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File: 875 KB, 1060x792, 0 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13387398 No.13387398 [Reply] [Original]

Interior inspo

>> No.13387489

>inspired by an Ikea catalog

>> No.13387573
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>> No.13387575
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>> No.13387577
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>> No.13387614

>implying ikea is bad

>> No.13387700
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>> No.13388155

>not knowing how to turn a guitar yourself

>> No.13388262
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>> No.13388332

tfw apartment 90% carpet

>> No.13388342

I've been living in a lot of different places recently, and when you have to clean them you realize that less is more.

I will never live in a cluttered place like >>13387398 ever again.

>>13387573 is what you should be looking for. Less is more.

>> No.13388356

>not paying some spic to clean your house for you
lmaoing @ ur life

>> No.13388359
File: 1.01 MB, 2560x1440, 20180520_152004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a мнe нopм

>> No.13388360

>letting a spic anywhere near your shit
>thinking it will be anywhere near the term of "clean"


>> No.13388368 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13388378

Those walls and greenery are the only good features. Everything else is tasteless shit.

>> No.13388492



*spits on your post*

>> No.13388517


I shit in your mouth.

>> No.13388522
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>> No.13388531


Furniture store tier interior decor. Winners furniture section. Faux rustic vomit.

>> No.13388538

Lol at the guitar just poking out of the goddamn basket

>> No.13388547
File: 69 KB, 1112x1260, alain-gilles-geoffrey-geoffreyligne-rosetalain-gilles14-croppedjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love this mirror thing

>> No.13388549
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>> No.13388553
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not every room has to be ikea minimalism

>> No.13388556
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the delay between posts kills me

>> No.13388561
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>Furniture store tier interior decor.
What point is that? Are you saying that top tier furniture can only be made and upholstered by the home owner?

How am I supposed to find the time to do allt that?

>> No.13388563
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>> No.13388575
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i like those bongos

>> No.13388600
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>> No.13388614

This one is very nice, but the table by the window seems a bit odd. Would there previously have been a radiator behind it?

>> No.13388738
File: 87 KB, 1200x800, japanese-home-awesome-34-japanese-home-decor-modern-home-decor-modern-japanese-modern-japanese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13388744

>le unrealistic minimalism bullshit
fuck off faggot, take a picture of your shithole and we'll see how close to a magazine it looks.

>> No.13388840
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>> No.13389060
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>> No.13389079

literally the only good decor so far. nice and organic.

>> No.13389905
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>> No.13389927

this is a beautiful room ruined by shit decor

>> No.13390001

lol this sucks

>> No.13390021

You're right

>> No.13390169

I like this, simple but looks livable and not like an art piece

>> No.13390189 [DELETED] 
File: 2.69 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_7049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thots on my room, /fa/?

>> No.13390198
File: 1.59 MB, 1800x1350, IMG_7049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thots on my room, /fa/?

>> No.13390298

change the curtains, the hoops make it look like shower curtains, besides that its pretty good

>> No.13390344

i can't unsee that now :// guess i'll have to change em

>> No.13390349

How could you have such decent taste yet not be aware of those tasteless cheap looking curtain rings?

>> No.13390350
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That infamous VALBY RUTA

>> No.13390437

find me a better deal for a rug that size bish
desu it was curtains i didnt think too hard about em

>> No.13390563
File: 1.81 MB, 4032x3024, room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I do ? Apart from cleaning up

>> No.13390630


I like the cushions, anybody know the make?

>> No.13390669

Is sitting at your computer uncomfortable without any leg room?
Get a plant, maybe a mirror. I like the shape of the room.

>> No.13390826

>What should I do ?
Move out and a get a real place

>> No.13391078

change the chairs, get a desk, the bed is really ugly as well, and get some plants

>> No.13391124

Disgusting mix of woods
Ugly ass plants
Who puts a climbing plant in a pot on the table?
Yes I'm mad

>> No.13391847
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>> No.13391851

that's a dumb criticism. the real egregious error is leaving the capo on

>> No.13391856

what album is that behind the computer? thank you

>> No.13391864

>shower curtains as window curtains
No, Anon.

>> No.13391871
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>> No.13391873
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>> No.13391875

i want that look to my walls but i dont want roaches n shit. what do

>> No.13391877
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>> No.13391879
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>> No.13391921

>tfw skids make more effay furniture than 90% of the trash in this thread

>> No.13392777

Ceres and calipso in the deep time by Candy Claws

>> No.13392872
File: 196 KB, 1080x1920, 33303741_1776371299072352_7313393238440673280_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinions on this quarter of my room?

