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File: 100 KB, 498x594, 1508109980762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13273775 No.13273775 [Reply] [Original]

Oh shit anon. You started receding. This is you in a few years.

>> No.13273781

I dont get it. Why doest most people just get an hair transplant? Seriously it can cost a lot but surely its worth it no? Why do most people view a receiding hairline as a death sentence?

>> No.13273786
File: 40 KB, 654x643, 1520995520878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I ever get to that point ill just shave it all

>> No.13273794

Only very few can be trusted with those and they are expensive. I'd say the only thing worse than just balding is getting a bad hair transplant.

>> No.13273829
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But sometimes it works wonders

>> No.13273833
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My god why does he not style it? He'd look better bald than with that mop on his head.

>> No.13273847

Nah it's much better with hair
That is a shitton of hair. Isn't all that hair missing on the back of his head now?

>> No.13274471
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uh no
the cyproterone acetate and estradiol valerate I take are preventing that uwu

>> No.13274498


You do realise that it's not a one time transplant. If your hair keeps receding, you will need every few years go do the transplant to hide the new bald spots.

Also depends the culture. In some countries if they find out you tried to hide it, it's worse than balding.

>> No.13274518

Maybe I'll be lucky, my granddad on my mother's side still wasn't balding in his 70s when he died and my dad is only just now starting to get bad in his 50s
I will literally kill myself if I go bald before 35 though

>> No.13274532
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I´ll take it.

>> No.13274571

>In some countries if they find out you tried to hide it, it's worse than balding.
In all countries it's that. It's just that some are more delusional.

>> No.13274634
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He looked pretty good bald too

>> No.13274658
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Bring it on.

>> No.13274712

I started receding when I was 17. Before that I had a phobia of sorts and hated getting my hair cut, so having to obey the school "dresscode" was a nightmare. In highschool administration finally stopped giving a fuck and since then I had a ponytail up until I enrolled in a university.
Around that time I was struck with a bad case of teenage apathy which coincided with my hairline crawling way up my skull. I guess the timing was kinda lucky since for me "looking nice" wasn't really on the priority list anymore. Honestly pretty much nothing was. But looking disgusting would make life harder so I still put some effort into looking tolerable. Shaved head looked better than the mess I had before so I stuck with it. Wouldn't say it had a big impact on my quality of life. When I stopped being a reclusive negative asshole - that had an impact on my life. As long as you look ok changes in your appearance usually lead to changes in your life that are also strictly cosmetic. So making a big fuss about this shit is just dumb and pointless imo

>> No.13274718

I don't even care. I just buzz it every now and then and let it happen. Seems like coming to terms with it is better then the expensive attempt to run away from it.

>> No.13274719
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>> No.13274786

My Granda went bald at 17. I'm near that age, take from that what you will. The only male member of my family who still has a full set of hair is one of my great Uncles. My fingers are crossed because if I lose my hair ill have to shave it, and if I have to shave it people will be subjected to my disgusting dandruffy scalp. I see hats in my future.

>> No.13274850

Suck my ass kiddo I'm on fin for 2 years already.
I'm actually not quite sure how successful it is because I don't check it very closely. I just feel better because I do what I can.

>> No.13274866

>My Granda went bald at 17. I'm near that age
Underage gtfo

>> No.13274958

Do you still have your dick?

>> No.13274967

Once in a while I have some days where I don't feel like fapping or whatever and then I get a sudden burst of horniness that then again lasts for days. Doesn't even have to be related to fin. Otherwise nothing changed.

>> No.13274970

I went bald as shit at 17, I'm 28 now. I've always been in decent shape but right now I want to basically spend all my time working out and be a huge dude in a nice suit and look like the kingpin

>> No.13274978

My hairline receded a few years ago but I barely noticed it and it hasn't advanced since. I'm 29 now and I'm more conscious of it now. My hairline will probably thin out and creep back but I'm not thinking about any treatments

>> No.13274999

>Just shave it brah like just be yourself bruh
You wouldn't say that if you had a decent bunch of hair but an ugly egghead that is better left hidden under it

>> No.13275032

Fucking this. Who needs hair when you're jacked?

>> No.13275057

It wouldn't suit you with that attitude

>> No.13275069

actually suits him

>> No.13275104

My brother started going bald at 20. Same for my dad I still have a full head of hair at nearly 30 so heres hoping my luck doesn't run out.

>> No.13275114

You can keep telling yourself that, but when you're old and bald you will wish you had spend your youth lifting and getting huge instead of being a little thinspo twink with pretty hair. Think of it as retirement planning for your looks.

>> No.13275191

you are the illegitimate child of an illicit affair your mother had

>> No.13275269

I'm >>13274970

>> No.13275352
File: 213 KB, 500x780, 1489906142025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well… No. :^)

>> No.13275355

Stop being a fag

Just shave it off.

Balding fags are the most insecure of alll, just shave it, no one gives a fuck about your hair.

>> No.13275378


>> No.13275384

I don't want to keep my hair because it looks good. I'd probably look fine, maybe even better to other people bald. But I love having long hair. It feels right. It looks like me. I've buzzed before and I've never had a more out of body experience.

>> No.13275425

When my hair gets bad enough I'm definitely getting a hair system. If you are careful enough it will look absolutely real and desu the maintenance and cost are worth it. Transplants are out of the question since they involve dick killing pills, and my hair is too thin for a transplant anyway.
I mean look at this shit.

>> No.13275608

It's not that simple. Some transplants fail, you usually have to use Fin for 12 months+ before a transplant to stop the follicle trauma when replanting that can damage good follicles around the transplant area.

