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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 910 KB, 3024x4032, gkeo1dc8puu01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13344801 No.13344801 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13344811

absolutely not. There are certain styles that mesh well with certain faces- the person in OP's pic should just embrace being a dork. There is absolutely nothing he can do to look good other than just accepting he was born with a nerds face

>> No.13344812

ugly people need to be more effay than attractive people. if you're just ugly fuck wearing a dirty t and chinos, you won't get shit. but if you're an ugly fuck with exotic clothes, you might sucker some whore into think you're either interesting or rich and get a little n00kie

>> No.13344815

ugly old kissless virgin here. no

>> No.13344826

sup ugly dude in the photo here, how do I get more photogenic? Every chick I've hooked up with said I look better in real life than my photos

>> No.13344834
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slightly better picture from the same little trip in case no one believes me

>> No.13344840

Don't really know what to say for you to improve your looks or be more photogenic, I just think that to pull off those clothes you need to be very good looking, which you aren't. I'm better looking than you and I couldn't pull it off
You need to dress in way that compliments your face

>> No.13344842

Eat well
Hit gym
Skin routine
Good haircut

Unless you have a defect you'll look decent.

>> No.13344843

Any suggestions on alternative styles to check out?
also w2c jawline and facial surgery

>> No.13344847

wear contacts instead of glasses

get new set of teeth

you'll be hooking up with more chicks than ever before

>> No.13344850

I'm sorry, I have no suggestions
You don't need surgery lmao, though if you have the cash, sorting out your teeth would do wonders

>> No.13344852

>dress edgy
Kind of shooting yourself in the foot.

>> No.13344853

You probably don't look your best looking straight at a camera. Try different angles. Second photo looks pretty good though. Smile looks a bit forced in the first photo, the deadpan look is a lot better
Clothes look fine man, you suit it

>> No.13344881

Give up cigarettes, coffee and tea. That would not straighten your teeth but you can take more care of them as they are for not much money, right?

You look like an 80s comedy nerd, I don't say this to be insulting but just to address it.
If you dress more like you're going to your IT job you will look less incongruous.

If you want to maintain this biker/rocker sort of thing you need to lift weights and learn to look like a hard man.

>> No.13344884

do you have any pictures of you without glasses on?

>> No.13344895
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Your glasses are too big and square for your face. They make your nose look even bigger, like u r wearing one of those fake nose + glasses and mustache

>> No.13344897


>> No.13344913

if youre ugly in a way thats interesting and not just ugly sure. also pretty small of you OP to find this guys pic and repost it lmao

>> No.13344946
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You look like Lionel Messi. Try to build a little muscle and maybe mimic some of his stuff

>> No.13344961

Sangiev is an ugly ass motherfucker and he's still popular as a fashion figure. So yeah why not

>> No.13345024

this guy needs to spend his money first on orthodontics and then on clothes

>> No.13345035
File: 95 KB, 1080x1080, 29416786_2074641076152794_8399150143256920064_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you shouldn't. Pic very related

>> No.13345040

i would just burn that entire outfit, its not doing anything for you. you look like a middle aged IT guy going through a mid-life crisis and trying to be a rockstar all of the sudden.

>> No.13345063
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The fewest can pull of the ysl look, poor soul if everything is genuine.

>> No.13345075
File: 492 KB, 1080x1678, liT3vE3JNEZL6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also he looks like the older version of bran stark, maybe he got his inspo of him.

>> No.13345077

I refuse to believe this shit. This photo was posted on reddits men's fashion board. You have the whole look of someone who doesn't ever enter 4chan.

>> No.13345091

Take the buzzpill or grow your hair out. I can't stand that haircut. Save up for eye surgery or get some contact lenses. Those are the worst glasses for your face. Literally no dude looks good forcing a smile, don't do that shit. Whole outfit is too forced. There are other stylish trends that won't make you look like such a tryhard. Ditch skinny jeans, generally speaking. I like skinny people, being myself skinny, but you can probably benefit from gaining some muscle.

>> No.13345109

me and my friends would have bullied the shit out of anyone who looked like that back in school. how is no one beating him up?

>> No.13345161

Take off the leather jacket, oversized shoes and oversized glasses and put on a pair of jeans.
You got yourself a nice bit of sleazecore under that abomination.

>> No.13345226
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His fit is so on point. If he didn't smile and switched his nerd glasses for sunglasses he could legit be on one of Hedi's shows. His models are usually ugly desu

>> No.13345230
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>> No.13345232

Those teeth man, they will haunt you in your dreams.

