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File: 445 KB, 1280x819, thinspo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13373474 No.13373474 [Reply] [Original]

Life Does Get Easier Edition

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hydrated

>http://pastebin.com/raw/k616ZXUw (embed) (embed)

Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:
>http://pastebin.com/raw/VmmYeLYN (embed) (embed)

Feel free to post questions and requests, report about your progress, and ask for support.

To get helpful replies make sure to post:
>current stats: sex, age, height, weight
>tdee and your deficit
>highest and lowest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you are going for

>> No.13373477

1st for anime

>> No.13373480

this thread is all about making anime real tbhwymf (to be honest with you my friend)

>> No.13373486

has anyone figured out the shoes on the girl from last thread?

>> No.13373488
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>> No.13373491


see >>13372973 you dummy

>> No.13373500

oh thanks

>> No.13373505
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Hyebin edition

>> No.13373509
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>> No.13373514

Do thinspo girls like athletically built guys or should i go back to being a skelly (i'm 6'2)

>> No.13373515

W2C jacket

>> No.13373516

>do girls like X
It's over for you with this mentality

>> No.13373518
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>> No.13373523

Will I ever be “healthy” though, or just skinny? I heard once you fuck up your vitals, it’s fucked for life
Steamed white rice and the regular green veggies? I can’t tell what language that is but I’ll try to figure out what’s being cooked

>> No.13373526

this. pathetic. we get this question every thread too. many such cases!

>> No.13373527
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Thanks homie

>> No.13373530

>Will I ever be “healthy” though, or just skinny? I heard once you fuck up your vitals, it’s fucked for life
You'll be fine. I mean I'm not a doctor but I was obese and now I'm thin. Don't go overboard with restriction, make sure to exercise for general health. Even if you just start with 15 minutes of walking every day and work up to 30 minutes, that is all really good. Don't over do it but don't under do it, listen to your body.

>> No.13373531
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>> No.13373533

I dunno man i'm just lonely
i miss my ex

>> No.13373536

Thanks anon, there’s rarely anyone who was obese here so this gives me a lot of hope

>> No.13373539

I'm lonely too man, I've never even had an ex to miss.
But my theory is that there will always be some girls who like some things and others who don't. It's more about just picking one and being confident in that choice. There will be enough girls who like it.

If you want Maximum, broad appeal, just be average body, but that's boring

>> No.13373552

No problem. You'll find what works for you. Remember this is a marathon, not a sprint. Enjoy the process and learning new things about yourself. Don't fall into any gospel, just try things and record what works for you. See what foods give you the best energy the longest and all that. It's similar for most people, but not exactly the same.

>> No.13373553

have you tried browsing the /fat/ threads on /fit/? you could gain a lot of inspiration from those guys

i was also obese so i know what its like to be standing there at the start of the road wondering if youll ever make it. you will make it. as far as hope goes, you should find strength in the fact that you're dissatisfied with your current life. every time youre tempted to lose discipline, remind yourself that you're trying to change yourself for a reason. the hard work even becomes enjoyable after a while, because youre finally taking back control of your body and your life. youve got this.

>> No.13373570

I didn’t even know they had one, I assumed they only allowed threads for fit people, thanks anon. That does sound like a good mentality, obesity is a hell I wouldn’t wish on anyone

>> No.13373575
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Lisa Edition

>> No.13373594
File: 1.95 MB, 750x1334, IMG_4623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try on new dress
>look fat as FUCK in it


>> No.13373613

bad dress, not bad u

>> No.13373614 [DELETED] 
File: 1.80 MB, 750x1334, IMG_4622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the dress looked horrible I regret trying it on

>> No.13373615

Oh my god shave

>> No.13373621

I will, my boyfriend is away on business so I don't really care ATM

>> No.13373627

>boyfriend away on business
How old are you anon? You don't look that old

>> No.13373640

Your face is pretty fat desu.

>> No.13373645
File: 1.62 MB, 750x1334, IMG_4822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 18, he's 35.

I know, I still have baby face.

>> No.13373649

this is now a Ciara thread, isn't it

>> No.13373650

Oh no no no no no no no no
Tell me that pic is bait.

>> No.13373654

that's it. this thinspo is dead again

>> No.13373655

W-Why would it be bait?

Can you guys just please help me trigger my ED in peace?

>> No.13373659

I'm hoping its bait because I thought ciara left this site. Dating a 35 year old doesn't surprise me though

>> No.13373667
File: 1.57 MB, 750x1334, IMG_4832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it is bait :^) She is dating a 35 year old though.

>> No.13373678

I can only imagine the quality of the man

>> No.13373688
File: 1.17 MB, 750x1334, IMG_4842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HEs a chad

>> No.13373693
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>> No.13373695

Average oldcel, he's got money for sure.

>> No.13373700
File: 2.15 MB, 750x1334, IMG_4361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm legally allowed to post here

>> No.13373701

Chads don't date suicidal and drug addicted teenagers

>> No.13373706

Not anymore
>drug addicted
Never addicted and haven't even experimented in over 6 months

>> No.13373711

Ok, Chads don't date attention seeking teenagers with extreme emotional baggage

>> No.13373716

Okay, that is fair. Thank you

>> No.13373718

>look fat as FUCK in it
You're retarded and probably complex ridden. Your figure is fine, the dress is obviously too big for you.

