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13338741 No.13338741 [Reply] [Original]

Skincare General.

Post everything related to skin care ITT.

Skin care basics: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Skin-care_Basics
Acne treatment: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Acne_Treatment

Skinacea Links:
Retinoids: http://www.skinacea.com/retinoids/retinoids.html
Sunscreen: http://www.skinacea.com/sunscreen/sunscreen.html
Ridding dark eye circles: http://www.skinacea.com/how-to/get-rid-of-dark-circles.html

General Guide: http://hastebin.com/raw/wojuyazibo
Dark circles: http://pastebin.com/t796eKvr
Soap, pH, irritants, and synthetic detergents: http://pastebin.com/51yse1NE
Popping pimples: http://pastebin.com/MufDiSfy
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation: http://pastebin.com/GXYPdwMf
Skin tone and diet: http://hastebin.com/raw/ehesotajaf
Causes of acne: http://pastebin.com/tudaKWmN

Daily reminder to stay hydrated!

>> No.13338745

I'm uncut. I've finally been able to pull my foreskin down before the head and I find that there's smegma build up but there's kind of a teeth-like pattern. What should I do wash and clean it off?

>> No.13338764

Soap and water... wtf.

>> No.13338770

that's so fucking hot. can we get pics?

>> No.13338799

Everytime I've tried to wash my penis in the shower before I could retract my foreskin all the way, it felt really awkward and my unexposed penis was kind of sensitive. How exactly do I apply soap on the head?

>> No.13338921 [DELETED] 

Stop using that obsolete copypasta, OP
We've had this one with all the pastebins/hastebins in one pastebin since 2015

Skincare General

Skin care basics: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Skin-care_Basics
Acne treatment: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Acne_Treatment

Skinacea Links:
Retinoids: http://www.skinacea.com/retinoids/retinoids.html
Sunscreen: http://www.skinacea.com/sunscreen/sunscreen.html
Ridding dark eye circles: http://www.skinacea.com/how-to/get-rid-of-dark-circles.html

/fa/ skincare FAQ:

- Basic routine, skincare guide, and products tips
- How to pop pimples, remove blackheads and whiteheads
- Why you shouldn't use ordinary soap on your face
- How to improve your skin tone through diet
- Studies on how diary and sugars create acne
- How your skin is affected by sleep, sun, skincare ingredients

>> No.13338929

Stop using that obsolete copypasta, OP
We've had this one with all the pastebins/hastebins in one pastebin since 2016

Skincare General

Skin care basics: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Skin-care_Basics
Acne treatment: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Acne_Treatment

Skinacea Links:
Retinoids: http://www.skinacea.com/retinoids/retinoids.html
Sunscreen: http://www.skinacea.com/sunscreen/sunscreen.html
Ridding dark eye circles: http://www.skinacea.com/how-to/get-rid-of-dark-circles.html

/fa/ skincare FAQ:

- Basic routine, skincare guide, and products tips
- How to pop pimples, remove blackheads and whiteheads
- Why you shouldn't use ordinary soap on your face
- How to improve your skin tone through diet
- Studies on how diary and sugars create acne
- How your skin is affected by sleep, sun, skincare ingredients

>> No.13339158

Speaking of which, do I have to keep washing my penis even after I stopped masturbating?

>> No.13339280

You might have PPP (Pearly Penile Papules).
It's usually not a huge deal if you do, just don't mess with 'em. If you see a doctor, check in with them next time you see them. I know it's weird to ask about but they get that shit all the time.

>> No.13339285

Is it only supposed to be on the penis itself or can it be on the foreskin as well? Because I'm pretty sure that whatever I have is on the foreskin and it looks white.

>> No.13339305

Idiot. Are you 12?

>> No.13339310

No, I'm 20, but I just haven't washed by penis at all until earlier this month because I never retracted the foreskin before then.

>> No.13339314

That's fucking disgusting. Maybe you should have seen a doctor when you were 15 or something if you couldn't do it before.

>> No.13339325

I was never told that I had to pull back my foreskin if I need to wash my privates.

>> No.13339329

Went to shop yesterday and saw a lot of new "micellar" products had popped up from virtually every brand.

Opinions? Is it just a fad?
They were all pretty expensive.

>> No.13339337

I have enlarged pores. can anyone give me a routine for helping to shrink them?

>> No.13339427

>Studies on how diary and sugars create acne
Is butter considered dairy? It has some milk solids in there.
What about clarified butter or ghee?

>> No.13339528

who /rawhoney/ here?

