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13354438 No.13354438 [Reply] [Original]

Comfy /thinspo/ thread!
Asian edition.

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hydrated

>http://pastebin.com/raw/k616ZXUw (embed)

Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:
>http://pastebin.com/raw/VmmYeLYN (embed)

Feel free to post questions and requests, report about your progress, and ask for support.

To get helpful replies make sure to post:
>current stats: sex, age, height, weight
>tdee and your deficit
>highest and lowest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you are going for

Last thread: >>13347266

>> No.13354443
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let's not fuck the thread up this time anons

>> No.13354445
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>> No.13354447
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>> No.13354448

Help, my calorie limit today is 300, the last two days I’ve eaten around 400, what can I eat within my limit to make sure I don’t pass out, cause I’m going swimming and I don’t wanna look bloated in my bathing suit but I also don’t want to pass out and drown

>> No.13354452
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>> No.13354456

steamed veggies! lemon and garlic powder on asparagus or broccoli is amazing
honestly though you're restricting too much. you're gonna destroy your metabolism. try eating 1000 - 1200 calories and exercise

>> No.13354464

300-400 is a very small amount. Even if you are a short female 900 calories is sufficient for losing fat. Especially if you are going to swim.
Eat at least 500 calories, swimming burns a lot anyway.

>> No.13354483

I don't feel hungry during fasting, I only feel weird and dizzy after a while. What is this and how can I combat it?

>> No.13354492
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I-Is he right, /thinspo/ ?

>> No.13354498

if you don't get enough B12 and protein then your hair will definitely fall out, and the hair that stays will be thin and will easily break off.

>> No.13354504

Drink salt water, you may need electrolytes

>> No.13354508

Happened to me, I used to have a lot of super thick hair and I lost quiet a bit + it got a little thinner
But that was because my diet lacked fats and protein. I get an adequate amount now and take extra pills, now it's getting better. c:

>> No.13354531

You know you're better off simply not eating than eating such a small amount right

>> No.13354577

My face has been looking far more bloated today than usual even though I've been hydrating well and eating below tdee wtf is causing this

>> No.13354581
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Has anyone here tried doing liquid diets? I'm talking about onions/joylent or the like. I'm really fucking poor and can't cook often because I live in exceptionally shitty conditions and the kitchen is dirty all the goddamn time (I'm talking rat shit and piss everywhere and dirty counters 24/7 because I live in a fucking immigrant den). I've got my eyes on buying onions powder and living off of that for a while. $1.54 A meal is incredibly tempting, I'm just scared I won't lose enough weight on it. My bmi says I'm overweight so I guess that + exercise should be good for now, right?

>> No.13354597

Then how much B12 should I ingest per day to avoid hair loss?

>> No.13354598

I take it you've seen thin people with hair and fat people without it, yes?

>> No.13354616

500 calories are not going to bloat you, but yoy should eat a little bit more

>> No.13354618

How the hell do I get a 56cm (21in) waist?

>> No.13354625
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Transform into Jennie. She is less than 21 inches

>> No.13354635
File: 194 KB, 686x461, Screenshot 2018-05-06 at 12.35.22 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

healthy waist circumference varies with height/frame and even race and gender. why do you want a 21 inch waist? proportions matter a lot

>> No.13354639

its past 6pm and i havent ate anything today. should i just skip eating completely today? although i woke up at like 1pm

>> No.13354642
File: 46 KB, 457x299, Screenshot 2018-05-06 at 12.39.39 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls google it urself next time

>> No.13354687

you could just eat a light salad.

>> No.13354691

whatever happened to that anon who went on a date with the thinspo instagram girl?

>> No.13354831
File: 140 KB, 750x838, 1504307611528 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my gf is going away for a week and im taking it as a chance to fast and loose shit tonnes of weight. Ill stick to coffee, smokes, and maybe jam on toast. currently 141 lb skinny fat so hoping to get full skele. Thoughts?

>> No.13354855

a week isnt enough time to even lose water weight

>> No.13354857

I have eaten 1/3 of my calories for the day, but my fasting window closes really soon and I am stuffed! What do I do?

>> No.13354861
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oh thats shit. I was hoping to have a difference for when she comes back

>> No.13354925

Wait 1 hour more after you eating window finishes and then eat, it's not like it will change much

>> No.13354949

I got so stuffed in favt (thick carrot soup and bread) that I vomited. Are nuts a good food to eat next?

>> No.13354999

How can I ignore my hunger and cravings?

>> No.13355007

do something that you like that's super engaging. reading, playing vidya, idk what you're into.

>> No.13355016

I got a trick I use daily and it's so easy :D

Give in and then purge for hours

I hate myself

>> No.13355017

Are you eating a lot of salty foods?

>> No.13355021

I'm really sorry abut your living conditions. You should be able to lose weight on that diet but I imagine your breath would smell terrible.

>> No.13355033

don't eat jam on toast.

>> No.13355042

Not at all, i had a bit of brown bread today but that was it

>> No.13355068

Is thinspo just for girls and twinks?

>> No.13355078

do you have to be short to be a twink?
I'm 6'4" and do sports but I stay skinny

>> No.13355099

does onions actually help you lose weight? i know its a meme but i want to lose literally 5 lb. if i drink one onions each day for a week will i lose weight

>> No.13355104

fuck i forgot it changes s*oylent to onions kek

also i want to look a little emancipated so yeah

>> No.13355119

Try apple cider vinegar

>> No.13355121

Not if you are ripped, if you are skinny with no muscle or definition you're a faggot

>> No.13355147

drink snake juice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vz_U8kxDlg

>> No.13355185

Just fast fegit

>> No.13355207

If you only drink it and nothing else, sure

but you will probably crave something solid

>> No.13355239
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Please help me /thinspo/ my hips look like this. I hate it.

>> No.13355249


>> No.13355261


>> No.13355290

I'm doing intermittent dry fasting right now. Going 18-23 hours with no food or water and then getting all of my water and food in my eating window. It seems to be working well for me and it's simplifying my day because I don't have to piss every 30 minutes.

>> No.13355307

>no water

>> No.13355309
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No, I want to be a cute slim toned boi.

>> No.13355318

What is the best eating window?

>> No.13355386

drink water or you'll fail.

>> No.13355405

there is none, depends on your necessities

>> No.13355434

she's got ridiculous gap game

>> No.13355472

Jennie is so photogenic, it's criminal. She literally can't look shitty on a photo. But my favorite Blackpink is Rose.

Regardless I would pay money to smell all their assholes.

>> No.13355477

w2c full name

>> No.13355485


>> No.13355488
File: 1.95 MB, 500x276, 1511493068673.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just watched Taxi Driver and this scene is very good for reminding yourself to stick with it.

>> No.13355495

what is her name faggot

>> No.13355506

Oh... Jennie Kim and Park Chae-young (Rose).

But why does that even matter? Just search for Blackpink and then add either Jennie or Rose if you wanna fap.

