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13361725 No.13361725 [Reply] [Original]

blading or skinheads

How do you deal with having no hair ?

I'm going to shave everything off this weekend due to aggressively balding at the age of 23

I'm extremely afraid of having a weird shape

>> No.13361833

>aggressively balding at the age of 23

Same here anon. I'm Mexican too which especially sucks because because in middle school i had such thick full hair, now im severely thinning, but also i have a big ass head. I think my head shape is probably ok, but the size is bigger than i'd like

>> No.13361841

Taking an aggressive and leadership posture is great for bald people. Get a war face, if you dont have a dumb face.

>> No.13361848

Used to be very weird about hair and couldn't stand getting it cut in middle school. Had a ponytail in highschool. And then just started going bald when I was around 18.
Having no hair is really fucking liberating my man. It's way better than trying to cover up the baldspots. I'm sure you'll get used to it soon after getting it cut

>> No.13361909

God hate men so fucking much

It's the worst thing having to lose something dear to you

Imagine losing your teeth or sense of smell, what the actual fuck is wrong with evolution

>> No.13361986

>losing your teeth
My dad is 74 and he's experiencing this right now. It'll come eventually.

>> No.13361994

So does balding but its some god damn bullshit that I lost my hair to aggressive balding at the age of 19

>> No.13361995

Exactly, now imagine that only one sex had this issue and it was at an early age

Imagine how women would look if they lost their teeth from the age of 18 because of estrogen

>> No.13361998

balding happens after you reproduce in most cases. so it never got bred out

>> No.13362003

Why couldn't dogs have this gene mutation? why specifically humans

>> No.13362024

Teeth are necessary for our survival, hair isn’t.

>> No.13362033

watch it leaf

>> No.13362041
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I've been balding since I was 17 and I am about to turn 39. I also get huge bags under my eyes but fuck it, I dress fa and rock the style. It's all about attitude.

>> No.13362043

what are you going to shave with?

>> No.13362683

On darker skinned people it suits them, white boys look like they have cancer unless they have a tan, fit or are overweight

>> No.13362688

Epic. Post the nazi fit

>> No.13363810

I'm going to the barber shop for my last shave

I owe my 6 year old love a last shave and tip

She really got fat since she got pregnant but she's happy.

>> No.13363820

I haven't looked into it too far but I believe one of the theories about baldness is that it's helpful in places that don't get a lot of sun. More skin exposed - more vitamin D.

>> No.13363824

fuck, why not

I'm going to buy vitamin d3 at the drug store

I'd like one day to find a cure for this crap
There has to be one, right, anon ?

>> No.13363864

I have good bone structure.
I literally have Chad-tier bone structure, so when I started losing my hair, I literally couldn't have cared less.
Most of the fear from balding comes from being unattractive, but if you're already attractive before it won't matter after.

>> No.13363865

We bred for thick beards.
It was a sign of high test and good semen.
Unfortunately, we didn't leave out the balding men, so we have a lot of their genes.

>> No.13363871
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I'm giving up. For the past 2 years I've tried going for the thick necked goon look, but it turns out I just don't have the receptors in my neck to make it grow lol.

My last cope is just getting lean and skinny af and seeing if I could finally have a lean face. I heard your buccal fat pads get smaller as you age. Maybe get a few face tattoos...fuck it's so hard to have any character when you have NO HAIR. After that I'm fresh out of copes.

>> No.13363873

Exactly, why not lose hair from under the pits
Hell, even lose all the body hair for all I care

The scalp hair is the most visible of everything, I'm going to try the vitamin d3 and some vitamin C and see if I get something out of it

I'm shaving my head and there's nothing that can stop me, not even my depression.

I just hope I don't get worse from here on now

>> No.13363879

>dad was heavily balding by age 20
>I’m 26 and doing great so far, just a mature hairline but still low and looking good

Did I got lucky and got my hair genes from mom’s side, or will dad’s misfortune eventually come for me? I can’t imagine how shitty it must be for you guys, I’m starting to feel concerned about future hairloss and now I’ve learned to properly respect men who go through this.

>> No.13363888

>I’m 26 and doing great so far, just a mature hairline but still low and looking good

You might've inherited masculine chromosome from your mother but you should feel lucky for reaching 26 and not receding like your father

Have a great life my man

>> No.13363911

Anon, it's over. Incels.me is your new home.

>> No.13363935
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Jesus what the fuck

>> No.13363937
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I'm balding and I've decided to grow it as long as possible. When you're bald, every haircut is bad including the buzz. Society says if you have good sense you'll shave it off, I say fuck you and will grow it down to my ass. I also plan on making something akin to a vaultsuit and wearing it every day.

