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/fa/ - Fashion

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13384530 No.13384530 [Reply] [Original]

Can an Indian ever be good looking?

>> No.13384533

I unironically think indians look best in traditional clothing. When they put on regular clothes they look like it guys.
Also they need to get jacked.

>> No.13384542

No. Absolutely not

>> No.13384550
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The indian dude in House MD looked fine. Also traditional clothes like >>13384533 said always helps -- a spark of heritage in your clothing is good regardless of race. It sets you apart, and it isnt fucking streetwear which is always a bonus

The true redpill is that you're either ugly or you're not and race doesnt matter. You can find handsome celebrities of any race, you can find a bunch of average normies, and you can find abominations. White, black, yellow, brown, or red

>> No.13384576

indian smolbois in hypebeast streetwear is one of the most triggering sights witnessable

>> No.13384586

yeah Indians can pull a lot off

>> No.13384596
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>> No.13384601

This is a terrible example, the individuals in this picture are very Caucasian/euro looking. OP is clearly alluding to dark skinned Indians as ever having a chance, not light featured outliers.

>> No.13384602

Bahubali is fucking hot.

>> No.13384603 [DELETED] 




>> No.13384621


>> No.13384640

all of these people in the pic are pashtun

>> No.13384646
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Theja Surapaneni a dark skin South Asian dentist from Australia that was on a gameshow.

He's godtier

>> No.13384649
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>> No.13384654


>> No.13384660

wow thats bad

>> No.13384680

>the most effay people from that shitsmear of the world are Alexander the great and his greek/Macedonian (white) army's great x100 grandchildren
Makes you think doesn't it..

>> No.13384764

Stop being an Indian Uncle Tom (Uncle Rahul?)

>> No.13384782

I never understood the anti Indian sentiment here. I've seen plenty of attractive or otherwise pretty Indian and pakistani people. It all just comes down to genetics

>> No.13384797

Yeah, the ones that take of themselves do.

>> No.13384801

The anon speaks the truth

>> No.13384934

pakistani like zayn definitely is. I'm not sure about indian tho

>> No.13384943
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>> No.13384963

you've got to be kidding me.

>> No.13384971

Tony <3
I miss this meme

>> No.13384985


>> No.13385105

>self hating idiot playing into white supremacist norms

not /fa/

>> No.13385121

>being a shitskin
totally not /fa

>> No.13385142

Holy fuck, I would be angry at the world if I looked like this too.

>> No.13385151

pasty faggot jealous of beautiful colored skin also pol virgin

fuck off to your containment board

>> No.13385169


>> No.13385191

Not him but you're either baiting or really from a poo and from reddit if you doubt white/pale skin is one of the most effay things to have and get mad about it.

>> No.13385193

Nope, sorry.

>> No.13385274

A very nice kek

>> No.13385277

being white hasn't been /fa/ since 2000s you delusional rightard incel

>> No.13385282

At my college, the light skinned indians treat the dark skinned indians like shit, no pun intended. I wonder if there is a cultural reason for this.

>> No.13385287

internalized racism + colonial mentality

whites were/are insidious trash

>> No.13385291

Its the same for black people too. Light skin is always better. I wonder who they're trying to emulate. I wonder why.

>> No.13385294

Those Guyanese and Trinidadian Indians are swagged out

>> No.13385297

Literal skin color is not important, you /pol/ virgin

>> No.13385299

I think Indian women are beautiful, but they don't seem to age well past their 40s

>> No.13385301

>tfw half Indian but just look like an ugly white person

I hate my life

>> No.13385306 [DELETED] 

shitty bait

>> No.13385362

Is your mom Indian? If so, is she a milf?

>> No.13385401

Indian girls have the 2nd best feet behind Latinas

>> No.13385405

>anti Indian sentiment here

Dude, find a girl with an internet connection under maybe 50 years old and she will have an anti-indian sentiment.

Step one to being an attractive Indian is this:
Forget everything you know about talking to women and picking them up. Because right now you know less than nothing, your people are sub-autistic with women.

Step two would be getting attractive white men as friends and watching how they relate to women. You can supplement with PUA reading but don't take that shit as gospel, it's just to give you more non-Indian ideas about communicating with people.

>> No.13385424

If he's just ethnically Indian, raised in the west, there's no reason to think he's "sub-autistic with women." He doesn't type like he's actually from India.

