stops or reverses hair loss is no surprise. i just checked the nofap forums and the top thread in the 'self improvement' is about the book "the secret." lol

>> No.13419781

Yeah, I'm doubtful about it too.
Can't hurt to try it out though, right?
Not like fapping is essential for health/survival.

>> No.13419784

tell me about it I dumped my last gf for wanting to have sex too often.
Also the more often the fuck a girl the less attracted I become, no matter how cute.
I'm going to stay single and do semen retention until I feel satisfied with what I've accomplished in life. Also when I'm in my thirties I could easily find a 19-21 year old hot gf with the futuristic super tinder that teleports girls to your room.

>> No.13419786

Alright stick with the minox and talk to a doctor about it and see if it's too late to quit, but otherwise do semen retention and you should be much happier in a month or so + 3 months will be a huge difference so stay focused.
Keep an eye on your hairline and thickness of the roots in the coming week.

>> No.13419788

derp, under your logic, international professional athletes should have perfect hairline 'becuase they dont ejaculate as often to achieve "top performance" ...yet a lot of them have receding hairline.

>> No.13419792

The nofap community is cringe as fuck but so are most communities that have no need to exist. Vaping community, kpop community, etc.
It's true, though. Losing semen is like losing blood. Your body has to put a lot of energy into restoring it. If your balls are constantly empty, your body is not going to function at optimal levels. It's like driving a car without enough oil in the engine.

>> No.13419807

Damn bruh just go bald

>> No.13419825
File: 236 KB, 978x1024, messy bald look.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuk u

>> No.13419827

man my corners are fucking up and i dont give one fuck
just dont be ugly and dont be white so you dont look like a circumcised dick and you're good

>> No.13419893
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>tfw balding some 20ish years before my brother and like 40ish before my father

>> No.13419940
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How fucked am I? Is this just a kind of hairline or did I get fucked by being vitamin d deficient and cortisol filled for so long.

Just started rogain biotin and other supplements. My head looks fucking misshapen shaved so that's not an option.

>> No.13419947

genetic trash/10

>> No.13420296

Temperature of showers doesn't matter lol. Please only take your info from medical journals. Or articles clearly based on peer reviewed research.

>> No.13420313

Hot showers dry out your hair and skin.

>> No.13420337

Yes, but they do not cause hairloss. Same as masturbation like that retard is claiming. Fucking hell lads, hairloss is causes by genetics, hardcore chemicals or trauma.

>> No.13420411
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How am I going guys? Is it as bad as I think it is? I’ll buzz it if it starts thinning

>> No.13420417

Good hair. Worried about receding?

>> No.13420435

Yeah its there’s a tiny bit of thinning at the top that would increase my temples but it’s unnoticeable to anyone but me and it’s been like that for four years

Honestly I just hope I can grow some decent facial hair before my hairline gets fucked. If anyone does go bald or for the shaved look you need that extra volume on the bottom otherwise you look like an egg

>> No.13420436

>Also when I'm in my thirties I could easily find a 19-21 year old hot gf
Except you won't because 19-21 year old girls don't fuck guys in their 30s.

>> No.13420439

Semen has a shelf life. You're not just supposed to retain it. First of all, that goes against the entire purpose of semen. Second of all, if you were supposed to retain it, you wouldn't have the biological drive to masturbate, and you wouldn't have wet dreams.

>> No.13420441

I'm ancient in /fa/ standards, but if I ever start seriously balding, this is what I'm doing. I'll wear EG, Kapital, Monitaly, etc. and look like a 70s pharmacological wizard.

>> No.13420447

Hairline is beginning to recede. Started when I turned 27. When is it too early for medical treatments?

>> No.13420469

Im so scared of the day I start balding.

"Just shave it off"

Well, about that...

1) can't grow beard,

2) baby face.

So if I ever go bald, IM FUCKED.

I just hope by the time I go bald I'm such a bad mofo that I don't care about jack shit. And if im honest, it's possible that day might never come.

>> No.13420499

>had their balls cut off
That's what did it, not straight up celibacy. It's been known for a while that castration will 100% halt balding, but obviously nobody is going to do it.

>> No.13421368

>Orgasms release a hormone that turns into DHT which causes baldness.
Sensitivity to DHT causes male pattern baldness - not the hormone itself.

>> No.13421393

When your hair is sensitive to DHT, the spike caused by nutting will boost your hair loss for some time. This is completely anecdotal but it 100% happens to me.

>> No.13421463

So tired of that shitpost

>> No.13421472

>Just started rogain
Fuck that shit.
Go Fin or go home, rogain may help for like a year and that is it. Also yeah you are pretty fucked. If don't start a no-bullshit treatment aka. Fin soon, you will be bald in a few years. I don't think I have to explain here that Fin can have bad side effects so you have to decide how important that really is for you.

>> No.13421489

Is this some kind of anti-fin ad? I get that people get side effects from fin but "omg I was literally impotent a week in" is trying too hard.

>> No.13421533

Before you go bald you should put all your efforts into finding a partner and getting her pregnant. Then she'll be stuck with you and you don't have to worry about being a chromedome.

