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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 116 KB, 962x642, alt-right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13312731 No.13312731[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is the alt-right effay?

>> No.13312733


>> No.13312736

Are you referring to their apparel, or overall physical appearance?

>> No.13312738

Are they /effay/? Yes.

Are they fashionable? No. They're a slightly less cringy version of Antifa. Emphasis on slightly.

>> No.13312739

More like considerably more cringy version of antifa

>> No.13312771

>Murdoch Murdoch tee

>> No.13312827


>> No.13312839
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pic related is you

>> No.13312841

more alt-right soyboys pls. I saw the most pathetic faggot ever one time but forgot to screenshot him, he was a fat autistic neckbeard weaboo who worships Donald Trump and Bashar Al-Assad

>> No.13312848

Nah, no one that takes a picture like that is alt-right. Now I will grant you a lot of us probably look even worse than this. But being alt-right means you would not post a selfie like that.

Actually, come to think of it, being alt-right is kind of like being 2018 /fa/. You're a troll among trolls and you know there is nothing to gain posting a fit.

>> No.13312851


>> No.13312852
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i mean you really cant get much better than OP

>> No.13312853

Attractive people don't feel excluded from society in a manner that would drive them to extreme politics.

>> No.13312855
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>> No.13312857

Go listen to George Lincoln Rockwell, read Hunter S. Thompson or watch any contemporary political event from either side of the spectrum.

>> No.13312858
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>13 posts/7 IPs
You're the cuck that got btfo in the /fa/sh thread aren't you? lmao

>> No.13312862
File: 203 KB, 1000x1356, 1405338173639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they have a point onf skin color though

like it or not it has an effect on aesthetics

this body is soiled by a hue

>> No.13312864

So what the majority of white people don't subscribe to those beliefs, it's not a trait that they hold that is unique to them.

>> No.13312865
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this woman has a higher body fat percentage, had mutilated her ears and objectively is less attractive with lower quality and health hair

however she has features related to ethnicity that makes her objectively more attrtactive than the prior example

>> No.13312866
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>> No.13312867

desu id fuck both

>> No.13312868

yeah, but which one would you raise children with?

the first example is great sport fuck

however any offspring will be fighting a gentic uphill battle when it comes to aesthetics

>> No.13312869
File: 242 KB, 1024x1280, 30fa2285-7897-4b24-96ad-a23a3785a22f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incel spotted

>> No.13312870

I don't know because I don't judge qualities like that off of physical appearance alone because I'm not an autistic virgin.

>> No.13312872

I think the thing about curries is it's not just that they're brown - their skin tone and bone structure is similar enough to a sick European's to be off-putting.
Africans come in all kinds of brown but they don't get that drawback.

>> No.13312875

it's what most people believe regardless of ethnicity.

there is a subset of features that the majority of people in the world view as attractive male and female

and the majority of those features tend to makeup certain groups.

the liberals make it taboo to talk about these subjects, but the vast majority of people in the world do not find african american women attractive

>> No.13312887
File: 329 KB, 1280x960, jaxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she has an athletic body as most African American women, which is generally considered an attractive trait however most feel that her skin tone is a draw back to her attractiveness

>> No.13312889
File: 125 KB, 640x640, 1010378445372189619_263021977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. virgin

>> No.13312892

I think you wrong replied me but I'd point out that most African American women are morbidly obese.

>> No.13312899

yeah it's late at night

even if we exclude the morbidly obese, and excessively thin blacks

but yeah i think that pakis and brown women (Lebanese) could trigger a natural that woman is ill response in the human condition

so your argument is that one must be a virgin simply because one recognizes that there are traits deemed desirable and less desirable?

is that from your personal experience where you yourself do not have a ton of options in the mating world so you must overlook all attractive and unatractive qualities in order to stand a chance at all to procreate

is that your argument?

because I would argue that most healthy, average men have a choice in who they decided to sleep with and are not obligated to ignore all signs and sleep with undesirable women just to have a shot at sex

even reddit beta males are having sex with attractive women on college campuses

>> No.13312905

No he saying you're a virgin because you demonstrably have a very limited understanding of intimate interpersonal relationships.

>> No.13312906

Also, I'll never get over that girl's tattoo. Definitive proof that women should not be permitted any agency above that of children.

>> No.13312913

she passed away in late 2015 of an infection

>> No.13312916

Lel, I talk about curries looking sick but maybe tripskank will out-live all of the old /fa/ girls.

>> No.13312918

But sieg. YOU are a fatass. Theres pics to prove it. If black girls are unattractive to you thats cool, but know that fat is ugly to all. You fat motherfucker.

>> No.13312920

well she's the youngest.

I was the oldest of the first wave.

>> No.13312922

I'm also old now too with grey hair.

I have sport fucked black girls back in the day because they were generally easy but i had no desire to pursue anything with them

>> No.13312923

there's nothing more cringey than being antifa. the left is the antithesis of fashionable

>> No.13312925

Stop being so PC. I'd happily fuck women of any race but beauty isn't so intangible as people want to think.
Whites and East Asians trend towards having pleasing facial facial features much more highly than do African women which get the worst of it.
And you can see proof of this just in oil driller fetish threads. 9 out of 10 of the blacks they post in those threads are very visibly mixed.

>> No.13312927

You disgust me. Lay off the twinkies fatass, and get your shit together.

>> No.13312928

this, every black athelete that makes millions tends to avoid black women

>> No.13312933

>Stop being so PC
Shut up faggot. You retards are the reason that the rest of the world see america as a self absorbed cunts. Standards of beauty vary accross countries and cultures and even (especially) individuals.