>> No.13345270

Whatever you do to him won't be as bad as being molested by TV executives that turned him gay.

>> No.13345276

also, tbqh, Black is not a good colour for your skin tone. earth tones would suit you better, and get some smaller more round shaped glasses, silver colour or gold

>> No.13345301

What color is good for OPs skin tone?

>> No.13345307

It's primarily teeth, consider braces or surgery and you'll go up like 2 points. Good luck on your journey anon.

>> No.13345314

it's your yellow fucked teeth

>> No.13345328

You look attractive, the untucked shirt is bothering me a bit, but yeah the glasses aren't meshing well.

>> No.13345350

This is trash tho
White tee under shirts are disgusting

>> No.13345352

beige, brown, blue, tan, even just a charcoal grey or anything but pitch black
the pitch black just makes your face look like its drowning in a void

the best fit in the world will not work if it's black, at least don't wear all black.

>> No.13345365

nah almost had me but a guy that ugly doesn't hook up with any girls

>> No.13345409

Your body language betrays the connotations in the leather jacket. It's a nice looking leather jacket and shirt, you might have a good eye but you just look like a poser desu

>> No.13345629

And here is my reddit profile if anybody wants to see my other fits

>> No.13345638

>It's a nice looking leather jacket
It looks like cheap shit, you fucking idiot. It's not even leather and it fits like garbage.

I can't believe I discuss fashion with people like you on this board.

>> No.13345671

Damn that outfit looks expensive I HATE rich people.

>> No.13345720

silhouette is miles ahead of op's fit. broad shoulders, straight legs (feet aren't joined together like a little gayboi), pants aren't cheap mondays bunched up in the bottom, shirt tucked in.

the look of someone who has lived and earned the clothes.

if you don't see the enormous difference in attitude between this guy and op you don't get slp.

>> No.13345734

why are you upset at someone wasting lots of cash on looking like a homo

nvm I sort of get it

>> No.13345739

You should post other model. Some slp models are legit chinlet, Hedi use them because of the skinny long legs.
But that guy has a chad jawline.

>> No.13345742

I honestly like your fit OP but it looks like it is wearing you. First of all your legs look too short but that isn't a complete deal breaker. Your main problem is that you don't know how to pose and just end up looking awkward. I'm pretty sure if you take the same picture of you in some underground pub playing a guitar you would look awesome.

>> No.13345744

Those clothes look off, I think that they are fake/cheap alternatives.
Regardless, he should spend his money fixing the teeth, not buy expensive clothes with that smile...

>> No.13345753

you've got a big schnoz and a wonky eye, not much can done about that

bulk a lil, wear smaller glasses and fix those teeth in the meantime

>> No.13345754

>the look of someone who has lived and earned the clothes
>runaway model

I don't say this much but I actually think you need to end it.

>> No.13345802
File: 1.05 MB, 4032x2268, 20170429_192243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I didn't post that but yup that's me

Here's a photo from last year when I tried the buzz meme. Looks like shit because I wanted to grow it out and it was in that awkward phase in this photo

>> No.13345848

>Every chick I've hooked up with
ive seen your fits around waywt and theyre all decent slp core despite your height but why do you always bring up this kind of thing? lmao probably the second or third time ive read you slip it in

>> No.13345868

>the look
a model's job is to project an image you dumb illiterate mongrel

>> No.13345873

things that can be fix instead of buying expensive slp pieces? teeth.

>> No.13345875

The jacket costs $60. The whole outfit is probably less than $200.

>> No.13345885

your fundamental problems are the nose and teeth. It looks also like you have mandibular recession on the first pic but not on the one with better lighting.

>> No.13345893


>> No.13345904

look, buddy, all due respect, you don't have it. glasses or teeth or clothes isn't gonna change that.
I don't know what you're trying to achieve with fashion but it's clearly not self-expression. it looks disingenuous. it doesn't come from a good place inside you. I think the greatest gift you could give yourself is to work on knowing yourself and bettering yourself on the inside, instead of wearing a costume.

>> No.13345907

That smile is pretty not great, dude. I wouldn't call you ugly though. You've got a distinguished face. If you were to start lifting and put on some weight you'd look good.