>> No.13355510

youre a fucking moron

>> No.13355546

Holy fuck, I am going to watch it right now just because of this gif. Thanks, anon.

>> No.13355606
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>> No.13355640

replace the toast and jam with lots of raw fruits and veg

>> No.13355644

s o y l e n t gets corrected to onions, but your response is cute

>> No.13355645
File: 365 KB, 1200x961, tumblr_p830mcxbGn1rento5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is this girl? looks like irene

>> No.13355649

>no more pills
like 3/4 of you fucks are smokers tho

>> No.13355654
File: 5 KB, 208x243, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you store most of your fat on your thighs

>> No.13355686

work out you lazy piece of shit

>> No.13355692
File: 63 KB, 702x393, 1525641666294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13355697

I am drinking water though. Just only within my eating window as opposed to drinking non stop all day.

>> No.13355698

which is pretty much the best possible outcome

try collecting all fat on pecks and lower stomach

>> No.13355705

>you're gonna destroy your metabolism
this is a myth. youll change your metabolism if you are physically and literally dying from hunger, and no, fasting is not literally dying from hunger if you have body fat still on you then youll survive just fine.

>> No.13355706

Holy fuck learn how to read you guys. I'm still drinking water during my eating window.

>> No.13355746

Tbh the best possible outcome is storing fat equally all over, but I think storing fat in the thighs is an extremely close second.

>> No.13355757

Listening to music you really really like >> Binging

>> No.13355776

Hey so, I bought a food spiralizer today and made vegetable noodles from carrots and zucchini squash for the first time and let me tell you, do not underestimate your portion sizes. Even if it looks like a lot of food, make at least twice as much as you think you need, because that shit has like no calories and you will still be hungry unless you eat a truckload of it.

>> No.13355848
File: 110 KB, 560x678, EEEFE70B-3918-40F6-BDAE-0A0785141557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it normal to feel ravenous when you exercise excessively?

I’ve been getting a lot of activity in my day lately and weight has been melting off, but it’s only about 2-3 pounds a week. I’m constantly stuffing my face, like yesterday I ate nearly 2500 calories! Still managed to drop a couple pounds in one day due to the record amount of exercise I got but I can only imagine how fast my progress would be if I could get myself to eat under 1000 calories.

>> No.13355883

You're burning more calories than a couch potato like me so it stands to reason your body will crave more calories.

>> No.13355935

its literally impossible to drop a couple of pounds in one day, especially through exercise, especially while your energy intake is at or above maintenance. unless youre starting off as some 400lb monstrosity whos maintenance intake is a couple of pizzas

like what are you doing, scaling mountains barehanded? you probably took a big shit and/or lost water weight

>> No.13355947

Can you calm down, anon? You can drop two lbs or more in a day if your body is releasing water retention. Whether or not it's "real" weight, it's still weight.

>> No.13355961

I get that, but I don't see the point.

>> No.13355966
File: 5 KB, 130x250, 1472795807756s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's very normal. When I used to run track/ lift weights in highschool I would come home and gorge myself on strawberries and my mother's cooking and I was still shredded out of my mind. I guess your body knows when to stop, I'm not really sure.

>> No.13355968

irene is on the left, that's seulgi on the right

>> No.13355970

sorry if i came off as frustrated, but if im right in assuming that you want to lose actual fat then exercising while stuffing your face isnt getting you anywhere. the calorific deficit that exercise can achieve is very small. you need to do a significant amount of exercise just to compensate for eating 2500 calories in a day, let alone burn fat.

>> No.13355973

i meant whose the girl in the op

>> No.13355994

this>>13354831 newbie gains with like 1500 calories a day depending on height and gender wouldnt get you ripped but it would look better than a weeks worth of no food

>> No.13355996

if you're really skinny and it's just bone structure, it's time to let go of your dreams and embrace the bloat but if you're not really sure if it's bone structure, eat less and work on obelisks and abs mainly

>> No.13355997

oh my bad. don't think that's irene, that girl's legs look a little too thin to be hers

>> No.13356016
File: 239 KB, 800x1200, tumblr_p830gzFbww1rento5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre right

>> No.13356064

One day of dry fasting is the equivalent of 3 days water fasting. If you break the fast correctly, you won't gain very much back.

>> No.13356073

Why would you restrict drinking water?

>> No.13356075

why call it dry fasting...or fasting at all if you're still going to eat/drink? tons of people only eat in small window...it's not worth noting for attention tardo.

>> No.13356095
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Hmm, I am currently doing some "research" on this and it sounds very promising

>> No.13356101

Because that's what intermittent fasting is. I could just call it "abstining from consumption of water and food for 20 hours and then eating and drinking my daily amount in a short window of time" but intermittent fasting is the official term for it. Intermittent dry fasting, specifically.

Because it accelerates the benefits of water fasting and your body will make its own water if you have extra fat you don't need.

Trust me, dry fasting sounds way more hardcore than it actually is. You can't go back to terrible eating habits if you want to actually keep the weight off but this applies to any method of losing weight. Basically the way to break a dry fast is to switch to liquid fasting for a day or two, then break tat liquid fast with highly watery fruit, then go to a normal (but healthy) diet.

I'm not great at explaining the science behind it, but there's a bunch of weirdos on youtube who are really into dry fasting. Here's one in particular.


I'm not able to do it for several days like those hardcore vegan types, but intermittent dry fasting is pretty easy. Actually when I'm focusing on how thirsty I am, it takes me mind off of how hungry I am, so when I break the fast all I care about is getting that water in and I don't even feel all that hungry.

>> No.13356102

the body is majority water, if you restrict water you will lose weight

keep in mind that the body tissue that is most comprised of water is muscle. so yeah most of the weight you lose is muscle. the good news is most of the muscle should come back with rehydration, but so will the weight.

>> No.13356112

Just read up some about it and apparently the body will burn fat to create water on a dry fast.
At first I thought the reason was like you said, but this seemed extremely stupid to me because any weight loss resulting from dehydration would be completely worthless in addition to being reversed as soon as you start drinking water normally again.
I'm still not convinced by dry fasting though. It sounds like it would wreak havoc on your skin and accelerate aging.

>> No.13356115

>apparently the body will burn fat to create water on a dry fast.
yes. about the same as muscle. caloric restriction causes the body to go into it's fat stores to use as energy, we know this. but dry fasting doesn't do this any more than water fasting.

it's fucking stupid. dry fasting offers no advantages to water fasting. just fucking eat less than you use and eat healthy and stay hydrated and you're going to be fine without wrecking your skin and other organs and without burning up muscle.

>> No.13356117

>It sounds like it would wreak havoc on your skin and accelerate aging
It actually has the opposite effect, when done correctly.

Why are you so mad? If you don't want to do it then don't. Any form of fasting takes a lot of will-poer and no one can be magically forced into doing it because they read about it on the internet.