>> No.13373724

I feel bad now, but please don't ruin the thread with your constant self posting

>> No.13373726

I'll close the thread

>> No.13373730

by a fucking hair, christ

>> No.13373733
File: 201 KB, 800x1200, 1516170532704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this has been a place i have been going to for over a year and honestly ciara (if it is you) i would rather if you just posted from anonymity.
no one else here feels the need to post their faces and talk about themselves so much and it is what derails threads.
please. dont. ruin. this. for. us.

>> No.13373748

Yeah, I'm sorry for being mean, but I was just trying to deter you from hijacking the thread. Feel free to post, but just post like the rest of us

>> No.13373822


>> No.13373832

that's not you honey, that dress is just icky

>> No.13373876

There used to be an anon who came here and posted ciara like two years ago and then she came, with timestamps, to say it wasn't her.

I can't for the life of me figure out what the fascination is with her. I guess it is just a meme.

>> No.13373906

>'anon, please tell me. what do you see when you get out of the shower and look in the mirror?'
>'like do you see fat or are you unhappy?'
>'no omg, i see the cutest girl in the world. why?'
>'i wanted to ask if you had anorexia, but that'd be kinda rude i thought'

Did I make it guys? Jokes aside, how do you deal with these kinds of comments?

>> No.13373993

I don't talk to fat people.

>> No.13374038 [DELETED] 

Should I eat 500 cal a day if I also exercise or will it make feel sick?

>> No.13374041

Should I eat 500 cal a day if I also exercise or will it make me feel sick?

>> No.13374061


>> No.13374138
File: 1.65 MB, 2240x3968, IMG_20180514_215313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

170cm 63kg trying to cut
can I make ottermode?

>> No.13374143

What hair product do you use?
I've been trying to do something similar with my hair but all the pomades I tried just make my hair look super greasy

>> No.13374158
File: 262 KB, 960x1199, 1469216657561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're getting too hung up on your personal shape/goals. it's simple; like anyone else you just have to start exercising a lot more and eating better. even though you're thin your body fat % is still fairly high. you need to get it way down through diet/exercise if you want to get closer to an ideal. and it's just better for you in general to eat well and to work out. applies to almost everyone in almost every situation

that better not be you, !METS

>> No.13374186

Hair paste and hair spray, but I havent washed my hair with shampoo in more than a week, only with water. My hair is super soft after using shampoo and its hard to style it

>> No.13374194

If you're fat you could make it work

>> No.13374251

>buy cheap dress
>expecting not to look like shit in it

>> No.13374284
File: 168 KB, 463x463, yugi fuck you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holy shit anon you're literally a girl, gain 20 pounds and come back next year
fuck you grandpa you fat italian fuck

>> No.13374352

You're fine, weight wise.
Put some muscle mass on.

>> No.13374366

Next time buy clothes that fit you

>> No.13374446

you look like a fallout ghoul

>> No.13374488

I feel so weird. For the past 3 days I've been craving cravings for my binge foods but I have no desire to actually eat them. I want to want to eat my former binge foods but when I'm at the grocery store I just easily walk past them. It's weird. Like I told myself I'd reward myself with a little cheat meal after last final but when I got home I just ate some lentils. This is an abstract feel.

>> No.13374684

You're a dumbass. Also you need to put on 10lbs.

>> No.13374705 [DELETED] 

hi frens, join this comfy thinspo server. we're accepting a lot of new active members right now. talk about getting thin, your interests, or how your day went

>> No.13374715

fuck off

>> No.13374719
File: 18 KB, 236x231, pearl35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do normals get so assmad when you count calories ?

>> No.13374794

Not sure how to word this, but I think they take offense subconsciously to you taking care of yourself - as though it is a slight against them. They are frustrated that they too can't have discipline maybe, but it comes off as though you are attacking them.

I was floored at how butthurt people got when I lost weight. For every congrats you get ten "you're getting too thin" when your bmi is still 21.

>> No.13374850
File: 33 KB, 743x458, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will try to keep this "diet" for at least 2 weeks. I hope I can make it.

>> No.13374856

I think they automatically associate it with a ED if you're not obese. They're probably thinking, "Why do you need to lose weight? You're already skinny."

>> No.13374862
File: 1.50 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20180511_220103787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They just can't believe the fact that eating can be something as "complex" we see it.

How do I get rid of this last layer of fat? I think I will have to myself lmao

>> No.13374873

you look great, stay exactly like that

>> No.13374898

Why the fuck do you always post the same image with the same stupid question? Are you just craving for compliments you faggot?

>> No.13374901
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Post Oldspo

>> No.13374903
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>> No.13374906
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>> No.13375053

how do i gain muscle if im a weak shit and cant do most basic exercises
i have no muscle on my arms or chest, my nipples literally sit on my ribcage

>> No.13375097


>> No.13375099

This is absolutely correct. You can never appeal to everybody out there, and if you want to appeal to as many as possible you have to bland, like the music that's blasted on radio 24/7.

>> No.13375108

Just eat your treats and get over it.

>> No.13375110

Do bodyweight exercises.

>> No.13375115

Take mineral and vitamin supplements.

>> No.13375122

People don't like it when you are doing better than them in something that they wish they were doing. I don't think they are worried that you might have an ED, in that case they would be concerned rather than mad.

>> No.13375143

So, when do love handles fuck off?

>> No.13375189
File: 1.96 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180514-221731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My legs are almost goals but I still have a bloated midriff :-(

>> No.13375235

They go last, don't they?

>> No.13375284

I have a BMI of 20.1, not at my goal weight yet but my face looks really skinny. Like you can see my cheek bones already and pretty much the outline of my jaw (if that makes any sense). The thing is I always thought I always held a lot more weight on my face than others. But now it's just flying off.