>> No.13345934

stop trying to dress hedi style
it won't work with you

>> No.13345949

>fix your posture it's horrible
>fix your teeth
>be real with youself when posting a photo, there are good photos and bad photos of everyone
>you are one of those few people that have the rare undertone which doesn't work with well with all black
>everything about your clothes look like low quality
>i got no idea but you have to decide if you look better with different glasses or with out them
> if you don't have a tummy tuck the shirt in and get it tailored
>your body is not the issue but your body language is
>don't lose your confidence because of this thread, women love confident guys

>> No.13345952

You can start with BRUSHING YOUR TEETH and not dressing like Russell Brand

>> No.13346214


>> No.13346451

All these people are retarded and need to fuck off, even if you're ugly if you dress well people still admire that shit. I don't get complimented on my smile a bunch but I know there's a bunch of people that think I'm rather stylish, whatever that means.

>> No.13346623


>> No.13346646

If your an onions boy don't bother wearing a denim or leather jacket

>> No.13346687

I am. See >>13345629

>> No.13346737

keep your mouth closed in the picsm thats all

you honestly look really good in the second pic its really only your teeth that are bad, shave the stubble though

>> No.13347134

i would say the glasses dont suit your face

>> No.13347144

Best post I’ve seen on /fa/ in all year

>> No.13347149

wow this is actually fucking spot on, a lot of people could take this in

>> No.13347164

Honestly, you are indeed not a handsome guy, but i dont think its that bad.
To improve a little i would fix the teeth, correct the body language (you pose like a little bitch) and try another haircut (maybe a bit longer will do better).
Hope my opinion helps you.

>> No.13347190

The people in this thread are fucking paint chip eating retards. If the dude fixed his teeth and wore more flattering glasses he'd pull more than 80% of the posters in this thread

>> No.13347239
File: 7 KB, 250x241, 1432724756686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13347277

>the look of someone who has lived and earned the clothes.
Dude they are just kids picked up on the streets and dressed by stylists.

>> No.13347291

>just dress like shit since you're ugly

>> No.13347602

How did you get your trucker jacket so slim?

>> No.13347947

Not at all what he's saying.

>> No.13348008

Sure. He's an uglier version of messi.
Messi is just a little above average. OP is not even average.

>> No.13348109

you look kinda cute in a way, embrace the dorky look or just go simple jeans and t shirt. you look g my dude. keep working on yourself.

>> No.13348124

ITT: a bunch of fucking 4chan shut-ins who can't tell the difference between a highly unflattering photo and an ugly person.

OP isn't going to be winning any beauty contests any time soon, but he's not particularly ugly. His outfit needs work, his glasses and haircut aren't right for his face, and that's a really dorky fake-ass smile, but all that's fixable. Fix it and he wouldn't stand out as either particularly attractive or ugly.

>> No.13348131

post face

>> No.13348166

You should bulk up and get /fit/, I feel like you are somebody that would look better /fit/ than /fa/. Get smaller glasses or contacts if that is an option. Also remember that the average poster Here is 18-19 and that they love to rip on people. Don't lose that confidence my guy the fact that you post fits gives you more balls than 80% of this board

>> No.13348194

I'm fucking ugly but my body is ok and for fashion that is more important than face
Dressing well has helped me a lot, socially. It's worth it

>> No.13348411

You might be salvageable, my thought process is that most models are pretty unusual looking and not conventionally attractive. Especially for the aesthetic you're trying to pull off.

Basically just stop smiling, fix those ugly af glasses, stay clean shaven and get an interesting haircut, grow it out or something.

>> No.13348414

Aw. I like him. He has character.

>> No.13348448


I would say get your teeth whitened and grow your hair out. Ditch the shirt for a tshirt.

The real problem is that your clothes say rock, but your aura says computer programmer.

>> No.13348481

Women's section

>> No.13348491

When you take too many redpills

>> No.13348685

only if you're gay
otherwise, no
just focus on making money

>> No.13348700


>> No.13348722

its the ears that are the unattractive part. consider growing your hair so it covers or at least distracts from them. i guarantee you would instantly go to about a 7 or 8 if your ears stick out less.

>> No.13349227

Get a fucking haircut and stop dressing like a teenager.

You'd look great if you had smaller glasses (or got contact lenses), a more traditional haircut and some either neutral (jeans or chinos and plain shirts) or kinda preppy/business casual style.

You're not ugly - you've got a big nose and weird teeth, but lots of people have looked attractive with much worse features - but that you look somewhat effeminate, yet aren't pretty enough for it to pass as youthfulness. So those "trendy" clothes just end up looking a bit silly.

