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/fa/ - Fashion

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13272171 No.13272171 [Reply] [Original]

Any advice for a tranny trying to learn womens fashion? I was really into fashion as a male, but I feel as though female fashion is a lot harder.
>inb4 a noose

>> No.13272175

fuck off to your containment board fucking cross dressing faggot

>> No.13272200

a noose

>> No.13272203


>> No.13272206


>> No.13272486 [DELETED] 

>>lgbt will be more helpful for advice on that specific topic. Otherwise just look at a lot of women's clothing and find inspiration to develop your tastes. It's the exact same process as when you were learning about clothing as a male.

>persona 3
good taste

>> No.13272570
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It only seems harder because it gets more attention and a lot of women just do whatever they please without really thinking. I would recommend you to capitalize on the parts of your body that look the most feminine while covering the ones that still look a bit manly. Keep in mind your shoulders, don't expose them if they're wide. I know I'm only really telling you to be self-conscious of how well you can pass, but you can't be effay if you look like a man in drag.

>> No.13272605
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Don't overdo it, a lot of trannies wear pink frilly shit and try and act overly girly and it just looks weird and draws attention.

>> No.13272607


Go back to your containment board you freak.

You will never look like a woman even if you cake on the make up and ask for fashion tips, big issue is your shoulders (as with the case with most trannies)

>> No.13272615
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reminder that /pol/ is the least /fa/ board there is

>> No.13272627
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>the token black guys

>> No.13272702


You don't need to be /pol/ to understand a HRT-infused titty boy isnt effay.

>> No.13272719

neck yourself

>> No.13272728
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>> No.13272732

I heard nooses and bullets are all the rage this season

>> No.13272773
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you have to go back

>> No.13273120


Thanks for posting an anime picture. I'm sure man-jawed trannies IRL look like this. Instead of just looking like Chris-Chan.


>> No.13273133

I'm actually interested in this not because I'm a tranny but because I want to dress my girlfriend up and actually make her look nice, so it'd be neat to see some advice. Sometimes I wish I was a faggot to make it easier.

>> No.13273136

Passable non-asian traps are rare as fuck though.

>> No.13273153

I mean. I think I’ll be fine. I’m 5’7 with a weak jaw smallish shoulders and wide hips.

>> No.13273155


I totally believe you.

Keep trying to convince yourself. Freak.

>> No.13273252


jesus christ look at all this mad

you know you don't have to reply

>> No.13273289 [DELETED] 

Repressing trannies tend to be pretty transphobic. I know I was. Maybe /fa/ is full of repressed trannies?

>> No.13273297
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>> No.13273313

You might find some women’s fashion advice on the end of my dick, if that doesn’t work check the inside of my ass.

>> No.13273319


>> No.13274074

If you want to pass well I echo >>13272605 .

Some people go over-the-top and wear high heels pared with thin bodycon dresses and other outfits which would look just as awful on a cis female. Avoid wearing tight clothing for both your top and your bottom, meaning if you wear skinny jeans or tight skirt pick a baggy top for a sweater and if you wear a tight top, wear a skater skirt, this should mask the fact that your shoulders are wider than your hips.

If you're taller than 5'8" I would avoid wearing high heels, and between 5'6" and 5'8" I would only wear lower clunky heels like "tractor soles".

>> No.13274285
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/fa/ isn't white

>> No.13274339


Are you asian, if not. You need surgery. Possibly go to south korea (or north).

>> No.13274429
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I'm going to hijack this thread for a related question that's been in my head, before I go ask on /lbtq/.

Do you think there is a demand for clothes cut specifically for trans people? Thinking of trans women mainly because I know too little about the trans man experience. I'm envisioning women's clothes but cut for male bone structures and proportions. Would trans women be interested in something like that?

>> No.13274455


You are a delusional defeated and broken man, if it isn't too late seek help, otherwise suicide awaits, you know that once you hit 30 you're done, don't to hrt nor cut your dick. Good luck

>> No.13274477

Lol. I’m 20 and hrt stops further masculinization. I was gendered female sometimes before hrt and living as a male caused me genuine distress.

>> No.13274494


>> No.13274578
File: 72 KB, 1024x609, t3_80cy34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow you are really rude and insensitive. You can be a tranny and still be proud and successful.


>> No.13274603

I'm sorry this is the life society and your family pushed to live, only you can help yourself now and I know it's too late if youre on hrt, shame

>> No.13274640

“Life and society”. I get that you’re /pol/, but life and society actively punishes people like me, at least in the US. I’m only doing this out of necessity.