>> No.13375296

>freak stick arms
>nice skelly torso and thighs
>thicc calves

if only I could average out the muscle mass on my arms and calves I could die happy

>> No.13375305

Frustrated with my eating recently and feel like I've gained... Been too nervous to do a weigh in. Restricted today.
Gonna do a weigh-in tomorrow and post here so I can make sure I do it. I'm scared :c

>> No.13375307

nigger it was less than one year ago.

>> No.13375309

I have the same problem. My calves are way too fucking thick in relation to the rest of my body.
It's incredibly annoying.
I love how the rest of my body looks right now, but having thick calves means I can't really wear shorts and even most slim fit pants fit a bit too snug for my taste.
Really ruins my whole body image for me, I fucking hate my calves.

>> No.13375315

Apparently they're mostly genetic

5'10 and currently at 120lbs, at some point I'm going to try getting below 110 and see if that helps

>> No.13375326

What's the point of avoiding a weight-in? If you've gained you got fatter no matter if you saw the numbers. Just weight yourself daily, make that a habit, and stop taking weight fluctuations close to the heart. A 0.5-1 kg is nothing.

>> No.13375334


Happy with EVERY part of my body but my lower tummy. Literally the only trigger for my ED

>> No.13375349
File: 258 KB, 1242x1173, yb5Ml4t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of body do girls want thinspo boys to have? do they actually like the skeletal sticc look or do they want nice muscle tone contained in a skinny silhouette?

>> No.13375352

You need to be at least 6 feet to look good as a thin man. You can't be short and thin, because you'll look like a school boy.

Also low body fat. Body fat is disgusting at all weights. If you're 10% body fat and look too thin, then it's time to put on some muscle as a way to fill out those clothes.

>> No.13375354
File: 1.15 MB, 2576x1932, gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm dating a 35 year old too. I love it desu.

I have a question - my jaw bone is kind of defined but not really and I know my bone structure isn't all that great. However my cheek bones are sort of prominent and when I was younger I had hollowed out cheeks so my face looked more scultped. Rn I'm kind of chubby at 20% body fat ._. If I dropped down to below 10% would my cheek hollows probably appear again?

>> No.13375355

oh yeah, inb4 the fact i smoothed the FUCK out of my fat fuck face :)

>> No.13375359

>tfw 5'8
should i leave /thinspo/ forever and just become a gymbro

>> No.13375367
File: 1.14 MB, 800x800, 1526276898949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Massaging and stretching helped a bit for me. I haven't measured it yet, but I do feel like they got slimmer. I cycle 40-50 minutes everyday and climb a lot of stairs so losing muscle isn't going to happen, but stretching really helps getting them longer. I don't have thinspo legs and probably will never have them, but the small changes made me feel better.

>> No.13375369
File: 119 KB, 825x992, 1517981986900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice muscle tone in a skinny silhouette definitely. Seeing ribs when you raise your arms is good, but skinny arms look bad desu.

>> No.13375377
File: 414 KB, 1280x814, tumblr_p1lsvqHUvz1ttxusco2_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay time to hit the gym then

>> No.13375391
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>> No.13375397
File: 679 KB, 1200x1052, 1526322327053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck! Having some muscle will also make it easier to keep the weight off.

>> No.13375410

why do people deride thin men? is becoming thinspo actually worth it when i see people mocking the dudes who i consider my body goals

>> No.13375417

Because thin men look fragile and feminine

>> No.13375425
File: 186 KB, 1000x1607, 44340068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do people deride thin men?
They're insecure.
You also sound insecure. But just so you know, there isn't one body type that everyone will be pleased with. Something will always be "too much this" or "too little that". Just do what you like and what feels right for you.

>> No.13375449

youre right, cant please everyone. im gonna stay with becoming thinspo

>> No.13375468

>another mentally ill girl dating a 35 year old man
if you are a teenager as well, reconsider your choices

>> No.13375483

its just insecure /fit/ fags dude

>> No.13375489

Personally I like the sticcboi type, it's very cute. However, my taste is pretty rare.

Hey, schoolboy look is top cuteness.

>> No.13375496

This is a good thing.
>tfw no smol shota femboy bf

These fags are correct. You shouldn't care about what other insecure dudes thing and instead work on your confidence. With it you can be the Auschwitz type and have powsi.

>> No.13375574
File: 137 KB, 633x1000, nana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13375650
File: 74 KB, 720x882, 25ilkyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god you're so fucking cute, I want to start a family with you.

>> No.13375670

idk why youre asking such an obvious question or why you added an intensely edited selfie for such a simple question. but yes, you will lost fat in your face if you lower your overall body fat, especially if you had a slime face before you gained weight.
also you dont look like you have 20% bf. more like 25% or more. your arm looks pretty chubby and your collarbones aren't visible

>> No.13375671

>until 4/20/21

>> No.13375701

Four scoops

>> No.13375707

I don't know, I have really big eyes and a soft face. When I'm skinny fat I look like a school boy and when I'm thin my face is much more defined.

>> No.13375740
File: 303 KB, 601x1600, POSTER FINAL-page-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're really as weak as you say you are, start with bodyweight exercises. See attached picture. If you can't do the first row, find alternatives that lighten the weight. Ex. do pushups on your knees as opposed to feet. Aim for a moderate amount of reps (8-10), at least three sets. On your last set, do as many reps as you can until failure. The idea is that you start with a light enough weight, that at the same time is challenging, so you can manage to do all your sets and work your way up. Consistency is key. Don't cheat--make sure you always use proper form and no shortcuts.