>> No.13356118

Just saw your reply. During your dry fast, do you also keep away from hand washing and showering? I read that some remove all access to water during their dry fasts.
Since it's just 20 hours maybe it's OK. Dry fasting for extended periods doesn't seem healthy.

>> No.13356120

>Why are you so mad?
i'm not mad at all. i'm dispelling fucktarded logic that might cause bodily harm to moron anons because retarded logic "base" in braindead pseudoscience goes unchecked

>> No.13356121

I do wash myself and brush my teeth. because I hate smelling bad, and it doesn't really negate the fast.

>Dry fasting for extended periods doesn't seem healthy.
Oh it's not. Some people have died attempting to dry fast for upwards of 30 days because they're fucking idiots and religious fanatics. There was some pastor who tried to break Jesus' record of 40 days dry fasting,despite the fact that Jesus didn't dry fast, he's literally god incarnate so attempting to dry fast for a month is the same as trying to walk on water. But anyway, those are pretty rare cases. The longest I've done it is 24 hours but if you have an excess of body fat, you're able to do it for even a week or more. But don't just jump into it without research.

>> No.13356125

The logic I'm using could actually end up taking some people off of terrible weight loss habits like binging and purging, drug abuse, etc. but that's neither here nor there. You're clearly angry by what I'm saying because you're ignorant about it, which is understandable, but you should really do some of your own research at least. Again, I'm not forcing anyone to do what I'm doing. No one is going to accidentally slip and fall into a 2 week dry fast. It's a premeditated thing and very easy to reverse if it becomes too overwhelming.

>> No.13356132

To anyone who considers dry fasting



Even if you're doing it intermittently, break it with water first and wait at least an hour or two before you eat.

>> No.13356143

I don't think anyone would even want to break a dry fast with food.

>> No.13356150

to anyone who considers dry fasting


>> No.13356151

This really isn't the place to tell anyone not to do something to lose weight.

>> No.13356152

it's not good for losing fat, it's only good for losing muscle and murdering whatever is left of your metabolism

>> No.13356153

>yes. about the same as muscle. caloric restriction causes the body to go into it's fat stores to use as energy, we know this
I was implying I read that the threat of dehydration forces the body create water form its fat, not that caloric restriction causes the body to burn fat for energy

Interesting. So this seems better for those with a higher body fat percentage or those who do not dry fast for more than a day.
I'd also say this may be dangerous in the summer, in the tropics and in dry climates.

The last time I went a few hours (~12) without water my lips cracked and bled.

>> No.13356154

Oh lord. Think whatever you want.

>> No.13356158

i will continue to form my opinions based on peer reviewed medical literature from respected authors and not anecdotal evidence from someone who likely ate a tidepod 3 months ago.

>> No.13356159

>I'd also say this may be dangerous in the summer, in the tropics and in dry climates.
Yeah, it is. Unless you're a hermit who can afford good air conditioning.

>The last time I went a few hours (~12) without water my lips cracked and bled.
You might have already been dehydrated. When I first dry fasted I had already been water fasting two days prior and my pee was clear all day even though I didn't drink anything.

>> No.13356162

Did you read peer reviewed medical literature to deduce that I ate a tidepod 3 months ago, or did you assume I had done so because I have opinions you don't like?

>> No.13356164

see that's the difference, my argument is based in science with empirical evidence and common sense, while you merely offer up an opinion but prop it up as something which is objectively incorrect.

>> No.13356166

Okay, I see that you just want to sound smart, instead of actually have a conversation or like, ask questions. That's the trouble with talking to you right now. You've already decided what you think and are claiming it's because of all this deep research. And I don't feel like getting into a google fight because those never go anywhere. If you wanna try what I'm doing, do it. If you don't, don't. It's not for everyone and it's not safe in all circumstances, as is the case with any weight loss method. All you can really hope for is that people will be smart enough to listen to their body.

>> No.13356211

>tfw insomnia
>mfw I could really go for some oatmeal squares right now but it's 2:40 in the morning
>tfw scared and depressed about the future because I missed 3 weeks of classes and am finally returning to class tomorrow
Fuck this

>> No.13356223

>Because that's what intermittent fasting is. I could just call it "abstining from consumption of water and food for 20 hours and then eating and drinking my daily amount in a short window of time"

yeah, you could call it "life" majority of people only eat and drink during their off hours, it's not some instagram revelation, ya dum bimbo

>> No.13356259
File: 130 KB, 788x1200, DEXKxNDWsAQf7lt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, Rose is nice, but I had to post Jennie, shes too pretty.

desu Twice is better, Tzuyu is a god

>> No.13356295

How do you set a goal weight? How do you know when you're thin enough?

>> No.13356325


>> No.13356329

Can you provide that literature?

>> No.13356334 [DELETED] 

>i can't dry fast because I'm too salty

>> No.13356340

>i can't dry fast because I'm too salty

>> No.13356380

It's been hours checking in again wondering if people are still angry and fighting or if the thread is comfy again/

>> No.13356382

Not knowing something one day and learning it another makes me an instagram bimbo now? You're so black and white, it's incredible.

>> No.13356386

I don't know if it' a problem with my eyes, but I never feel like kpop idols are all that skinny. I mean they look good don't get me wrong but I almost never actually see them as thinspo.

>> No.13356403

judging from the pic ur replying to, they're slim, not skinny. no hip bones/ribs

>> No.13356411

This could be due to how asian people store fat compared to white and black people. I've noticed this, many asian people will technically be what westerners would consider anorexic but still look perfectly healthy. I think I read something once about how even at lower weights asian people tend to carry more fat in their bodies. This is just a generalization and doesn't apply to everyone. But that bony look seems more prevalent in white or black people thinspo.

>> No.13356437

>tfw pics of thin anime girls make me endure hunger pains

>> No.13356443

yea that def makes sense. i feel like the bony, more defined look, is probably my preference

>> No.13356468

I thought I was the only one. Thin anime girls are the ultimate thinspo. Especially the unrealistically thin ones.

>> No.13356477
File: 74 KB, 522x750, 022bee77f8aedd95162335c6ef691bff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, thanks for the advice. I have very good thick hair and I want it to stay that way.

I want to hear about it too.

>and loose shit tonnes of weight
Lose, you mong.
You won't get full skele during a week. You can lose a lot of water weight by not drinking, I have athlete friendo who loses two or so kilos this way before his competitions, but that's extreme. Just stick to a good diet and exercise plan.

Skinny or lean (that is, muscle definition but not buff) is the choice of sane people. Don't buy the CURVES propaganda.

I have most of my fat on my arms, how's that for ya, huh?

It's still not good to eat only 500 or so calories a day, even if you are a tiny female with TDEE of 1300.

There are retarded methods of losing weight though, ranging from eating loads of “diet food” to binging and purging. I don't know about dry fasting though, sounds shite but I'm too lazy too look into it at the moment. I used to only fast on water for days.

