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13246155 No.13246155[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is this fa?

>> No.13246156

What do you think?

>> No.13246163

activism is moderately effay

>> No.13246167
File: 72 KB, 720x968, 1521762226843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.13246168

el goblino...

>> No.13246169

la creatura...

>> No.13246171

I just don't understand these people. They want to ban guns but they don't want to say it. Is it just that they are too pussy to admit it? On top of that, the US has a culture issue, its not about laws or having weapons.

>> No.13246173

el ogre de americas...

>> No.13246179

el arcangel de los mixtos...

>> No.13246182


>> No.13246186

>Is it just that they are too pussy to admit it?
My guess is they don't want to be shot for saying that. They're already getting death threats.

>> No.13246187

Dykes and Mexicans aren't effay.

>> No.13246189

Gun control is a losing issue. The far-left antifa types are against the government confiscating guns and most right-wingers are as well. There's only a very narrow band along the neo-liberal->progressive->socialist axis of the political spectrum that is in favor of banning guns.

They want their 5 seconds of fame without saying too much that might turn that fame into mostly infamy and ridicule.

Secondly, most gun-control opponents flat out do not understand guns, have never shot guns, do not live in areas where legal gun ownership is high, and do not understand all the reasons why most Americans are pro-gun. This is how we get stupid made up categorizations like "assault weapons" which boil down to "scary black rifles that can accept magazines" and weird restrictions on rifle capacity, length, etc.

>> No.13246192



>> No.13246196

>US has a culture issue
well it's a combination of that a large proliferation of guns. Handguns and semi-automatics specifically. If shotguns and bolt actions were the only firearm allowed you straight up could not get a high kill count.

>> No.13246200
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>> No.13246201

If shotguns and bolt actions were the only firearm allowed you straight up could not get a high kill count.

This is not true at all: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Texas_tower_shooting

People have gotten high kill counts with knives ffs.

Culture issue? The vast majority of gun deaths are due to suicides and gang shootings.

>> No.13246203

Banning guns is horrible uneffay. Liberial activism is mfa tier attention whoring.

>> No.13246208

>literally one of the only examples
yet every other mass shooting is done with a handgun or semi-auto dipshit

>> No.13246210
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hmm really gets my noggin joggin

>> No.13246214
File: 54 KB, 400x266, Shrugging-Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>schools want to implement mandatory IDs and clear, visible backpacks
>students immediately flip-flop and start bitching about how practical solutions infringe on their rights and individuality
>btw give us ur guns XD

>> No.13246220

>mandatory IDs and clear, visible backpacks
Except its not, it's retarded and won't solve anything.

>> No.13246229

>Treat every student as a criminal instead of going to the root of the problem

>> No.13246232

>IDs and clear backpacks are treating students as criminals

Slow down there Boss Hogg

>> No.13246238

>the root of the problem

gl with changing the worship of mass consumption and the 24/7 news cycle cult.

>> No.13246244

>no privacy
>armed guards ready to shoot you
>armed teachers ready to shoot you
Yeah, sounds like a perfect learning environment for decent people.

>> No.13246256

There is a solution, but americans are too concerned with shooting eachother and buying inane bullshit to see it.

>> No.13246268

Still proves it can happen you flaming faggot

>> No.13246274

It doesn't make any difference retard. Like I said, nothing is preventing people from getting high kill counts with pump-action shot guns or bold-action rifles.

You can drive a truck down a street and kill dozens of people before you're stopped like in the UK.

>> No.13246275

How is visible backpacks not a valid solution?

>> No.13246278


There are a ton of examples like that retard. I just gave you one because that's all I needed to prove you wrong.

>> No.13246279

>treating every gun owner as a criminal

>> No.13246280

Why do you think he immediately jumped to armed guards and teachers? There are literally high school kids on this board, don't forget.

>> No.13246284

La Reina Mejicana...

>> No.13246296

True but still. There's a problem when the only thing stopping mass shootings from hqppening are laws. Anyway, banning semi auto guns won't stop mass shootings, like you say it would only make the kill count lower. That's fucked up.

>> No.13246307

Well, there's already a problem with the learning environment if every few weeks there's a school shooting.

>> No.13246310

Looks okay, but I'm not really digging the guitar head attached to her shoulder.