Be prepared to eat a lot. I mean it with emphasis. A lot. If you can tolerate dairy, milk is an easy way to add calories and protein on top of your normal diet. Get lots of sleep (aim for 6-8 hours) and have rest days. Rest is as essential as exercise to build muscle. Read the /fit/ sticky, but don't lurk on /fit/. It'll become a time sink.

>> No.13375744

This is stupid. Bodyweight exercises are a LOT harder than just going to the gym and starting with low weight

>> No.13375747

I'm not that anon, but there is absolutely nothing hard about bodyweight exercises. Like what, you can't do fucking wall push ups?

>> No.13375754

You can't do them for long enough. You start doing pushups. First you do 20. Then next time you are maybe able to do 10. Overall you can do like a 100 in the whole day but the average person probably way less before his hand goes completely sore then you need to rest it for a day or two.
If you go to the gym you can start with the lowest weight and do enough reps. You can bench the bar, use low weight barbells, lowest weight on pull machines.
I started with push-ups two years ago and fuck they were so hard I eventually just got benzos and pushed myself to go to the gym.

>> No.13375762

Did you even look at the infographic? The first row of exercises is light. I'd expect the guy to at least be able to do wall pushups. He said he can't even do basic exercises, so I don't see how you expect him to work with weights in a gym. Plus bodyweight exercises are free, you can do them at home. Even more power to him if he has a pull-up bar at home.

>> No.13375768

Eventually he has to move on from the wall-pushups and it's gonna be fucking hard. Bodyweight exercises are hard dude, you work with your body weight and your options are limited.
Pull-ups are extremely hard too, an average person can maybe do like 5.
If 45kg girls can go to a gym and mess around with the weights, he can do it too.

>> No.13375784

If you are really stuck with very little body strength it's extremely hard to get started doing body weight exercises since you can't really gradually move on to more and more weight, the jump every time you change form to make it harder on your muscles can be quite dramatic.
I understand not everyone can regularly go to the gym, I'd love to be able to swim 3-4 times a week but since I don't really live close to any pools I can't do that either, but if you want to get into shape at home you should definitely invest into some weights. Get at least a pair of dumbbells with adjustable weight, they are super cheap and increase your training options exponentially.

>> No.13375794

Building muscle shouldn't be easy, though. Progress comes from pushing yourself to work harder and harder.

I agree about pull-ups, they are difficult. There was a time I couldn't do one. I started building strength for pull-ups by doing negatives. I jumped up to the bar, and held myself at the top for a second, as if I had just did a pull-up. Then I would slowly and deliberately descend and restart. Eventually I could do this more, and I jumped with less strength so I'd have to pull with my arms to get to the apex of the pull-up. Nowadays I can do ten pull-ups in a set.

Yes, there's merit to the gym. If he can work with the just the bar, then he should start there, since compound exercises are a very good foundation to build strength. My concern is that he might not be able to even use the bar. Knee push ups are a lot easier than pressing a bar. He just needs to work his way up to using weights.

>> No.13375808

i have extreme bulimia. i threw up twice yesterday and i just want to get better but im scared to tell my doctor because im not skinny enough for it to be a problem.

>> No.13375869



>> No.13375879

if you're concerned about your health, then talking to your doctor about it will always be an option for you. even if you're not skinny, bulimia poses several risks for your health, especially if you've been throwing up several times a day for a while. what would you say is holding you back the most from talking about it?

you already know that you have a problem, and you said you want to get better; that's already a significant part of starting to get better. think it over, anon, but don't wait too long to act. best of luck to you.

>> No.13375886

I have a severe phase right now too, basically consuming and purging thousands of calories each day since almost a month.

Go to the doctor please. Explain what you're doing. Weight doesn't matter, I got diagnosed when I was still a BMI of 19.
Bulimia really ruins your body, from the inside and outside. Please get help and get better.

>> No.13375922
File: 49 KB, 634x471, 463505EB-2E61-452E-A745-4A48E458B208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>parents want to buy me clothes for my birthday cause everything I own is 10 years old
>mostly flannel and cargo
>30% body fat
>moobs that put women to shame
>realize that due to my fat, clothes shopping is going to be a pain
>tfw suffering

>> No.13375935

Says nothing if you don't mention how much you weighted before.

>> No.13376004

lol let's lose weight together

>> No.13376008

this amy not be a weight loss issue but IBS

>> No.13376050

Let’s do it

>> No.13376065

after browsing this thread you guys have convinced me i have ibs i keep seeing it mentioned everytime someone has a bloated abdomen its fucking scaring me

>> No.13376066

i cant stop my binging disorder guys. i need help
5 kg in 5 days

>> No.13376068

>this thread
this reoccurring thread for a few weeks i should say

>> No.13376129

>5 kg in 5 days

How many calories did you eat those 5 days? That's crazy

>> No.13376135

If he was dehydrated and then drank a fuckton over those 5 days you could get close to 5kg through sheer water weight alone. It's really nothing unusual and doesn't even mean he really gained all that much fat.