>> No.13363940

And yes, I'm an incel

>> No.13363941

just buzzed and holy fuck Idk how you guys cope with balding. Im going to look like shit for a few months but thank god it grows back.
If I was balding I'd probably rope myself.

>> No.13363942
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That's pretty bad but if you'll post yours, I'll post mine

I've started seeing waaay more hair falling out at the start of 2018 and most of my work colleagues noticed it

I really don't want to live like this

>> No.13363952

I wish I had something comforting to say. What I will say is balding teaches a good life lesson. Sometimes, you don't get to choose a win. You only pick your flavour of loss. Pick yer poison, to buzz or not to buzz? Wig or not to wig?

>> No.13363953

Nice try untermensch, you have shit genetic just try to not reproduce.

>> No.13363956

Probably the most active forum in the internet. I welcome you.

>> No.13363979

everyone will notice that you are balding¨
everyone will mock you for trying to cover it up
nobody cares if you just shave it all off
people who point the middle finger at society are only pointing it at themselves
for once in your life be mature

>> No.13363981
File: 47 KB, 412x350, DiWS30Y[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always come on /fa/ to make fun of baldlets/balding """"men"""".
Its been a good run lads, but here is your automatic beta male status, keep the change.

>> No.13363986

I'm not hiding anything, my balding is plain as day. I have shaved my head multiple times and it makes me miserable. If I'm not going to reproduce I'm going to use my enhanced freedom to do whatever I want, since I'll never be an equal in the eyes of others.

Men will literally cut their penis off, put a dress on and be celebrated. We've all gone insane. I'm growing my hair as long as possible and wearing a skin tight jumpsuit.

>> No.13363990
File: 42 KB, 242x485, Fo4_default_jumpsuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way what's the best way to create the most accurate vaultsuit?

>> No.13364024

I feel like crying

It wasn't like this when I was a child

>> No.13364036

> tfw not balding and have thick slightly wavy jet black hair but started buzzing it down to a 2 to look more masculine
anyone else know this feel

>> No.13364038
File: 341 KB, 500x500, action-bronson-big-league-chew-back-in-the-day-buffet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing you really need to know it that if you start sweating it's going to drip into your eyes.

Wear a hat or carry a napkin if you're going to sweat a lot.

>> No.13364039

If that's you, put down the joint. Forever.

>> No.13364050

That's Action Bronson you cretin

>> No.13364061

I didn’t realize how common early balding is.

I’m almost 26 and still have a full head of hair, intact hairline and all. had my hair down to my shoulderblades up until a few months ago before I decided to buzz.

I feel like I should let it grow again in honor of those who can’t

>> No.13364066

I'm so fucking jealous

I can't imagine someone having to deal with this along having other problems in life

>> No.13364068
File: 365 KB, 809x914, jumpsuit_top.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah you should shave it to honor those who can't. As a balding man myself that is a much better tribute.

>> No.13364205

How can I both admire and detest you? I wish to be you and be rid of you. Perhaps a vaultsuit truly is the answer

>> No.13364307

>inherited Y chr from mother, who has XX

>> No.13364330
File: 46 KB, 640x640, 3t1VLlD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a bald man should wear?

>> No.13364345

Whatever he wants, man.

>> No.13364388

How come the backdrop is a studio but the reflection in his glasses is street action? Did they shop the photographer and his assistant out to give the image more credibility?

>> No.13364402

>autism: the post

>> No.13364404

A wig.

>> No.13364466


>> No.13364718

It's not about the scalp showing, it's the texture, it'll look like straw on the top until it eventually forms into a skullet

>> No.13364726

I’m lucky. I’m pretty good looking and have a decent beard. Besides that, it’s all about having a nice head shape. Receding hairlines/balding sucks!

>> No.13364736

Such is my fate, which I accept like a man

>> No.13364740

Ahahahha, I will fucking kill myself, it's too much. Balding, depression, zero self-esteem, being ugly fuck, probably body dysmorphic disorder, it's too much. Eh, there are few percents of people who kill themselves in all populations. Why also not me tho

>> No.13364749

Do it pussy. No balls.

>> No.13364753

Fuck yeah man. Shame I don't live in US, at least you have there weapons everywhere

>> No.13364766
File: 114 KB, 791x932, 234215214351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What helped me with my depression was vitamin D pills. I started taking them a couple months ago and feel a lot better about myself. Could be a placebo effect - I don't know, but I'll take it.