>> No.13392876

Pretty neat. I would get another lamp though. Also, what purpose do the shoe boxes serve?

>> No.13392880

nothing really, decoration i guess. Its just all the different shoe boxes and such I've acquired through the years

>> No.13393034
File: 443 KB, 2413x704, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides the lack of curtains, what should I add here? was going to buy a table/storage piece to place on rug.

>> No.13393253

damn that radiator fucks that entire wall up. gonna be hard to work around that. add house plants here in chicago we gotta deal with that bullshit too

>> No.13393266

Consider a different Klippan covering so you don't have to put so much stuff on the faux leather.
Do not in any case buy a Lack table.
I'd go with a dark wood (not black or white), round low table. Pull the rug into the room a bit more or buy a wider one.
Pictures for the wall above the sofa..

>> No.13393272

Why do Americans need such huge fridges and a mid isle, such a waste of space if you live alone. I have friends doing fine with two hot plates and a 1m tall fridge

>> No.13393277

what are you talking about, the radiator looks great

>> No.13393534

This looks like the FBI is interrogating me in a hotel bathroom.

>> No.13393627
File: 1019 KB, 3000x2069, il_fullxfull.1546816497_hlee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I drop $1000 to have this beauty shipped to me from Italy?

>> No.13393994

Looks nice, just curious where the cables will be hid

>> No.13394101


>> No.13394157

source on that?

>> No.13394223

Looks like some shit you would see in the early 2000's in an Ibiza condo owned by an Arab. That's the long way of saying don't buy it.

>> No.13394271

you can easily build that yourself lol. i mean paying a thousand dollars for something that you can easily do yourself holy shit

>> No.13394291

no tacky af

>> No.13394394

Глaвнoe чтo ecть гдe пoкaчaтьcя

>> No.13394840

>early 2000s FL

>> No.13395203

How else are we going to throw away $1500 worth of food a year?

>> No.13395276

>all the good ones are nice because the room itself is nice not because all the shit inside
>tfw have a shit room so will never be nice

>> No.13395290

I'm trying to ditch the sofa desu, looking for something more comfortable and doesnt eat skin.Thanks for the input though.

>> No.13395293

I'm not living alone and my gf is snobby AF when it comes to food.

>> No.13395316

You can build that yourself for 100€ or less lol

>> No.13395343
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>> No.13395345
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>> No.13395347
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>> No.13395358
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>> No.13395412

Bags of pure cocaine under the tv and wads of cash hidden in the sofas.

>> No.13395419

I'm loving these PoMo interiors.

>> No.13395425

gay as fuck

>> No.13396532


>> No.13396555
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>> No.13396902
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Strip the radiator back to bare metal and go for an urban decay/cyberpunk theme
Or just paint it white

>> No.13397020

hol dir noch nen Fließentisch dazu du Mongo

>> No.13397198

Inspo for small bedrooms. Moving into a dorm in a few months.

>> No.13397260

I've been to that museum, pretty good

>> No.13397308

Man, watching the sandman stop motion animation on the tv there hit me hard in my childhood memories ;__;

>> No.13397437

I can only imagine what an authentic room like this would smell like and it's not nice.

>> No.13397702

Honestly this

I hate the idea of being tied down, and owning few unnecessary possessions makes it a breeze to pack up and go

>> No.13397710

very nice

I'd probably get rid of the table w the radio on it

Also could upgrade your wall decor, the tiny photo that's hung so off center is a little distressing

>> No.13397793
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Eeeey cheers buddy

>> No.13398329

Where is this?

>> No.13398338

Just the glass alone would cost you more than that, my guess for the price is around 350€ for all the materials brand new.

>> No.13398431
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>> No.13398473

That stacked-strips-of-rock paneling is to the 2010s what wood veneer paneling was to the 1960s. And would you look at this shit, there's a big honking seam right down the middle, embarrassingly poor design and construction. No matter how much you pay for this thing, everyone who sees it is still going to assume you built it yourself for 100€ or less.

>> No.13398781

Could we get a better well lit pic, looks comfy/ my vibe

>> No.13399069

Does anyone have the infographics for different types of indoor plants?

>> No.13399076
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>> No.13399086
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Was comfy as fuck during winter
Thinking about building a studio desk this summer, would be nice to have more space for rack units and monitors

>> No.13399104

arts and crafts best style

>> No.13399169


>> No.13399705
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That's legit.

>> No.13399814

Where did Japanese people keep all their shit back in the day?

