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13320675 No.13320675 [Reply] [Original]

Is philosophy an /fa/ university major?
I want to be a professor tbqhwy
also university majors thread

>> No.13320681

see you at starbucks in 4 years

>> No.13320686

don't bother majoring in philosophy.
just go into psychology honestly.

>> No.13320697

i’m studying microbiology which i love and can’t imagine not doing, but i catch myself being weirdly envious of liberal arts kids who are surrounded by arts and culture and history and people who care about those things. and, for the sake of board relevance, they don’t dress quite as shit either

>> No.13320698

What this anon say. Philosophy major is a meme, philosophy itself isn't though

>> No.13320702

whats stopping u from being around those things?
just hang out at the local museums and diy shows

>> No.13320742

you cant get jobs in both so whats the difference

>> No.13320754

First of all, this is not /fa/ related

Second, I majored in philosophy and I think it is great major if you are truly interested in it. The point of education is not just to be a qulification mill for the labour market. Philosophy (among other disciplines) will make you a critical and cultured person in many areas (maths, art, science, history, to name a few). However unless you want to work as a teacher, you should keep developing your skills in other areas. For instance, I work as a translator because I learned English, Ancient Greek and German while I was in uni. I have a colleague that now works as a programmer because he was brilliant in formal logic and decided to pursue that field in his own time. Philosophy won't make you bank, but it's still a very interesting and rewarding degree.

>> No.13320766

cyber security at uni

>> No.13320774

Phil postgrad here

It's not /fa/ until postgrad. Undergrad is full of pseuds Sam Harris fans and shit. In postgrad you just sit in small rooms and talk about shit you've read with your professor. There's a cool German guy in my course and 2 qt French girls. Everyone is really chilled out.

>> No.13320787

I am genuinely interested in philosophy and do indeed want to work as a teacher.
that sounds awesome, I hope it ends up like that for me

>> No.13320793


how about you major in something that will actually get you hired. having a career based on your degree is the most /fa/ thing you can do in your life, make it count.

anything even close to the words art, music, theater are a waste of money and time. you will end up serving people as waiter for the rest of your life. don't waste your education anon.

>> No.13320803

fuck off Dad

>> No.13320822

actually the best is a double major in philosophy and something to provide jobs. Philosophy is worth studying, just not at the expense of more practical
things first. Unless you plan on going all the way for a post graduate degree and being a philosophy professor, but that's a lot of work.
Or if you're going to law school, Philosophy majors do very well in the LSAT.
but to answer this question the only effay major is something you care about which will equip you for a better future.
Then maybe you should pursue philosophy in the long term. Just be ready to not pay off student debts until your career is in swing, or have a plan for paying it.

>> No.13320848

>cultured person in maths


>> No.13320862
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Philosophy is a solid degree which opens many doors, if you know which ones to try opening. It gets a bad rep from the people who fell for the STEM meme.

Also highly worth mentioning as a related degree is theology. Hear me out.

Dwindling numbers of graduates and the niche subject matter alongside of the very high average age of current theologists in the church and as security-advisors show a very promising job market in the future.

The world is becoming statistically more religious by percent despite technological advances in the first world. People do and will continue to pay big bucks to help understand and capture these markets.

>> No.13320870

>how about you major in something that will actually get you hired
This is the least effay thing ever

>> No.13320871


only study philosophy if you're going to law school

>> No.13320878

>Having a career based on your degree is the most /fa/ thing you can do in your life

Want me to tell you how I know you aren't the least bit /fa/, Anon?

>> No.13320882

Also, religion is /fa/

Edgy neckbeard autists will disagree.

>> No.13320884
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this is my life and i never went to college
the only reason to go to college is to get a degree that will get you money
you don't need to go to school to study, especially something like philosophy if it's enjoyable and comes naturally to you
people i know with philosophy majors work the same jobs i work without a degree. the only "successful" ones i know are either struggling translators or are teachers who will be in college for the rest of their careers.

>> No.13320897
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>Choosing a uni major through a chinese cartoon board thread

Don't bother going

>> No.13320913

I'm already at university. I'm just curious what people think.

>> No.13320958
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I knew that /fa/ is autistic but not that much, i feel bad for you guys!

>> No.13321067

STEM only. Liberal arts are no longer /fa/.

>> No.13321156

both of these anons are right. I have a polisci major alongside my philosophy degree so that I have the option to go into law or work in government if I decide being a prof isn't for me. Taking phil as a second major isn't bad at all cause if you enjoy it then it hardly feels like work.

Anon is right tho, philosophy undergrads (like all undergrads imo) are filled with either careerists who don't really care about what you're learning, or pseuds that think watching a Jordan Peterson video on Nietzsche makes you a genius. Once you're in grad programs the people actually really care about philosophy above just reiterating something they saw on The School of Life youtube page and then it becomes /fa/.

>> No.13321173

what do you guys recommend for someone who's not interested in liberal arts, but is a brainlet when it comes to most of STEM? I was thinking geology or some from of chemistry

>> No.13321178

environmental science. my friend got a job working for the government making sure our local water is clean

>> No.13321179
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Im majoring in History. Im pretty sure its considered a bigger meme than phil but I literally want to work as a museum curator so I dont worry too much about it.