>tfw scared and depressed about the future because I missed 3 weeks of classes and am finally returning to class tomorrow
Oh my, anon, how I understand you. I skipped so many classes that going to college now sounds like horror. I need to get graded though, or else I would be kicked out and won't finish my edjukashyun. Fuck my life, and fuck me.

This, use BMI as your signpost. Once you reach your goal weight just look at yourself in the mirror and decide if you are satisfied.

I use anime shotas and bishonens as my inspiration, heh.

>> No.13356488

What's your height and weight?

>> No.13356504

Guys I’m so happy! I was on a plateau for a couple weeks but I finally started losing again and I’ve lost 5lbs! I think I’m gonna make it c:
>BMI 18.3

>> No.13356507

176cm, 63~64kg
Nothing to brag about

>> No.13356590
File: 686 KB, 1587x2763, IMG_20180507_114645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

186 cm
68,5 kg coming from 72,5 a few weeks ago.
Method of losing weight currently is fasting 2 days a week on non consecutive days.
Have one more month to lose weight. (Fashion show)
Should I just keep going like I'm doing right now?

>> No.13356596

>tfw 5'2" size 0 jeans or smaller
>26 inch waist on a good day

>> No.13356611

What BMI should you be aiming at?

>> No.13356614

on the bright side you can wear baggy shirts and sweaters with tight pants and look thinspo with clothes on

>> No.13356640

asians store more fat right under the skin which makes their faces and bodies look younger at older ages than other groups. but they dont necessarily store more vesicular fat. i think the reason why kpop girls don't look thinspo is all the muscle they pack on from dancing and working out all day and then eating large meals. many normal asian girls are bony as heck

>> No.13356651

size 0 means nothing. especially in north america...most stores have vanity sizing so that their fatty customers feel better about themselves and keep coming back.

26 - 27 inch waist is pretty thick for a 5'2" girl actually. i'm the same height with a 24 inch waist and i cant fit into the smallest sizes at some stores. i bough a size 24 skirt from forever 21 and it was like 2 inches too big. :/

>> No.13356655

18 - 19 for peak health and attractiveness
to look truly thinspo and modelly you'd have to go down to 16 - 17, but it's not healthy

>> No.13356659

Do models really have such low BMIs?

>> No.13356696

thank you, i know, hence why i am here complaining about it.

i'm actually low enough body fat to have a visible 6-pack, i just compulsively excercise and happen to be built like a 14 year old boy with titties.

>> No.13356713

Thinspo on easy mode: Drink a liter of water before every meal in combo with clean eating

>> No.13356732

Is it even possible to be thinspo while eating normal healthy amounts of food? I work out, and I eat pretty healthy and normal. I also take slimming supplements. I've had an eating disorder before but medication beat it so I'm at a healthy weight, just kinda thick and not modelish thin like I want to be. But I have stick thin friends who eat more than me. How does this even work?

>> No.13356742

same, im a male with no hips and fat thighs and i look like a freak i fucking hate it

>> No.13356830
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>will never meet her

>> No.13356847 [DELETED] 

They are young and with good metabolism, then they hit the age wall and get fat, there are rare cases in which people can eat without shit ton of food without getting fat, see the french and japs.

>> No.13356855

I eat 2500- 3000 calories a day, and I'm 6'4 160lbs.

>> No.13356858

What language is this?

>> No.13356860

Butchered english.

>> No.13356873

I lost a lot of hair due to my serious vitamin d deficiency which has nothing to do with me being thin as it's been developing over the years and I've been skinny fat the majority of my life. I really hope this shit grows back, it was so aggressive and uneven that I was certain it was some weird nutritional deficiency.

>> No.13356876

what show are you walking for?

>> No.13356879
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>when she's perfectly skinny

>> No.13356888

no, not really. if you track your calories daily at maintenance (including exercise) you can stay at the low end of normal or maybe around 18 bmi. but that in itself is pretty difficult to do without getting OCD about it.

i'm also very curious about the medication that supposedly beat your eating disorder. were you diagnosed? how long did it last, how long did it take to recover?

>> No.13356945

16-17 isn’t even that a low bmi

>> No.13356954

Anyone knows where I can get her skirt?

>> No.13356974

Probably quoted the wrong post number, but I'm walking for none

>> No.13357023

drinking water

>> No.13357218

you can literally pay to meet them...

>> No.13357231

Of course it is, it’s the “getting skinny” part that causes people problems, prolonged diets with unvaried or bad foods, yo-yo dieting etc will give you serious deficiencies. But these are dangerous regardless weight.
Getting from a normal weight to a low one, and then maintaining isn’t usually dangerous. You have to be really skinny (ie bmi <13, or too low body fat especially for women ) for your weight alone to be dangerous. As long as you just maintain when you reach your gw, make sure to eat healthy and most importantly avoid yo-yo dieting you’ll be fine.
Your daily calorific need might fall a bit, but as long as you don’t get skinnyfat it’s not going to be a lot since you’re normal weight now.
It’s a misconception that skinny girls aren’t eating, they are, often completely normal diets. If they whretent eating they’d be constantly losing weight (it doesn’t take many weeks to go from bmi 16 to 12 you know), which most aren’t.

>> No.13357287

some of them are, but the members of more popular groups like twice arent very skinny.

>> No.13357305

how accurate is a tdee or bmr calculation? could two people with the same height and weight still have different bmr?

>> No.13357424

If they have different activity levels then yeah. Genetics probably play a role too and "extreme" cases like having a faulty thyroid.

>> No.13357439

Doing that actually makes me more likely to binge for some reason.

>> No.13357537

I wish I was still on that comedown with no thoughts of eating bothering me

>> No.13357608

what same

>> No.13357681

Hey guys, so I've been listening to the more moderate voices here for a couple of years. I started off at 276 pounds, and would have been morbidly obese if it wasnt for my height.

Now I am floating stably around 190 and am pretty happy with my body. I think that I honestly would be totally happy losing 20 more pounds and calling that it. The only part of my body Im really uncomfortable with is my thighs. At this point they are mostly muscle and look ok exposed, but make my clothed figure so much bulkier. Are there any techniques to healthily reduce or slim leg muscle without fucking my metabolism.

>> No.13357690

I have mostly been doing weight work and calisthenics for the past few years and its worked pretty well. Im a size medium in tops

I have asthma and tend to have issues running, so cardio is a bit harder. Ive started swimming recently and doing cycling. Would those help me? With cycling, would it be better to do weighted cycling for extended periods of time? Low or no weight for a short period of time? Low or no weight for an extended period of time?

>> No.13357692

What do you guys eat for breakfast? Or should I skip it

>> No.13357695


>> No.13357698

A fruit and green tea

>> No.13357707
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If you’re curious about my exercise, I walk/run long distances (always in intervals, never keep track) as seen in my pic.

The day I ate 2500 calories I traveled 23 miles by foot, a combination of walking and sprinting.