>> No.13339557

are you fucking retarded kunt Jesus Christ

>> No.13339563

Start by just letting the water touch it, after a While it Will get less sensitive and then when you feel brave enough you Can just use soap and your hands

>> No.13339656

What's the best way to get rid of acne scarring?

>> No.13339679

how did you manage to pull it all the way down?

>> No.13339683

I just kept pulling it back gradually until one day it was able to pull back before the head. It's weird because the foreskin kinda cuffs itself like if you cuffing the ends of a sleeve on a shirt or jacket. Is that supposed to happen?

>> No.13339700

Yeah, def sposed to happen

>> No.13339793

Does anyone have experience dealing with s. aureus? Is there any particular routin I should follow and stuff to avoid?

>> No.13339796

You should have had done this when you were 12. Do you masturbate at all?

>> No.13339911
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Is there anyway to fix my skin?

The acne doesnt go away no matter what I do and while this pic doesnt show it well im pretty sure I have Rosacea because my face is a completely different tone from the rest of my skin except for around my eyes

>> No.13340023

There's always a way ¿What are you using right now?

>> No.13340194

>im pretty sure I have Rosacea because my face is a completely different tone from the rest of my skin
I had this problem, my face was always redder than the rest of my skin.
Went away when I started showering cold.

>> No.13340478

no, i'm pure

thanks for the advice

>> No.13340811

How important is it for my daily moisturizer to not have alcohol in it? I'm trying to find a daily body moisturizer that's at least SPF50 and fit for sensitive, very dry skin. I have no idea where to look and desperately want to prevent my skin from turning into Arizona leather. I'm pretty high test, and I work outside, so my skin has been degrading considerably with each passing summer.

>> No.13341116

Don't worry about finding a body moisturizer that includes spf. Imo, your best bet is to use body lotion and then layer a sunscreen of your choice on top. As far as alcohol goes, it's not an ideal ingredient. Eucerin has good body lotions that don't include it.

>> No.13341131

They are to scrap the semen of other males, they are an evolutionary advantage.

>> No.13341174

I heard using aha, bha, and retinoid cream can reduce the look of acne scars after a few years. Anyone have experience with this?

>> No.13341304

How do i make my hands' knuckles less wrinkly and bony ?

>> No.13341469

I think you're right. I've been moisturizing before applying sunscreen for a while and it works fine. I've been worrying way too much about skin care recently. I don't think I have a pressing need to avoid alcohol in my moisturizer, either.

>> No.13341481

micellar water is good if you just wanna splash it on your face as a morning cleanse, or to remove sunscreen/light makeup. anything that claims to be a “micellar face wash” is no different than normal face wash.

>> No.13341486

Get SPF30, the numbers are misleading. 50 is only 1% better at blocking UV rays than 30.
It's more important to reapply every 2-3 hours and 50 gives off the wrong impression of being so strong you don't need to bother.

>> No.13341506


>> No.13341862

Last thread I talked about 1 and a half month of not washing my face with anything but cold water and how it helped immensly, was practically acne free for the last 2 weeks.

I also mentioned trying to throw in an exfoliator or peeling around once a month. BIG MISTAKE.
Had a massive breakout following that and it's still going on a couple days later.
I think I'll just do a very mild soap or nothing at all.

>> No.13342035

Never had acne, maybe a pimple or two after eating greasy food, how do you even get pizza face levels of acne ?

>> No.13342142

There's some debate on the validity of SPF50 being only marginally better than SPF30. This study suggests SPF50 is nearly twice as protective. DOI: 10.1001/jamadermatol.2016.4924

But you're ultimately right - forgetting to reapply is where most people fall short. Just be consistent and you'll be fine. Maybe looking into using a non-photosensitive retinoid if you want more prevention? (adapalene, tazarotene.)

>> No.13342168

Don't ever use soap on your dick. Just warm water and fingers. Soak in bath if too much buildup. Soap will dry your shit up and possibly cause more problems down the road.

>> No.13342183

Why is my scalp so god damn itchy every morning? it goes away after shampooing but I don't wanna shampoo every god damn day.

>> No.13342200

lawd, this should NOT be the first reply.

>> No.13342204

hormones, genetics, etc

>> No.13342215

Because you use shampoo.

>> No.13342220

I'm not buying that no shampoo shit, I tried it once for a week and it got even worse plus also dandruff, worse than nofap

>> No.13342229

That's because you are a massive faggot, don't ever dare to reply to me again.

>> No.13342240

Shampoo contains chemicals that help emulsify lipids and remove dirt, as well as dead skin cells.
If you use it every day your hair and skin will dry, cause irritation and it will shed (scratching, blowdrying and combing will make it worse)
You don’t need to do that no shampoo stuff for long periods either, accumulation of waste and oil will clog pores and irritate too. Just use it 2 to 4 times a week, if possible the days you decide to exercise.

