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13295298 No.13295298 [Reply] [Original]

Is being a manlet effay?

>> No.13295337

oh no no no no

>> No.13295358

no but being smart is

>> No.13295970
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>> No.13296097

No, it makes it impossible to effay and instead makes you want to commit suicide.
t. manlet

>> No.13296102


he's a cunt which invalidates being smart

>> No.13296125

do you know how many smart people are cunts? doesn't invalidate it at all desu, you sound stupid desu

>> No.13296131


>> No.13296152
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>> No.13296167

Damn, Zucc really just money mogged everyone in that building.

>> No.13296180


>> No.13296223
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it depends

>> No.13296224

>no but being rich is
Edited for accuracy.

>> No.13296424

>171 cm
I mean yeah, the guy is short, but did he really need that damn pillow? What is this?

Incredible, is the average 190 in usa?

>> No.13296448

That's a basketball team

>> No.13296452

He wasted his intelligence in for his own profit, he hasn't contributed to humanity at all.

>> No.13296454

The pillow was for his raging hemorrhoids. Normies don't actually care about height. Yes, even """normies""" like Mark Zuckerberg.

>> No.13296455

>shitty haircut
>no muscles
>dresses like an autistic teenager
>married to an ugly chink

Jesus christ, what's wrong with him?

>> No.13296458

He found oil and got rich but is still a mental manlet, he is the kind of people that can't answer a question and have no goals besides going to deathbed as a useful puppet.

>> No.13296471

>mental manlet
>not brainlet

>> No.13296474

it's so he can expose more of his upper body and project a confident and dominant demeanour despite the situation. It's all body language coaching

>> No.13296493

A brainlet is a dumb person, a mental manlet is a subhuman.

>> No.13296523

Fuck yea. You just need to find clothes that fit well, just like any other height does. Don't matter if u r a manlet normal or tall man if your clothes are ill fitting you will not be effay

>> No.13296529

lol w in the actual fuck
He is literally sitting on a brief case to make him look taller... Or is that so he can reach the mic

>> No.13296530

as much as i hate facebook, you've got to admit it had positive effects in terms of communication and its help in discovering people (acquaintances, friends, etc)

>> No.13296535

it's a booster, yes.

>> No.13296545
File: 63 KB, 642x428, facebook_privacy_scandal_congress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The 5-foot-7 executive squirmed in a chair that included a 4-inch-thick pad under his behind while being blasted for hours with questions from lawmakers about his social network’s handling of user data.

“Mark Zuckerberg’s chair on Capitol Hill has a nice big extra cushion,” tweeted The Washingtonian, which first noticed the seat booster.

A rep from Facebook said the cushion was not the billionaire’s private seat, but was provided by the Senate Judiciary Committee.

“That’s the committee’s standard practice,” a company spokesperson told The Post.

>> No.13296566
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He went to harvard though
Could you archieve anything of what he has? Have you?

>> No.13296575

>he went to a school you didn't y'know; that absolves him of stealing your data and being a jew
oh I am laffin

>> No.13296607

I think what xe is saying is that Zuckerstein had already accomplished more than you ever will long before he invented facebook, and xhe'is'who'ist is right.

>> No.13296612

>he invented facebook
He did not.

>> No.13296614

>shitty haircut
Looks average, with that kind of money you stop giving a fuck
>no muscles
Nobody wants to look like a fucking balloon man, being slim is enough for most people

>> No.13296750

That's a robot actually

>> No.13296760

He's more interested in power than in the opinion of some kid on an Iberian viticulture forum.

>> No.13296763

go back to /pol/

>> No.13296791
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go back to readit, loser

>> No.13296792

I dunno, being wanted by the feds and nosediving a company is not my measure of success.

>> No.13296820

Yeah but we're talking about Zuck not Trump.

>> No.13296824

No, but being one of the richest and most successful men on the planet certainly is

>> No.13296845

so to my untrained eye, that doesn't look like an expensive suit

was wondering if /fa/ knew anything about it

>> No.13296846

I think this an inadequacy between the good look of the chair and the height of the table.
The chair looks good, and you look good in it, but it is too low in order to make a good appearance on tv. The risk would be to look like Pacino when he was slouched on a chair at the end of the movie before going on a rampage.

>> No.13296853
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>> No.13296858

The movie I refer to is Scarface.
The coke on the table is obviously the data.

>> No.13296866
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Being a replicant android is not fa. Look at those soulless robot eyes

>> No.13296868

It's like a machine trying to copy human behaviour, and failing

>> No.13296876

oh come on, I hate the guy too but nobody can deny his success, whether it's shitty and underhand or not, he has still achieved a great deal more than any of us

>> No.13296907

Considering it's a "privacy" scandal, having him look like he's "hiding" behind the table would be bad optics for him and for facebook. Idk who suggested the booster if it was a special insistence by the committee or if it was requested by him, or if it was just something that is always lying around for short people to use. Was Hillary using one during hers? She's like 5'4

>> No.13296910
File: 616 KB, 2000x1000, o-HILLARY-CLINTON-BENGHAZI-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his collar bone and shoulders are equal height across the mic, hillary looks to be well below the mic level here, and is leaning forward hunched over the desk

>> No.13296928

Stealing a cancerous website isn't that big a deal.
I'm sure Lurch Mueller will sic 'im any day now amirite?

>> No.13296950


It's obvious that the table is too high for that short ass chair. I'm not even sure why this is a story. People are fucking monkeys just flinging shit every where.

>> No.13296958

You do realize that all going to Harvard signifies for 99% of their students is that their parents have money and connections, right?
The actual "nobodies" that got in purely on merit are an incredibly small percentage and Zuck would have never stood a chance if it wasn't for his grandparents.

>> No.13296967

>americans with enormous fat man chair make fun of normal human sitting on it

>> No.13297022

literally looks like an insect

>> No.13297033

>europoors with tiny chairs think that 5'7" is "normal"
inb4 muh metric system

>> No.13297049

Europeans are taller on average than Americans, by a large margin

>> No.13297051

>Could you archive anything of what he has? Have you?

>> No.13297142

lmao fucking subhuman Amerimutt manlet being this delusional

>> No.13297166
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This is the inventor of ethereum

>> No.13297172

Wasn't even short.

>> No.13297184

"boy, do i enjoy consuming this tasty caloric mass!"

>> No.13297199
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>> No.13297218

Fancy way of saying 'ginger kike'

>> No.13297219
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>> No.13297223

How could you have come up with this idea?

>> No.13297224

imagine being this retarded to only skim through the surface of things...

>> No.13297266
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>> No.13297286

Fair enough
>misunderstanding my point this badly
Take notes from anon above, that's how you make an actual argument. Fucking Cobain yourself. I'm 6'1" by the way

>> No.13297288