I also do a lot of weight training daily, + squats, pushups, 5-minute planks, etc. I’m surprised I’m never in pain.

>> No.13357708

If I were you, and it was possible with my schedule, I would delay it. Get in some calisthenics before you eat so you have some work on an empty stomach. Then have something thats maybe a bit more minor and a lot of fluid.

>> No.13357712

I usually forget to eat until past noon, but apparently your metabolism is the fastest right after you get out of bed in the morning.

>> No.13357720

Breakfast is usually a good place to put your calories because your metabolism is highest and you have the whole days effort to be burning the calories. Unless you are consuming a very small amoutn of calories and are actively hungry throughout the day, go for it.

>> No.13357731

I’m 160 lbs 6’2” and pretty okay with my weight. My girlfriend is 160lbs 5’5”, in other words, overweight. I can eat like shit and not put on weight, but I’m influencing her lifestyle w/ my shitty eating. Her health is a real concern for me. How much can birth control influence weight? Because she gets a shot I think that could be one of the causes. I want to help her, but she’s resistant. Any tips bros?

>> No.13357744

so you have a lot of muscle around your abdomen? as long as you dress well and work out your lats and hips then you should have the appearance of a small waist :)

>> No.13357745
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>> No.13357767

Eh, shes only a bit overweight. Depending on her body composition she can probably be okay. Maybe lift weights with her? Also dont use birth control shots, they arent reliable. Get an IED or something.

>> No.13357771
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I just can't stop binging, what the fuck. I've never really had a problem with this in the past. I got way below my goal weight and was doing good, people were telling me how healthy/unhealthy (depending on the person) I looked and I could look in the mirror without wanting to break it, but now I just can't stop eating. It's been 2 weeks of on and off binging and 1 of continuous binging. I don't have a scale with me but if I did I would be too scared to step on it. (although it probably would motivate me).

>> No.13357778

Bing on fruits, grapes are pretty good this season.

>> No.13357792

That's what I'm trying right now actually. I've just been allowing myself to binge on fruits and other sweet starches. It's not a good idea to binge in general but hey they way less calorically dense then my previous binge food of choice. I didn't consider grapes though. It's too early to judge if this will be effective as I just started doing it the other day. Fuck why did I buy cereal. It's staring me down right now.

>> No.13357796

grapes are really sugary compared to other fruits (though i'm obsessed with those cotton candy flavor ones i just discovered). melons are good, it feels incredible to eat half a honeydew melon for less than 200 calories.

>> No.13357805

Shit, thanks Anon. I'm used to eating veggies but I am not too familiar with the calorie density of most fruits besides the very basics. Thanks.

>> No.13357882

whats your height?

becoming bulky means you're eating a surplus of calories and then the exercise is coverting the calories into muscle. maybe try cutting back

>> No.13357886

you just learned what the word "fast" means? yeah, having a vocabulary that low is pretty typical bimbo behavior.

>> No.13357888

her gaining weight has to do with how much shorter she is compared to you. her portions should be 1/2 to 2/3 the size of yours. i used to eat like my bf but i started gaining a lot of weight and eventually reached my highest weight (120 at 5'2") and am still working on getting skinny again

>> No.13357924

today i farted so hard i shitted on my self.

im in complete disgust right now, i never want to binge again.

i ate a hotdog with meat sauce, cheese, sriracha mayo and ketchup. it was my third one in the last 2 days. i hate my self so much.

>> No.13357940

Yeah she eats more than I do usually, so I’m going to start cutting my portions even more so maybe she’ll catch the hint. Do you think I should talk to her about it? Like portion sizes. She already complains about being fat all the time so she’s aware of it.

>> No.13357948

Is dark chocolate ok to eat ?
Lol shart on mart amerilart.

>> No.13358472

Why the fuck do people (Americans in my case) have such a hard on for seeing people gain weight? It's almost as if they feel uncomfortable when they see a thin person. Why the fuck is my roommate trying to help me gain weight? I didn't say I want to put on any weight and if I did I wouldn't ask his faggot ass for help. Why the fuck is my family telling me I look unhealthy when they're all fat or skinny fat. Why can't people leave me alone?

Also is it easier being thinspo as a guy or a girl? As a male I'm inclined to say it's easier for women since people are used to them being thin. Every fucking second someone is trying to tell me I used to look healthier with a fuller face. Fuck these people I fucking hate vocal fatties.

>> No.13358483

at least if you're male, people are less likely to think or realize you're anorexic. you can pass it off as being naturally thin or depressed or whatever. just tell them you eat like 3000 calories a day already

>> No.13358556

>Is dark chocolate ok to eat ?
Your mom

>> No.13358609

ugh beautiful

>> No.13358616
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>male, 18, 5'11, 59kg
>highest 63.5 lowest 55
>goal around 58.5
>train/eat less
Are buzzcuts /thinspo/ approved?

>> No.13358628

>Are buzzcuts /thinspo/ approved?
When it isn't fat asses who have them, yes.

>> No.13358644

it's because you're a guy probably. im a girl and 1 of my roommates had an ED and the other was fine but obviously insecure but really wanted to get our cat fat. wanted to feed it 3 bowls a day.

women don't want to be fat for the most part they want to THICC.

>> No.13358720

I’m not sure if I even belong here but I figure it’s better than trying to talk to the meatheads in /fit/. I just want to know how fucked I am and if I should even bother trying to be skeltal in the future. 6’0, 307 pounds, 41.3 BMI. I must have some muscle weight because I don’t look as big as others around my weight but that might just be height. I was thinking about doing a 20 day water fast but it’s hard with my amerilard parents forcing me to eat.

>> No.13358740

>asking if candy is okay to eat
>calling others fat
>in the same post

>> No.13358741
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>got down to bmi 17.5 today
>still don't know why I'm like this
There is no benefit to losing weight yet I keep doing it. All it does is make me more exhausted, less attractive, less healthy but I can't stop. What's wrong with me?

>> No.13358761

Oops, seems like you burned yourself there

>> No.13358782

That is... not good for you.

>> No.13358796

I keep maintaining or gaining very little despite aggressive binging and purging (4000+ cals daily) for the last 3 weeks
Like I look noticeably fatter but my scale says I just gained a 1kg bodyfat
I guess my scale is broken, gonna weigh myself properly at the gym today
Also gonna get my shit together and lose whatever I've gained. Gonna go <1000 cals on lifting days, enough protein, veg and fats and maybe a bit of fruit for pleasure if it fits.
Fasting on restdays.
Avoiding binges by finally doing nice stuff to myself and relaxing. I guess I am too stressed. C:
Wish me luck to get under 20% bf and 50kg soon <3

>> No.13358848

Good luck German anon

>> No.13358862
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Please respond, I need to know if I should just give up now and binge

>> No.13358872

If your options are 20 day water fast or binge then you have already given up haven’t you?