>> No.13246315

>Treating someone that owns an object designed to kill multiple people in seconds as a potential criminal is bad, but treating children as criminals isn't
It's a valid solution that robs students of their privacy. Its a shitty solution that fucks students over and fosters no change, just a shitty learning environment.

>There are literally high school kids on this board
Assuming you're from /pol/, which of course you are, boy do I have some bad news.

I'm not >>13246220, but I do think its funny how you stopped responding after that post. I guess armed guards and teachers are just too difficult for you to shil as a good thing?

And slapping the legal equivalent of a bandaid is not going to help.

>> No.13246323

No one has brought up armed guards or teachers but you my man

>> No.13246328

>And slapping the legal equivalent of a bandaid is not going to help.
I don't even know what you are trying to argue but that's EXACTLY what I've been trying to say. Banning guns is a bandaid, not a solution. The problem is that students keep wanting to shoot up their schools. The solution has to revolve around the cause. Guns are not the cause.

>> No.13246336

Suicides are about 60% of gun deaths but gang crime is only like a twelfth.

>> No.13246337

A twelfth of the remaining 40%, I should say.

>> No.13246342

I'm against both, but prefer banning guns over fucking kids over. Both "solutions" are an admission of failure and definitive proof that the american goverment doesn't give a shit about the well being of their citizens. The actual solution would be to magically cure all americans of their inherent insanity and direct more resources and actuall effort towards bettering the amerilards mental health, but that's pretty much impossible in current US.

>> No.13246343

This is why a feel that keeping guns makes since as liberal. There's only emotional reasons to being pro gun. Muy safety(from groups they hate)

>> No.13246345

I wanna keep my guns for hunting, you're the one using emotions to argue your point.
Safety has nothing to do with my reasons to enjoy my guns.

>> No.13246350

No one is trying to take your guns away, they just want to make it harder for you to kill people en masse

>> No.13246352

There's only emotional reasons to be anti gun. Muh safety (from groups they hate, like law abiding gun owners for instance)
guess there's no surprise there...

>> No.13246354

>the absolute state of fast fashion
just end me, senpai

>> No.13246355

I want to believe you, I really do. Thing is, I never heard what's the plan to make sure I'm gonna keep my guns, because so far all I've been hearing is
>we wanna take away your guns

>> No.13246358

US doesnt have a culture most kids are wannabe thugs now that have daddy issues and listen to the shitty rap that is trending at the time

>> No.13246362

That is culture my man.

>> No.13246369

>there's only emotional reasons to be anti-gun

Are you retarded? Literally like every statistic available on the subject supports that gun-bans lead to lower gun-violence.

I'm pro-gun because I like the ability to own and carry guns, but you'd have to be literally retarded to think there's no logical benefits to banning them. And yes, the argument can be made that they'd still come in illegally from mexico/south america, but logic dictates that rather than using that as a reason to not ban them, we should have tighter border security, be harsher on illegals, and ALSO ban guns. Stop making pro-gun people and gun owners look like retards please.

>> No.13246370
File: 7 KB, 158x152, 1498500252384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they just want to make it harder for you to get them: pass severeral test and all do it periodically so they can check that you are not out of your mind, put an actual safe system on how you keep your guns so other people cant take them background checks.. all that stuff
most countries actually have guns, but they are much more regulated thats all

also kill yourself with your so beloved gun for hunting

>> No.13246377

kek okay faggot

>> No.13246385

Yeah, what >>13246370
said. This is why the left treats people who support right leaning views like they're ignorant.

Literally only the most extreme of the U.S's lefties are proposing nation wide gun-bans. They only want guns banned in major cities with huge populations, and that's already the case for most of them anyway. As far as owning guns in rural/suburban areas goes, they just want to make sure the schizophrenic social reject who will use it to shoot up a school doesn't get his hands on one.

If you follow the law, aren't part of an extremist group of racists/religious crazies or a street gang, have no arrest record and are mentally sound, and don't live somewhere like NYC, you would still have no problem getting a gun if democrat rhetoric were applied to gun licenses and purchasing.

The reason you hear from a lot of alt-right types that they want guns completely restricted is because they have a conspiracy theory that the left is going to make it harder and harder to get guns a little bit at a time until it's impossible to get them, because muh jewish/minority led authoritarian government conspiracy.

>> No.13246392

>they'd still come in illegally from mexico/south america,

Its the other way around my dude. The US is a massive arms dealer for cartels.