>> No.13376237

116 a couple weeks ago. 113-115 is my happy place and I want it back.
5'6 female btw

>> No.13376238


>trusting medical advice from 4chan

its do not

>> No.13376246

I by no means have or have had binge eating disorder. But I had a serious binging problem that escalated into b/p. No guarantee that this will work for you but this is what I did. Focus on eating veggies and fruits. Allow yourself to binge on veggies, even fruits, binging on these two groups will probably do less damage then what ever you currently binge on. Find a healthier alternative to what ever you're craving. I have a bad sweet tooth. So I decided to let myself binge of white sweet potatoes and berries at the time. It really didn't do it for me at first. I had to get used to the taste of unrefined /natural sugar. But just stick it out until your taste buds adapt. I think the thing that helped me was swapping one binge food for another. Restricting the bad foods and going to town on the healthier stuff helped. Sounds bad but after a while I stopped binging on the potatoes. I could be satiated after 1 or 2 max. When you're doing this don't try to eat below your TDEE. Just make your goal eating at your TDEE (or previous TDEE before all the water weight, it will probably be a small difference anyway). It might take time so don't beat yourself up. Once you get used to eating at your TDEE going back to restriction will be incredibly easy, you'll probably end up doing it unconsciously.

Idk if this is shit advice but this is what worked for me. Good luck Anon. I'm pretty sure a significant amount of that 5kg is water. Oh make sure you include greens in every "healthy binge".

>> No.13376252

I think this goes with out mentioning but there are some healthy foods that are calorically dense. Try to find a relatively calorically dilute (?) food that you can enjoy. Also make sure you're eating enough fat so that you aren't physically hungry all the time. My bad if this is really disorganized shitty advice.

>> No.13376281
File: 1.71 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the thinspo consensus on body hair? i've shaved it before and i like how i look without it but it just grows back so fast. what do?

>> No.13376394

in terms of light/filling foods, is oatmeal or yogurt the better choice? I want to make the most of the food i eat

>> No.13376416

>Women want immature retards instead of a man
It's nothing new, women always go for older men in their prime
LMAO@thinking they should date losers like you

>> No.13376426

weak shit here, thanks for the advice. i really am that weak, i cant even do a proper negative let alone a pullup, my arms give immediately and i just plop down to the ground

ill give the bodyweight exercises a try but i want to start at the gym as soon as i can, i figure it will be harder to halfass the exercise that way. do i just start on a routine with really low weights?

>> No.13376431

I think women who are super thin and hairy are the sexiest beings on earth. Bonus points if they’re natural redheads.

>> No.13376494

>can only fuck women who are almost half his age
>calls other people losers

>> No.13376531

fat thighs m8 I have the same problem, fasting rn to lose them

>> No.13376536

I've bought a silk epil after getting tired of shaving and you barely see any hairs when they come back. It's very quick, but also a bit painful. Just make sure your hair isn't too long when you do it (like three days after a shave is perfect for me).

>> No.13376547


>> No.13376555

>can only fuck women who are almost half his age
>can only
Women logic right here.
Girls peak at 16.

>> No.13376630

fucking retard, they peak in their early-mid 20's...

>> No.13376631

>a bit painful
low DHT detected

>> No.13376635

How so?

>> No.13376643

What are some thinspo approved drinks? I just finished my finals so I'll probably be drunk for the next 3 days. I don't really have access to hard liquor right now. Which is probably a good thing since I always end up binge drinking vodka. I used to drink on an empty stomach but I can't do that anymore with out throwing up so I'm kind of scared of the calories right now.

>> No.13376650

Water and fruit juice.

>> No.13376685

Pure spirits have very few calories, if any, you'll be fine with vodka

>> No.13376697

tru. by 25 id say

>> No.13376702

it's 18-20. girls develop faster than boys, over 20 whats gonna happen to a girl that makes her more attractive?
maybe she learns how to dress better or whatever but that has nothing to do with biology

>> No.13376710

incel detected

>> No.13376713

one vodka soda (club soda) with lime has 99 calories

>> No.13376717

thin body hair follicles

>> No.13376718

We're talking biological peak here, not the aesthetic one (which depends way more on culture and preference anyway)

>> No.13376719

What do you mean by that? Fertility? Because thats def not mid 20s.

>> No.13376722

yes it is

>> No.13376727

No. Look at the table

Girls develop faster, its just they arent mature enough obv and don't have the ability. But biologically, they reach peak between 16-20

>> No.13376729


>> No.13376730

"In humans, a woman's fertility peaks in the early and mid-20s," and?

>> No.13376738

What the hell is a "biological peak"? Nice pseudoscience, cuck. Also, teens having babies is harmful to the mother and fetus.

>> No.13376739

Keep in mind that most of these studies are from long time ago, before abortions and birth control pills became extremely popular, both which can have permanent effects on fertility.
Add obesity and the fact that the average guy is less fertile too

>> No.13376742

In this context, when a women reaches her peak fertility. Do you even read the posts you reply to?

>> No.13376748

Its my go to but isn't it like 100 calories a shot?

Cool, thanks.

>> No.13376752

There are more complications at lower (and higher) ages. 16 is low enough for birth complications to be a problem, because the body isn't fully matured. ( https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4418963/ )
Historically girls used to get their periods later as well, but the age has dropped recently, that however does not mean that it's ideal to get children at a younger age or that the body is fit for it.

>> No.13376754

It's the time of lowest heal risk for both fetus and mother.

>> No.13376770

roastie detected

>> No.13376800

Well, yes, but cal/ml alcohol is lower for vodka.
for 40% vodka is about 5,8 cal, for beer 4 % it's 10,8. So you'll get more drunk per calorie out of the vodka.

>> No.13376823

Alright thanks anon.