>> No.13358873

That’s the options I know of, I’m open to other options but I’m worried about it being too late. I figured the 20 day fast would clean my body out and make it easier to begin losing weight

>> No.13358876
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>korean thinspo OP

>> No.13358879


>> No.13358882
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>> No.13358886

I have fallen in love this may morning

>> No.13358889

She’s mine eurofaggot, go back to your brown wife.

>> No.13358893

Only girls who love girls are pure
Don't touch her

>> No.13358897
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You forget you’re talking to the original thin grill

>> No.13358907

You have anorexia

>> No.13358915

It’s never too late to start eating healthy and getting some exercise. Fasting is hard, have you even done any fasts before? If you can’t stop yourself from binging on normal days you won’t be able to fast. You’ll get scared on day 3 when you get a headache,feel faint and want to sleep all day and you’ll make an excuse like “I got sick from fasting, I HAD to stop, it was dangerous” because you couldn’t stand making an effort.

>> No.13358924

You have repressed childhood emotional trauma, one or both of your parents are probably narcissists

>> No.13358943

I CAN fast if I knew it would give me some benefits, what I’m asking is more so will fasting matter at this weight level? I know I can drop pounds over years with exercise but I want to try all these new tricks just to get the whole thing jump started and feel healthier.

>> No.13358954
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>tfw practically the same height and weight as bacon but way flabbier
what do i do to look like this? lots of cardio?

>> No.13358958

My point was that if you want a quick fix, you’re in the wrong mindset because this will be hard. I can see the appeal, but you’re in it for the long haul here. You’ll have to change your diet after you fast or you’ll just gain everything back. And no it’s not going to be easier just because you fasted.

That being said fasting will help, fasting gives better results than restricting, you also get less excess skin in the end. Hunger also dabs off way quicker if you fast, compared to restricting where that can take months.
Look up water fasts, YouTube has some good videos, you need to know what obstacles you’re going to hit and what to do about them.
Would be cool to see results if you make it

>> No.13358973
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>> No.13358977
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tbph you can't ALWAYS be thinspo, you have to manage it, you need to have periods where you actually eat, unless you are doing photo shoots every single week, just stay within a good range so you can dip down under complete control and manipulate your weight, because your body needs the nutrients, you can't ALWAYS be depleting, the fully depleted looks good but it has to just be momentary, not permanent

>> No.13358980

I understand and I guess I am in that quick diet mindset, what sort of diet would you recommend long term if I’m just focused on weight loss and not really interested in muscle building after the water fast?
>and what’s the Himalayan pink salt
I’ll definitely post results once I make some real progress though

>> No.13359021
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>> No.13359153
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Please help thinspo.

I don’t know what happened, maybe because my depression got worse but looking at this is depressing.

Have no clue how to get back on track though I really wish to eat heathier, cook meals and try calisthenics idk what’s happenin ㅠㅠ

>> No.13359187

Right after your fast you need to start eating a little at a time, look for tutorals on that.
In the long run keto has worked well for me, and it seems to give good results for others as well. You will want to go full keto at first, eliminating almost all sugars to lose weight. But that isn’t healthy in the long run, so switch to slack keto after 2/3 of a year max.
You want to eat only vegetables, nuts fish, dairy products and meat. No vegetable fats tho. It’s a really healt, you shouldd be doing this even if you don’t want to lose weight

>> No.13359192

I don’t know anything about the Himalayan salt, it’s way too expensive for me so I never payed any attention to it

>> No.13359193

That’s not even close to right. See

>> No.13359214

how tall are you and whats your goal weight?

>> No.13359222

I’m 6 foot 4. Aiming for 79kg :( I was so close before but then I was told I needed to bulk or no muscle by my gym junkie brother and things spiraled.

>> No.13359231

absolutely talk to her about it. there are a lot of health issues that come with being overweight. plus if she loves her body more your sex and love life will improve. also maybe you can bond over cooking and exercising together

>> No.13359236

fasting is really good for you, maybe do a 10 day one? idk how to get past the parents though.

>> No.13359239

it's never too late to start taking care of yourself!! maybe instead of a fast try eating less frequently in moderate portions, the heavier you are the more weight you lose by cutting back on calories. then try fasting after youve had some success with dieting

>> No.13359245

there was a guy around your size who fasted for 383 days straight and lost a tonne of weight without health issues (he took a vitamin too). What I Learned on youtube has some good videos on fasting

>> No.13359250

holy shit. you cant look that bad even at 93kg. the worst thing you can do is be too hard on yourself and end up gaining weight past your starting weight.

>I was told I needed to bulk or no muscle by my gym junkie brother and things spiraled.
yeah don't listen to that shit. especially if you lack the discipline to bulk cleanly.

you dropped to 85kg very gradually, i can see why youd lose focus after a year. maybe you should try going balls to the walls and dropping to under your goal weight in the span of a couple of months. You'll inevitably lose some muscle but you can regain it by bulking slowly and cleanly.

as for how to lose the weight, just eat what your brother would eat while on a cut. chicken, veges, whole grains, etc. you can easily restrict your calorific intake to 1000-1500 a day while still eating three meals. dont allow yourself any cheat meals.

>> No.13359255

Congrats on breaking the plateau! What's your goal?

Looking fine, congrats. Eat on deficit, you'll lose more.

Unless you have come condishun that causes your BMR to fall, it's pretty accurate. There are slight differences from person to person, but they are like 200-300 calories max. If you for some reason belive your metabolism is slower than the estimate you can go through metabolic testing to make sure. Or you can just eat on 600-700 calorie deficit instead of a recommended 500 calorie one.

Your BMR depends on your height and weight, and it's not getting fucked in any way unless you are losing or gaining weight.
If your muscles are causing your legs to look bulky it's obvious the answer is to lose muscle. I think the exercises you are doing are fine, but try eating at a deficit. 500 calorie deficit is usually recommended, that is if your TDEE is 2500 you eat at around 2000 calories a day.

>> No.13359259

>amerilard parents forcing me to eat.
how fat are they? and can you prepare your own meals separately to theirs? fasting is extreme, and if youre surrounded by enablers then it will be especially punishing. but you have to go on some kind of diet immediately.
>I need to know if I should just give up now and binge
do NOT do this. you deserve to look great and live a long and fruitful life.

>> No.13359276

eat less, run and swim and youll lose it quick

>> No.13359277

I usually eat all my daily calories as my breakfast. It works especially good for me since I tend to wake up at fucked-up hours (like 3:00 or 17:00).
I eat whatever, only make sure to drink plenty of water before my meal.

Whoa, nice. However, it's still impossible to drop a kilogram or so in one day, you'd need a deficit of 9000 calories.

Step on the damn scale every fucking day. You need to keep yourself accountable to how much you are eating.
It seems that after getting below your goal weight you let yourself go. That's not how you do it. You continue counting calories after reaching your goal weight, only now you count them to maintenance. It never stops, like brushing your teeth or wiping your ass.

Eat what you want, just stay under your TDEE. Although chocolate is high in calories, might want to eat an apple instead.