>> No.13246393

>Are you retarded?
> Literally like every statistic available on the subject supports that gun-bans lead to lower gun-violence.
That's the thing: I'm not interested in having greater knife related violence statistics instead, followed by a knife ban, and a surge in the acid attack violence numbers.

>kill yourself with your so beloved gun for hunting
I can't because the cannon is too long. If you knew the first thing about guns and gun laws, you'd know suicide prevention is the reason the minimum canon length is set at 18". Pretty safe to ignore the rest of your ignorant rant too

>> No.13246395


>> No.13246401

>i'm not interested in having greater knife related violence instead

Go kill 30 people at once with a knife, let me know how that goes. Most likely you'd manage to stab one person, probably not even fatally, before being apprehended or killed.

It's a pretty good trade off.

>> No.13246403

She's the ugliest Cuban I've ever seen. All the Cuban girls I know are kind of hairy but at least take pride in their looks. I'm betting she's actually Dominican but because they're irrelevant she adopted some Cuban heritage idea because of muh gommunism.

>> No.13246404

>I'm bad with knives so everybody else must be as well
This is what you sound like

>> No.13246405

Go try getting 30 people with a knife in a hour then faggot. Prove him wrong.

>> No.13246409

No, what it sounds like is that you play too many videogames if you think someone would be able to do as much damage as a mass shooting with a knife. Gun laws are about minimizing the ability to perform mass shootings primarily. Attempted murders of individuals will always happen, but mass shootings are avoidable.

You're delusional if you think a school knife attack will result in more than 1-3 deaths. Most likely an injury or two.

>> No.13246410

>a man with a knife is capable of being as deadly as a man with an AR-15
>Also if they ban knives people will start throwing acid on my face oh god pease i need my fully automatic grenade launcher to defend myself from my gardner
This is what you sound like

>> No.13246428

Are U guys larping or R yall serious?


>> No.13246433

Furthermore, in Japan where guns are all but impossible to get, they do occasionally have attempts to murder indiscriminately at schools with knives.

They have a hilariously simple solution to this, the teachers have and are trained to use wooden poles with a half circle shape on the end. They basically use this to pin the knife-wielding assailant down by surrounding him with the poles. It's been proven to work.

If you're worried about gun/knife attacks against individuals, well, if someone really wants to murder they're going to find a way. It's not preventable. Our country's students being slaughtered for wanting to learn is avoidable though.

>> No.13246439

>people injured in knife attacks by huge groups of people wielding knives so for some reason we shouldn't ban guns!

Total death in those articles would be multiplied by 10 if guns were involved, and they would've been if they weren't hard to get in those countries. I don't understand your argument.

>> No.13246442

>Stabbing spree in a country with nearly no civilians with guns or means to defend themselves
>20 injured, no fatalities
>at least 10 attackers
>Various attackers
nice try, though

>> No.13246445

Also, in a knife attack you can like.. run away. I'd much rather be caught in a mass knife terror attack than one where the perpetrator has firearms. I think you'd have to be insane to disagree with my sentiment there.

>> No.13246450


Is this possible with a knife? No.

>> No.13246458

>Our country's students being slaughtered for wanting to learn is avoidable though.
I don't think that's what's happening and if that's the rhetoric you're pushing forward, the real underlining issue with the motives behind those tragic acts is neither going to be identified nor understood.
If anything we have to consider school-shooter as our ennemies and as such, understand their motivations to address and curb them.
I can guarantee if you sincerely think their motivation is their hat and intolerance for "students wanting to learn", then the problem is only going to manifests itself again in a different way, and it's going to be on you.

>Holy fuck they really killed all those bystanders with knives!? Imagine what they could do with boxcutters in planes...

>> No.13246467

I don't literally mean they were killed for wanting to learn. Jesus christ man, read between the lines.

I don't know/claim to know what the intentions are in every school/mass shooting. I'm saying we can avoid letting our country's children die en masse, regardless of the reasoning behind it. An individual with a knife will do far less damage than an individual with a gun attempting to indiscriminately kill at a highschool or somesuch, was my only point there.

>> No.13246478

So you didn't mean it but you still said it because you thought it had a greater emotional appeal. Ok, I get you.

>> No.13246479

Also, I don't know if you're the same guy who was arguing that banning guns would result in higher knife crime statistics, but here's the deal incase that is you.