>> No.13376889

yeeee we'll be skinny qts in 9 months

>> No.13377266

no problem anon, enjoy!

yes i'm such a roastie. thanks for enlightening me that at the age of 21 i'm a shrivelled up hag. time to go cry to my bf that i've been with since high school

>> No.13377449
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>tfw skinny
>only thicc girls are into me
Wish I had a skelly gf. I don't want to get jacked, I feel myself when I'm thin and want to be thinner. Current bmi is 18 and trying to get down to 16.

>> No.13377453

I'm sure there's a sticc qt gf in your future anon, just keep going!

>> No.13377510

incel retard lmao

>> No.13377514

i've never seen a girl without borderline personality disorder date a man who was double her age, unless the man was famous.
cope more idiot, teenage girls are probably the only girls that don't make you feel like a social autist

>> No.13377517

Same here man, why us, like some thicc girls are nice but some are just fucking gross

>> No.13377582
File: 87 KB, 547x478, 1525771061753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've gotten extremely drowsy lately and end up resting/sleeping in bed for tons of extra hours.

I even sleep right through energy drinks.

Any tips for losing the drowsiness?

>> No.13377601

If you're fasting/restricting or even just depressed your sleep schedule will be all over the place. No fix other than becoming normal.

>> No.13377656

Uh-huh, so you gained a pound in several weeks. A tragedy. How will you ever recover.

>> No.13377659

Stop drinking energy drinks. Caffeinated sleep is shitty, you don't rest enough and end up being tired throughout the day.

>> No.13377775

>tfw only need to lose 300 grams to reach a bmi of 19

I'm going to make it lads, I'll be /thin/ by the end of the week!

>> No.13377799
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I thought <18 was /skinny/. I do believe a BMI of 19 looks very good on most people, but it's not necessarily skinny in my opinion. Good job though on pretty much reaching it and good luck with maintaining.

>> No.13377802

skelly date? femanon with a bmi of 16 right here.
What would our effay dates be like?

>> No.13377813

Just hit 23.0 BMI lads, I'm officially /americanthin/

22.0 is my goal

>> No.13377815

Thanks for the encouragement. I'm aiming for c.18 eventually and plan to maintain there, but that goal seems a long way off right now.

Do you have any experience/tips for maintaining at around 18?

>> No.13377821
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wow im both

i was prescribed zolpidem to try and help but it feels like its become less effective with time

ur right. I gotta try to schedule my drinks and my sleep away from eachother

>> No.13377825

I've recently been put on citalopram for depression and "lack of appetite" and its completely wiped me out. Only upside is that I'm still able to lose a bit of weight but obviously not nearly at the same rate as when I wasn't constantly napping.

Does anyone know if iron supplements help?

>> No.13377828

Please always supplement yourself when you're restricting (intentional or unintentional).

>> No.13377845
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post /thinspo/ kino

das boot fits the bill well.

>> No.13377846
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another angle

>> No.13377969

My ideal date in my mind is either going for a long walk in the woods or just cuddling on a couch watching a movie. Not sure if that's good cus I've never been on a date before.
I take supplements and they're supposedly working (better blood tests) but I don't feel any different.

>> No.13377984
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How bad is it? Gained 15kg since October.

>> No.13377998
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i want to start wearing a watch but my wrist is skeleton tier, does it looks bad from the outside? or should i go for it?

>> No.13378003

Softboi mode, both in the body and in the face. What are your stats?

>> No.13378008

178 cm

>> No.13378134
File: 1.46 MB, 1280x1280, NWN3mxT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's amazing how losing weight can make someone go from 1/10 to 9/10.

>> No.13378146

Go for it.
Choose a smaller watch.
They have sizes and styles for this you know.

>> No.13378157

my experience as a sticcboi and the deep research approximation I've done has basically all but confirmed this.


>> No.13378177

Lose those 15 kg, do some exercises to get more defined muscles, and shave your legs, and you will be all fine.

You don't need to do a lot of research to know that a lot of women like muscly men. However, you always have those 10-20% that don't, why not be happy with that? You can't appease everybody.

>> No.13378185
File: 81 KB, 640x635, tumblr_p67b704EWB1woammno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream I was super bony and ugly and alone and miserble because of that.

Then I woke up and I was super skinny fat and ugly and alone and miserble because of that.

Gonna get rid of the skinnyfat part and then I'm gonna be happy.

>> No.13378196
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because tomboys are already rare enough

>> No.13378206
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Honestly I've been on this shit for a couple weeks now and its been awesome for annihilating my appetite and keeping me up and running

>> No.13378210

>that waist

>> No.13378211

>all these women who post pics and call themselves skinny-fat
There are boards specifically made to fish for compliments.

>> No.13378213

Just buy speed paste in bulk on the dark web and do small bumps.

This shit >>13378206 is retarded and for people who don't know better.

>> No.13378224

Yeah, stimulants help to suppress appetite, oh wow. You can also do amphetamine, but remember that if you need stimulants to help you avoid overeating you will get fatter once you stop taking them.
Be like me instead, take drugs for fun.

>> No.13378235

Ya, I know. Sticcbois, and shotas, and fembois, who aren't gay or trannies in a closet, are also rare. That's why I encourage sticcbois to stay sticcbois.

>> No.13378262

>10-20% of women like non-muscly men
It's way higher than that lol. If you are tall, broad shoulders and handsome, girls won't care. I know this for a fact

>> No.13378281

what program/app is this?

>> No.13378282

old fags are so pathetic

>> No.13378305

Honestly I think you look okay in that photo. The only thing that would keep me from staying at that weight is how undefined your face is.

>> No.13378311
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skinny and tall. muscle tone is whatever, take it or leave it.

what kind of girls do thinspo boys like? tomboys?