Their spare clothes, their bedding, their stationery?

>> No.13401110

those particular curtains are bad, but i like the way they fit into the room
however, they're yours so i'm not very upset about them
personally, i'd go for something darker that actually keeps the sun out
or at least a darker set over a light set if you're looking for light and privacy at times

>> No.13401114

get a rug
aren't those tiles cold?

>> No.13401120
File: 619 KB, 2154x1730, 1464442806683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so much room for activities.

>> No.13401127

hotel tier

>> No.13401129

How the fuck are you gonna use the upper 3 rows of drawers?

>> No.13401183

cabinets, closets under the tatami

>> No.13401185

nice space, wasted on hipster trash

>> No.13401500
File: 31 KB, 550x512, 1523859646303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to decorate my house in full midcentury
>mfw poorfag

>> No.13401506

>get wide open space
>throw shit all over the place like a slob
>muh thrift
>muh minimalistic living
this is garbage

>> No.13401690

oh god thats so awfully perfect

>> No.13401693

>beautiful moldings
>authentic fire place
Let's just smack it all with Urban Outfitters tier furniture. Also, let's dump like 10 surfboards in the corner for no fucking reason.

>> No.13401803

seconding this

>> No.13401826
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>> No.13401832

most likely, made with pre-fab panel units.

>> No.13402851

bump dis

>> No.13402882

why does someone store their guitar in a basket?
I don't think i want to live there.

>> No.13402926

To avoid furniture store effect you should mix furniture from different brands with vintage and diy pieces.
Furniture store tier is equivalent to style from lookbook. This doesn’t meansthat you should made clothes by yourself, just not being walking advertisement.

>> No.13403238

No, it's cheap quality, look at the edges on the base

>> No.13403428

music player?

>> No.13403434

>How the fuck are you gonna use the upper 3 rows of drawers?
I think those might be cabinet doors

>> No.13403439


>> No.13403447

>so much space
>one person sized bed
Chances it's actually been posted by an anon

>> No.13403553
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>> No.13403555
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another angle

>> No.13403693

do those posters not embarrass you

>> No.13403703

based as fuck

>> No.13403739

Wel desu, I don't really care about them too much, put them up years ago and left them up because I don't really have any idea what else to use to cover up the big bare walls.

Every now and then one drops off and I cant be arsed to tack it back up again so they're slowly getting removed.

>> No.13403785

imagine paying to heat this bullshit in wintertime

>> No.13403838

Bro if you're stinking rich and planning on swapping it in a couple years go for it.

It's pretty tacky and sleazy and like the other anon pointed out the faux limestone look is currently the facade of fast food outlets and shopping malls and will age like milk.

>On the other hand

It'll look rad for parties and the Miami Vice neon glow is pretty effay in a retrowave-meets-sleaze kind of way. IMO pink and blue neon will never go out of style and I love the angles.

>> No.13403863

Nigga this house looks goofy as fuck

Like everything is either 10 feet in the air or sitting inches from the ground. It looks like a disaster relief center set up in a school gymnasium. The guy who owns this must be like 14 feet tall. Nigga didn't even move the dodgeballs when he moved into the gym. Why do you even have the range you could smoke a pig whole in there and it wouldnt get smoky. Get a job you have some Mogadishu looking ass scrap metal as a partition.

White folk corny af smdh

>> No.13403870

what kind of plant is the big guy on the left?

>> No.13403884

first of all throw them nasty ass sperry's in the trash foh

>> No.13403887

oh god yes, this is just like all my friends houses as a kid

>> No.13403910

to hide the fact that they have a 20 dollar squier with 4 strings missing that hasn't been played since 2008

>> No.13403977


>> No.13403995

nice jv1080 anon.
Thought about picking one up but from what i've heard the sounds are a bit played out

>> No.13404231

Yeah it has a character that's a bit dated. Got mine for cheap locally with an expansion included, and even though some sounds have aged like milk there are still plenty of gems. Great fun if you can find it at a low price

>> No.13404289
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>> No.13404825
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>> No.13405021

Hey can I can an ID on the desk? Thanks

>> No.13405084
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>> No.13405116

imagine actually living here lmao

>> No.13405118

"Mesinge" by Jysk Sweden, MDF and melamine construction, fairly sturdy but very sensitive when it comes to liquids and scratches. Fairly cheap, but won't last very long

>> No.13405120

ew no

>> No.13405123


>> No.13405308


>> No.13405318
File: 471 KB, 1280x720, 2018-05-28 11.52.11 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New place

>> No.13405344

holy shit this is aesthetic

>> No.13405405

Now this is an inspo

>> No.13405434

looks nice

What is the book with the green binding?