Banning guns makes it harder to kill tons of people. Not impossible, no, but much harder. We should strive to make it as HARD AS POSSIBLE to do this shit, this will result in it happening less often. Yes, other weapons will be used, but someone is going to be a lot more intimidated by the thought of doing something that will most likely result in their own death with a knife, than with a gun.

It's possible for an unarmed person to fight someone off who is wielding a knife. It's possible to get the knife from them. It's much harder for them to make sure they've killed someone. They're much less likely to survive doing this when police arrive. They have no way to quickly kill themselves if they want a way out after the killings, it's much less likely they'll have a serious impact by attempting it.

And the most important aspect, it's much less likely that your kid will be killed one day while attending school for simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

>> No.13246481

You can't possibly be this dense, you're either refusing to accept your arguments are shit or trolling.
>omg its because school shooters are carzy!
Wow, just incredible deduction there. The point of stronger regulations is to keep crazy people from getting firearms

Your 9/11 retort is just pathetic my dude. I guess you're for open carry in airplanes as well? Why not completely deregulate all gun ownership? Who knows when the scary box cutter boogieman might strike?

>> No.13246483

No, you just apparently are mildly autistic and can only comprehend english if it's spoken in the exact literal meaning. Sorry dude, i'll speak literally for you from now on.

>> No.13246488
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>Our country's students being slaughtered for wanting to learn

lol doesnt america have the worst public shool education system in the world???

i dont think anyone actually goes to school to "learn"

>> No.13246489

I don't think they go to get shot either

>> No.13246490

You know about the rubber band trick?


>> No.13246491

Is hyperboles the only form of expression you know of ? Jesus Christ I swear...

>> No.13246494

>maybe we should look after our classmates better and stop bullying

>> No.13246495

Depends on the area. We have decent public schools in certain areas. Usually the richer areas.

The U.S is too big/diverse for you to classify our entire school system as bad. Schools are generally run at state level. Where I went to school (public highschool in longisland NY, second wealthiest county in the U.S iirc) the education was quite good, and we had 10+ students go off to ivy league schools in my graduating class.

>> No.13246499

Im anti gun, but why the fuck is clear backpacks a shitty environment?
I've actually never thought of it because i don't live in USA, but it seems really smart.
the only downside is for women and their tampons, but they can just get a small black pack if they are embarrassed.

>> No.13246506

uhhh well maybe u shouldnt be forcing whties and mudskins together then

rly makes u think

>> No.13246508

you can run from a knife, you cant run away from a gun idiot.
if you try a mass stabbing, most likely some roid rage man is gonna crumple you with a chair

>> No.13246512

>most mass shooters are white
indeed, whites truly are the niggers of race

>> No.13246515

>you cant run away from a gun idiot.
This is how I can tell you've never fired a weapon, let alone at a moving target.
Why is it that the people who are the most afraid of guns are those who know nothing about them? Really makes you think about the nature of intolerance, doesn't it...

>> No.13246567

You're making an unfounded and ignorant assumption, and not a reasonable deduction, mr rational thinker.

>> No.13246570

el goblina*

>> No.13246575

la goblina, dumbass. And no bully plz

>> No.13246578

Why tf is the white girl barefoot

>> No.13246613

cuz she's one of 'those' people

>> No.13246616

I think they have a stylist team(edited)
paid for by activist organizations
if you see them in public
like almost all of them have 70s hippie shit or just normie shit
it's supposed to invoke feelings of social reform like spring of love, or the MLK era
get gen x and boomers to feel for them
"Wow they're just like me when I was a kid!"

>> No.13246626

I know this is a fashion board but when I was in high school there was like a dozen kids who brought guns to school everyday and we all learned fine. No one was hurt. The white high school anime watcher\video game nut is the problem here quite clearly.

>> No.13246654

Is it me or they all look like psychos? Especially the right-most guy. He looks like he's going to shoot someone himself.

>> No.13246664

Xir pronouns are xer, xir, xeirs, don't be transphobic bigot calling xer "it" like xer was a thing and not a member of personkind

>> No.13246704

They all look like the type of individuals to get drunk on power.
From left to right, short blond girl will assault her uber driver, dead eyed chubby chum will rape his sister's passed out friend at some party, short dyke will commit electoral and financial fraud on her second term as president of her student union, limp shoulder puppy eyes will probably be the one who roofied the girl his chubby chum raped, and tall twink will probably poison his neighbour's dog or something.