They look great, life transforming. Guys go from a 3/10 to an 8/10 with great hair. They do look real and act like real, wash your hair, style it, whatever. Great systems but expensive.

>> No.13275686

>dick killing pills
What a shitty meme

>> No.13275726

I used fin for a year and it literally fucked up my peanus weenus, thankfully I recovered after some terrifying months. I know this doesn't happen to everyone, but the dick killing meme is very true.
To this day I'm maintaining thanks to minox and shady RCs.

>> No.13275748

Weird, if it happens it usually happens early on and passes even if you keep using

>> No.13275762

>drove by bald guy on the way home tonight
>girlfriend told me bald guys are weird
>I told her "That's probably me in 10 years"
>it's more like 4 or 5 years until that point because I'm receeding
>she told me I'll be wearing a wig if that happens to me

I'm actually offended. Should I dump her ass. She already wants to move in together and it's been 2 months.

>> No.13275770


what the fck would your family and friends say if they see you one day bald as a bulb and the next with a fuking teenager hairline.

I know I would be the but of all jokes.

>> No.13275777

>She already wants to move in together and it's been 2 months.
Thats the reason you should dump her for and not her hair preference

>> No.13275779


m8, do whatever you want, it's not like if you get another girlfriend she would think diferently. You should know by now that all women are the same, and they all hate short guys and bald guy, things that are completely geneticall.

>> No.13275783

>they all hate short guys and bald guy
I mean the short part is probably true but most women could not get any less of a shit about your hair

>> No.13275787


>> No.13275790

She just keeps bringing it up. I have seen her every single day for the last 50 something days. And keeps saying "Oh wouldn't it be great..."

And she's shit with money. Like beyond shit with money. I have 12k saved, a 10k car paid off, no debt at all, and I'm 21. She has a shit car, literally no money saved, and she's 25. Probably has debt too.

She doesn't know I'm better off than her and she never wants me to pay for her though, so that's cool.

But I don't exactly have girls knocking on my door left and right so I dunno.
I'm 6'2" though. So I might be okay,.

>> No.13275791
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this is me in a couple of years

>> No.13275804

You avoid that by getting the hair system way before you are lightbulb mode. Also go heavy on the meds some months before so your actual hair is kind of decent when you bite the bullet, that way the transition won't be as noticeable.

>> No.13275830


if you go swim in a pool, does that shit come off? also, I presumme you can;t trick your wife with this shit, she has to be in on it, do you think she'll lose respect for you?

piggybacking on>>13275770, what if you decide you don't want to wear that stuff anymore, you are going to go from full head of hair to lightbulb mode. That stuff holds you hostage for life

>> No.13275861

It doesn't come off when you swim, run, sweat, work out and such.
And yes, your wife should know. If she's not cool with it I guess you are fucked.
In case you want to get rid of it you could switch progressively to smaller ones that make the illusion of receding I guess. The realistic systems only last 2-3 months so you'd be changing them frequently anyway, you could "go bald" on a year.
I mean yeah, it's fake and can be messy but if I'm going bald in my early 20s I am 100% doing this shit. Balding in your late 30s is natural and I'd have no problem with it, but being a baby faced pasty bald manlet at 24 is a death sentence.

>> No.13275890

I think it's still ingrained in a lot of guys minds even to this day that it's something that's inevitable that you should just embrace, I've wondered the same thing too since I started seeing receding on the temples like, I saved mine by catching it early, why don't other guys? That being said there's general stigma against guys being worried about cosmetic issues such as hair but there's also a lot of really bad information out there about different treatments including HT's which probably scares a lot of guys off. We'll probably have a cure in our lifetime anyways so I guess it won't matter for coming generations.

>> No.13275922

did you go to college? doesn't sounds like you did. not sure what you're all high and mighty about but most college students are broke, drive shit cars and don't have much saved.

so if you started working full time right after high school thats why, you may be good with money but what skills do you have?

>> No.13275987

You sound like a sheep who fell for the modern indentured servitude trap.
You are a victim, you didn't know what you where doing. It's okay. Don't act like you're better if you're actually not in a better position.
But do realize you and your assets are owned by the bankers until you get that gorilla off your back. Try not paying and see what happens :]

>> No.13276126

If you were as worried about it when you started as you sound now that's probably why.

WHO THE FUCK CARES. Jesus people like you are pathetic. Women wear makeup,hair extensions, guys grow a beard, trim etc. all in the pursuit of looking their best.

>i-i'm scared family would laugh at me and i am so fragile

Maybe not have such a shitty family, yeah?


>> No.13276245

You should dump her. Also you sound like asshole.

>> No.13276312
File: 236 KB, 978x1024, messy bald look.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People should hang on to whatever they have

>> No.13276360
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>> No.13276372
File: 33 KB, 580x397, fuckin a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13276378

Anyone who says just shave it is retarded. We'll have a cure in a few years, till then do what you can to fight it.

>> No.13276718

I thought the nips already found one, what is taking so long

>> No.13276759

>drove by a fat woman on the way home tonight
>boyfriend told me fat girls are unattractive
>I told him "That's probably me in 10 years"
>it's more like 4 or 5 years until that point because I suffer from hypothyroidism
>he told me I'll be losing some weight if that happens to me

Well, I see her point. We're all shallow assholes and if your gf likes guys with full hair you can't do a lot about it. And the other anon already said it, this moving together stuff is a bigger problem.

>> No.13276763
File: 107 KB, 485x868, picturee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cringe so hard when people think balding is "masculine"

>> No.13276766

>posts some twink fuckboi

yeah good argument

>> No.13276787

lol @ you, being a young pretty boy is all that matters in life

>> No.13276818

Well it is masculine since it's mostly a man thing. Doesn't mean it's pretty.