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/fa/ - Fashion

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13279095 No.13279095[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i'm 5'6" and I finally realized that I've been coping all those time. women despise you and literally no human male will ever respect you, and if you show even the smallest inkling of kindness, you'll immediately be taken advantage of. just lmao @ fellow midgets on here

if you're 6'2+ and living in the US, you can fuck almost ANY GIRL, unless you've got a severe facial deformity. expanding on that, it is literally impossible to be a virgin at 6'2 and above, unless you're genuinely retarded. everyone under your height will respect you and see you as a god. if I was hiring someone for say, a SETI position, and I had to pick between a 5'2" subhuman with a 150 IQ, or a 6'3" alpha with a 100 IQ, I would go for the latter, every time, because my monkey brain naturally wants to submit to these shining specimens of humanity. i am naturally inclined to want them to lead me. i want them to cuck me to ensure that I don't pass on these defects. i want to aid them in every way I can, for the good of posterity. from birth, until death, a person who is taller than you, will ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS be superior to you, because in the end, you'll ALWAYS be a little itty bitty manlet who never learned. if you're taller than say, 6'1", and don't live in a tall country like the netherlands, give yourself a pat on the back and rest easy my friend. you fucking won. i want you to know. you may be at a bad point in your life, thinking you're useless or that your life will never get better. it will. you are tall. the moment you enter a room and stand next to that multi-billionaire manlet with a 10/10 face and Von Neumann tier IQ, he will want to neck himself, and his wife (unlikely) will want your babies.

any woman who actually dates a manlet is clearly mentally ill or has low self esteem, because dating a manlet is social suicide to women. take it from me, I have 5 sisters and a couple cousins who are very open about their thoughts.
I finally learned

>> No.13279100

if this is a tall guy shitting on short people than you should sort your own life out mate. if this is a short guy who actually feels this way you should sort your mindset out

>> No.13279106

then why the fuck are companies all hiring manlet indian and chinese fuckers and i cant find a job?

>> No.13279113

my mindset is completely fine and absolutely valid. if you're 6'1+ you are an absolute unit of a man and a demigod. women will want to masturbate to you moments after seeing your glorious visage while retching the moment I pop out of the corner

>> No.13279126

sure being taller is better but if its something you cant change you should try and improve your life in other areas. take care of yourself man

>> No.13279241

>t is literally impossible to be a virgin at 6'2 and above, unless you're genuinely retarded
Slould I just come to girl I want and say "Hey, I'm tall"?

>> No.13279260

Yeah I was always the tallest dude, but because of spaghetti coming out of my pocket every time I talk to a girl, I'm still a virgin at 20..

>> No.13279304

Before you ask

>> No.13279455

Because they're cheap.

>> No.13279458

I'm 5'7 and I'm a chad.
Sucks to be you, bro

>> No.13279476

am 5'8 and a half and I wish I could be 6ft tall .. And I'm a girl too.. Being short is ass both for guys and girls

>> No.13279483

6ft+ girls are freaks just like manlets are

>> No.13279490

I'm 6'2" and socialable. Life is definitely easier in some respects but you can get manlets who are spiteful and have a go at you just for being tall. It's also very competitive at >6'1" as us tall people constantly compare height.

>> No.13279518

>literally no human male will ever respect you
My best friend, who I have a great deal of respect for, is really short.
I don't know how short, maybe even shorter than 5'6 like you, chill out you berk

>> No.13279825

21 and same.
Your phisique doesn't matter if you never actually reach out to people or can't lead a healthy social lifestyle

>> No.13279881

5'3" ama

>> No.13280012

Are you gay

>> No.13280022


>> No.13280032

Sage goes in all fields

Fuckin cancer

>> No.13280042

First gf was taller than me. WE lasted for 3 years.

I guess I just ruined you life credo

>> No.13280055

being tall is nothing special unless you're also very attractive, height is like a prerequisite, it only matters when you don't have it

>> No.13280060

Fuck off im five eight and have no problems in life with my height

>> No.13280090


>> No.13280118

very true, I'm really tall and have a huge dick and I gurantee you it has given me practically nothing except the occasional stare at my crotch.