>> No.13246730
File: 437 KB, 728x736, Screen Shot 2018-02-17 at 5.54.44 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Appropriation of punk rock characteristics to shill a political statement. Hell nah

>> No.13246731

>being pro-2A means you are an alt-right pol-tard
Wew, the absolute state of this country.

>> No.13246734

literally not at all

>> No.13246745

have you heard a single punk record? also patches on a ma-1 is hardly appropriating punk aesthetics

>> No.13246757
File: 201 KB, 1200x838, 8676716E-5433-4079-8E84-09E208C15E78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Incorporate stricter, more rigorous P.E. classes
>Require students to carry balistic shields
>In case of school shooting recreate Roman phalanx formation
>Bullets richochet off shields, eventually returning to and killing the shooter

Problem solved

>> No.13246769

What? Antifa are communists. The communists have always taken the guns... Mao, stalin all did

>> No.13246782

Don't you give me that bullshit, the only polital agendas that are punk rock are ones that aren't shilled in the pop culture. Patches on a military styled jacket is a decent chunk of the overall "look"

>> No.13246783

Why did you include me in there, you nigger faggot? All I said was she's ugly.

>> No.13246824

You're right. I ask for your forgiveness, please.

>> No.13246854

>band name
>"4 soyboys and a barefoot thot"

>> No.13246907


>> No.13246911

Shall not be infringed. Fuck off.

>> No.13246975

la goblina es una afrenta a la naturaleza! una leve contra dios!

estamos siendo castigados!

>> No.13246989

jawlet will come confiscate your guns tonight while you sleep if dubs

>> No.13247027

I'm anti gun but I really can't get behind this whole thing. They just parade in public hearings and talk shows enjoying their 15 minutes to the fullest with the pretense that they do that because they lost their classmates. I just heard a while ago that shaved-head girl got a scholarship for harvard. It just feels that they completely lack empathy.

>> No.13247032


damn it, cis white man. you made me kek

>> No.13247068
File: 75 KB, 600x524, BK Kids Club.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(((Grassroots activism)))

>> No.13247075

Why did so much shit from the 80s-early 00s have token wheelchair niggas but there's virtually no representation of them in media anymore? Is the current push for diversity gonna die like that shit when people realize that it's pointless? I hope so

>> No.13247091

Yes but if you're planning an armed revolution you don't want your guns taken away. When you're in power do what you want - but antifa/leftcoms aren't there yet. Also true marxists see the necessity in an armed prole class.

>> No.13247092

>la niña
No, anon had it right originally

>> No.13247104

Can confirm, worked in firearms (family trade) for 7 years. All the laws are fine its the handshake sales and SCARY BLACK METAL COCK look of the things. Ironically assault weapons sell like mad under ban threats/right before enacting....my pops said he would have voted for Obama a 3rd term if it would have kept the bullets off the shelves...lol

>> No.13247114

>>13246210 Most mass shootings are handguns...in addition handgun legality is higher than AR in most cases. Soy boy statistics LOL...go shoot some before WOKE'ing us all mungo.

>> No.13247150

do you even know what culture means?

>> No.13247161

Hell no I wish someone would put a bullet in that ugly dyke.

>> No.13247165

/pol/ is not /fa/

>> No.13247178

Imagine preaching about US gun regulation with the Cuban flag on your shoulder and not considering for a second the message that sends. yikes.

>> No.13247181

america retarded lole

>> No.13247201
File: 62 KB, 472x960, bwambale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says she wants to take the guns
>i notice the Cuban flag
Not today commies

>> No.13247204

not /fa/

>> No.13247249
File: 427 KB, 1200x630, i5RGsoj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crying about /pol/ on /fa/

Face it, your lefty shit is tired and played out. Hogg and El Goblina are astroturf.
Saying you're pro LGBT or gun confiscation won't put you in any danger of having your life ruined because you are supported by the establishment.

Saying you're for removing kebab and banning faggot propaganda is what gets you fired, it's the new "punk rock."

>> No.13247277

Is suck those toes

>> No.13247280

>Assuming you're from /pol/, which of course you are, boy do I have some bad news.
christ how could i have forgotten, anyone who disagrees with this anon uses /pol/. fuck, how could i forget that key fact?

>> No.13247286

no it is not. this mongrel dyke needs to be executed. wearing a a fucking cuban flag patch, just kill your self you nasty potato head skank.