>> No.13385429

Open bob pls

>> No.13385433

There are a lot of racially Indian Caribbean people here in New York and they seem to have no problem getting girls.

I know a lot of Guyanese niggas who get multicultural ass

>> No.13385545

who is this retard?

>> No.13385637

OP listen to this anon,He speaks the truth,What race you are doesn matter when it comes to looking good

>> No.13386092

>brown skin
>small dick
no you cant unless you are whatever the indian equivalent of a chad is.
t. fellow indian

>> No.13386204
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>> No.13386206
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>> No.13386212

I think Indian women are the best women, looks wise. I've noticed there's actually a lot of good looking Indian men too, a lot of them have good hair, but goddamn do they usually actually stink. Like, I get some of it is the food, but having dating Indian women that doesn't give the overpowering smell that (some) of the men have.

>> No.13386271

The skin color is not an issue, trust me

>> No.13386273

I've never noticed a bad smell from them except the occasional fob

>> No.13386274

I really want a nice footjob from a hot Indian or Bengali chick, I would cum so hard

>> No.13386311

I really want a feet in face handjob from a hot Desi chick

>> No.13386402

Then I'm sure he can find a nice Indian girl

>> No.13386410
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That Indian guy from Degrassi was had pretty good facial aesthetics

>> No.13386413

>tfw short indian girl
is there any hope for me to be /fa/? I already use tons of sunscreen and stay out of the sun. I hate not being white

>> No.13386449

The first step to being effay is not being a white ass kissing Uncle Rajit

>> No.13386451

Have you guys never met Indo-Caribbeans? Proof that Indians don't have to fall into the Pudoo Patel or Indian-American nerd stereotypes

Yes Indians, both male and female, can be attractive

>> No.13386453

embrace yourself and your race. confidence!

>> No.13386454
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I really like them Southern Indian and Sri Lankan chicks, like the one from The Night Of

>> No.13386457

This. Chicks who hate themselves and want to be white are a huge red flag and come off as having issues.

Now that doesn't mean I think Desi, Latina, Asian, etc. girls should be white hating SJWs, but they should be proud of who they are.

>> No.13386463

I grew up in a city that was 99.9% white, kind of hard not to develop a negative view of yourself in that situation.

besides features look better on paler skin. There is more contrast with the eyes, eyebrows, lip color, etc.

my face right now is just a blob

>> No.13386466

Indian girls actually have some of the most striking features, imo. I'm white and I prefer Indian/Pakistani/Bengali/Sri Lankan and Mestizas over white girls.

I don't think blue eyes or blonde hair are anything special. My favorite white girls are the ones with dark hair and dark eyes.

>> No.13386468

oh and brown pussy is really hot, looks more edible to me

>> No.13386471

I wish I had typical brown-girl features, their faces are so feminine and round and if their noses aren't huge then they're usually rounder than mine

>> No.13386487


>> No.13386489

or are u serious?

>> No.13386492

there is a reason indians are called poos. shall i explain it to you?

>> No.13386511

I knew of two ultra Chad Indians when I was in high school. Massive cunts but they were at the top. Basically 90s movie jocks.

>> No.13386546


Yes. I went to uni with a shit ton of Indians. Not only were the women generally more traditional but a lot of them were very pretty.

Most of the guys who actually gave a shit about how they looked gave me inspo on how to dress nice. A lot of the guys got in to working out, got fit, got a nice haircut, and started wearing fitted clothing. The few I would hang with occasionally were really cool and charismatic people. Girls would even note that they were attractive. You good playa

>> No.13386562
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which uni, anon?

>> No.13386570


>> No.13386606

Texas Woman's University

Lots of Hispanics too if you're in to that... which I am

>> No.13386736


>> No.13386739

No, sorry Pajeet.

>> No.13386799

There's plenty of gorgeous Indian women. Similar to tanned white women.

>> No.13387015

I'm serious

>> No.13387018

Hispanic girls are so qt

>> No.13387029

no you're a fag

69ing with an Indian or Mexican qt is the most satisfying thing in the world

>> No.13387055

The socially elite and wealthy were not forced to worked outside like the plebs and as a result had lighter skin from not tanning

>> No.13387058

that's kinda bullshit though. the lighter vs darker depends on what part of India they're from. North Indians I would say are slightly darker than Mexicans, while South Indians are dark as fuck

>> No.13387066

Nigga I'm talking from experience, over winter and when I became a shut in for a bit I was significantly lighter than as a kid when I was outside all day

>> No.13387072

yeah but there are genetic differences among Indians. the skin color has more to do with genetics than lifestyle

>> No.13387074


>> No.13387076

this is the most beautiful thing i've read on this site

>> No.13387129

do Indian girls give good hugs and cuddles?