>> No.13349333

You're not ugly, even. I mean you're not super handsome either, but your looks shouldn't deter you from putting an effort into how you dress. the issue is, you're going for a very balsy aesthetic, that really can only be pulled off by like the top 10% most attractive people (i.e. SLP models) What you're wearing would look goofy even on dudes that are considerably more attractive. I'd say go for things that are a bit less out there. Experiment with a more casual style, I'm sure you'll find something that suits you in the end. Bottom line, just do you, and if you REALLY like the style that you're doing right now, then fuck it, who am I to tell you otherwise. Fashion is about expression, to me. It's about feeling comfortable and confident in what you're wearing. Expensive clothes are nothing, if you aren't radiating charisma when you're wearing them. You gotta remember, you're on a board where 90% of the people aren't exactly model tier themselves, yet they act like their opinion is the only valid one. best of luck, dude.

>> No.13349360

Everyone on this board is ugly. Prove me wrong (pls include timestamp).

>> No.13349469

my mans mr potato outchea wit dem gold grillz lookin dusty

>> No.13349708


Stop wearing glasses that make your nose look bigger, get a tan, hit the gym to lift weights or do calisthenics to get a better body, thicken your neck, dont wear too skinny clothes that make you look effeminate, get clear skin,

>> No.13350094

this plus i think OP should lift.

>> No.13350360

i feel like most people who get into fashion are ugly and don't understand that expensive clothes on an ugly person is lipstick on a pig

>> No.13350376

What skin tone suits black?

>> No.13350383

Only if you want to. I would say that goes for whether or not you are ugly of if you're beautiful.

I don't have advice but I'll say that you don't look terrible. Wear what you want.

>> No.13350399

>>you are one of those few people that have the rare undertone which doesn't work with well with all black

Nonsense. If he was an attractive Asian with the same skin tone (and there are lots), maybe medium length jet black hair, it would be good fucking outfit.

>> No.13350426


train your fucking neck and lift till ottermode. you will look good.

>> No.13351201
File: 24 KB, 500x373, 06 - Simpsonspedia - The Computer Wore Menace Shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Make it a point to never smile or always close your mouth.

Lose the glasses if you can.

>> No.13351874

>you would instantly go to about a 7 or 8
This level of fucking delusion

>> No.13352004

No, but if your teeth look like his every cent should be put aside for dental work before you spend it on clothes.

>> No.13352010

And by 'no' i mean yes to your question, fashion helps.

>> No.13352014

im a girl. if he lost the glasses, got a better haircut to cover the ears, and didnt smile, he could be a 7/8.

>> No.13352023

Pierre has two horses, Jacques and Paris France, both girls.

He rides Paris France on the brick roads in London, looking for mysterious things. He rides Jacques for pleasure.

>> No.13352032

You are kind of ugly, but you would be uglier with ugly clothes.

>> No.13352241

Have you ever picked up a fucking toothbrush? I’m a lazy brusher but you look like you literally have not brushed your teeth since you were 10.
Go to the dentist and start brushing 4 times a day to make up for lost time

>> No.13352249

honestly mate if you got rid of the glasses youd go up by like .5 points

>> No.13352783

>puts a lot of effort into outfit
>styles hair
>wears jewelry
>can't take 2 minutes to brush his teeth

You can see the fucking plaque

>> No.13352786

imagine going to all this effort to look like an slp model but not bothering to shave, brush your teeth or style your hair in an attractive manner.

>> No.13352810

your teeth look like orville redenbacher popcorn kernels with rancid butter

>> No.13353117

I'm late but, chew gum, build muscle, brush teeth.

>> No.13353255

Just work on your smile, you'll look better man trust

>> No.13353342

try some different glasses
I recommend slim rectangular frames

>> No.13353350

Better dressed than %80 of /fa/

>> No.13353564

>god like jaw

>> No.13353583

spend less on clothes and fix ur teeth
actually shave your face instead of whatever excuse for facial hair that is
fix posture

>> No.13353796
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>> No.13353798
File: 48 KB, 250x250, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your obsession with fashion is something to hide ugly/boring yall are

>> No.13353809

this is the jo of the gods

>> No.13353814

1. Over sized, extravagant leather jacket
2. Jeans are way to tight
3. Horrible shoes
4. Why are you even wearing rings
5. Shirt is OK I guess

Also this guy is right >>13345904

>> No.13353829

you look so faggy holy shit

lift weights man

>> No.13353860

He's insecure about people thinking he doesn't hook up, obviously.

>> No.13353861

im assuming the whores he hires have the no kissing rule in place or even theyd break at having to taste that putrid mouth full of teeth that look like candy corn from 3 halloweens ago