>> No.13342254

>body acne

mainly around shoulders / upper chest and arms. I workout but I shower afterwards. with the summer coming up I sweat more.

what can I do? im 29 and it hasn't gone away. When I tan it seems to help. but I'm literally ready to go on accutane to get rid of this shit.

I use an AHA body lotion at night. and drink water. I also eat decently. I could use more fruits / veggies.

>> No.13342259

has anybody used pine tar soap

is this shit any good

>> No.13342263

Well fuck worth a shot I guess.

>> No.13342276


I also using. African black soap and a konja sponge to help.

I also have a multivitamin, fish oil, vitamin d. I also take collagen pills

>> No.13342332

What do you guys do for scars?
Anything good over the counter?

>> No.13343055

>tfw two months into second course of accutane and my shits finally clearing again
feels pretty good mang

>> No.13343076

shower in colder water, change clothes more often, change covers on bed more often, go vegan(or reduce dairy at least)

>> No.13343082

how do i stop my towels from moulting all over my face? do you think wiping my wet face with fibers agitates my cystic acne?

>> No.13343105

If you're 29 it's not going to go away on its own. I went on accutane for back acne when I was 23 and it went away for good. Prior to that (from age 15), I had disgusting bloody pimples all over my upper back

>> No.13343513

Wipe with paper.

>> No.13344096

air dry

>> No.13344225

is accutane the only cure for excessively oily skin?

>> No.13344288
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How to get rid of sebaceous filaments

>> No.13344301

It's entirely dependant on your skin type whether you have these or not. Perfectly normal stuff.
Either hide it or live with it.

>> No.13345203

you just went to a doctor?

>> No.13345358
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stop using the sponge. nearly all kinds of reusable washing/scrubbing products like that are breeding grounds for good & bad bacteria and fungi, since they're always wet and get fed skin residues every other day. those kinds of products are great at spreading, and forcing, shit into your skin. if you have active infections (i e ordinary body acne) the sponge is great at spreading it everywhere. even if it didn't do this, it wouldn't be of much use at all.

key is avoiding insulin spikes (high GI foods) and dairy, due to its endocrinological consequences. eating like a milk-intolerant diabetic seems to be golden, given the research. less animal fats and and more vegetable oils (high linoleic acid, PUFA) helps. diet has repeatedly been demonstrated to affect sebum composition (and acne). the "drink water" part is just about not drinking sugary stuff.

even though AHA is great for pH control, something like benzoyl peroxide 5% is good for body acne. I would just apply it in the evenings, and possibly sleep in a t-shirt, since it can bleach all kinds of clothes (incl. non-white bed textiles). you can buy these creams OTC. expect initial irritation and scaling. rtfm.

once that has been tried, an antibiotic/benzoyl peroxide combination cream would be the next thing to try. those generally need to be prescribed. if that doesn't help, then accutane is definitely an option given that it can be extremely effective even at low dosages.

a GP can prescribe things like accutane, even though they shouldn't. if you start it, you should see a derm and get regular czechups.

>> No.13345438

If you want good skin eat food with glucosylceramide.
Mostly in fermented food.

>> No.13345665

Reducing dairy is a meme. I stopped drinking milk for 1 and a half months and there is no improvement. And no I also didn't eat butter etc.

>> No.13345675

it's almost like what didn't work for you can't be reliably generalized to other people

>> No.13345683

Use blackhead remover strips to pull them out periodically. Apply a little witch hazel nightly.

>> No.13345685

I can drink a half gallon of milk a day, consistently, every single day, for months, and my skin will still be clear. People have different genetics, different skin. What works or doesn't work for you may not apply to other people.

>> No.13345689

I can attest to this.

I always had overly gassy and stinky bowel movements and thought it came from dairy.
Did some experiments myself, and cutting dairy barely changed anything.
But when I cut out all meat during lent and continued eating dairy there was no problem at all.

I think cutting sugar is a lot more important since it causes inflammation.
It's worth a try though, especially if you're not a white european.

>> No.13345695

Cutting out sugar is a big one, especially because it changes the bacteria balance in your gut. A lot of bad bacteria thrive on sugar instead of fiber, so if you have high sugar intake you can run into issues. Being gassy, having a bloated feeling in your stomach after eating, having diarrhea frequently, etc.

Refined sugar is especially hell on your skin and stomach both because of how your body responds to processing it. Having huge hormonal crashes from insulin dumping into your system isn't good in any way.

