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File: 66 KB, 574x600, 38dd362d51bc290b2993d69e08160080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13379859 No.13379859 [Reply] [Original]

do girls find hairy back attractive or I have to shave it? How to shave back by yourself?

>> No.13379876

only acceptable body hair (you can ask any woman) is chest hair

>> No.13379900
File: 17 KB, 250x250, 71927151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being such a low T onions boylent that you manicure YOUR own body to the satisfaction of others. I'd pity you if it wasn't so pathetic.

>> No.13379946

I shave shoulders, back, upper arms.

>> No.13379967
File: 168 KB, 1195x1066, upwork profile pic - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hairy as fuck all over, from neck to ass to ankles. I rock a pretty dope beard though and trim my neck. I pull pretty well because the beard polarizes women. They either find it sexy or a total turnoff. The ones that find it sexy won't care about your body hair, as long as you don't act like a bitch about it. I used to shave it, only to have it grow back a few days later. Not worth the time man. Own that shit.

>> No.13379984

Any of you guys shave underarms? Idk if I should stop but it’s great, always clean and you don’t sweat anywhere near as much

>> No.13379988

As someone with back hair, I don't give a fuck. My ex tried to wax it. Cost one whole box of cold wax strips and I had pimples for weeks after that on my back. Never again.
But then again, I am not a fagboy and my gf doesn't care.
I admit, though, if I could have that on my face (volume-wise) instead of on my back, I would be happier. But beard is adequate and I am only getting hairier over time. I think by 40 I will look like OP picture.

>> No.13379990

Like, under your pits or your forearms? Both are gay, but second one is ultra gay.

>> No.13380014

Yes, you seem cute


>> No.13380017

is this the monkey from primal rage??

>> No.13380144

Don't ask obvious questions.
No, it's not attractive. The only kind of body hair girls like is chest hair and leg hair. And even then, a good amount of them still prefer shaven.

>> No.13380216

I only trim my bush down there, but I've seen a lot of girls saying that they actually find thick pubes attractive.

>> No.13381551

>I've seen a lot of girls saying that they actually find thick pubes attractive.
Don't listen to them.

>> No.13381583


>> No.13382275

only if you lift.

>> No.13382544

leg and arm hair?

>> No.13382756

No girls like a hairy back (maybe like 1% of girls don’t mind it, but the majority do). Nothing grosser than going to the pool and seeing men with gorilla backs.

Go to a salon and get it waxed. If it’s done properly you shouldn’t have pimples from it and it’ll hurt less than if you use drugstore wax strips

>> No.13382770
File: 14 KB, 355x313, 41VEuinOQrL._SX355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use pic related

>> No.13383057


Holy shit you are delusional. Id say 40% of all woman are immediatly turned on by a hairy manly beast.

Keep in mind the following:

>dont be fat
>dont be short
>dont look weird (aka, silly haircut, silly beard, etc.)

>> No.13383147

You don't shave your pubes?
Probably a virgin