>> No.13280166

OwO t-thats l-lewd

>> No.13280172

I'm truly sorry for you then

>> No.13280406

5’6” dude here
>have objective 8/10 gf
>had multiple girls come up to me at parties and tell me I’m attractive
>about to graduate college with 2 degrees
>many friends and their respect
>accepted shortness

It’s not about your height it’s about your face and your personality. Also don’t be fat because short and fat is actual suicide tier

>> No.13280428

Right it's all about your country, 5'6 is okay for latino/asian guys.

>> No.13280459

whereabouts do you live?

>> No.13280465

why does everyone talk about face/height/body/personality and nobody ever talks about money? is it because most people in this website are from middle-class american families?

>> No.13280477

It's because chicks that are after your money will want a long term thing to milk you

>> No.13280483

I´m 5´9 and from germany. it`s fucking annoying but I still have a good chance fucking the most girls smaller than me

>> No.13280488

it's because the kind of people who pay attention to money that much are mostly people you don't want to associate with. However of course being wealthy and humble is god tier.

>> No.13280496

I'm watching this happen to my dad and it's tragic.

>> No.13280505
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>I want a tall man to cuck me

Go back to /b/ with your fetish threads

>> No.13280591

you’re seriously fucking retarded

>> No.13280853
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Why the fuck did I get banned for a month for saying the average age of /fa/ is 16, but shitposting /r9k/ tier garbage like this can stay up with zero repercussions? People even post race bait and /pol/ shit and there was a thread that almost hit bump limit of people just posting softcore porn

Thanks mod team :)

>> No.13280899

nah I'm absolutely right
stop coping you manlet, or if you're a lanklet, start using your superpower

>> No.13280916
File: 58 KB, 400x500, IMG_3545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5'10 model gf

Lol fuck off lanklet

>> No.13280922

Ever been with a girl?

>> No.13280941


>> No.13280954

no fucking way i'm OP and I'm calling bullshit on this
you are literally a subhuman. I refuse to believe that any woman, no matter how disgusting, no matter delusional, could settle for you when I know countless armies of sub 5'5s who have never even touched a woman

you must have a 10/10 face, holy shit

>> No.13280979

>be 5'8, 5'9 with shoes on
>tell girls I'm 5'10
>all my 5'10 friends always tell girls they're 6'0 so they believe me
life is nice

>> No.13280983

I wish I was an inch taller just so I could find my inseam size in stores

>> No.13280986
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I'll tell you something that might surprise you even more. The majority of them where actually the ones to ask me out/confess feelings first. Funny right?

>> No.13280995

I'm 170cm (5'5" in imperial units I believe) and while I wish I was taller it didn't prevent me from doing okay with girls once I started paying attention to my look. Currently having a gf around the same height as me (she's 168cm)

I do have a decent face though and learned how to speak to people after being a loser for several years, a manlet willl have it way harder than an average-sized guy, ngl.

>> No.13281013
File: 128 KB, 1000x1000, 902341f626f470ba6bbb40ec77da6c4d.1000x1000x1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The weeknd is a very popular artist and sex symbol and he is not only short, but a bit chubby too. He's most likely shorter than 5'8, as lots of celebrities lie about their heights.

>> No.13281015

pipimi-chan is so cute

>> No.13281021

t. manlet

>> No.13281023

I believe you. That's better than my track record.
OP, you really need help. There are few things more unattractive than the person reflected in your post and it has nothing to do with your height. Insecurity is worse than being short by miles and your level of insecurity is among the worst ive seen. The manlet meme is so pathetic yet so prevalent on this board. I'm 6 foot btw so you cant say that I'm a manlet and just coping. Remember that a man is greater or worse than the sum of his parts..

>> No.13281032
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>> No.13281106

i'm OP and to be fair I'm also a skullcel with a baby head and enormously broad shoulders for my height and I have negative canthal tilt so that and my height are probably why I'm 27 and a hugless virgin. that 5'3 guy probably mogs me in every other way desu

personality is absolutely tertiary

>> No.13281114

post your face
i want to see your glorious 11/10 lachowski bone growth
cherish it, regardless

>> No.13281138

Not one to post pictures of myself on 4chan. Sorry. desu I would consider myself only slightly above average