>> No.13405443

>What is the book with the green binding?
The Anatomy of Melancholy - Robert Burton

Didn't realize how thick it was when I ordered it online, only read a small amount so far but it's pretty crazy

>> No.13405501

don't put shoes under a radiator and don't hang your clothes in front of a window.

your shoes will lose shape because of the heat and your clothes will change color because of the sunlight

>> No.13405507
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>> No.13405520

is that a kitchen, bathroom or livingroom?

>> No.13405524

Good choice in literature friend

>> No.13405605

why do you have the speakers in shelf and not on top of it? You sit on the ground when listening?

>> No.13405609


>> No.13405631
File: 196 KB, 1300x872, img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i declutter this shit?

do i just throw the tv away and get more plants?

>> No.13405652

>dusting this

>> No.13405664


>> No.13405749

do you play music or was the Stitt record just a random purchase?

>> No.13405754

a good start would be to put some of the minutia in a drawer, organize the cables

>> No.13405932

Used to play trumpet, now just make beats. Why did you ask regarding Sonny?

>> No.13405950


>> No.13405955

>oldfag jazz bass player
Sonny Stitt is one of my favorite horn players
kinda surprised to see one of his records in a thread like this
cheers m8

>> No.13405981

I like all of what it's inside but the color scheme is pretty shit.

>> No.13406031

Other than that it looks great

>> No.13406144

Yup just gonna put my fucking matching tree there into my bedroom

>> No.13406223

Same here bro, feels bad, I want to get a part time job so I can live alone and have a kinda mid century flat

>> No.13406268

you could make this at home for half that and still have it made of the "italian" tile you see used on it

>> No.13406333

y бaбyшки тaкoй жe кoвpик, нa cтeнe виcит

>> No.13406335

literally just full of junk
less is more

>> No.13406375

>minimalism meme

>> No.13406449

do you think you're critiquing some anon's space?

>>minimalism meme
i like the idea of this, but like most other people, i like 'stuff' too
though i kinds like to keep a lot of it out of sight if i'm not using it

>> No.13406625


learning perfect pitch takes years moron

>> No.13406843


>Bedroom in the kitchen

>> No.13406852

You can't learn perfect pitch, you pleb.

>> No.13406915


don't care virgin

>> No.13407010
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>Nordic Morrocco style

>> No.13407013
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>> No.13407015
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>> No.13407017
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>> No.13407019
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>> No.13407079


Go to bed Feynmen

>> No.13407166

Go to thrift shops for furniture.
You're not poor, just dumb.

>> No.13407219

this is gir's room. nothing wrong about it, but if you are male, that means you're gay

>> No.13407222

does anyone know what lamp is that? I've seen this in airbnb in London, so I assume it is mass produced and available in EU

>> No.13407981

thirding this

>> No.13408103
File: 59 KB, 499x547, 1511204246776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you look like you lack storage and use what storage you do have poorly. pick up all of your useless trash and use zip ties or somefuck for your cable collection. your sad little shelf looks like a better place for your cactus. it isn't even that bad if you make any kind of attempt. Do you use half the shit you have sitting out on a regular basis?

>> No.13408129


>> No.13408145


>> No.13408187

Storage and only keep what adds value to your life

>> No.13408199
File: 412 KB, 1024x684, 11831328835_0e7cfbd1ff_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shinjuku, Tokyo

>> No.13408393

Looks like something from an Amsterdam coffeeshop.

>> No.13409360

>implying ikea is good either

>> No.13409363
File: 81 KB, 564x705, 1477904778124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a load of this fucker

>> No.13409650

that's a nice cozy dadcore setup

>> No.13409673

Are there some inspos for places with minimal natural light?

>> No.13410118

Where'd you cop the print?

>> No.13410206

i wont tell you
stop stealing my style

>> No.13410224

Looks like a bird of paradise palm.

>> No.13410228

Oh fuck off

>> No.13410339

this room looks like it's a counter strike map

>> No.13410366

thanks anon, you're from there ?

>> No.13410373

that keyboard infront of the window looks comfy af

>> No.13410397

I just want decent places to buy prints m8

>> No.13410638

Not me, but don't know where it's from. Stole it from an ex lol

>> No.13411024

Those chairs are dope, definitely could work in brand new modern milimalistic apartment.

>> No.13411068

what would this be called? is it just a big studio appt or what?