I have a couple options layed out for me and I'll probably spend some years overseas in Taiwan after I get my degree so I can do the English teacher meme and pay off my tuition super fast. If you want to be a prof then you should only be concerned with studying something that you actually love.

All I know is that studying geo is VERY location dependent and it can range from fun excursions and an overall interesting career (that wont make that much money) to a very dull and boring fucking job that you'l probably regret.

>> No.13321208

You know they let anyone enroll in those classes, right?

>> No.13321369

Study philosophy on your own sure, but why would you want a degree in it?
Just be a psychology freak like every other dumbfuck english professor.

>> No.13321378

>He actually thinks STEM is /fa/

Oh sweetie..

>> No.13321381

geology and chemistry, if you go to a college that will train you to get a good job, will go hard on your ass. Listen to the anon who recommended environmental sci, he knows what he's talking about

>> No.13321396

I studied journalism, wrote for my school newspaper and now do communications and social media for a major pharmaceutical. Ama

>> No.13321406

How do you feel about your profession being replaced completely by AI within 5 years?

>> No.13321408

Is nursing effay? I'm male btw.

>> No.13321416

Not as a dude, no. People will just think you weren't smart enough to become a doctor so you took the next best thing.

>> No.13321429

The nursing field has a severe lack of male nurses. Guys at times would prefer a male nurse to a female one (no homo). It has nothing to do with smarts but rather opportunity. The same goes with doctors actually, there are more female doctors than males.

>> No.13321434

That may be true Anon-kun. But it still isn't /fa/

>> No.13321445

>tfw Asian as well

>> No.13321456

Can you elaborate? I don't see how a machine can develop complex communications strategies or write engaging memos

>> No.13321462

If you are rich enough, you can major in philosophy and then do a masters in something more practical, which helps you a land a decent job. After a few years in the workforce, what matters most is what job experience you have.

>> No.13321801
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ITT: people subscribing to the demands of society in order to follow up on their petty dim-witted money-making pursuits and wasting away their most precious youthful years on the infrastructure of Beijing in the process instead of making the effort to align their actual passions with life-sustaining environments and institutions conducive to physical/intellectual/spiritual growth and healthy competition.

Life is way too short for such nonsense, can't complain though since this is all done in the first place so people like me could focus on the important stuff heh

haven't heard that one before

>> No.13321863

good post

>> No.13321865

This very much

>> No.13321936
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I fell for the STEM (computer science) meme a couple of years ago. Shit professors, shit support, crappy labs, half of the students were super reich wing, mulsim, or the typical autists you'd expect in a cs class. Increasingly lost passion for it as time went on. GPA dipped too far, got expelled for a semester, stayed out for a year or two.

Buddy who teaches English in Tokyo talks me into going back for an English degree. Went through some hoops to come back, found an awesome professor who likes the same stuff as I do teaching philosophy. Find out I fucking love it. Academic career is back on track and I know what I want to do now.

I'm planning on doing the meme teacher thing overseas for a few years and coming back for grad school. Intellectual provocation is the best thing to ever happen to me. Much better than the code monkey future I was setting myself up for.

Most people still dress like shit though. It's a small college but still. (Stirner is most /fa/ philosopher. Prove me wrong.)

>> No.13321942

pseudo intellectual got a new trip?

>> No.13322026

Stirner is pretty fucking effay you're right. Sartre and Camus are prob tied with him though.

>> No.13322048
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>Stirner is most /fa/ philosopher.

>pseudo intellectual got a new trip?
newfag detectord

>> No.13322058
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>> No.13322062
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>> No.13322072
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>Work a an engineering research company with a Start up work attire code
>80% of men here are in full on dadcore or haven't updated their wardrobe since middle school
>Women are mostly wearing roastiecore with yoga pants and denim jackets
I know engineering is autism central but this has been a culture shock as a Chemical Engineer who worked with people who dressed decently during school to be working with the autists who never left the computer lab for their degree.

>> No.13322131
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bataille is my best boy tho

>> No.13322159
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meant to combat stirner with the first two and post the rest seperately, pretty sure noone else of equal value comes close in terms of /fa/

>> No.13322180

yeah, universities aren't the best place for physical, intellectual, and spiritual growth, but what is?

>> No.13322184

Theology is objectively the most /fa/ major.

>> No.13322188

>thinking objectivity is real

>> No.13322193

>i just had my first semester in philosophy
stodderkonger need not apply

>> No.13322222

On the contrary, the university environment stimulates drive and development, assuming one is passionate about and completely devoted to some area of study.

>> No.13323022

is wanting to be a occupational therapist for kids fa? everyone ik in the field seems to love it and has such s good energy

>> No.13323339

Damn someone else wanting to be an occupation therapist, cool. Are you studying it atm? How do you like in that case?

>> No.13323682

Leave as long as you have the possibility. Learn something that will pay for your expenses. You can get a microscope as a private person, too.

