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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 36 KB, 454x800, 1525176917126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13345118 No.13345118 [Reply] [Original]

Spring is here, summer is coming. Need inspo for clothing that looks good on athletic/muscular bodies. In particular looking for brands that carry good fitting shirts but anything is welcome and appreciated.

>> No.13345125
File: 33 KB, 500x500, how-to-dress-as-a-musuclar-guy-shorts-shirts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13345143

Seriously though, the nice thing about being /fit/ is looking good in basically anything.

>> No.13346188

Is that shirt tailored? I have an upside-down triangle torso and no way off the rack fits like that.

>> No.13346821

Wasp-core lol.

>> No.13346830

he looks like he's going to break in half; too top heavy

>> No.13346853


>> No.13347253

Wear 5-7 inch tapered shorts and tees/polos where the sleeves end at the upper bicep, nothing too fitted or too baggy, snug in the chest and slightly loose around the core. You'll mog every /fa/ggot in sight.

>> No.13347268

I’ve realized the only good clothing for someone whose strong as fuark is one size up for shirts.

You literally don’t need form fitting clothes if your arms are huge, vascular, and juicy. The way big arms come out of a slightly larger shirt just screams power. The way the shirt drapes over gigantic traps and upper back muscles looks like a cape made for the likes of a king.

I wish I had a pic that could illustrate what I’m talking about. It’s like when you try and hide your power level but it is in fact so high that you just can’t.

>> No.13347362

Lol did he Photoshop his dick

>> No.13347377

good fitting != skin tight. guy in this pic looks fucking stupid

>> No.13348559

He doesn't look good in that. You can guess he has a very nice body. But it looks like shit.

>> No.13348651

he looks fucking awful lmao

/fit/posters are honestly braindead, looking good isnt the same as attracting thirsty slags

>> No.13348706

Fred Perry

>> No.13348743

The cope is awesome

>> No.13348885
File: 230 KB, 829x1400, 5d9ddcb22b5c12d37eee8d975fb4a590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess this looks bad as well according to /fa/

>> No.13348917

Yeah it does. Don't be blinded by your latent homosexuality

>> No.13349151

No but it's not /fa/

>> No.13349372

he has a very nice body. he is not dressed well.

is this so hard to grasp?

>> No.13349660

you don't understand fashion
looking nice, especially looking nice because of genetics, is not fashion.
it is simply looking good and being attractive

it is not fashion
therefore it looks bad from an effay perspective

>> No.13349672

Pants are too long, shirt is a bit too big. It's not that it looks bad, it's that it can look better.

>> No.13349675

He looks good, but he could improve significantly by changing sizes.

>> No.13349882

why does no one use fat indian manlets as an example for fashionable men then? looking nice because of genetics is not fashion, right?

>> No.13349912

Find me an ugly indian man wearing something effay
if you're fat and short, it implies you have poor ability to self-analyze and therefore implies you're bad at making fits and being effay

don't be fat

>> No.13350126
File: 109 KB, 540x756, Jason-Momoa-at-the-airport-in-Adelaide-Australia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about the short part? youre obviously admit that bodyshape and genetics is one of the most important things of one's fit.

>> No.13350620

The fucking "biceps hugging sleeves" meme. Looks especially stupid on an oblivious fatass.

>> No.13350791

>guy in this pic looks fucking stupid
No, he obviously doesn't.
I think you're jealous and bitter.

>> No.13350889

Can't be effay when you look like an absolute prick

>> No.13350958

its the overall picture that counts, not the individual clothes. those clothes fit him nicely. it would look shit on other people though
op's pic is objectively shit

>> No.13350961

That guy is the male equivalent of some bimbo with fake tits and dick sucking lips or someone who is anorexic. It's just screams that majority of his identity comes from lifting and his appearance.
it's sexually attractive for some and off putting at the same time. not hard to grasp

and it's objectively shit fit. when youre that big you dont need to wear latex tight shirts to show it off, you will look big in any clothes. it just makes you look like a retard

>> No.13350992

From a fashion point of view he looks like shit

>> No.13351002

ID on shirt? shoes?

>> No.13351007

Is tucking in your polo shirt acceptable or not? It makes my V-taper stand out more

>> No.13351234

I agree with what you say.

>> No.13351248

it makes you look like a dork with shorts, and with pants you look like an employee
there's no winning :(

>> No.13351250
File: 703 KB, 1280x853, wolfie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if it looks like this (whith khakis or dress pants)?

>> No.13351254

that's what i meant with the "employee" thing
i still do it because it looks better, but the look has some bad associations

>> No.13351585

it's almost as if some of you ugly weak faggots are just jealous.

>"no no no it's just not fashion!
>mom you bitch buy me things or I won't take my meds

Fit people looking good in anything is a meme, I agree. Fit looks good naked, skinny looks good in clothes, so arguably skinny is more /fa/ or whatever.

You don't need to wear skin tight everything if you've got an aesthetic body as a dude, but it's the same idea as dressing slutcore for women. It's not about fashion or being unique, it's about sex appeal to the opposite sex and peacocking to the same sex.

If you're not a DYEL faggot then you'd understand this.

It's a simple rule, if I go somewhere looking to get attention/sex or going to smash, I'll wear form fitting shit that gets girls wet. If I'm going somewhere that I want to look good and not like a woman's sex fantasy, I'll dress accordingly.

It's function matches form is all I'm saying, and what looks good depends on the scenario. Fitted suits look great, but you can't wear one to the gym/every day.

tldr; think before you sperg

>> No.13352499

There's this guy I see near my work from time to time.
He wears tight shirts but he's so fucking fat.

>> No.13352513

didnt read lol

>> No.13352545

what the fuck is this ramble, kys

>> No.13352734

Yep, jealous and bitter.