>> No.13387150
File: 72 KB, 400x500, 97CBB58C-87A1-4878-87F6-02B1573AB864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr pashtuns have like 4% greek so theyre alexanders legacy
fuck off cunt, good looking people come from every country and every race. people just tend to find their race more attractive on average.

pic related, ex who was indian (ancestors were mughals and pashtuns) im paki/afghan

>> No.13387358

I'd cum on her tits if you know what I'm implying

>> No.13387979

Probably true. One of my coworkers stinks, I've run into a few others, so that probably biases me. It's the few that reinforce the stereotype. Similarly with the 'creepy Indian dude' stereotype - it isn't all of them, there are some total chads, but there's enough stereotypically creepy ones that the stereotype sticks around, even though there are plenty of creepy dudes of other ethnicities.

>> No.13387998


>> No.13388004
File: 120 KB, 680x723, dev-patel_137344077116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask Dev Patel

>> No.13388012

Haha, I’d throat her dick so hard it’d look like she hit male puberty if you get my drift.

>> No.13388018

There has been so many pretenders to his throne. His brand of autistic speech giving was at least interesting.

>> No.13388052

thread theme

>> No.13388290

It is you fucking idiot, look at any runway collection or editorial. Notice a trend? Vast majority of models and people in the industry are white, it isn’t a coincidence
Literally never seen an “fa” Indian.

>> No.13388654

ASAP Rocky is the most relevant male in fashion and he's black

>> No.13388668

>the vast majority of people in Western fashion shows are Westerners
Wow... We truly live in a society...

>> No.13388680
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>ASAP Rocky is the most relevant male in fashion

underage b&

>> No.13388689
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>Can an Indian ever be good looking?
Well yeah, you'd have to be fucking blind to not find Latika from Slumdog Millionaire attractive.

I also used to have the biggest crush on Kal Penn when he was young and skinny in the first Harold and Kumar movie, as did a lot of people.

There are attractive and ugly people from every race, unless you're an Abbo. Then you're probably fucked.

t. white girl

>> No.13388712

ummm sweatie im abbo and ive walked for dior and haider ackermann fuck off cac

>> No.13388724

Post pic? I've never seen a remotely attractive abbo unless they were mixed/mostly white.

>> No.13388906

>a lot of them were very pretty.

the fuck are you on about dude 95% of indian girls are overweight hairy midgets.

t. resident of New India aka a fucking leaf

>> No.13388927

>indian guys
>in texas
>dressing well enough to be inspo

i am so fucking suspicious of you you have no idea right now. everything you say is suspect at this point

>> No.13388939

Yeah a lot of them are disgusting but the few pretty ones lookin mighty fine mighty fine

You can pull inspo from anything. It's called fashion sister look it up. Also it's current year let's not be so racist k thanks

>> No.13388992
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>> No.13389126

god, even on 4chan women are dumb. you are the niggers of the sexes. i would say kys but u are necessary.

>> No.13389325


>> No.13389762

Butthurt cac

>> No.13389954
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hes half german half jordanian or smth tho, cope harder poojets

>> No.13389964
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first of all, we're all anonymous here and could lie if we wanted to, this is something that is always in the back of everyones minds when reading posts like yours
nothing you say is any more credible than the "yeah i actually do have a girlfriend in Canada, but i'm just never gonna introduce you guys to her tho"-guy

second, being white doesn't mean much, it just doesnt mean youre ubermensch in the sense of ethnicity.
even if youre white, you'd have to be an attractive chad for it to matter. the fact that you think ethnic girls are better than white girls says a lot about white girls.
lastly of course, shitskins are absolutely worthless, and your opinion is your own, but its wrong

>> No.13389967

No, unless they’re one of the really light skinned ones

>> No.13389969

I dont know if its realted, but the thousands of marriage proposals that girls receive from indian guys on social media may be forming this negative perception

>> No.13389975

Oh it is
Is this b8?

