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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 150 KB, 1080x1080, 0e8ba08444d5c7fad9ab2fef48958398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13354826 No.13354826 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13354830
File: 2.16 MB, 2500x3181, Clairo_18_1_2500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13354832
File: 487 KB, 1440x860, Clairo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13354845

dumb industry plant cunt

>> No.13354854

Word my negus

>> No.13354965

Generic gril next door type, sorta pasty faced, pudgey, in a "I'm retaining to much water , anon", way. Not really memorable in any notable way. 5/10 at best. (Unless she's a total sex freak in bed, that will add a point or 2)

>> No.13354975

shes just a manic attention whore that hasn't learned how to handle fame

you will not hear from her ever again within one year

>> No.13354985

god i want to plunge my fingers straight into her fucking eyes

>> No.13355132
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Source: your ass

>> No.13355133


Clairos dad

You fucking moron

>> No.13355189

are there feet pics yet this is all I care about

>> No.13355289


talentless bitch with a rich daddy with connections

>> No.13355338

I really don't get the appeal. Usually these kinds of disposable mediocre artists are really cute or unique looking or something, but she isn't either of those at all. On a typical college campus, nobody would give her a second glance. I don't know if her dad really got her the connections, but it would explain a lot.

>> No.13355910
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Yeah I know the conspiracy and they're all baseless

>> No.13355915

That's exactly why she's popular. All you see is what you get and people like that

>> No.13355930


>> No.13356006

theyr not even conspiracys its just the way it is and your a blind fanboi

>> No.13356011

is she jewish?

>> No.13356014
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>> No.13356149

Obviously dude

>> No.13356199
File: 61 KB, 1024x682, 1525455466416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plus she's effay

>> No.13356296
File: 136 KB, 1080x720, 1525680504876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes she's the best qt puh2t

>> No.13356310

Her music is ass.

>> No.13356721

she looked cute but now she looks thrashy

>> No.13356843

qt =/= fa

>> No.13356889

Lots of artists are like that. But they're usually actually good at making music

>> No.13356907

Shes just some generic rich girl who poorly sings over LOFICHILLBEATSTOSTUDYTO10HOURS

>> No.13356935

100%, daddy got connections

>> No.13357002

why are poor people so resentful and jealous of Clairo ? I personally would love to suck on her sweaty toes after one of her shows.

>> No.13357044

I work in the music industry as a sound mixer and the first thing i thought when i heard 'pretty girl' was that the video and audio was done very professionally. But she claims to be indie so i gave her the benefit of doubt and thought maybe a friend of hers knows how to fuck around with macbook video editors but it still would've taken immense amounts of effort.

What I find extremely suspect is that this supposed indie girl with no connections suddenly gets a contract with vevo and gus dapperton's director all because shes a cutesy artsy girl. Thats simply bullshit, there are quite literally millions of 'artists' like her, most even cuter and more talented, and its not a coincidence that the only one who became famous was the daughter of a music industry mogul who specialized in VIRAL MARKETING.

You practically have to be a retard to think this is a conspiracy theory and not logical thinking.

Then again this is /fa/

>> No.13357056


Taylor swift started out literally the same as clairo and at some point she dropped the whole facade of homegrown country pop singer when it stopped being profitable.

Clairo's story happens all the time in the industry. you'd have to be a gigantic retard to not think shes a plant at this point

at the same time its not really a big deal its just capitalists being capitalists

>> No.13357186

Interview the clairos dad, a humble snicker merchant:

>> No.13357204

She kinda looks like the girl from Freaks and Geeks, whatever her name was

>> No.13357401

I work in live sound, usually FOH, and I don't know what you're talking about. The audio for pretty girl is not well mixed or good fidelity. It's sub karaoke machine backing track tier.

I can't speak to whether she's authentic or a calculated attempt to capitalize on lofi charm. If people generally like it, who cares?

Her fits are generic and boring though. I wish everyone would stop posting her face here. Just cuz you guys think she's cute doesn't mean she's /fa/.

>> No.13357455


>> No.13357736

incredibly plain and average looking, and she doesn't dress well

>> No.13357790

Clairo que no jaja

>> No.13357804

Really dig her music tho, gets me in the mood.

>> No.13358404

no she is not effay you marketing intern

>> No.13358454

i love that blue jacket - anyone know what it is?

