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File: 62 KB, 900x900, 1521478095973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13254436 No.13254436 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Asians get so much hotter, more so than any other race, when they make-up?

>> No.13254438

They don't
you're just beta and consider them to be a subservient exotic other.


>> No.13254439

Is plastic surgery considered makeup?

>> No.13254440

bigger cheeks = more makeup

>> No.13254447


>> No.13254456

on point

>> No.13254516

a namefag dropping a good post

rarer than getting quints

>> No.13254522
File: 31 KB, 560x410, asian_girls_with_and_without_makeup_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they're hideous freaks with disgusting eyes without it

>> No.13254559

Not saying they're the hottest. Just that make-up amplifies their looks the best as this pic shows >>13254522

Also I'm Asian

>> No.13254571

Taping your eyelids up to look whiter is fucked, and so is that skin lightening cream someone pointed out in ChinaTown (nyc).

I personally feel that most asian women (and other races, tbqh) are at their best visually when adopting a flexible, modern yet traditionally inspired look - as opposed to just imitating western standards.

Own what you are.

Whaevs tho I'm a cuck and I voted obama while killing a quarter pound of edamame

>> No.13254612

because they are demons sent from
hell to destroy the white race and usher in a new generation of elliot rodgers tier gremlinos

the yellow demon uses make up to madk their evilness

>> No.13254623

do all asians have really round faces or is it certain countries? i notice a lot of hairstyles covering the sides of their face and without it they look like a moon

>> No.13254630

Because they have the most to gain by it. A caucasian woman adds make up to complement her natural beauty. An asian adds makeup to look caucasian.

>> No.13254631

Yeah, han chinese probably have it the most but it's others as well.

>> No.13254676
File: 40 KB, 612x609, 1-1518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have not yet undergone the genetic and physiological degeneracy that white Americans have, just wait a couple generations. Pic related is what Northern European women look like without processed food, birth control, skin-ruining makeup, shampoo, and American (de)genetics. Just look through random pictures of people during the Great Depression when we were much healthier, what was average back then is attractive today and women typically had stronger jaws than modern men.

>> No.13254678
File: 118 KB, 920x608, 1513455598519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because all of East Asia, even the chinks, were utterly COLONISED™ in the 19th and 20th centuries, to the point their only standard of beauty is that of the European. If Asians had developed their own concept of female attractiveness, it would be closer to natural Asians and they wouldn't look so goddamn ugly.

To everyone in the thread, just remember: Asian women are not attractive. Yellow fever is a meme. Don't confuse temporary interest in the exotic with actual good looks. A white guy who marries an Asian women is a failure and will be seen as a laughing stock, especially by her family.

>> No.13254701

Japan wasn't tho

>> No.13254703
File: 30 KB, 384x288, Girl_Zombie.width-512.height-288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mongolians and central Asians have square as fuck powerful faces.m

>> No.13254705

Yes it was. Japan was ruined by WW2 just like every single civilization on Earth. We killed their souls and gave them individualism and capitalism.

>> No.13254712

Japan was utterly Westernised after WWII, and the yanks did a good job tearing up their traditional culture. Now it follows all the same tenets as other Western nations. What else did you expect from an American vassal state?

>> No.13254714

Japan was held down and thoroughly dicked post WW2.

All the pixelated porn and other weird restrictions are American enforced, along with the capitalism, consumerism, mass swathes of their culture (anime is basically shit knock off of US cartoons) etc

>> No.13254725

go to sleep yamada-san..

>> No.13254728


OP wants to make little Elliot Rodgers babies lmao

>> No.13254730
File: 47 KB, 870x580, Yukio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yukio was the last holdout of the Japan - hell, of the world - that existed at the turn of the 20th century. And even he couldn't hold the tide back.

>> No.13254748

the good guys lost the war. sentenced to a life of drawing hello kitty and classically trained piano lessons

>> No.13254750


lol when I googled that there's a shitty cover in a bland superhero movie. somehow disappointing

>> No.13254801
File: 36 KB, 477x559, nazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pseudo Intellectual

>> No.13254802

>Pic related is what Northern European women look like
They look like men

>> No.13254804

That's how you get handsome sons, dumbass

>> No.13254811
File: 144 KB, 618x597, 1480757818205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a "/fa/ has bizarrely strong opinions on post-WWII Japanese culture" episode

>> No.13254819

>breeding with a manly looking woman just to create sons manlier than you

what could be gayer

>> No.13254852




>> No.13254988

not even opinions. fact

japan was conquered, their royal family traditions and culture dissolved virtually immediately and now they are an american puppet state free to meld and bend into anyway america sees fit

every country that america conquered in asia is now an american "ally" aka puppet state

the good guys lost ww2 and this is the price that they pay

>> No.13255000

>the good guys lost ww2
America, France, Britain, Russia and China also lost. The only winners were the bankers, capitalists, and culture vultures. Post-war America quickly degenerated into pride, greed, gluttony, sloth, envy, and lust, and now wrath is on its way in to deliver the killing blow.

>> No.13255033

Mirin them edges.

>> No.13255038

t. never gonna make it

>> No.13255065


>> No.13255222

found the bad guy

>> No.13255396

They have good skin and they aren't fat.

>> No.13255409
File: 962 KB, 540x810, 1465709136684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even the average asian guy looks way better than whitebois.

asians truly are the master race.