>> No.13364768

You don't need weapons to kill yourself.

>> No.13364773

Yet it's easier to just use a gun. At least there's no pain

>> No.13364778
File: 433 KB, 480x480, 1525935031614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If under 30
>lift to prepare when fin stops working

If over 30
>just lift and stop giving a fuck

>> No.13364794

Idk if youre decent looking tall and in shape that kinda overrides being bald. Not if youre ugly tho

>> No.13364803


When I was 23 and slightly balding I looked at other balding men much older than I. They held on as long as possible. Hoping the rest of us didn't noticed their hairline started further and further back, almost to the point of being halfway across their head. I promised myself after seeing a man in his 30s with sideways held half lollipop head, I was to shave my entire head before it got too late. When I turn 31 I finally shaved it all.

Do I miss my hair? Yes. But it wasnt coming back anyway. No amount of fake shit or chemicals that will fuck you up can convince me that having hair is worth the cost.

Just shave it all, and own it. There's nothing worse than looking pathetic balding hairline, hoping others don't see it. They do.

>> No.13364809

>beta male
Men bald because they are High T. Enjoy your limp dick faggot.

You have about 7 good years left anon. I wish you the best.

Exactly this. There are two types of bald men. Fat bald men (sad!), and buff bald men.

t.Bald man who shaved it off

>> No.13364812

You're forgetting me, skinny bald man

>> No.13364847

Same. I've noticed thinning but it's whatever because it'll just draw attention to my Vitruvian jaw and Adonis face. If I go full chrome dome, it's no biggie.

>> No.13364851


You'll look like skeletor

>> No.13365243

What's keeping me from shaving it all off is that I have a really weird headshape.

Sucks man

>> No.13365500

Just be aware that almost everyone thinks the same thing.
Have you ever heard someone saying "yeah I'm balding, but atleast I have a great head shape"?

>> No.13365509

>There are two types of bald men. Fat bald men (sad!), and buff bald men.
What about extremely skinny bald men?

>> No.13365528

>acne never cleared up
>balding started at 18

>> No.13365612

>acne never cleared up
wash your face twice daily
change your bed sheets regularly
cut sugar
avoid putting your dirty greasy hands in your face.

>> No.13365638

Preaching to the choir my guy.

>> No.13365826

This but the dark guy should least be in decent shape. ..skinny third world gandi look aint good either

>> No.13366247

>fuck it's so hard to have any character when you have NO HAIR
Ain't that the fucking truth. I feel like I can't express myself through my looks, there's no idea of a personality.

>> No.13366272

>Yet it's easier to just use a gun.
Apply for a license and be a good little serf, then. Unless you live in Singapore, China, South Korea or some similarly authoritarian shithole nation, acquiring a licensed shotgun or illegal pistol shouldn´t be too much of a hassle.

>> No.13366278

>he thinks any of those measures will reduce the likelihood of developing severe acne
It´s hereditary, you fucking imbecile. Let me guess: you "guard" yourself against balding by eating lots of vitamins, massaging your scalp and avoiding shampoo and headwear?

>> No.13366300
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I have to go this evening to shave my head and I'm starting to feel extreme anxiety

I'm so fucking affraid of what other will think. How do I even deal with this shit.

>> No.13366411

You don't. You shave or not, you'll be laughed at. Get used to it or die.

>> No.13366441

> hard to have character when you have no hair
I feel like a man with no hair and the buzz combined with my style (ostentatious jewelry, all black, black t shirt every day, tapered dress trousers with derbies or ugly trainers) is basically the vibe i've always wanted

>> No.13366537
File: 2.87 MB, 4032x3024, 20180116_204704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best thing i ever did was decide to shave it all off after years of trying to cover it up just do it lad and after a while youll realize that nobody gives a fuck and that being insecure is more unattractive to women than your hairline

>> No.13366942
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Op here, I did it

This is the before pic

>> No.13366947
File: 1.53 MB, 3264x1836, 15260646228351117811574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is the after pic, I was expecting to have a weird shape or something

It's weird when you have hair because you can't know for sure how you'd look without it

>> No.13367102

I think you did the right thing, you look much hotter

>> No.13367204

in your position, dunno if Id kept my hair few months or shave like you.
You look good but its time to leave that happyman face and embrace the angry face, you will see a change in people behaviour, for the good.
t.bald with frowned brows 24/7

