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13413179 No.13413179 [Reply] [Original]

What does a girl have to look like to pull this off and still look attractive and datable?

>hair, weight, race, etc

>> No.13413181
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>> No.13413183

An asian female version of what you just posted.

>> No.13413255

For lighter skinned people-dark eyeliner and rouge. Clashing with the clothes but would accentuate the face as a whole. Being fat would make it harder.

>> No.13413830

Where the fuck do I get belts like that? Also this chinky-fuck forgot to put it through the last belt loop, the goddamn fucking zipperhead.

>> No.13413835

You will only be attractive to repressed homos. Is that whomst you want to date?

>> No.13413944
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tfw no qt princey gf

>> No.13413986

Attractiveness of a girl is independent of clothing.

An attractive girl will look attractive in anything. An unattractive girl will look unattractive in anything.

They won't necessarily look good, but people will think of them as 'a cute girl in quirky clothes'.

>> No.13414233

>and still look attractive

you will look attractive if you have an attractive face, but you would still look much less attractive than you would in girls clothes

>> No.13415373

honestly this. it's sad and frustrating but it's true.

>> No.13415422

>how can I dress up like a dude and still look datable

you're dealing with a generation of broken men with arrested development raised on porn. You could wear that exact outfit and still get guys chasing you.

>> No.13415531

>An unattractive girl will look unattractive in anything.
That's not really true, dude.

Less attractive women -- not people who are legitimately fucking hideous, but I really do mean unattractive, not "Hollywood ugly" -- can compensate by dressing carefully in a way that either accentuates their good features or masks their bad ones.

If a girl is a little overweight, with the right outfit she'll look "curvy" to most people. With the wrong one she'll look fucking fat. A jawline that's a little too strong, a moderate underbite, whatever, can be softened with the right haircut, so can a lake of facial symmetry. You get the idea. And generally, well-dressed people look more put-together which means they're also perceived as more physically attractive -- yes, even by men.

Attractive people don't have to worry about what they wear unless they want to, yeah. They'll look good in anything. But for unattractive people, style really fucking matters.

>> No.13417093
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>> No.13417099

It's the excess of the belt after it's buckled and just lying across the loop, dummy.

>> No.13417102
File: 208 KB, 237x494, 10588033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13417111

If you want to date girls, copy this. If you want to date straightish guys, copy this but have longer hair and a vagina (or proxy vagina).

>> No.13417115

Lose the tie, maybe make it a scarf.

>> No.13417123

If this was me, I'd wear a silk blouse (no bra), and just undo a bunch of buttons. I don't understand his jacket so I'd probably swap it for something in velvet. Add hoops earrings, hair up, subtle make up, no cap.