>> No.13389982

Every race can be good looking, except for maybe Aboriginals.

Good lord I just googled to try disprove myself and theres no way theyre fully human:o

>> No.13390121

no, indians are disgusting to everyone. they are the niggers of the niggers

>> No.13390289

You cacs must be complete fags if you don't find any Indian girls hot

>> No.13390294

Just go real sleazy pajeet mode. Wear real heavy overpowering cologne. Add some gold chains and harass women.

>> No.13390581
File: 121 KB, 1080x720, DYLOJGAXcAAtPDz.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP the qtest indian girl who posted here

>> No.13390600

Tripsk? She's still alive

And I want to smell her shoes

>> No.13390687

guy has an obnoxious personality but he is a good artist

>> No.13390869
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>> No.13391015

>You can pull inspo from anything
that's a get out of jail free card for calling anything inspo, though, of course. makes it 100% meaningless because then i can call the worst film film inspo. if everything is inspo then nothing is, basic rule of language

>It's called fashion sister look it up
not a sister, not your sister, want a better sister

>Also it's current year let's not be so racist k thanks
seems like you meme here but i'll continue to treat you as a genuine human being. assuming that indian(!) guys in texas(!) do not serve as inspo.... that transcends racism. that quickly borders into basic pattern recognition. now if you had said native americans instead of indians then this entire argument could have been avoided because i would have known you were telling the truth

>> No.13391619
File: 63 KB, 540x720, 20375865_1594987690531523_6832172810390041934_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post more pajeet fit pics

>> No.13391638

Jessica Mauboy is kinda cute

>> No.13391643

Actually never mind, just looked it up and it turns out she's half Indonesian

>> No.13391648

depends on your complexion desu, if you have a really dirty yellow undertone dark looking complexion don't even bother. if have skin similar to a light skin or mixed black person you have a better chance

>> No.13391710

The whole island is swagged out

t. Trinidadian

>> No.13391724

Which kind though? Hispanic women can be white also.

>> No.13391786

I like all types of Latinas, desu

But when I say "Latina", I usually mean mestiza

>> No.13391809
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>it's the smell

>> No.13391907

Hey nigger, blaming whitey for your low iq is what you coons have been doing for the past century. Won't raise your iq.

We should have left you niggers in Africa to die of disease and get eaten by lions. Go cry to your kike teacher.

>> No.13391909

i didn't read any of that

>> No.13391913

t. angry virgin

>> No.13391928

>took under 5 minutes before the classic "muh dikk' retort

>> No.13391935

you think entirely in the confines of /pol/ memes, you don't deserve a thought out reply

>> No.13391994


lookin like a great value arca

>> No.13392356

Indians would look good in some of the japanese clothes i think. I have a couple indian friends one who is average looking but gets girls because of his style and personality. its not hard, confidence/composure are really the biggest parts of wearing any outfit anyways

>> No.13392404

Nah hes full syrian. Syrians actually have more blue eye incidence than some areas of southern europe

>> No.13392411

He doesn't look full indian tho

>> No.13392463
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Some indians are cool. Just be one of them

>> No.13393022
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i don't know, what do you think?

With our thoughts we shape the world

>> No.13394487
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>> No.13394527


>> No.13394790

fucking racist subhuman fuk outta here

>> No.13395647

How can I get a light skin Paki gf?

>> No.13395723

>shitskin calling others subhuman

>> No.13395929

just get a North Indian gf instead.

>> No.13396032
File: 7 KB, 227x222, HOjbEaOZ[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Light skin/Northern Indians look like a bleached version of this.

I'm looking for caucasoid features with a little bit of brown on the side.

>> No.13396359

you should stick to white girls, dude

>> No.13396362

Pakistanis and North Indians are basically the same people, just separated by religion

>> No.13397204


>> No.13398262

actually a good fit desu

>> No.13399173

There is nothing wrong with the way this guy looks.

>> No.13399186
File: 87 KB, 749x999, MV5BNzYwODQ3MDM0MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNjcyNjE2MDI@._V1_SX749_CR0,0,749,999_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can an Indian ever be good looking?
Ask Manish Dayal

>> No.13399215

shoes are so bad

>> No.13399267

This originated in caste ie vocation , house and field niggas, rednecks and blue bloods, but become genetic due to how they arrange marriage, palest marry those palest since they share class, same with darkies.