>> No.13323715


degree != an automatic job

if you have no ambition, are socially awkward, and have no experience then you aren't going to get a job easily, period.

but have fun keeping up the delusion that because you have a "muh career" degree that everything is going to be be handed to you.

getting the right degree is not a substitute for working hard.

>> No.13323840

enjoy making the code\robot that takes your precious career away from you.

>> No.13323850

What does /fa/ think of accounting?

>> No.13323851

being broke isn't very /fa/

>> No.13323856

go for it if you like numbers and spreadsheets

>> No.13323927
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I'm thinking of studying mathematics because I love math and the idea of it becoming more abstract and big picture oriented and less proof-driven is interesting, but I absolutely do not want to work in front of a computer surrounded by ugly spreadsheets for a good portion of my career. Can mathematics lead to interesting jobs that involve travel and community and an effay work life?

>> No.13323946

>studying STEM
>expecting not to sit infront of a computer all day

>> No.13323968

True, but you don't have to willfully eliminate even the slight advantage a proper degree gives you by choosing something other people do as a hobby on the side.

>> No.13324007

Honestly, no. Unless you want to be a substitute teacher or something, you will be stuck in one place.

>> No.13324109

and philosophers arent already replaced by scientist? Stay in denial humanities nigger

>> No.13324127

>last year two AI's developed their own language
Blissful ignorance humanities nigger

>> No.13324134

>Doesnt know how wide microbiology field is

>> No.13324157

This might not be the best place to ask but does anyone know what a political science major could get me job wise. It's something that I'm very much interested in

>> No.13324166

consulting firms, working on politicians' campaigns, public relations, obviously prelaw etc

>> No.13324171

What’s a profitable career (I don’t expect to be rich) that is not too STEM related and not oversaturated?

>> No.13324195
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science -> phenomena -> methodology -> paradigms -> epistemology -> philosophy

>> No.13324209
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>All these people thinking they choose their own careers

Its the other way around boyo's

>> No.13324533

Well shit, back to square one.

>> No.13324609

Don't listen to these poltroons and sell yourself short. If you actually love mathematics, feel you have academic potential and a predisposition towards studying it and are able to devote yourself to university without restraint nothing is stopping you from obtaining a higher degree with an end towards doctoral qualification which would put you in a flexible position in terms of employment.

>> No.13324636


>> No.13324822

I would say the students in my department are some of the more effay students I've seen at the my school.

>> No.13324833

I really want to go into microbiology

>> No.13326208

Finally someone on this shitty board that gets it

>> No.13326219

Despite all the shit psych majors get there's a pretty big shortage of clinical psychs in most western countries. Of course most psych majors are brainlets who don't pursue the subject past undergrad, but there's definitely a job market for psychology if you put in the time and effort.

>> No.13326627

science is literally just glorified epistemology. It can only tell you what something is, not why you should care.

>> No.13326882

>and philosophers arent already replaced by scientist?
I think that Bertrand Russell put it well when he said that philosophy is meant to inhabit the space between religion and science, to answer the things that science can't and that religion pretends to. Science can't make normative aesthetic claims, it can't explain normative ethics, etc. But it can inform them - for example using psychology to look at how our brain functions when we see something aesthetically pleasing. There's things that used to be the realm of philosophy that are now scientific and thats sort of the way its supposed to go.

>> No.13326899

hey anon I actually have a political science degree. I would really recommend taking an additional major or minor with it. Polisci is pretty easy honestly and since its sort of a vague degree it helps to have something alongside it. I did a second major in philosophy for example. Lots of people I know do minors in political science with a STEM major.

polisci jobs are sort of hard to come by there's not a lot related to the degree. Law is a popular route. work on campaigns or in government of course, be a policy researcher. but at the end of the day its sort of catch all.

I read that only 17% of undergrads get a job related to their degree anyways in the first 4 or 5 years.

>> No.13327043

ok retard

>> No.13327094

philosophy major here, now in law school, only do it if you want to teach and write papers for your university

>> No.13327120

>our world is degenerate enough that doing what you love has no value next to buying loads of chips and a nice car
commodity fetishism is real and is here

>> No.13327131

>my life has to spin around money.
way to ensure you're never happy

>> No.13327147

my man

>> No.13327160

There is more to life than what is real. The human experience for example

>> No.13327166

i dont know if this is the autistic all caps trip but in any case I agree with you allcaps man!
And if you're not him then I like you better and wish you could be this board's allcaps autism man

>> No.13327202

architecture is undeniably the most fa major

see rem koolhaas

>> No.13327245
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*blocks your path*

>> No.13327248

>all these assblasted teenagers
your perception of a job is surplus of money that you can buy anything with. That is wrong, that would be the job of a ceo. The reality is that, a job is a steady income that guarantees your survival, so that you have food to eat, a home to live in and enough to take care of ur future family. highschool has never taught you that being able to survive is actually hard in this society without ur mom.

So >>13320793 is right. Pick a major that will guarantee your survival, then think about being culturally enriched. Your idol philosophers/scientists were born as nobles in the past, so they never had to think about getting kicked out of their rented apartment.