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/fa/ - Fashion

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13311819 No.13311819 [Reply] [Original]

70 degrees out, sunny
>gorgeous day, wearing well fitted t and shorts above the knee showcasing my 265 bench and 285 fronts squat
>get mires everywhere, girls smiling like crazy
>pass table of Asians and mog the fuck out of the male, girls stop talking and stare as I pass
>see some goofy ass Asian dude in black jeans, black t shirt, common projects, a fucking black parka, and an ironic bowl cut
>a fucking parka in 70 degrees April
>can't help but chuckle at this fuckin goober as I head to class

What's the point when you look like a retarded ninja to 95% of people? It's all about the face, dumb faggot, when will you understand this? FACE and HEIGHT are what make a fit "omggg xD soo 90s ironic" vs school shootercore

Just fucking end yourself if you dress for girls, fashion is a cope. Deal with it uggos. I get up and put on sweats and a t and could steal your girl any day of the week. Ugly dyel faggots

>> No.13311878

You are a smart anon

>> No.13311883

Chicken legs..lmao. your small. Eat more

>> No.13311889

Nice bod op, what do you weigh and how tall are you?

>> No.13311899


the incel community is leaking again

>> No.13311979

wearing a v neck is gay

>> No.13311984

When did Lookism retards start infiltrating this board?

>> No.13312046

>a self deprecating asian wrote this

>> No.13312063

They probably were smiling because of your ridiculous V-neck and bitch bracelet, fag

>> No.13312072
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this guy hasn't heard of scoop necks! 2010 called they want the v(irgin) necks back!

>> No.13312091

she wont love you though faggot

>> No.13312100

>he front squats

>> No.13312108
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>> No.13312119

Based /fit/izen btfoing the dyels

>> No.13312138

And here we go

>> No.13312139
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>> No.13312143

Good work /fit/izen

>> No.13312190

Ya man I'm so sure you are totally secure with your masculinity that's why you made the same thread 3 days in a row.

>> No.13312200

I kinda agree with this. I am tall and exercise and practice good hygiene. It trumps everything else. You can have all the gear in the world if you look greasy, arent clean shaven or rocking a well groomed full beard, are too skinny or too fat, and have bad skin. The fact that you resort to brands and style mean you are insecure as fuck. This man is a true alpha.

>> No.13312564


you probably just hate chinks with too much money more than the actual fashion.

this is understandable.

>> No.13312588

One of the most pathetic of pastas desu

>> No.13313659
File: 44 KB, 300x300, 1524054413061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i lift my dude, but lifting to show it off and ,,attract sloots'' is as bad as dressing for girls. do whatever the fuck you enjoy, thats amazing if thats u, but doing for attention is basically self destructing in the end, i learnt the hard way.

>> No.13313670

why do people keep replying to this bait

>> No.13314282


>coping this hard

>> No.13314290

you seem lost, /fit/ is the board for insecure DYELs

>> No.13314331

Is there anything more disgusting than sloped shoulders?

>> No.13315768

>i lift
i know this is shitpost but at least try harder too obvious bud

>> No.13315886

>v neck
>sweat shorts
>disgusting wide body
there is no way this isn't bait, fuck off you transparent troll

>> No.13316529

awful frame im sorry anon :\

>> No.13316547

I remember this was posted last year at least. He's wearing sweats in the photo as he was going to class

>> No.13316566

>disgusting wide body
>wide body

And you /fa/ggots wonder why other boards think you as soyboy betas

>> No.13316577
File: 1.29 MB, 640x1536, 1524005830120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder about your head-to-shoulder ratio. Your shoulders genetics look shit without the heda giving idea of your proportions. Hope your head is much smaller than this.

Also, that physique is for show and is impractical.

>> No.13316591

OP you look like a faggot who just started lifting last year and is already on roids.

>> No.13316592 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13316599
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>> No.13316611

You have a serious inferiority complex OP. Just chill out bro. Plus the girls were probably laughing at that giraffe neck of yours.

>> No.13316816

What gear do you use?

>> No.13316825

you're on a fucking fashion board, of course people want to be thin as possible fucking moron. yes, we are very concerned with what the rest of 4chan thinks of us lmao jesus fucking christ

>> No.13318048


>it takes 1 (one) post to trigger this many people