>> No.13421538

You may be overestimating how much people care about your fucking hair

>> No.13421539

I myself have already impregnated a girl so I can go bald in peace.

>> No.13421558

Women can still leave you after you impregnated them

>> No.13421574

So if both sides of my family have hair well into their 50s, I should be good bros? Or is it possible that genetics still random and could fuck my hair up

>> No.13421581

You could still go bald. There's no telling.

>> No.13421599



>"omg I was literally impotent a week in" is trying too hard.

Heheh bro, it wasn't like that. Though I did have several periods where my dick was floppy af even when erect.

Everything I said was a correct account of what happened.

>> No.13421619


Just seems pretty extreme to me, everyone I saw mentioning side effects to that extent were either lying, mentally ill people that tried to blame literally all their problems on fin or they already had problems with their dicks prior to taking it.
I think fin actually made me fap more.

>> No.13421662

This doesnt mean fin didnt increase their problems. Especially if there is already something going on with ED or libido, finasteride might fuk you up even more.

Also your finding of fapping more could very well be possible, as finasteride will increase estrogen somewhat, and estrogen does play a role in controlling libido, especially in the brain - where steroids are especially altered by fin

I still wouldn't advise anyone to go on fin. "Just shave it bro" is quite a good meme imo

>> No.13421665

Yes you should be fine

Dont worry about losing your hair its not worth it

>> No.13421668

why would you ever go back on fin after your first experience with it

just use keto shampoo and forget about it

>> No.13421680

Doesn't fin increase test levels?

>> No.13421823


>> No.13422107
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can i pull it off guys. sides grow faster and top is clearer then before.

>> No.13422422

this is the only correct option, so long as you are not a completely hopeless socially awkward fuck-up. hair > bald > balding. i shaved my head after being visibly balding for 3 years and the peace of mind is worth the world. people know i sell the look

>> No.13422586

def balding but you can pull of the receded look

>> No.13422588

>jus shaev bro
What is the point of these posts when the people that care most about this are those with a shit head shape or those that can't grow a beard?

>> No.13422598
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>> No.13422602
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Is this a norwood 2?

>> No.13422710

Just go to Turkey for a cheap hair transplant, ez

>> No.13422733

>perfect juvenile hairline
>thinning fast on the front, baby hairs everywhere across the hairline, can’t grow bangs anymore

Fuck everything. Like, really, fuck everything. I’ll try to bulk up and see if I can do like Tom Hardy. Or maybe I’ll try minox, since it’s only thinning on the front it should be easy to take care of, right?

>> No.13422786

Taking Minox alone is just a soulcrushing experience, if it actually works for you then you will lose at least half of the hair that came back no matter what and the rest will eventually go away too

>> No.13422822

You mean the regrowth would go away if I stopped the treatment? Well that makes sense, I wouldn’t expect to retain the regrown hair after quitting minox. I just hardly doubt taking minox actually promotes further hairloss, like some people here are saying.

>> No.13422830

No it even goes away when you keep going. Because it only makes your hair grow better but can't protect your hair from what is causing hair loss and eventually it will lose to it.

>> No.13422852

So taking drugs is the only way to stop it?

>> No.13422881
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>> No.13422903

is this one of ur pajeet products?

>> No.13422933

congrats it fits you

>> No.13422934


If you are serious about stopping it then there is currently no way around stuff like Fin or Dut that can give you side effects. And even that just slows it down a lot but will never be a 100% guarantee that you will keep your hair but it's the best you can do.
I'm on Fin for 2 years now and didn't notice any sides. However I also didn't grow any hair back. I only lost hair a little bit on the front and relatively notiable bits at the temples. That is not coming back no matter what you take anyway, I guess.
On the bright side I didn't notice further loss.

>> No.13422939
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>Tfw I get my Fin 100% for free because my dermatologist is fucking retarded in the best way possible

>> No.13422940

btw is it true that if you cut fin pills into pieces and therefore destroy the protective layer, they lose their effectiveness because they get exposed to oxygen?

>> No.13422944


Load of bullshit desu, it is not adviced to split Fin pills because for pregnant women for example, coming into contact with these pills (literally just touching them) can be very dangerous for the unborn child. You can absorb Fin through you skin, that's why they have that protection.

>> No.13422946
File: 16 KB, 180x240, odbdab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw your dick goes limp and you jizz water

>> No.13422948

no way this is true. why would anyone cut fin pills into pieces anyway though?

>> No.13422949


>Limpdick blaming it on pills
3 years and going strong


To make it more cost efficient. 5mg pills are a lot cheaper than 1mg pills because the 5mg ones are actually used for medical conditions, the 1mg aren't.
Splitting 5mg ones gives a shitton more Fin for like half the price.

>> No.13423003

Can thinning happen because of stress and depression? Could I regrow it using minox? Would that hair be lost if I stopped the treatment?

>> No.13423018

If stress is the cause then you should fix the cause first but yes it can happen.

