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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.94 MB, 5184x3456, IMG_2655-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13353874 No.13353874 [Reply] [Original]

Are we effay?

>> No.13353878

Is this satire?

>> No.13353881

...no, why?

>> No.13353882

all 4 of these guys look like their name is maurice

>> No.13353883

I've irl met someone from this lot. Guess who?

>> No.13353890

Only far right. The rest are too ugly to ever be fashionable self should either end it or invest in plastic surgery instead.

>> No.13353892

Michael Jackson on the right is

>> No.13353928
File: 247 KB, 742x915, PHIX-Y3-FW-85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1. Fat. Haircut from North Korea. Pant cuffs covering the top of the Qasas. Cargo pockets full of spaghetti. Horizontal plaid fanny pack makes the widest part of your silhouette appear wider.

2. Fat. Black and white accessories that don't match. Skeleton gloves are serious cringe. Shorts completely negate the utilitarian purpose of heavy layered upper body and raincoat.

3. Good facial structure and interesting jacket, I'll give you that. Downs syndrome bowl cut. Floral print dress thing.. Seriously WTF?? The hard cut lines and heavy industrial / geometric shapes on the coat completely clash with the natural light and organic flowing floral print skirt. Tuck the shirt in or use a more muted color. Overall the outfit is too complicated, every piece is fighting for attention. Pick one piece as the focal point and keep everything else subtle to support it.

4. Almost a decent fit ruined by the over bright childish anime shirt. Keep those pockets zipped shut at all times.

>> No.13353974

Effay? Yes.
Fashionable? No.

>> No.13354148

Lmfao... jealous much? Did we really shame you that hard? There is more money in that one picture than you earn in a year.. Also get some creativity. Not everything has to be black simplistic cotton and leather from head to toe. God forbid there is some visual interest..

>> No.13354171

Im not the guy you replied too but he's right, every outfit is way too loud. Money ≠ style and you guys proved it, especially the two in the middle who looks like their clothes are wearing them.

I could be deeper in my critics but it seems like you dont want to accept them and juste came here for the compliments, which you won't get even if you're insisting on the rarity of your pieces

>> No.13354174

If this is visually interesting to you, you shouldn't be into fashion at all. These outfits are ridiculous and they don't look good in any way. Especially the two on the left lmao.

>> No.13354206
File: 1.19 MB, 1281x607, techwearwillageyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

techwear will take 10 years off your life. not even once

>> No.13354218

Shit, one of them already died?

>> No.13354219

Says who, you? Lets see your try.
Again,hearing opinions with no backup. Pointless really.

>> No.13354231

Well if you want backup, the two left guys are too fat and they don't have the right posture for these garments. First guy his legs are almost protruding from those cargos and his knock-knee stance is embarassing. Acne ridden face makes him look like a kiddo playing dress-up. Guy next to him literally looks like he's going to airsoft practice. Drop crotch looks ridiculous with that elongated t-shirt and cuffs and the shoes are way too slim for his silhouette. 2 guys on the right are okay.

>> No.13354235

>the guy with the rose pants is ok
lmao he looks like he has FAS and his fit is the worst of them all

>> No.13354358

>Says who, you? Lets see your try.

See you can't take criticism I could've been mean but I wasn't yet you act agressive and shit. Gain some confidence then come and post again, I can feel you lack it both in your fitpic and your posts

>> No.13354378

It’s got to be some guy larping with some r/techwear meetup photo, right?

>> No.13354422

Still haven't backed your opinions up.
Whatever, keep on hating.

>> No.13354471

Lol this is the techwear version of the Melbourne meetup

>> No.13354510

this is way worse than the melbourne meetup, those guys at least wore mostly cheapo basic bitch fits that at least wouldn't get them laughed at in the street, OP's pic is a prime example of why you should only buy designer shit after you're confident you can pull it off

>> No.13355128

I'm not hating lmao not once I've insulted or made fun of you, I'm sure what I'm saying is getting under your skin but try to look at it like this : I do not know you and do not give a fuck about you therefore my critics are not those of a hater or anything, but those of someone with a neutral point of view.

If ater this you keep your mindset, I'm sorry but you're in denial

>> No.13355264
File: 42 KB, 547x433, 1512473858605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is /pol/ never wrong?

>> No.13355311
File: 535 KB, 477x569, patrician.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13355326

burn victim lookin ass

>> No.13355443

why is the bald guy's beard a poo color and his hair is gray?

>> No.13355448

fat people are rarely effay

>> No.13355816


>> No.13356017

black guy looks p. cool

ultra cringe.

I will never understand techwear. They pay hundreds $$$ to look like fat old guys wearing shitty teen wear. That 40 year old fat mexican guy and the balding dweeb are so bad

>> No.13356024

good critique, solid effort

>> No.13356031

blag guy's alright if he didnt have straight hair, everyone else no

>> No.13356048
File: 209 KB, 1000x1000, snap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

upon realization that this isnt bait I think I should give genuine critique (left to right)
1.fat, the taper on his cargos are very strong, looks like el goblino
2. fat, whole fit makes no sense he has this super thick jacket on with gloves a bandana and some weird burka thing on, yet the bottom is cuffed super high which makes his legs look way shorter than he probably is, also skull gloves is little league football tier
3. desu I dont like his face but the fit is like 4/10, I think he should've worn a less drawing top that's constructed well and let the pants steal the show, and chunkier shoes would balance it the bottom out, but it's ok I would only laugh to myself not with my friends
4. dont like his hair, close the zippers, I like the way he added color with the shirt and I like the way he combos his pants with his shoes it's a clean fit, he could've done more so i give 8/10

all of this is my opinion but you came for critique so you cant get upset, idk what you mean by backup as most art is subjective but if you want to look good to a majority and not yourself then you cant get mad at the majority when it tells you it's opionions

>> No.13356053

that's just benedict cumberbatch?