>> No.13411077


>> No.13411146

fukking based

>> No.13411189

I know this place, it's the Archer Ballroom

>> No.13411198

>Archer Ballroom
thanks anon, i've wondered about this place every time i've seem that pic

>> No.13411202

The way those records are just piled up pisses me off. Really like that wall though.

>> No.13411207

Np, cool spot they always throw mixed genre diy shows. The whole 3 floors of that place have an open good looking vibe

>> No.13411213


>> No.13411216
File: 440 KB, 1600x1068, exposed-reclaimed-beams-from-a-barn-in-pennsylvania-the-dining-table-and-shelving-unit-are-1970s-vintage-and-the-sofa-is-from-design-within-reach-left-the-height-of-the-top-level-varies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13411218
File: 533 KB, 1600x1147, in-the-master-bedroom-mori-custom-built-a-bed-with-side-drawers-and-lined-the-space-with-windows-that-are-outfitted-with-automatic-curtainsboth-blackout-and-sheer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13411284

I have that same tall plant in the corner. Trust me and snap that thing off in the middle. 2 stocks will grow out of it. Repeat over the course of a few years and you will have a much more lively plant.

Also, water it, its looking pretty thirsty.

>> No.13411287

tf is going on with those mouldings?

>> No.13411617

Trve slav blin

>> No.13411915

what are those speakers?


>> No.13412085

new england white trash with money-core

>> No.13412381

lolled out loud

>> No.13413198

really good fuckin album right there

>> No.13413387
File: 520 KB, 2048x1382, 12764738_1123906937641664_4744563608970695956_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13413398

you or your roommate will overpack for the space so plan on minimalism

>> No.13413406

>heating this place if the local weather drops below 40F would drain the trust fund that got your hipster ass into the building
>let's just throw a twin mattress on the bare floor, fuck having a box spring or a bedframe
>throw shit all over the floor to mimic having 4 actual rooms while also wasting the space for an additional 3 rooms

>> No.13413419
File: 1.36 MB, 4032x3024, foto_no_exif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Painted my wall blue yesterday for shits and giggles. Need art to put on the wall. Everything I have except my sign kinda sucks.

Wall color is:

Looks darker in person than the website lists.

Idk why the color in the pic came out all funky.

>> No.13413425

>I fucking love watching the sink man

>> No.13413430

good choice in color, i like it

>> No.13413435

Thrift shops are full of broken ikea and dead baby boomer cheap shit. At least around here they.

Estate sales are better, but don't happen as often.

>> No.13413441

Thx m8. Took a shit load of color swatches to pick a blue.

>> No.13413442

Why would you heat the whole room?

Mattress on the floor feels fine and is plenty of insulation.

Open plan looks a lot better than actually having 4 rooms separated by walls.

>> No.13413612

My uncle has that same leather chair, and my parents have that table in another colour as well as those wooden chairs. Pretty standard designer furniture I guess, but it’s nice

>> No.13413623

Why can't the buy a vase? Do they want to show people they are alcoholics?

>> No.13413626

Yes. My grandma has the same. I quite like it.

>> No.13413631

God awful

>> No.13413635

Change curtains and by a bed for god sakes. How filthy

>> No.13413643


>that view

Delete this now


>> No.13413651

That room must smell amazing

>> No.13413828

10k in audio equipment
stacks records like that

>> No.13413916
File: 525 KB, 506x403, AHTtV42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13413917

Why are the records and books scattered on the ground? Clean up your shit

>> No.13414143
File: 78 KB, 660x659, 1507380636030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13414145

spotted the godspeed fan

>> No.13414148
File: 626 KB, 1600x1031, mosaic_tile_outdoor_table.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one?

>> No.13414149
File: 120 KB, 850x624, d9580c5ed471f518a6db842efae0d9aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13414864

fuck those skyscrappers looks so clean

>> No.13415332

the stuff/items they actually have in here are pretty lame (and the guitar in the basket's pretty goofy), but I like the color pallet, the plants, the natural lighting, and even the shelves back there are pretty cool

>> No.13415563

shark look comfy af

>> No.13415600

African embassy waiting room core

>> No.13415824
File: 185 KB, 787x1024, df3454e7901bcbf81342712ca2e18cc9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13415827
File: 999 KB, 2496x1500, lifemstyle-in-conversation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13415831
File: 179 KB, 1024x657, Interior-Design-Russia-1-wpcf_1024x657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13415836
File: 229 KB, 1179x859, 15073806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13415844
File: 174 KB, 660x990, lisbon_187(pp_w660_h990).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13415847
File: 116 KB, 1070x642, ingrid-brochard-1070x642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13415854
File: 136 KB, 1070x642, model-home-living-room-beautiful-alexandre-jolivet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13415861

how else would you plan to heat it?

