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File: 38 KB, 540x424, Cam't stand it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13333401 No.13333401 [Reply] [Original]

How do you guys feel about the punk look?

>> No.13333413

Looks gay, this isn't 2001.

>> No.13333419

i like this version of it

>> No.13333783


>> No.13333794

Punk is dead

>> No.13333800

dishonest. especially when majority of them just listen 2 black flag and *insert shitty local band here* then call themselves punk fans.
i'll never forget the time i rekt a girl in my class who was sooooo into punk and she claimed that henry rollins was an original member of black flag.
was wearing a fucking hanes t-shirt. while she was decked out in her battle jacket
looking back i could have fucked her. damn it

>> No.13333817

I've seen it look really cool, but mostly it just ends up looking terrible.

>> No.13333904

punk was 100% *insert shitty local band here* ––anyone can do it and if you make it out of your home scene you're a sellout anyway etc
you think you're punk because you obsess over finding the most obscure 45s from London underground whatever?
you think you're punk because you're constantly aware of what brand your dirty white t-shirt is?
you think you're punk because you bullied a girl in public?

Kim looks great

>> No.13333910

Such a shame that SJWs and feminists co-opted the look though.

>> No.13334083

i can't stand punk music. nice projection tho

>> No.13334167
File: 59 KB, 790x395, GettyImages-85618364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying being a feminist wasn't punk

>> No.13334520

Things were different back then

>> No.13334547
File: 46 KB, 600x794, Gunnar Ekelöf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw mother was a punk
>father was a skinhead
>and all i want is shred of functional living

It's all trash

>> No.13334554

Patti Smith was only lyrically punk
The Slits were all whores
Bikini Kill are unoriginal
Siousie was a notorious attention seeker who played topless

Joan Jett and Poison Ivy are the two chicks I can think of who actually were punk (and good).
Even then you could hardly call them feminist.

>> No.13334870

t. /mu/ brainlet

>> No.13335233

A bit of punk look is nice but pic related and most over the top punk suck.

>> No.13335479
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Reminds me of that old joke
>man goes up to a punk
>asks, "what is punk?"
>the punk kicks over a trashcan
>"THAT's punk!"
>the man goes up to a different trash can
>kicks it over
>asks, "Am I punk now?"
>the punk smiles and says, "no, you're just a poser"

>> No.13335962
File: 78 KB, 593x640, 2xdouble2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate the fact that punk now is a joke, only about random violence, drugs, drunks and sex.
all i care about is denim/leather and sick music.
i hate it when people call me punk

>> No.13336021

Holy fucking shit.

You aren't even baiting are you?

>> No.13336037

>t. onions boy

>> No.13336117

was probably cool back then but now its all attention whore shit

>> No.13336120

It was always attention whore shit.

>> No.13336200

Wow, you sound like a such a badass. What have you done lately? Grow up.

>> No.13336225

so i take it you listen to mostly black flag? lol
>o n i o n s

>> No.13336233

what do you expect them to call you when you dress like one?

>> No.13336241

its sexy

>> No.13336243 [DELETED] 

Don't really care for Black Flag. I listen to a lot more punk than that. Lots of underground stuff you've never heard of. Just to name a few:
Wait, I don't give a shit.

>> No.13336264

Don't really care for Black Flag. I listen to a lot more punk than that. Lots of underground stuff you've never heard of. Just to name a few:
Wait, I don't give a shit.

>> No.13336674

No please, i bet your very legit

>> No.13336676

but I fucking wish it was

>> No.13336677

By my name, like a human bean

>> No.13336962
File: 893 KB, 515x826, punk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Punk is good.

>> No.13337143
File: 67 KB, 547x410, pollyp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the look, but never really got into the music so it wouldn't be right for me to copy the style. All the punk girls I've known have been lots of fun, though.

>> No.13338475
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>> No.13338672
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>> No.13338677
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>> No.13339049

holy fuck you are an insecure looser man

>> No.13339921
File: 164 KB, 1200x790, bob 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's kinda what punk always was. Since the 70s punks have been partying hard, fucking, OD'ing, and getting on peoples' nerves intentionally. The problem is that such a lifestyle became so common that it wasn't contained within the realm of punk anymore. The original punk lifestyle lives on, but not everyone wants to dress like a punk anymore. Punk as a mainstream fashion movement ended in a few short years. The decadent, degrading lifestyle lives on in modern youth cultuture, and the fashion and music only lives on as a small subculture.