>> No.13423199

Seriously when I got on fin and now I'm months in I have the urge to fuck constantly what are u morons on...
Check urself b4 u placebo urself.

>> No.13423652


Yeah Fin increases Test levels, at least at the beginning you get a big spike of T because it gets back-logged due to inhibiting the enzyme that converts it to DHT.. I think may be partly resonsible for the ball ache people get from Propecia.

Anyhowwwwwwwwwwwww, Propecia sides are real I am not making up my scenario lol. My dick was literally that of a horse before taking it. Who knows maybe I am a rare case, in the long term I think almost 100% of people at least get some sort of sides.

>> No.13423655

>why would you ever go back on fin after your first experience with it
>just use keto shampoo and forget about it

Because my hair started to thin, my dad is bald and I don't want to go bald. We were both really attractive when we were young, when he went bald he lost that, I can't deal with losing that.

>> No.13423667


Yes approximately.

>> No.13423669


Its the Minoxidil I am using. I put it on my scalp and let it run around it, this way not much gets into my hair.

>> No.13423676


The idea that Propecia is good for sexual health is a hilarious delusion, a likely cope. If I didn't have hair loss I would want to take supplements that do the opposite of fin lol.

>> No.13423798


It's not a delusion that fin can raise test, which, of course, makes you horny as fuck. It happened for me too. It's mostly back to normal but sometimes I have unusually horny phases, doesn't have to mean it's because of Fin at this point anymore though, it just happens.
But whatever you described sounds like you ordered Fin from some amateur drug shop online that just mixes whatever the fuck they find and sell it as Fin. The side effects you described aren't normal.

>> No.13423867


I take brand name Propecia, the most reliable stuff going.

I understand that you would want to avoid the idea these side effects are real, the drug does cure hairloss and you don't want to go bald.

>> No.13423870


Also hormones are not that simple, when you elevate one hormone, another hormone rises, and then another hormone fluctuates differently.. etc etc etc. It is hard to predict what can occur along the chain.........

>> No.13423879

Jesus thats pretty bad, better get the razor ready.

>> No.13423885

>avoid the idea these side effects are real
I know they are real but a horsecock becoming a limpdick in 7 days is just laughable, sorry

>> No.13423894

Nah don't listen to this bitter hairlet

>> No.13423896

Is it okay if I just wear a baseball cap forever, Mike Love style?

>> No.13423899

nobody posting here actually have a bad receding hairline. might as well change thread topic to trans passing gen, since all you fags just want an excuse to go on hormone therapy instead of becoming an adonis and developing confidence in yourself. If you are ever wondering what is wrong with the world take a long hard look in the mirror, it's you

>> No.13423912


Haha bro it was limp as fuck for a period but it was tempoary. It got better after but it has never gotten back to its full vitality.

>> No.13423918



>> No.13423922


You may say it's laughable, but we both know that is a comfortable delusion you hold. You want to push away even the possibility of these sides from your brain, because you want to keep your hair but are disturbed by the potential sides.

I do understand though, anything that fucks with a mans hair or dick is deep territory.. That is why there is so much delusion linked to these drugs, it is that psychologically critical for us.

By the way I am micro dosing Propecia once every Sunday to see how I can deal with it. I don't want to lose my hair either.

>> No.13423924

>it has never gotten back to its full vitality
1mg of Fin is out of your body in less than half a day. Your body has long went back to normal when your therapy was that short.

>> No.13423928

As far as the dick thing goes, you literally should just not think about it, correct. It has been proven that men that are scared shitless of their dicks not working anymore can't get it up anymore just because they are afraid of it. Half of the people participating had no idea that side effect existed and only very few of them got minor issues that went away as soon as they stopped taking it. The ones that knew, most of them had issues.

>> No.13423957
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>1mg of Fin is out of your body in less than half a day.

Heheh my brother, you have much to learn.

>> No.13423964


Mate, I am not a basket case. Have you tried to mentally make your semen watery, tiny in quantity and not shoot out? Or have you mentally tried to give yourself an inflamed prostate (prostatitis), leading to constant aching, often painful and a constant urge to pee even after peeing.

>> No.13423968


I am 25 btw as stated above.

>> No.13423969

It is though. The effect it had isn't, but it doesn't take that long to recover after only 7 days.

>> No.13423972

>but it doesn't take that long to recover after only 7 days.

Yeah I started to recover a fair bit (not completely) after a couple of months but I started again at 0.5mg every two days. Perhaps if I gave myself the chance to recover I might get back to normal after a year or two.

>> No.13423991

>but I started again at 0.5mg every two days.
Oh fuck why, you are clearly suffering from an unusually cruel case of finasteride intolerance or whatever they call it. It will never get better like that.
You can try Dut too. Dut is the heavier stuff but it doesn't mean it has worse side effects for you, or any. But I think your body made it clear that Fin is not an option for you.

>> No.13423999


Man I really don't want to go bald though. You might be right about trying other inhibitors. As I said before I am trialling micro-dosing Propecia every Sunday. So for I have tried RU and Propecia and both got sides.