>> No.13367388

ahh i remember being you, soon enough you'll get sick and tired of worrying about your hair constantly, i got reasonably fit and just cut it short then shorter and shorter until it was bald,

you know how many people mentioned it to me? not one, spent years worrying for not one person to even speak about why i cut my hair so short.
stop caring ffs it only makes it worse

btw my heads huge aswell

>> No.13367513

I cant shave my head because i have a big red dot on it. Sucks

>> No.13367528

im balding and hate it.

im extremely pale and my head bulges out at the side

>> No.13367545
File: 179 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20180512_00_57_11_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

24 going on 25 here

im at the stage where it could tail off and just be a mature hairline, or it could keep going and go full throtle bald

>> No.13367546

Lost mine due to chemo, could grow it back but I would have a really odd period of patchy hair until it normalized out. So I keep shaving. Honestly it is like joining a club. You will notice a lot more bald dudes and there is almost a secret society. Beyond that, women are very psositive about it in general and love to touch it. Looks better than acting like you are trying to cover your baldness and honestly with the right build makes you look like you mean business - not as much as in the past now that it is more common.

>> No.13367570

Bruh, you loog good, you just need to start lifting to differentiate yourself from being a soi boy

>> No.13367578

it looks literally normal dude. you arent a teenager. its normal to have a hairline like that.

>> No.13367581

>I'm extremely afraid of having a weird shape
I shaved my head yesterday cause I fucked up a haircut and man, do I look disgusting. My head is all pointy and has these weird dents.
I'm so embarrassed by the look of it I actually skipped work today in hopes of it growing back enough to hide the imperfactions by tuesday. There's also the fact that I have a chubby face and oval head

Thank fuck I show no signs of balding at 25. Being bald permanently would destroy my self esteem

>> No.13367589

you're 23? i mean you like fine but you got them wrinkle genes or something. smoker?

>> No.13367598

>its normal to have a hairline like that
at 40, yeah. his hairline is not the worst but it's still bad for a 24yo

>> No.13367602

Wow... You have beautiful blue eyes 0_0

>> No.13367613

I shaved my head when I was fifteen (I am a woman). It looked fine, the only problem was fixing the hair as it was growing out. Maybe I'll shave it again sometime in the future.

As for the balding guys, everybody can see that you are balding if you have hair, and nobody gives a fuck if you have a shaved head.
It won't make you more or less ugly than you already are. If you have a nice face, you will still have it. If you don't, well, you are fucked either way, but you are even more fucked with a bald spot.
If you are insecure about your head shape, wear a beanie or something until you notice that nobody gives a fuck.

The thing that really sabotages you (except for the bald spot, ofc), and I've seen it pop up here, is if you are fat or skinnyfat. That makes you unattractive both in the sexual way, and in the platonic way.

>> No.13367642

>It won't make you more or less ugly than you already are. If you have a nice face, you will still have it.
not true. face is one thing and head shape is another. if your head is a weird shape, hair will hide it, same reason why guys with weak chins grow full beards

>> No.13367668

literally my hairline at 19

>> No.13367681

how is it now?

>> No.13367706

I am 19 now

>> No.13367738

that hair is salvageable, invest in saw palmetto, biotin, and pumpkin seeds

>> No.13367909

Reminder that no one really see's/cares about people who are balding. I only started to notice receding hairlines when I came here

>> No.13367914
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Just own it

nobody cares, quit drinking the /fa/ kool-aid

>> No.13368197

Bullshit, everyone notices right away, fight it with fin and minox or rot like the rest of the pussies

>> No.13368406

You should lift weights, you have a good frame for it and will benefit a lot from being dyel as fuck. Your hair is going to thin more but it won't be a big deal.

>> No.13368445

I haven't got bald spots but my temples are far back and it's way think than it used to be- I can't wear it as long as I have it anymore. What is a good length to buzz to?

>> No.13368515

>Had a ponytail in highschool. And then just started going bald when I was around 18.
God punishing you for having a ponytail

>> No.13368528

They aren’t actually balding though, it’s typical of Males to receed a bit upon maturity and then stop completely.

>> No.13368535

Or it’s simply that longer hair tends to fall out because of gravity. And bald genetics can’t replenish.

>> No.13368763


It doesn't matter the shape. You'll instantly drop 4 points compared to you with hair. Unless you're already a 10 you'll probably going to have to settle for bottom of the barrels girls for the rest of your life.

>> No.13369184 [DELETED] 
File: 1.47 MB, 1440x2560, IMG_20180512_145923333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just had it shaved to 1/2 inch. Do I need to use rogain or is this normal?

>> No.13369188
File: 42 KB, 640x868, tall-top-hat-brown--mw-107788-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cover it up with a big fancy hat. Like this one, for instance.

>> No.13369193

definitely need rogain