>> No.13359309
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America is two thirds fat, and even more than that if you want to use a non-medical definition (count chubby normal weight people as fat). I can imagine all these lard-asses feel envious when they see a thinspo person. They wish they look like that, but since they can't stop stuffing their faces they instead decide to make a thin person as fat and disgusting as they are. Makes me want to barf. Vile.

>> No.13359310

I think maybe 6’5 since people tell me I’m not 6’4 but a tad taller.

>> No.13359317

Shit accidentally sent without finishing .

Well people always tell me my body is fine or I’m in shape or I look good but I think I have body image issues because I feel fat and such and don’t feel good looking.

At that point where I was closer to my goal weight I was still at my uni(before I left ) and was doing IF pretty well but I was eating very little but i didn’t mind.

Any recommendations on meals or any recipes? I hear the typical chicken and veg etc but I’m not sure what to make

Thanks for the advice though

>> No.13359340

What is the image referring to?

>> No.13359347

i have no idea about recipes. i like to keep it simply by just baking a piece of chicken breast and boiling veges to go with it for dinner. plus a tiny portion of brown rice if i can be bothered. breakfast and lunch can be boiled eggs, tuna, full grain bread, or leftovers from the night before, that sort of thing.

aside from being easier to cook, its just way more efficient to eat your food with minimal seasoning or whatever. the calorific content of chicken and veg is ridiculously low -- even if it tastes a bit bland on its own, its a very efficient way of dieting. plus its easier to track your calories when your meals basically just consist of whole foods thrown together. it even starts to taste good after your palate adjusts to it (which is why i hate cheat meals, they ruin my discipline).

>> No.13359369

i'm same height and 74kg. You really won't be that skinny at 79

>> No.13359480

My dad is pushing 399 and I can prepare my meals sometimes but they usually want me to eat whatever they make out of muh traditions. The only reason I’m considering the fast now is because they’re going on vacation for about 2 1/2 weeks and I’ll finally be alone to choose my own meals, then when they come back I’ll put my foot down about eating healthier.
Thanks for that last bit, I know it’s true but it always helps to hear someone else say it since I hear the opposite daily.

>> No.13359506

im sorry youve been saddled with such a shitty situation.
>I hear the opposite daily.
whos putting you down?

>> No.13359512

My dad, a few friends IRL and a few online ones. They aren’t doing it just to be insulting but more of a “meh just give up, what’s wrong with being fat” since none of them are thin either, except one who binges too.

>> No.13359521

can someone explain to me how this is possible? i was under the impression that you can go 3 weeks max without food
is drinking water and taking supplements rly enough to keep you alive?

>> No.13359530

i can relate, my family has shitty eating habits and an unhealthy relationship with alcohol. i had to work pretty hard to lose weight while fighting off their attempts to enable my drinking and bingeing. dont let them drag you down, but dont resent them either, you need to take the high ground here. prove them wrong and then become an inspiration for them to change their unhealthy habits.

>> No.13359533

He was being sarcastic, I imagine I asked a dumb question that’s asked here often

>> No.13359534

a slice of wholemeal toast with marmite, and black coffee

>> No.13359545

a-any pics?

>> No.13359546

why is there only ever female thinspo pics in these threads, and barely ever any male thinspo? are these threads really majority female posters?

>> No.13359551

if he was being sarcastic it wasn't obvious

>> No.13359552
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as a straight dude, female thinspo works just fine for me

>> No.13359553

Those threads are for fat asses, so of course is full of porn addicts, like how skin care general is just acne general.

>> No.13359554
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Fashion in china is cool

>> No.13359555

i'm a male that posts pictures of thin girls.
It's gay af to post pics of other dudes for inspo

>> No.13359573

if the purpose of thinspo is to inspire you to get or stay thin then i don't know how you can get that inspiration looking at someone skinny who you can't imagine looking like, if that makes sense

>> No.13359578

A girl posting her progress, I lost the pic she posted but she went from a lardass to a fit girl, not looking underweight at all.

>> No.13359579

Because is not thinspo, is thinsporn.

>> No.13359582
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its about imagining yourself with thinspo girls

>> No.13359584

project harder, ESLshitter

>> No.13359585
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got it. consider me converted

>> No.13359589

Fuck up american scum, disgusting kike puppet.

>> No.13359593

So is it safe to assume that this general has a large amount of lurking traps trying to get attractive before going out attention whoring elsewhere?

>> No.13359597
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I'm female but I motivate myself through pics of thin Asian guys. I don't post them, however, since I imagine this tread is majority guys who would rather look at attractive women.

>> No.13359609

i dont mind looking at gaypops

>> No.13359623

I'm already thin, so I don't need any inspiration. I just post pics of the girls because they look nice. I don't really care about other thin men

>> No.13359648

any specific fruits?

>> No.13359651


>> No.13359653

cool. thanks.
i was considering an orange for its vitamin c, but grapes definitely seem good as well

>> No.13359671

tell me, should I eat the potato chips I bought or not? if yes or no, why? they are about 650 calories the whole package

>> No.13359693

lol enjoy urself

>> No.13359706

Strawberries are better, have less net carbs

>> No.13359709

No, eat something healthy

>> No.13359711

i'm sorry for being annoying, but how many strawberries would you recommend? grapes I can get a bunch of, but strawberries are harder to estimate an amount of imo

>> No.13359715

They are only good when summer hit, grapes are good all year.

>> No.13359717

We're almost in summer...
And berries in overall are better than grapes

>> No.13359720

Grapes are berries, and you can't make wine with other berries.

>> No.13359723

1 cup has like 6 net carbs, you can eat a bit amount and still be ok

>> No.13359727

I don't know if they are classified as berries but they have more sugar than other berries and less fiber

>> No.13359729

That's why they are good.

>> No.13359796

And less nutritious and don't taste better than other berries

>> No.13359828

actually work out

need to at least build a little bit of muscle in the ab region

>> No.13359867

He wasn't being sarcastic. This was done successfully under the supervision of a doctor.

>> No.13359887
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Then I don't mind posting them.
>tfw can't jump higher then my ankles

I eat potato chips often but I buy small bags that are like 130 calories. They taste really good, I think I might have not enough salt in my diet.

>> No.13359920

don't, it's empty calories, you'll eat the entire thing and have nothing to show for it/still be hungry, just have some self control and have a few, like 100cal worth maybe

>> No.13359925

that's pretty incredible not gonna lie

>> No.13359945

came home from college for the long weekend and totally fucked up my eating bc encouragement to eat from parents (mum yelled at me for killing myself, you know). feeling horrible

>> No.13359948

Are they fat.

>> No.13359949

Nope, people who undergo surgery to their digestive systems sometimes have to fast for a month, if you’re supervised and normal weight it’s fine. You need to watch out for malnutrition, but that can be managed. Body fat provides energy

>> No.13359954

Bowie lived for a year consuming only milk and cocaine.