>> No.13378325


>> No.13378348

I like girls that are affectionate and small

>> No.13378353
File: 925 KB, 1002x760, 1524862260498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>45 kg "male" at 178 cm
are you fucking kidding me, he looks great at 60 you fucking disgusting proana-niggers

>> No.13378357

nigga this is the thinspo thread

>> No.13378362
File: 131 KB, 600x848, 66948572_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinspo girls. i want to be spooky with someone

>> No.13378370

>tfw no domestic speed vendor on any market because the last one quit around new years
feels bad man

>> No.13378371

yes, just give it a shot with low weights and see what you're capable of. gotta start somewhere. good luck getting to gym-level

>> No.13378373

female fashion models sit around 50 kg at that height...

45 is ridiculously small for a male (a bmi of 14,2!!), go back to proana...

>> No.13378378

How do I tomboy successfully without looking like a bum?

>> No.13378390

>tgfw tomorrow ramadan starts and my colleagues can stop bothering me about not eating because i'll be able to say that i'm supporting them

>> No.13378414

Hey friends if some of you are trying to escape skinnyfat you need to do some muscle stuff too or else you're bf% won't go down as quick and you won't look as good. I've been doing this for about a week now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_tJ1Se57WE&list=PLLErTVW5MWNuGvC0acoQBa9EOagLyoRHB&index=0

and it's really good. These kinds of "HIIT" workouts (look it up) are designed to burn fat fast. (Another video about it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOgDV1l8qsI ).

No equipment required but it does involve jumping around like a lunatic.

>> No.13378434

Button downs and short hair. Also punk styles and tomboys also go together like milk and cookies.

>> No.13378436

>drinking dairy

>> No.13378443

is 85 lbs too little for 5'2"? 90 was my lowest but I'm feeling really shitty about myself so I'll probably end up restricting enough to get to 85 realistically. currently around 100

>> No.13378464

I enjoy plenty of fatty foods and I'm 6'@130lbs with a 30" waist. Fat intake doesn't matter, it's all about how much of that fat your body is using.

>> No.13378477
File: 242 KB, 311x504, IMG_0135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it's the lighting or the angle, just for the record i have braces atm.
I would lose the weight but was put on force feeding cuz parents thought i had anorexia.
Most likely will diet again when i move out.

>me at 50kg

>> No.13378482

diary causes a lot of inflammation in your body

>> No.13378487

you look so good

>> No.13378488

Haven't noticed, don't care

>> No.13378501

thats obviously someone else

>> No.13378552
File: 3.21 MB, 2373x3620, 20180516_143315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I skelly/do I look skinny? bmi is 18.

>> No.13378568

why is speed so unpopular in the us?

>> No.13378575

I'm actually from a neighboring country to Germany
So I don't know

>> No.13378577

Yes, obviously.

>> No.13378610

are you fucking retarded

>> No.13378611

1. Have a tomboy personality.

>> No.13378613


literally the most overdiagnosed country with adhd in the entire world. same with xanax
what are you talking about? its probably easier to get a script than buy it off the street

>> No.13378632

30 min is too long, unless you're including warm up and 'cool down' (the latter is a shitty meme anyway. HIIT should be true 90-100% effort (which transfers almost exactly to % of max heart rate IMO), if you're not completely ragged after 12-15 min at most you should consider upping the intensity and letting the time drop. If you're in your 20s or younger you want to be spiking your heart rate into the 190s, then let it drop to about not less than 150 during a short interval (10-30 seconds max depending on how long the intensity phase was) and cycle that for 10-15 min depending on what else you're training the next day. I do 10 mins of hill sprints and call it good because I have to recover enough to squat 2x per week.

RFD circuits are a better example of a good 30 min workout, it's still anaerobic if you keep a good timing up but not as brutal as 90% + hill sprints.

HIIT is super effective if you do it strictly. I'm a 6'1 145lbs twig with very little muscle mass and I still need 2800cal per day to sustain my weight. Before I started doing HIIT it was about 400 less.

>> No.13378821

22 is still pretty chunky. you should be aiming for 19 or 18.

>> No.13378833

depends really. only if you have no muscle on. ottermode is around 22

>> No.13378838
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>> No.13378842

I already have that, its just that the clothes worked better at 14 than 24

>> No.13378858

>19.7 bmi and look fat as hell

>> No.13378863


>> No.13378866
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>> No.13378881
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>> No.13378882
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>bf is dropping below 10%

>> No.13378883

pretty late to the party, counter-propagandaanon

>> No.13379009

That’a normal. You’re not low before you’re 15-16

>> No.13379034

what's your height and weight

>> No.13379037

>unless you're including warm up and 'cool down'
the vids do include them

>> No.13379052

damn, this is perfect

>> No.13379121
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>> No.13379165

Lonely teen virgins are even more pathetic

>> No.13379169

>Every successful man generally wants a younger broad
>bububut you just can't get beat up pussy like us

>> No.13379297

>thinking men post in this thread
go crawl back to your mgtow self help videos and your waifu pillow

>> No.13379301
File: 896 KB, 2952x2060, gvFrvBk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm dating a 35 year old too. I love it desu.

>> No.13379313

About 140 pounds currently

>> No.13379314

there was a difference between having sex with a young girl and dating a teenager.
Hence why you rarely see 40 year old men dating teenage girls in public, unless its some pathetic oldfag and some girl with daddy issues and/other borderline personality disorder.