>> No.13312940

you know i'm not white right?

and i've lived in the west and east? not just in america

>> No.13312943

the whole gender neutrality, PC culture bullshit is 100% an American phenomenon with some English influence

nobody in japan thinks that gays should marry and that people should be able to make up mental disorders for attention

>> No.13312945
File: 107 KB, 700x734, 1523776214682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these slave moralists thinking their anecdotal evidence is of any worth

>> No.13312958

Which people value asymmetry, rotting teeth, acne etc.? If it's all up in the air those people should exist, right?
And why do you believe that whites are still valued for their beauty in non-white countries?
Do you realize there are still places in the world where men will approach you in the street and try to buy your children from you if they have blonde hair?

>> No.13312959

>PC culture bullshit is 100% an American phenomenon with some English influence
right but we are not talking about the fags now are we. Go to where "the blacks",as you say, live and you will realize that black guys prefer black girls. Theres over a billion people in india, you tell me who is doing all the fucking? I myself dont find most black chicks attractive, but that doesnt mean that I think that black skin is an unnattractive trait.

>> No.13312962

>Which people value asymmetry, rotting teeth, acne etc.? If it's all up in the air those people should exist, right?
We are talking about skin color you retarded son of a bitch.

>> No.13312964

I mean, how do you explain it? East Asians like looking at white people in movies, for example, but if a movie has blacks in it they hide or downplay it in movie posters.

>> No.13312968


Who cares if she has blue eyes she's still ugly.

Eye color doesn't have that much affect on if a person is attractive or not, it's just one more feature white people love to lord over each other to make people feel like shit.

>> No.13312970

If you think the only difference between Africans, whites and Asians is skin colour then go look up albinos from each group.
Blacks have a more "primitive" bone structure. I would point to that reconstruction of an ancient European girl that came out a little while back where she looks like a fucking chadmorph.
Put blacks in Europe by themselves and come back in 100,000 years and they would probably look like white people.
Not just in skin tone but bone structure.

>> No.13312986

weaboo faggot

>> No.13312989

Indian girls are hot, you're just gay

>> No.13312990

most fashionable people are left leaning. The average Trump voter is walmart tier
what are you then?

>> No.13312991

that's what alt right neckbeards look like
Black panther is an all black movie and it did very well in China

>> No.13312995

Latinas (mestizas in particular but also the caribbean types) are the most universally attractive women

>> No.13312998
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>> No.13313007

Well it was still a smash hit in China and had mostly positive feedback

I'm not accusing you of this, but I find it so weird that some alt-right weaboos are obsessed with perpetuating the notion that all Asians hate black people. Is it a weird way of justifying their yellow fever?

>> No.13313008
File: 37 KB, 462x470, 1516209350272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitching about anime on 4chan
As if it wasn't any more obvious that you faggots are from r*ddit

>> No.13313013

I don't have a problem with anime, you faggot. But alt right weaboos like you are huge faggots.

I don't go on reddit at all so shut up.

>> No.13313019
File: 37 KB, 521x449, rustled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't identify as alt-right though. It's a boogeyman term made up by leftist MSM, and yes you do go to r*ddit, prove me wrong.

>> No.13313022

How is the mainstream media that liberal, if Breitbart and Fox News are among the most popular "news" sources? Either way, if you like fascism and call people cucks, then you are alt right

The burden of proof is on you

>> No.13313023
File: 61 KB, 940x627, 9304408-3x2-940x627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nost fashionable people are left leaning

>> No.13313024

That's not really the claim I was trying to make, here.

My claim is more like...
*The races are not equally attractive, there is a hierarchy with a top, bottom and middle.
*Which races are on the top, bottom and middle is broadly agreed upon by every race.

I would also add something that would be less popular with white nationalists. The reason one race is more attractive than another is because it trend closer towards characteristics which are attractive to all races. Like facial symmetry.

Meaning an individual pure black could present with those universally attractive characteristics much better than an individual pure white.
They're not "white features" they're just features that white people have more often.

>> No.13313026

>people only feel excluded because of their appearance
you're retarded

>> No.13313031

It depends who you ask. Because black dudes would mostly not have white women as their preference.

>> No.13313032

Fat, ugly chicks often say they don't want a guy with muscles.

>> No.13313033
File: 40 KB, 941x765, 1523700927716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How is the mainstream media that liberal, if Breitbart and Fox News
Don't act dumb, Almost all Legacy media outlets are left wing or have a bias towards it, Brietbart isn't Mainstream compared to all these other acronym outlets.

What do I have to prove? didn't mention anything about fascism and you are a cuck.

>> No.13313049

Hot skinny chicks say that too. Not all chicks want a super muscly dude
Breitbart ranks pretty high on Alexa , and FOX News is the most popular news network

>> No.13313053

I think the reason is kind of different. The fat girl doesn't want a man that is too good for her.
The skinny hot girl thinks a muscular man is a low status meathead.
If you're a bodybuilder that has a six figure income, professional job and can say BAZINGA the bimbo will love you.

>> No.13313057

Americans will never be fa. They are too negrified and uncultured. The knes who aren’t negrified are conservacucks who wear below-kneww shorts with a 100 pockets.

>> No.13313060


>> No.13313067

Black people created created rock, house, and rap music, all of which are popular in Europe. You're retarded

>> No.13313086

I think it's just that they occupy a certain place on the melanomic spectra (lmao) where they're dark enough for their spots to contain lots of pigment but not dark enough for the background skin color to hide them

but maybe there's something else, because I don't think I've noticed the same phenomena with mulatto girls

t. knower

>> No.13313087

securing a future for the white race is fa but the alt right is absolutely not fa.
burzum tee is sick tho

>> No.13313088

the alt-right is certainly not master moralists lmao

>> No.13313091

>most fashionable people are left leaning
guarantee you live in america
>>13312923 is absolutely correct

>> No.13313093

fucking disgusting poop pig