>> No.13359955

Oh and I forgot to answer you but yes. Your body wouldn't really be without "food", it will be consuming the fat it stored up. The additional supplements are to cover any nutrient deficiencies since you won't be getting those from the fat.

>> No.13360013

no they're both doctors actually but are very biased when it comes to my health. they always think its worse than it is.

honestly I don't even know if this is worth it anymore. I don't even really care about looking thin above all else, now its just because I can't physically bear feeling full. don't go full ana mode kids

>> No.13360101

Does anyone also loves the hungry feeling when fasting? It's supposed to make you want to eat but it just makes me happier that I'm getting thinner.

>> No.13360118
File: 39 KB, 702x557, guantanamo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you´ll always be too poor for a serious coke habit
maybe i´ll start doing speed again...

>> No.13360120

thinspo gf motivation duh :^)

there's male pics too but you just havent come across them

>> No.13360122

Yeah it's just a huge source of validation, like a kinda tactile sense of achievement. It just feels really nice.

>> No.13360210

If the sex doesn’t feel like smashing two bikes together she’s not skinny enough

>> No.13360260

She's probably just as shallow and plastic as her face. Also those thighs are not thinspo enough.

>> No.13360268

Most incels here are as shallow or probably even worse, i bet 90% of the people here are addicted to porn, no girl thinspo is a good thinspo.

>> No.13360315
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AAAAAAAAAAAAH Carbs are so fucking addicting I can't stop eating breaaaad

>> No.13360337
File: 312 KB, 1280x852, 3545674443233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been weighing myself consistently and the scale is dropping down and people have been commenting on how skinny i've been looking lately but i don't feel like i lost anything why the fuck am i like this bros

>> No.13360348

is there any thinspo for girls with broader hips (not petite asian popstars) ?
i have difficulties finding tshirts which dont make my shoulders look too wide.

>> No.13360349

>Tfw no fake plastic thinspo gf

Why yourself less frequently, you're not going to notice anything if you're watching paint dry but if you force yourself not to watch you'll see it when you do look back less often.

>> No.13360415

Eat dude, pls I want u to be healthy c:

>> No.13360439
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>> No.13360445

chill, there´s still about 3 months of warm weather left

>> No.13360447
File: 110 KB, 621x960, photo_2018-05-09_00-57-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really glad to feel hunger in my stomach before going to sleep. It means that I will lose some fat today. And I never liked the feeling of full stomach anyway, it's uncomfortable, makes me feel heavy.

I wouldn't do drugs specifically for losing weight. It's easy to gain all your weight back once you stop.

I eat buckwheat bread without guilt, it's so tasty. I just make sure to count it into my meal.

>> No.13360450

you don't look fat in the slightest.

>> No.13360466

Too much denim.

>> No.13360475
File: 114 KB, 960x639, photo_2018-05-09_01-08-32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The concept of their new concept photos, I guess.

>> No.13360476

>teaser photos

>> No.13360522

What the fuck, I apologize but I assumed sarcasm cause that’s incredible! Thanks for clearing it up anon

>> No.13360547
File: 30 KB, 500x622, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh i wasn´t talking about drugs because you loose weight but because u have a lot of fun and loose weight as a side effect

>> No.13360566
File: 92 KB, 540x779, tumblr_p0fvdsQP961wg4x0yo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost four kilograms since the start of March (I'm now 57 kg and 165 cm, female) and today my grandmother asked if I lost weight. Damn, it feels good even though I'm certain it's not really noticeable, grandmothers just always think you got thinner after they haven't seen you for some time.

>> No.13360595

Realistically, what bmi is ideal to look good in normie office clothes (for a woman)? I’m at 22.8 right now, which is clearly too high, but I feel like if I dropped to 16 or something my coworkers might give me the side eye. 19? 20?

>> No.13360599


>> No.13360630

That might work, thanks. 33 lbs left...

>> No.13360638

>tfw 16.4 BMI and still not satisfied with my body
I think I just have shitty genetics.. well, life sucks anyway.

>> No.13360651

This desu

>> No.13360652

>Step on the damn scale every fucking day. You need to keep yourself accountable to how much you are eating.
Cool, but I don't have one here (my dorm) and I am not going to buy one since I going home in a couple of days.

>> No.13360661

>only make sure to drink plenty of water before my meal
Does that changes anything?

>> No.13360733

>And I never liked the feeling of full stomach anyway, it's uncomfortable, makes me feel heavy.
i feel that way too. if my stomach didnt rumble during the day, id probably skip breakfast and lunch just because it feels good to be light.

>> No.13360769

>sour grapes: the post
What plastic surgery has she had? I'd love to hear it, since you're an expert.
Her thighs are fine, she manages too look good at skinny weight unless most of the people that post here

>> No.13360862

Probably the usual eyes, nose, maybe a bit of jaw shaving.

The easiest giveaway for surgery is watching their skin movement during facial expression. It tends to look uncanny because the skin is not in its natural spectrum of stretching and gliding anymore. This is why all those plastic ladies have such emotionless faces.

>> No.13360882

today i ate:
>one rice cake with one slice of ham
>a handful of nuts and dried fruits
>one can of tuna with mayonnaise and half tomato
also, bunch of water and green tea + 1 hour of exercise

last week i lost 6,6lbs, and 22lbs total in one month, still there's more to go. i'm 198lbs, 6ft


>> No.13361078

It makes you fuller so less likely to overeat.

>> No.13361219

yes, but that girl specifically, has not had surgery. Her eyes and nose are the same as when she was in high school.

>> No.13361244
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anyone here smoke? how does it affect appetite

>> No.13361250

For most, it alleviates it and removes it entirely. It helps if you enjoy the process of smoking as far as lighting up, puffing etc. smokers survive on cigarettes, coffee and apples, I believe this is what Christian bale did for The Machinist.

>> No.13361260

This is what I aspire

>> No.13361266

Yeah 19 would work. Maybe even 20 depending on your build I guess.

>> No.13361395

how do you eat so little at lunch? i can eat one piece of toast for breakfast and usually am ok with skipping dinner but im always so hungry around midday, to the point where it's all i think about and i cant concentrate on any work. i'm guessing it's because lunch is usually during when i'm at college and i can skip dinner because i'm at home on my computer but still, i hate that i get so ravenous around 1pm, doesn't help that the only food near my college is fast food places as well

>> No.13361398

that thigh gap says otherwise

>> No.13361585

I confuse being thirsty with being hungry. After drinking 0.5 litre of water I can concentrate on my hunger alone.
And well, I just wake up thirsty every morning so I want to drink loads regardless. Plus, water fills the stomach, makes me feel full so the feeling of satiety comes faster. I also drink right after eating to “wash it down” so to speak, but it's usually not water but herbal tea.

Yeah, part of the reason why I eat once a day is to feel light most of the time. I have a nice big meal, feel satisfied and several hours later my stomach is empty.