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13393067 No.13393067[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who's the worst trip/namefag on /fa/ in your opinion? I vote for igor, second worst is that dumbass that writes all in caps and thinks he's smart

>> No.13393111

Fuck I forgot about that finnish dumbass that posts on milspo, somethingbro, shitbro should be he's name, I hate him too and he's fugly

>> No.13393310

I fucking hate STHLM

>> No.13393316
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imagine tripfagging on an anonymous (((Israeli))) neti pot conversation platform

>> No.13393320

anyone miss reeeeeeeeeeee from like 2k12 or just me

>> No.13393339

Haha nice joke xD now fuck off

>> No.13393342


>> No.13393390


>> No.13394555


>> No.13394587

The easy options are ryss, igor, or sieg. The hard question is, are there any good ones?

>> No.13394590

Huck even if he doesnt usually trip.

>> No.13394940

Damn, you're right. Trips are usually shitty anyway though, having an inferiority or superiority complex is a pre requirement

>> No.13394948
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not all of them

>> No.13394951
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>> No.13394960


>> No.13394967

I like igor

>> No.13395047

sieg is a literal mongrel retard. ryss is entertaining. igor is god.

>> No.13395238

igor is probably clinically retarded, not even memeing

>> No.13395242
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What led you to such conclusion?

>> No.13395249 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13395255

The one with the arabic characters. He tries so fucking hard that hurts.
I kinda like Igor. He just like that old unkle that everyone hates he always makes laugh.

>> No.13395268

Entire thread dedicated to Igor's fat ass https://archive.fo/XsFvf

>> No.13395296

psuedo usually contributes and has interesting opinions, though sometimes i think hes a little unstable

>> No.13395344
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>> No.13395356

it goes with shit brown eyes

>> No.13395359

and niggerish hair texture

>> No.13395769

Nothing at all, igor, nothing at all

>> No.13395792


>> No.13395795

this whole board is full of massive faggots and trips/namefags are some of the biggest offenders but igor is based

>> No.13395797

I love how these threads are always 90% trips I have never seen before down-low promoting themselves.

>> No.13395803 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 510x680, dog girl going deeper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you google igor warosu it's the height of cringe.

>> No.13396061

igor is cool faggot

>> No.13396065

>namefag thread
>being this meta

>> No.13396119

I used to like igor, but he seems unusually annoying lately. He never contributes. He basically only shits on things he doesn't like (which is a lot) but never in a constructive way. Even RYSS contributes actual fashion related knowledge sometimes.

Igor, can you go back to reminiscing about the glory days and posting pics of yourself when you were young?

>> No.13396124

Also, I vote tripsk as least annoying tripfag. She actually tries to be helpful and never spews political/philosophical rhetoric. Minor deduction for being a roastie though.

>> No.13396162

if trunks is still here there goes my vote

>> No.13396280 [DELETED] 

in fact you usually see less trips in these threads, as they're complimenting themselves while staying anon

I fucking love STHLM

>> No.13396284

I fucking love STHLM

>> No.13396406

Fuck off igor

>> No.13396411

I know who you mean, he looks like he smells irl and he does have an obnoxious personality

>> No.13396414

i also hate that guy who post in all caps

so pretentious

>> No.13396417


>> No.13396418

Why even start this kind of thread? Just ignore them and hope they fuck off. Attention like this is why they appear.

>> No.13396471

>Making a thread about tripfags

>> No.13396491

RYS can be annoying but he's a cool kind of freak.
Igor is cute, don't hate on him. I wish there were more people his age here and less kids.

>> No.13396983

Ryss is easily the worst because not only does he shit up this board, but I’ve also seen him post on /pol/ and /tv/. He’s unstable and probably a NEET faggot

>> No.13396992 [DELETED] 

lol >>46147730

>> No.13396993 [DELETED] 

lol >>/fit/46147730

>> No.13396995 [DELETED] 

lol /fit/46147730

>> No.13396998

He has terrible fits too.

>> No.13397019


>> No.13397493

no one even knows who you are, fuck off

>> No.13397514


>> No.13397620

Here he is, now fuck off you disgusting piece of shit. Your gf is ugly as hell too btw, bet your kids will look like mongrels

>> No.13397633
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Well that's not very nice is it.

>> No.13398261
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well, welcome to /fa/ then

>> No.13398552

Lamo can't have kids as it was a she originally and is a tranny

>> No.13398639

Wow had no idea lmao

>> No.13398988
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Honestly the only reason hostile posters here don't adopt names/trips is spineless herd psychology, a weak sense of community and not being able to bear the thought of having to take responsibility for the garbage that comes out of their mouths that gets forgotten in roughly 20 minutes. So naturally what results from this is personal unfulfillment and passive-agressive resentment directed towards consistently identifiable members of the community who couldn't care less about reputation, attention-whoring and other delusional slave fantasies projected onto them in a fit of bitterness. salty anonyfarts gonna salty

>> No.13399001
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>not being able to bear the thought of having to take responsibility for the garbage that comes out of their mouths
You got my number. You're a decent tripfag though numen.

>> No.13399005

Lmao cope, the only reason for tripfagging is attentionwhoring. No one cares who you are, no one gives a fuck about what you post and if you do enter a conversation with someone then that person can easily know it's you talking. At most I can accept namefagging in a thread, in order to be identified in that thread, but even then it's just dumb. Tripfagging comes from a sense of superiority and delusions of grandeur. Being anonymous it's not about not taking responsibility and belonging to the group, it's simply realising your opinion and what you say is what is important, not the source of that opinion. Identifying yourself is adding bias to people's interpretation of what you say, unnecessarily. If anyone wants you to take responsibility they can just ask who said the specific thing they are worried about and if the author does not come forward only then can you argue he does not stand by what he said and was just talking out of his ass. Stop acting paternalistic and superior, everyone knows you're pathetic and it just accentuates that.

>> No.13399072

>Being anonymous it's not about not taking responsibility and belonging to the group, it's simply realising your opinion and what you say is what is important
who said anything about having to take responsibility for anything when posting as anonymous

>Identifying yourself is adding bias to people's interpretation of what you say, unnecessarily.
not my concern what sort of bias people attach to posts

>If anyone wants you to take responsibility
I could care less what anyone else wants

>Stop acting paternalistic and superior
I don't have to "act" it, it's either a relative state felt by you or something you personally project onto me

Rest of the post is mouthfarting that doesn't touch on anything I've said and just re-affirms my previous post

>> No.13399143
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Okay I've never seen you before but +10 respect.

>> No.13399145

why are you posting on an anonymous imageboard if you think poorly of anonymity?

go register an account on reddit or twitter or something baka

>> No.13399253

replace telfaggotbro for sieg, no one should give so much credence to a fat irrelevant faggot

>> No.13399259
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>why are you posting on an anonymous imageboard
this isn't an anonymous imageboard, you must be lost

>> No.13399260

no good trips since knoch left