>> No.13339940

It was only good around '76-'77 before the mainstream took it and turned it into a caricature of itself, which is the only version of it that exists to this day.

>> No.13339949

punk in usa really only emerged with Billy Idol and MTV in the early 80s. Watch Billy Idols behind the singer. It's just another trend, that was hot for a while, then got stagnant. Billy Idol was like the Elvis of Punk, he was very poppyy sounding, and covered Mony Mony, he was probably when real punk died and was made into a marketing thing.

I think Punk at its core, is about being a "rebel" hence Idol's "rebel rebel" being the most popular. Yet that song and context, would almost seem to be like a "shell" of what real punk was. As they were merely trying to sell records and MTV to Americans, and the "rebel" of it, was pretty plastic and saturated.

I think "real" punk, needs to have shitty singer, who cant sing well, and screams, and is loud and obnoxious, and so, just emobdy that with the clothes. to get the punk look, it's non-contextual, and you can wear it today, in that sense.

Don't make it contextual, like dont forcefully seek out vintage spiked collars etc.

Instead, use what you have in the mdoern context, and essentially manifest the
-ill-fitting perhaps
-purposely anti-authoratiarian

>> No.13339955

>I think "real" punk, needs to have shitty singer, who cant sing well, and screams, and is loud and obnoxious, and so, just emobdy that with the clothes.
in a sense, the alt right, and "dont't tread on me" etc, people, are the modern punks. they are anti-authoritarian,
whereas antifa, are like the mainstream watered down version of punk, they are financed by large corporate backers

but you are lead to believe that "antifa" is somehow equivalent to "punk"

then there is that crossover point, where you get the marxist attitude punks, who are anti-skinhead, or they actually believe that nazis are evil, etc.

essentially they are being anti-"fashcist" BUT this does not mean that they are being anti-AUTHORITARIAN by default, because modern times, it is the Marxist, Left Establishment who has assumed control, and so to be truly Punk, one would be Anti-Antifa

I guess "anarchy" is at the core of Punk, but anarchy is not left or right. It's oblivious to the left and right, and just wants chaos, and no authority at all. So those would be the real real punks of today, and then to embody that with fashion choice, idk, have to think about it.

>> No.13340001

Billy Idol is better than “real punk”

>> No.13340027
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>> No.13340030
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i didnt think he looked very good in that first pic, looks like way too much pastic surgery, but he looks good in this angle, he is also turned orange somehow from being pasty white.

>> No.13340033


>> No.13340044

punk is gay, im into race hate and incel emancipation it's much more hardcore

>> No.13340300
File: 88 KB, 625x415, 22-vintage-adverts-that-would-be-banned-today-2-6260-1414591157-10_dblbig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with.. Some of this?

Punk had a very specific place in Mid-late 70s youth culture in the UK. It has never 'worked' in the US because it didn't grow organically in the US - there was no 'need' for it. Thus everything to come from the US since has basically been a fashion.

Historically UK youth have been a lot more outspoken politically than US youth.

>> No.13340986

ugly people ruined/ruin it

>> No.13341045

False 82 is when punk really took form and style, it just melded with metal and sunk under ground until the 90s-00s

>> No.13341099
File: 22 KB, 500x427, 1498700897142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this isn't 2001

>> No.13341175

You’re a dumbass.

>> No.13341179

Just ignore them, just like commie posters

>> No.13341288

It happened in the US it just never became as popular as UK punk but the Dead Kennedys are a perfect example of a punk band who focused on political subject matter.

>> No.13341366

This is pretty much what I think about punk.

>> No.13341370

Cringe, people actually belive this lmao

>> No.13341557

broken bones?

80s uk hc and the Japanese and Scandinavian bands it inspired is the only cool looking "punk." 70s shit is super boring.

>> No.13341702
File: 198 KB, 871x563, 2xdenim4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mien nieger!
i always thought america lagged wayyyy behind in the HC punk scene (save misery and poison idea and septic death)
in my opinion it was really the 80s british scene that gave way to the dirty hardcore crust look

>> No.13342528
File: 152 KB, 470x774, 1510153544711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol this thread is garbage