>> No.13415871

i can tune most instruments by ear, but it's so much easier to have a tuner on you when you play in a noisy enviroment or an orchestra to be completely precise.

>> No.13415876
File: 121 KB, 845x1106, milanointerior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13415878

nice room have a you

>> No.13416129

>Mattress on the floor feels fine and is plenty of insulation.
until you get mold on the bottom of the matress because of all the sweat and moisture. Give it some airflow underneath.

>> No.13416394

it helps if you flip it frequently
like once a week.. when your change your sheets
hopefully you change your sheets with some regularity

>> No.13416477
File: 306 KB, 2087x1440, Ansty Plum II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13416478
File: 411 KB, 1500x1000, Ansty Plum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13416505



>> No.13416507



>> No.13416529


confirmed, in the st henri neighborhood

>> No.13416542

love this 1

>> No.13416544

Curtains are good. Don't change them.

>> No.13416577


>> No.13416692
File: 350 KB, 1402x1401, inspo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13417028

who took photo?

>> No.13417390


>> No.13417489

post room anon, maybe youre just being pessimistic

>> No.13417494

I'd like to be your friend

>> No.13417495

I was just thinking about how it would smell like book mold

>> No.13417644

loved it

>> No.13417654

Why do you guys are so much into LEDs? That looks ugly unless you are in a stripper club

>> No.13417717

Is there a reason you went without a bedframe? Youre probably better than I am with not accumulating too much bullshit, but I feel like elevating the bed would add some nice storage opportunities. Not only that, but I know I would go crazy if I kept bumping into a bedside table like that at night.

>> No.13417733

Right? This shit just always strikes me as Saudi Prince levels of tacky.

>> No.13417738
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, HumanityFirst_Interior_Corridor_BehindGarden_rsfwb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

decorative lights are widespread stuff like scifi and cyberpunk. It has an futuristic vibe. Personaly I like its aesthetics, sometimes.

I'm very torn between liking futuristic design and disliking it. While it looks cool and modern with its sleek surfaces, led lights and often rectangular shapes, it feels much more soulless and uncomfy in comparison to the look of natural materials like wood, stone, furr, fire...

>> No.13417750

The irony with pursuing a look that is "futuristic" is, because the modern image of what looks "futuristic" changes so quickly as we progress towards the future, that "futuristic" often becomes "retro futuristic" and looks dated.

>> No.13418153
File: 297 KB, 1500x844, nyc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13418171


Looks haunted.

>> No.13418185
File: 51 KB, 600x357, 8083FAC3-E0F2-495B-AECD-68DF2B505E8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is nothing wrong with retro futuristic and modern futuristic which would be dated at some point. Good design is timeless because it inspired by things like nature and space

>> No.13418418

this looks like a goldeneye 64 level

>> No.13418458

Is that under the Akai a transparent records case ? looks sick.

>> No.13418465

Haunted houses are /fa/ as fuck

>> No.13418482


best itt, everything else is boring or would be terrible as an actual living environment



>> No.13418593

>10-12" woofer
>multi cell line array horns
>dual front ported design
That's one tasty looking speaker.
Paired with what looks like an old Luxman.

fyi - vinyl can be stacked like this

>> No.13419173

w2c painting?

>> No.13419179

Yes, but im guessing its pretty damn expensive to make that work.

>> No.13419211

>w2c painting?
do you have any pre-school relatives?
a niece or nephew perhaps??

>> No.13419481

closer look at the closest to the camera and the tv stand, please.

la luz extinguido...

nice divider.

put the tv on the fucking wall.

>tfw starve
>tfw bored
>tfw low t
thanks, minimalism!




>> No.13419481,1 [INTERNAL] 

wow, there are so many cool interior ideas here. my husband and I are now doing repairs and I'm looking for some interesting idea interiors in our bedroom

>> No.13419481,2 [INTERNAL] 

I'm looking for some ideas too .My bedroom is quite large and I want to buy a large, adjustable bed. I'm thinking about the DM9000s Base model. In general, there are many models, but I want a large and a quality one. as it can be said a bed is an investment in the future that will serve you for many years. in general, you can search for a model that suits you on this blog bedroom.solutions , I’m sure there everyone will find something suitable for themselves