>> No.13379336

my boyfriend recently moved in w me and i got too comfortable and gained 5 lbs. im on the taller side of 5'4 and weigh around 105-106. im vegan and am already pretty active so find it hard to get past this 105 hump. what do i do

>> No.13379342

what the. At 10% that would make you a lean body mass of 126? You look much heavier than that

>> No.13379353

that's what I'm at now, that pic is 3 months old. I think I was around 130 for it.

>> No.13379356

And it might be hard to tell from pic but my waist is around 26 inches

>> No.13379358

still tho, I would have put you at like 140 - lean mass that it
that is pretty small indeed. your frame must be tiny

>> No.13379372

Well my lower abdomen is pretty small but I have naturally broad shoulders and my chest is a decent size. Hardly had to work for my physique at all.

>> No.13379373

that's my fucking point. speed is only behind cannabis in europe in terms of number of users.

in america you have the option of extremely overpriced adderall or playing the game of trying to import speed paste from europe. it's fucking retarded, anybody who pays $10 for any amount of dextroamphetamine amounting to less than 1 gram is a fucking moron and is getting ripped off.

>> No.13379408

what's your chest measurement?

>> No.13379446

Currently it's at 35 inches

>> No.13379465

stuck in a binge cycle send help

>> No.13379468

>pharmacy grade stuff you cant even get busted with
>some powder from kazakhstan no one actually knows whats in it

youre worse than bartards

>> No.13379589

Probs corset training senpai

>> No.13379626

same. i just want to kill myself t b h

>> No.13379695

We can get out, I believe in us

>> No.13379732

How does that work? Is it permanent?

>> No.13379795

It's because your body is craving. Eat small portions under the day. Or when your craving really hard, just don't eat. That hunger will go away eventually by not purging

>> No.13379797


>> No.13379802

what do you ask when you get your hair cut? also more angle of hair. and also body routine?

>> No.13379808

what do I do if I'm a thinspo girl but want to stop looking like a pre-adolescent boy. how do you achieve more feminine thinspo? I already wear dresses.

>> No.13379919

Get better bones, ask your parents for the right genetics.

>> No.13379920

How many calories are we talking?

>> No.13379934

>tfw 5€ a gram
Finally a good thing about being Eastern European

>> No.13379982

Thinsp IS proana you retard

>> No.13380146

not really. no one is actually near anorexic here

>> No.13380160

Clearly you haven’t been here for long then, because there are some.
Also if you look at the thinspo pictures people post you’ll notice that’s they are all girls that are extremely underweight. Usually 14-17in bmi, and people get there by fasting or eating 500 cal a day. That’s pro ana. Even if not everyone has or will get a diagnosis.

>> No.13380172

the difference is that proana people are annoying and make their entire identity from not eating. there are fat people on their forums too
either way, the guy who was suggesting losing weight to the anon is just plain autistic

>> No.13380189

Sure that anon is insane, but my point still is that thinspo is pro ana if you actually want to look like the thinspo girls/guys. I guess it doesn’t have to Ben though, if you just use it as inspiration and don’t intend to go all the way or use unhealthy methods it’s not pro ana, I agree with that.
But there are people here who are anorexic, so completely separating the two terms doesn’t make sense. In that context thinspo and pro ana is the same

>> No.13380195
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>doesn't know how to do reagent testing
>too stupid to know to acetone wash shit
>doesn't send samples of everything he buys for ES/MS testing
Besides all of that you can still make >90% yourself with barely any effort, its one of the easiest teks in existence.

In truth you're a fucking retard who should probably stay away from drugs.

>> No.13380215

I've been at a 4 pound fluctuation for a couple months just from fasting and then eating 500 cals or so above my TDEE and it sucks.

>> No.13380224

>*watches 2 youtube videos*
wow dude you sound so cool i bet you do a lot of drugs with other cool people like youre like one of those cool boys who do drugs haha :)
but unfortunately, no one gives a shit here, impress someone who cares about your ebin drug knowledge

>> No.13380272

Will taking a day off from restricting to eat TDEE cause further problems down the line? I've been in caloric deficit every day for the last 75 days.

>> No.13380282

Should I use Lose It or MFP?

>> No.13380337

Lifesum my skinny nigga

>> No.13380360

eehhh not toooooooo many. 1700 a day? maybe a little more

>> No.13380362

not in one sitting obviously

>> No.13380568

so since i dont have access to amphetamines, are caffeine pills a good way to keep hunger at bay?

>> No.13380882
File: 1.41 MB, 3024x3024, 3BD1899A-A2B1-4CAD-BE17-D7619B468669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No joke but if you need a quick meal get yourself some babyfood
It’s full meals, no added sugars, balanced macros and low cal (usually just under 200cals)
There’s also small snacks which would be okay for cravings I think
Highly recommend if you don’t know what to cook

>> No.13380885

ur a genius

>> No.13380887

oh shit why did picture flip aaaaaa

>> No.13380913

how to get /thin/ like Alice Glass without having a band image/buddy to help you stay thin

>> No.13380921

This + Google fit for step tracking.

>> No.13380982

Does it berate you for setting an unhealthily low goal weight and only eating 2500 kcal a week?

>> No.13380994

>super stressed out the past couple weeks can't even think of food
>dropped 7 pounds
Is this how it starts lads?

>> No.13381066

t. kissless teenage virgin

>> No.13381081

When yoihre life has calmed down, you'll most.likely gain it all back.

>> No.13381347

Hey friends, been away for a while but finally getting back on track. I'm doing IF 20:4, how many calories should I consume?

>> No.13381361

Nice waist.

>> No.13381468

Stop eating shit
She’s not even that skinny