>> No.13346097

what about fruit? I usually eat apple, only one a day. should i stop eating fruit? It's pretty much sugar too with a little fiber.

>> No.13346112

Everything I've ever read on the matter has stated that the fructose in fruit is metabolized differently along with its fiber compared to refined sugars. I've never had any issues eating a lot of fruit, and refined sugar will fuck my shit up noticeably in a week. Though I can eat a couple apples a day or a half pound of strawberries and it never has any negative effect on my skin.

What does help me is lifting consistently and keeping my sleep schedule super consistent. If you get acne from hormonal fluctuations those two things are two of the best solutions for keeping it under control. A consistent sleep cycle regulates your endocrine system.

>> No.13347236

>finally got a routine that has been working great for the past few months
>two days into May the humidity makes everything into a greasy, oily mess

Just fuck me up. I'm not even out in the sun as I work nights but my choices seem to be shine like the sun or turn red with heat rashes.

>> No.13347678

*dont fucking do this lol*
sebaceous filaments don't go away. you can minimize their appearance through a few different methods but using blackhead remover strips is very dangerous and could leave you with an enlarged pore. they are not supposed to be pulled out like that

>> No.13347692
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What's the best Retinol cream?

>> No.13347929

Looking to buy some lip balm.

Should I stick with the normal vaseline tins which are cheap (like £1 each) or go for burts bees? I used it burts bees once before it was good but a bit more pricy.

Was considering buying this:https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B06XWDGDRN/

>> No.13348554

guys wtf i've had these two dry patches of skin by my arm folds, one on each arm. i've never gotten shit like this before and it's not going away. hasn't spread or anything but i'm freaking out

>> No.13348598

Is the weather changing where you are, or did it recently? Minor skin irritation and flare ups often happen when seasons change.
Put some non irritating lotion on it and keep an eye on it. Its probably nothing.

>> No.13348609

tan and exfoliate

>> No.13348717
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this might be a dumb question but what do i do about all the stuff already in my skin like blackheads or whatever? i always see people saying dont use tools on them but i want that shit gone bc my skin is getting better !

>> No.13348735

Treat them externally until they shrink and your body removes them. Unless you've got a really stubborn blackhead thats super oxidized they'll go away if treated.

>> No.13348744

What I'm getting from this thread is sugar is the ultimate enemy, am I right?

>> No.13348747

best recommendation for stereotypical 19 y/o acne prone skin

>> No.13348797

fuck off with your acne bullshit already

>> No.13348848
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I'm 18 with horrible skin. Is there any way to prevent freckles?

>> No.13348870

read the faq
tldr: extract them, use bha

>> No.13348883

not for you, ginge

>> No.13349161

About to start a routine, sick of having a shit face. Does anyone here use aquaphor? I'm seeing suggestions to put it all over one's face overnight.

Also, has anyone tried this? https://fiftyshadesofsnail.com/2015/03/28/how-to-shrink-pores-temporarily-plus-3-pore-myths/

>> No.13349350

What's your guys nightly routine? I've been applying organic rose hip oil after washing but I've found that its clogging my pores. What products would you guys rec for my combo skin type? I also have scars.

>> No.13349371

This is far from horrible

>> No.13349585

is it safe to do a glycolic acid peel at home?

>> No.13349587

those tear troughs look pretty bad for 18

>> No.13349632

just pulled out a 1cm long ingrown hair that i didn't even know about from my chin that caused a pimple a few weeks ago

easily the most satisfactory thing to happen this entire week

>> No.13349686
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Is sulfate paraben free shampoo just a meme? My hair is always flat, dull, and greasy looking cause of it now.

>> No.13349745

Changing shampoo will always cause your hair to react badly, sulfate and plastics are very bad to your hair, alcohol too.

>> No.13349750

>dude it's not the 18th century we know how to wash our dicks now

>> No.13349756

americans are slobs, news at 12.

>> No.13350429

i'm an 8.5/10 white guy; blonde hair, blue eyes, fit

how do i hide zits with makeup

>> No.13350825
File: 441 KB, 760x683, 1483419800699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sulfate strips your scalp of all natural oils so your scalp compensates by producing more of them. When you switch to a sulfate free shampoo your scalp is still producing more oils from when you were using a regular shampoo with sulfate in it. Now since the sulfate free shampoo doesn't do as good of a job at cleaning your scalp the excess oils still remains in your hair making it super greasy.
That being said however I still think it's a fucking meme. Sulfate free shit always makes my hair look lifeless and weird to the touch. Just get a good conditioner to go along with your shampoo and you're good.

>> No.13350840

Porn addict also has shit opinion, not impressed.