>> No.13255468

Cuz they have baby face. If you look at their hair amount you see. They never look like a grown up white or Spanish men, nor women..

Also I found out many of them are racist. I have yet to see an Chinese girl married a non white/Asian guy. I guess lightening creams explain it.

>> No.13255484

They are racist as fuuuuuuuck!

>> No.13255566

Theres a few different factors

first they have a much bigger make up culture in asia. if you go to the touristy areas of korea theres block after block of make up stores.

in addition, wearing make up is normal for as young as middle schoolers.

aside from that they generally use makeup to hide imperfections. i feel like western make up usually looks heavy and completely changes the persons face.

>> No.13255682
File: 404 KB, 726x829, CCDD3E61-5CD1-4937-9701-3CB0604B3A06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

«Not a race», you are the equivalent of creationist

>> No.13255707

To be fair, there are multiple ethnic variations all throughout Asia - which is a place. Even within countries we consider to be homogenous, like Japan, we find groups like the Ryukyuan, Nivkh and Orok.
We may not hear fuck all about them, but that's because the japanese government, forever slavish to their 'ethnic superiority' narratives, conflates nationality with ethnicity.

Asia is a big place, and there are more ethnic groups within it than you can shake a stick at. If you disbelieve, you should go wikipedia "Japanese Ethnic Groups" and then stick your misguided notions of asian racial uniformity firmly up your ass - deep enough for you to gradually forget about them.
Reading shit will speed this process, but I daren't dream of asking such a degree of effort on your part.

Gotta go ride my boi's dick, check back after you've read some of the history I studied for 2 years in post grad. Remember - NO VACCINES / HILLARY PENCE 2020

annnnnnd fuck you

>> No.13255710

because it’s easier to work with a blank canvas

>> No.13255736

That is not at all the "average" asian guy in that picture, average asian guy is no muscle, slightly overweight, round faced, slanted eyed, etc.
Infact, that guy must be supermodel standards for their shitty people.

>> No.13255739

Comment Etiquette?

>> No.13255741
File: 7 KB, 207x243, 550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asia has vastly lower overweight rates than the west
>average asian guy is overweight

>> No.13255742

a lil' bit

>> No.13255748

I am talking about real averages, not numbers. If you picked a random guy off the streets of LA and then off Beijing, the fatty would probably be from Beijing. They are always fat looking, just not obese. In america, everyone's skinny except for a few obese people carrying up the "average".
You are the brainlet for not understanding that averages aren't even accurate.

>> No.13255761
File: 23 KB, 250x243, 1520691669672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yellow fever is a crime that should punishable by death

gooks are genetically homogenous and look hideous without makeup

also ironically enough black girls look the best without makeup

>> No.13255762

>genetically homogenous

>> No.13255767

actually physically homogenous was the word i was looking for

>> No.13255775

Aesthetically congruous I'd buy. Ethnocongruity would work, too. Like, they're similar, there are some roots there.... HOWEVER, altho some may see Gook wherever they turn, it's kinda like how the black graffiti artists I know will go out painting without a mask - white cops think all blacks look alike. This amuses me because a lot of asian folks will swear us honkies not only look the same..... I've been told by asian friends that all crackers smell like sour milk more than once. It's got a lot to do with the prevalence of dairy in the western diet.

>> No.13255779
File: 12 KB, 258x245, 1468969232838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In america, everyone's skinny except for a few obese people carrying up the "average".

>> No.13255808

What the actual fuck did I just read?

>> No.13255816
File: 109 KB, 1920x1080, 1502782140380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13255832

Wtf it's not weight per capita it's obese person per capita. If there were only 10 people living in America and all were skinny except for one guy who is the size of Canada it would be 1 in 10 obesity same as if he was 150 kg.
That said, the average person in pretty much every first world country is slightly overweight when Japan.

>> No.13256008
File: 84 KB, 750x1000, cuteboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they don't cake on so much so that it turns into clown makeup. asian makeup is all about subtlety

>> No.13256546

obesity rate in US is 38%

>> No.13256551

i've got a feeling everybody in that train will soon jizz on her face desu

>> No.13256683


>> No.13257065
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1481762048473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13257106
File: 215 KB, 650x718, 1520414071356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're dumb as hell dude

even if you remove niggers from the equation the US is still fat as fuck, especially LA full of obese 5'2 immigrants.

>> No.13257302

winner winner

>> No.13257310

>white people can't be fat

>> No.13257367
File: 75 KB, 640x640, 10914286_325593100966596_1268698370_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13258230

thats not what public school has told me

>> No.13258231


>> No.13258260

they use make up to literally make up for their lack of western qualities

>make nose bridge more defined to look like a western nose
>eyelid tape for monolids to create double eyelids (double eyelids are western feature and it also helps make the eyes bigger)
>makeup on eyes to make it look bigger (extended eyeliner pass the end of eyes + white eyeliner on bottom lid to create the illusion of bigger eyes)
>make up to "slim" moon face down

ive been around enough asian women to know their secrets and insecurities
chink btw

>> No.13259757

made me laugh

>> No.13259766

Obesity Rates Among Adults By Race and Ethnicity (2011-2012)
>Black: 47.8%
>Latino: 42.5%
>White: 32.6%