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/fa/ - Fashion

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13402257 No.13402257 [Reply] [Original]

I wish someone could just tell me what clothes to buy, I suck at fashion but I have the urge to look presentable

>> No.13402259
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Fuck you, learn taste, learn the language, learn to say ME in the language of fashion

you lazy shit this is never ever gonna be handed to you

>> No.13402262

Looking presentable is very different from being fashionable.

>> No.13402267

You have to have some semblance of what you think looks good. Just take what you think looks good and follow it. If you think you look like a fuckin faggit then dont wear it. Just chill and realize everyone else was born the same way as you and fuck them if they think they can dictate what you wear, just follow your gut, its just fuckin clothes. Straight up if youre relaxed and confident demeanor it will not matter in the slightest what you wear which is what makes choosing what to wear fun. Just rock your fuckin shit. Though fir real you cannot be a skeletor or an obese, build a healthy frame

>> No.13402269

Yes presentable is adhering to a broad swathe of norms and expectation.

>> No.13402270

You're gay and a liar. You don't need to study for years just to achieve "presentable (to normies)."

>> No.13402275

If you want to look presentable, just look at those monthly fashion boxes. You won't be fashionable by any means, but you'll certainly look presentable and better than ratty vidya t shirts. You don't even have to buy the boxes, just buy similar stuff.

>> No.13402283
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you don't

but this is not a board for that
this is fucking effay

>> No.13402301

>you cannot be a skeletor
how 2 gain without eat

>> No.13402305

you can be anything if you grasp fashion and personal style enough. unfortunately, effort is required.

>> No.13402309

Moot himself came here looking for a recommendation of a plain grey sneaker.

>> No.13402321

well, shit
moot is a pleb, who'da thunk

>> No.13402325

You got to fuckin eat bro. Ive been mega skeletor all my life im 6 3, most weight ove had was 207, right now im skinny af. You got to eat dude, you first of all feel so good if your brains getting nutrients, i was a house mover, burning 1000s cal a day, it was hard to replenish but i used high calorie bulking agent and i was lookin fucking solid. Even then i shouldbe at least 250. But yea you cannot build mass without eating. I know its hard if youre skinny cause you get used to eating small amounts, which is fine but if youre ina 1st world country take advantave of your amazing food opportunities. Just slowly start eating more, youve got to stretch your stomach. After a week of eating till stomach fullness you shouls be able to eat like 2000 cal per meal. I got to the point i was eating 2 dbl qtr pounders w extra cheese for lunch, excellent fuel if youre burning cal. Stretch your stomach and exert yourself/lift ideally.

>> No.13402333

THIS anon makes a very good point. Working out and eating well is better than any anti depressant in the world.
It's what nature designed you to do. So do it.

>> No.13402336

Ppl dont even know. When you get fats in your brain in themorning its almost like a drug andI do drugs. When youre fueled up you feel like afu king god in yourown movie. Health = relaxation = confidence = success = keks

>> No.13402337

No joke humans need about 30 g of fat in themorning. You get that and youre on auto pilot, im charge.

>> No.13402338


And if you're healthy, when you DO do drugs, it's like BOOOOOM!

>> No.13402339

>I wish someone would tell me what clothes to buy
Buy some skinny jeans and some oversized hoodies. If you are in shape u will look fine

>> No.13402346
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Yes if youre of healthy mind you really will enjoy drigs. Drugs are nad tho mkay

>> No.13402350

I view it like... drugs make your brain over-excrete happy, and if you're in shape, you have more stuff in your brain to squeeze out.

>> No.13402354

Yea if youre healthy then you can burn more energy as drug induced euphoria. Holy shit tho... i used to abuse vyvanse and that shit turnedme into an Auschwitz prisoner. So horrible doing substances with a depleted body.

>> No.13402360

Second, man, second.

You forget that using is literally trading part of your meat for a feeling, and you get caught in that loop. Good on you for getting free.

>> No.13402376

I mean it dont help that im a cokeboy right now but i know my limits.

>> No.13402379

Then you will be fine.

>> No.13402647

jesus christ amerimutts are so disgusting. just get shot already

>> No.13402649

enjoy ur muslim immigrants

>> No.13402650

full rick

>> No.13402680
File: 40 KB, 466x328, third-world-immigration-invasion-set-to-destroy-america-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, don't have any around here, maybe 2% or so. have fun you inbred subhuman

>> No.13402695

lmao the mcdonalds line was p amerimutt I admit. Its not that bad though, the eating more advice is good tho, you never been skeleton mode I guess you wouldn’t understand

>> No.13402697

Holy fuck i busted up picturing you reading stomach stretch and 2000 per meal

>> No.13402739

Well, I've never been underweight and probably never will be, but going to the gym helps a lot. I've always wanted to gain a little weight and through weight training I've been able to do that. The thing is, though, if you work out, you do need to eat a lot to keep up with the calories burned. Eat a lot of protein and you'll feel healthily full and gain a bit of weight as well. As an added bonus you feel really good about yourself if you can put on a bit of muscle.