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/fa/ - Fashion

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13309351 No.13309351 [Reply] [Original]

70 degrees out, sunny
>gorgeous day, wearing well fitted t and shorts above the knee showcasing my 265 bench and 285 fronts squat
>get mires everywhere, girls smiling like crazy
>pass table of Asians and mog the fuck out of the male, girls stop talking and stare as I pass
>see some goofy ass Asian dude in black jeans, black t shirt, common projects, a fucking black parka, and an ironic bowl cut
>a fucking parka in 70 degrees April
>can't help but chuckle at this fuckin goober as I head to class

What's the point when you look like a retarded ninja to 95% of people? It's all about the face, dumb faggot, when will you understand this? FACE and HEIGHT are what make a fit "omggg xD soo 90s ironic" vs school shootercore

Just fucking end yourself, it's all about HEIGHT, FACE, FRAME. Fashion is a cope. Deal with it uggos

>> No.13309357
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>> No.13309374

Is a side effect of being /fit/ sucking your own cock?

>> No.13309376

Today was a hot summer day and I was in my workout room benching 1200 pounds. My abs were flexing and girls within a 10 mile radius were getting wet. Once I was done with my daily 32 hour workout I called one of the bitches I know, Tomoka. She is really fucking hot and looks like a preschooler. SO I got into my Lamborghini Gallardo and reved it up to 40,000 RPM (this is an Italian import with special engine system). I got onto the freeway near my house and threw it into 8th gear, I hit about 600 mph and I could hear the sonic boom as I broke the sound barrier. As I was flooring it on the freeway like a badass, Mokkan called me and said she wanted me to fuck her. So be it.

I came to a full stop from 700 mph in front of her house. These Ferrari's have top notch brakes, you know. So she gets out of the house and walks up to my Bugatti and starts eyeballing my cock. I could tell she was staring at it because when I looked at her I noticed she was looking at my cock. Booya.

Flash forward to like 10 minutes later. My 30 inch cock is going inside of her pussy, hitting them walls. I'm holding her entire body up with my left pinky as I'm fucking her and she has 30,000 orgasms. She looks me in the eyes and she says "harder." V-TEC just kicked in, yo. I blow my load so hard she falls off my cock. There had to have been about two pints of cum everywhere. People say I cum like a pornstar, I wouldn't disagree with them.

I throw her a towel so she can clean herself up then I do a triple backflip into my Maserati and drive home.

>> No.13309732

Fake as fuck. Bugatti doesn't have Very Tall Engine Cooling. That's special Honda only technology.

>> No.13310274

This but unironically

>> No.13310329

But what are you wearing at the gym to get all that female-gaze on you??

>> No.13310332

I have height, face and frame, and /fa/

>> No.13310339

If you have all the good stuff like face and height and thrown in fa too then you reach your potential.

Does a fat 5ft ugly guy look better in high fashion clothing than some 6ft built Chad in a t-shirt? No, but he looks better than some fat 5ft ugly guy in an oversized super hero t shirt and cargo pants.

It's about maximizing your potential. Not claiming that if you dress great you'll look better than a model guy.

>> No.13310366

comes with the increased flexibility

>> No.13310873

the girls prolly stopped talking becuase some larper who dosnt know how to dress besides his favorite epic frog meme shirt walked by

its quite understandable really when you take a step back anon

>> No.13312045
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>> No.13313495

Depends. If you want to impress other people, being overly /fa/ is simply not the way to do it. This entire board is delusional. This isn't fashion, it's internet memeing. The way to be fashionable is to know cool people, not by exclusively devouring blogs and message board content. People here have no grasp on fashion whatsoever besides saving pics of obscure rick owens shit from tumblr. For a fashion board, this place is utterly clueless, really can't stress that enough. People here aren't "in the know" because they aren't immersed in the right social circles.

Now, if you're actually interested in fashion then that's another thing. Not interested because you think it will make people like you more but actually interested, then people like that do tend to wear more obscure stuff more.

>> No.13313613

Until a slender dude wearing the same things as you comes around and mogs you with the sole help of his facial features and aura

>> No.13313642

It never gets old no matter how many times I read it.

>> No.13315042
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