>> No.13274655

i'm an /fa/ tranny, here's what i think. female fashion has more options (before you start getting into more """"avante garde"'"" styles), so it can be really overwhelming when you have so many options.

the most important things you can do are
a) dress to your body type
b) have a concise style

dressing to your body type is obviously important. i'm 5'9", and an inverted triangle (but my hips have grown quite a bit, almost 2y. hrt). i avoid tops that make my shoulders look bigger, and wear a lot of skirts that give the illusion of having more hips, as well as high waisted pants. i've found clothes i love that just don't work for my body type and it sucks but being a tranny sucks.

having a concise style seems really obvious but it can be hard to get it to where you want it. i was so overwelmed with having so many new options (and being able to wear clothes that i had wanted to for so long). i went from dressing androgynous before i was out (loose fitting tops, slim pants, dark colours) and then went to wearing basically all black with long skirts and turtlenecks and sweaters, and now i'm somewhere in the middle, incorporating more white now.

really the best thing i can recommend is find some pieces you fucking love (that are all in a SOMEWHAT similar style, and preferably core pieces) and build around those. buy good quality basics too, try and avoid fast fashion. i've had a lot of success thrifting, i don't buy new almost ever.

if you want to talk more about clothes or trans stuff, i have discord.

>> No.13274656

I don't go to /pol/. It just makes me sad seeing men being pushed to make these permanent, suicide inducing decisions.

>> No.13274666

The only cure to dysphoria is transition anon. Tranny suicide rates are pretty high regardless, but I’m much less suicidal now than before transitioning.
Thanks for the advice

>> No.13274753

Interesting, thanks sis

>> No.13274834

Satan, making you "less suicidal" doesn't sound like cure, merely a remedy

>> No.13274859

Hey anon, can we exchange discords? I’m not trans, but I have a lot of friends that are who ask me for advice. You seem really knowledgeable on the subject.

>> No.13274891


yeah for sure, it's ecco.jams#9783

>> No.13275479

>i'm an /fa/ tranny

Delusional freak.

Trans niggers are disgusting to look at.

Seriously consider just ending it, you've already ruined your body with HRT. It's actually disgusting to see this shit be enabled.

>> No.13275609

friendly reminder that eccentric drag queens will be always better than ugly fucks who actively try and convince people they are women. You're living a lie, at least live the lie right you living prolapse.

>> No.13275619

You were only feeling suicidal because you knew contending in the world as an adult was going to be hard. By not participating in the adult world you don't get to just not play, you just lose automatically, there is no "choice"

>> No.13275666

I was feeling suicidal because I was an anxious borderline unfunctional wreck. I hated testosterone. I used to pray to be a girl when I was 12 and get sad when nothing happened. My shoulders getting wider made me dysphoric. I still hate myself for being a tranny thanks to fucks like you. Even if people don’t see me as a girl, maybe I’ll get lucky and people will at least think I’m one.

>> No.13275698

>I still hate myself for being a tranny thanks to fucks like you
You're projecting. I don't hate you, I've never met you, stop assuming people do. I don't have a problem with you personally. I'm just stating my opinion, which is that, you are one of many people who have used denial as a front your whole life, running isn't going to change dick. Fine, be a girl, just accept other people's preconceived notions that you have more or less failed to embrace a healthy amount of testorone. There's no shame in being a campy, enthuasiastic guy. Fashion completely aside, the one thing I always see in transgender people which is bewildering to me, is that they seem to always want help but never admit it.

>> No.13275733

I honestly wish there was a cure for dysphoria other than transitioning. I wouldn’t wish for anyone else to have to deal with this.

>> No.13275738

Two nooses

>> No.13275742

Honestly, the fact you know deep down, you'll never be a girl is the first step towards at least building on an honest platform.

>> No.13275750

Transitioning won't cure it. Hopefully medicine will advance to the point of allowing a good enough transition, at this point it is sadly still in the domain of science fiction

>> No.13275775


>> No.13275778

I mean. I definitely don’t consider myself a fully biological female. The fact that I have a penis and can’t have kids definitely causes me a bit of distress. Because of the effects of estrogen on my body and the way I’ve always been, I have a hard time considering myself as a man either. Also there’s a solid chance I have klinefelters and am intersex too, I had bad gyno and wide hips pre transition.

>> No.13275891

i'm actually hot as fuck and probably fuck more cis girls than you lmao

>> No.13276147

Lmao nobody gives a fuck about the worthless mentally broken sexually confused bitches you fuck freak, at the end of the day this won't change the suicidal outcome, your life is shit and it will only get worse. At least you're trying to enjoy the few miserable years you have left.

>> No.13276528


>> No.13276595

OP, just don't respond to them. It's no use replying. They're always going to swarm around you like flies, even if one of them shuts up or leaves, two more will take his place. You may as well try to reason with the mosquitoes.

>> No.13277767

taking estrogen is the most /fa/ thing you can do

>> No.13277988

At least I finally got an answer.

>> No.13278847

imagine caring this much about something that doesnt affect you at all

>> No.13278908

he wasn't wrong about me probably killing myself in a few years though lmao