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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 138 KB, 1000x1000, patrick-bateman-tinder-american-psycho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13391459 No.13391459 [Reply] [Original]

Is Patrick Bateman /fa/?


How dose one achive Bateman mode?

>> No.13391475

if you aspire to be this character you are the butt of the joke the book and movie are making

>> No.13391483
File: 76 KB, 736x1134, 2426a5c9bc5abd2ecfba78fef6daec39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a good thing that the question was is Patrick /fa/? and not how do I become a delusional superficial husk of a man.

>> No.13391485

It's the same problem as with Tyler Durden, but that didn't stop a whole generation of dudes.

>> No.13391576

Well, yeah, Bateman is /fa/, hard to see him as anything but that.
He used things like clothes, his skin, his vocabulary, his décor, etc, as a way of manifesting his own existence. It was not real to him unless it was in the category of the superficial and easily manipulatable. He wielded select traits like an artist, to push a narrative about himself that wasn't true while at the same time being the most honest, real thing about him.
This is because, at his most basic configuration, being a psychotic character, he did not want or need to partake in material concepts; he did so only as a way of justifying his existence and personality. This is proven by hew arbitrarily set are his lines of defense; he could have killed that other dude for any reason, but picked the business cards and used it like a great excuse without even realising it. Those business cards threatened not only Bateman's place in society, but society's place in his insane internal landscape. Who was he if no one was looking at him?

The idea that one does not exist unless they are being perceived is a socially inherited trait. And the whole idea behind being /fa/ or not is whether you use the lifestyle to cultivate and extend personality as a way of perceiving your own existence. It's a form of art like a lot of other things. Bateman isn't /fa/ in the sense that he experiences fashion and lifestyle like we do, however, he actually *is* /fa/. The two concepts are inseparable.

>> No.13391673

newfags need to stop bringing up passe topics that have been discussed in thousands of threads before


>> No.13391682

don't have much to say to that other than great post, anon

>> No.13391925


>> No.13392046

Haha, I'll never forget this Mr Porter article https://www.mrporter.com/daily/grooming-tips-from-an-american-psycho/802

Mr Porter truly is the home of the 21st century yuppie

>> No.13392049

I wonder why it is that men aspire to emulate dangerous violent psychopaths

>> No.13392052

Why do movies keep making them so damn handsome and charismatic?

>> No.13392061
File: 198 KB, 775x381, inception.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Inception count?

>> No.13392068

Very nice.

>> No.13392071
File: 52 KB, 503x519, 1508884418136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit movie and even shittier novel
why dont u go back to /b/?

>> No.13392075

Can't even read a book between the lines.

Why don't you go look at some picture books.

>> No.13392078

Of course he is, he's obsessed with appearance, and that includes clothes. It's shown a couple of times during the movie how much he cares about his jackets, shirts and coats.

>> No.13392081

ooo did i hit a nerve

2 bad,but if u interpreted the novel properly u wouldnt be making this thread u dumb loser geek

>> No.13392082


>> No.13392086

Have you read the thread new friend. >>13391483

>> No.13392103
File: 12 KB, 430x320, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are these dubs /fa/?

>> No.13392105

No, but these are

>> No.13392212

Wrong. Check my dubz

>> No.13392222
File: 109 KB, 949x896, 1520596767538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cant into dubs on a slow board

>> No.13392223

holy shit

>> No.13392239

Holy shit you are a god amongst men

>> No.13392240
File: 46 KB, 1000x563, w1000_q65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very smug. Well played.

>> No.13392244

youre reacting as if this was lucky or difficult. do you guys not know how post numbers work?

>> No.13392255
File: 160 KB, 400x267, 1520640799877.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13392263

Summer has begun

>> No.13392324

he is very much /fa/. His body for that movie was made so as to look the best possible in a suit: not too muscular, but not a skinny fuccboi faggot

>> No.13392379

bateman is indeed /fa/

>> No.13392632

The man who knew infinity.

>> No.13392691

To be honest: no.

>> No.13393978

Inspo tier

>> No.13394433
File: 66 KB, 1067x1399, Camron - pink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dubs and i kill myself :DD

>> No.13394443

Do it you pussy

>> No.13394483

Dubs and you do it aswell

>> No.13394554

do it, faggot

>> No.13394770

If you mean /fa/ as in "overall aesthetic" and not just talking about the character's clothes, then La Dolce Vita.

>> No.13394775

Does he wear anything other than suits in the film? I wonder what casual Bateman before he made it would wear

>> No.13394815

He was a constant try-hard, so he would just copy the styles of whomever he idolized

>> No.13394822

you can start by becoming bateman by working out and not striving to be a weakless twink

>> No.13395067

If being the butt of the joke got me into taking care of my skin and my body, that's a good fucking joke mate.

>> No.13395073


>> No.13395886

Bravo Nolan

>> No.13395921
File: 97 KB, 503x755, MV5BMTQ3MzM0OTE5MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzI4MDM5Ng@@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13397052


>> No.13397070

The thing is, if you were to just judge Bateman based on an image without context, there would probably be an overwhelming response that his style is dated, overly presteen, or even tryhard. But people tend to have the image of his character in mind rather than the style on its own. And Christian Bale being a brilliant actor and fully channeling his ego in order to fill the role, the character is regarded fondly- just as it would be in real life. Patrick Bateman is dominating, manipulating, violent and passive-aggressive. Everything the everyman would hate in secret, but worship in person.

>> No.13397079

be square

>> No.13397084
File: 3.54 MB, 1498x1346, deerhunter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deer hunter for /twave/, /milspo and /out-core/