>> No.13358687

Clairo is a dumb cunt for little onions boys who like getting their cubes crushed while listening to Brock Hampton, I'm not wrong

>> No.13358700

Probably vintage. Looks like something you'd see at the mall during late 90s early 00s. Spice girls vibes.

>> No.13358784

It's probably forever 21 because it looks cheap as shit and hyper trendy. Or SLP because they've had a bad habit of making gross looking denim jackets recently

>> No.13358806

Imagine paying SLP prices for that thing.

>> No.13358982

i fuck with pretty girl, not really effay though

>> No.13359008

Listen to flamin hot cheetos

>> No.13359023

Kek this exactly

>> No.13359803
File: 75 KB, 640x640, 1525799083919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all this shit talking about clairo's fashion and no fits posted
bunch of jealous, no taste no fashion good for nothing incels

>> No.13359809
File: 149 KB, 960x960, 1521693548808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post rare clairos

>> No.13359811

stop shilling her

>> No.13359818

loser. her & her fanbase (you) are so embarrassing.

>> No.13359950

dumb bitch who cannot sing

>> No.13359953

umm false

>> No.13359957


>> No.13359992
File: 345 KB, 1538x2048, 1525804508935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not an argument

>> No.13360006

my nigga

>> No.13360124

This. Based

I have low expectations

>> No.13360414

no opposite of effay

>> No.13360469

after 'pretty girl' it all went downhill. also the piercing doesn't look good on her.

>> No.13360525

what is the male equivalent of clairocore?
i like it and want to try it

>> No.13360826

Mac demarco

>> No.13360846

>let's go watch clairo stare at her feet while she stumbles through her own songs
This is what happens when you thrust an unprepared person into stardom. Zero stage presence or focus, no charisma, and awkward as fuck. Most musicians get to make mistakes and learn their craft in small clubs before playing gigs this size.

>> No.13360905


>> No.13361843

mac is god

>> No.13361938


>> No.13361961

look at this big boy in his big boy pants

>> No.13362625


>> No.13362839


>> No.13363674


>> No.13363740

You can't have chronic edema and be /fa/.

>> No.13363761

I’d be her chronic cum enema if you know what I mean.

>> No.13363769

no, you fucking degenerates

>> No.13364426


>> No.13365150

gus dapperton

>> No.13365963

yeah hes such a lil fuck

>> No.13366637

Equis de

>> No.13366810


>> No.13366851
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>> No.13366856
File: 2.11 MB, 2048x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plain ass Anne Veal looking bitch

>> No.13367002

I don't even have the clairo crush, but this photo is just proof of how minor differences in facial measurements/features have huge impact on looks. It's like when two sisters look obviously related but one is cute, and the other isn't.

>> No.13367118


>> No.13367636

So she is exactly the same as Taylor Swift then?

>> No.13367774

>bunch of jealous, no taste no fashion good for nothing incels
whose the one obsessing over a girl you'll never meet in the first place. you're just guy #1,223,523

>> No.13367784
File: 45 KB, 538x673, EternalQuestion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Industry plant astroturf scum is never /fa/

>> No.13367840

Kinda. Swift was never trying to infiltrate an indie/DIY culture and platform (soundcloud). It was more of a false origin story, it just seems like less of a sketchy cash grab when when it's done in the inauthentic top 40 world. With Clairo it's like thinking you're shopping at a local farmer's market, but it's actuality owned by walmart

>> No.13367887

This sounds like bad karaoke

>> No.13368007

Basically this. Swift was always pop appeal even in her more country releases. Clairo is a manufactured "Indie" star. Which would almost be insulting if the same indie crowd didnt it up with a spoon. Regardless it's just as inauthentic but in a crowd supposedly more interested in authenticity

>> No.13368187

I figured her fans consisted entirely of 13 year old girls who can't tell the difference

>> No.13368262


This is awful...basic 'indie girl droning on like it's a burden be here' dull ass voice

>> No.13368306

You are in fact, not wrong

>> No.13368475

Look at all the people defending her in this thread. Sadly a lot of lonely 16-24yr old basedboys are hooked

>> No.13368572

I don't care about his music and I don't care about his dad connections. I'd bang her.

>> No.13368576