>> No.13247293

TIME magazine is a bankrupt failed periodical that no one gives a shit about any more. LOL

>> No.13247338

lole trying to spin the basement-dweller polo/khaki/undercut potato aut-right as the new true 'cool'

yo nice re-contextualised image of a period in Bowie's life which he later rejected

>> No.13247354

I called it the new punk rock so the gag I was hoping you would make is something like:
>yeah, smelly, unwashed, dirty clothes, dirty hair: what you say checks out.

Ask yourself how you can still be a rebel when the things you say you want are the things taught in every university and supported on a daily basis by multinational corporations.

>> No.13247355

>Las Vegas Shooting
You do realize 90% of those killed were trampled to death and didn't die of gunshot related injury? Like 9 people were actually shot and only 6 of those died.

>> No.13247361

exactly, so why, don't, you, let, us, SEGREGATE, OURSELVES?

>> No.13247372 [DELETED] 
File: 284 KB, 486x653, 1521939776950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her nudes were okay

>> No.13247422

yanks are so fucking ugly lmao

>> No.13247425


>> No.13247428

her thighs and ass will be twice that size by 30

>> No.13247429

I believe this is considered child porn if real

>> No.13247431

she's 18

>> No.13247496

>low kill count
0/10 no nothing retard detected.

>> No.13247510
File: 289 KB, 1200x751, Adam Riches-Burger King Kids Club.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy very, these teens are totally unprompted and unsponsored attacking the white cishetero patriarchy of nra terrorists pistol raping proud mooslim transsexuals of color.

>> No.13247529

>What's an IED

>> No.13247588

>Literally like every statistic available on the subject supports that gun-bans lead to lower gun-violence.
First off that isn't even true, secondly it doesn't lead to less violent crimes or homicides in total. It does for example as seen in Australia reduce the amount of gun suicides because people with no criminal inclinations who just want to kill themselves have to do it differently (overdosing, hanging, trains) and they still do it. Statistics for Australia suggest that violent crimes rates were falling before and after the gun ban, unaffected or even negatively affected by it. UK is an absolute mess with gun crimes and violent crimes on the rise actually.

I know you won't believe this but I'm from a European country with relatively strict gun laws but not a total ban. I used to look at America and laugh at their shitty gun laws, those silly burgers and their guns, aren't they backwards, but I've seen the statistics and I simply don't believe anymore that stricter gun laws will improve anything except possibly reduce the number of killing sprees. Maybe.(which doesn't say anything about the general condition of the nation, it's just less shocking footage fed to you on TV).

Look at Switzerland, a small rich ethnically homogenous nation where people are happy and armed to the teeth and young children do not go on shooting sprees. It's not the laws, it's how children grow up, it's their culture, their people. America is too individualist, too rootless, too free. Every man for him himself, make it to the top and kick everyone down on the way. That is the soil that feeds school shooters. And that is also why if I was American I wouldn't hesitate one second to open carry if I could. I don't trust my fellow American and I shouldn't, I have no reason to. We are not all in this together, because the only thing we share is a pledge to a flag and some freedoms.

>> No.13247592


I bet her room is messy. why doesn't she start there.

>> No.13247608

Go watch some YouTube lectures, loser.

>> No.13247618

Handguns are notoriously ineffective. You may very well survive five hollow points in the torso, but a single rifle round will mark your death in 99% of cases.
In other words: you are an ignorant idiot who should not be allowed to vote.

>> No.13247622

>non-gangbanger-on-gangbanger murder numbers in the 2000-2500 range on a yearly basis, of which only a few hundred are committed with rifles
>in a country that houses over 300 million people
Do you not understand how rare homicide, let alone "mass shootings", is in America?

>> No.13247623

>There is a solution
The solution you present is not suitable for free men who wish to live in a free society.

Away with you, filthy eurocuck serf.

>> No.13247624

Let's have some honesty here. It isn't true that "literally every statistic" supports the effectiveness of gun bans, but the general consensus is, they do help somewhat. Yes, there's contrary data out there, and any analysis needs to take that into consideration (and fuck y'all, data can be singular), but the PREPONDERANCE of the evidence suggests that they are at least somewhat effective, although of course not perfectly effective. It is possible for a reasonable person to argue otherwise, absolutely, but it's an uphill battle. It's also unfortunate that on this site, people on both sides almost always cite just a handful of examples, as though a couple of data sets are any more than a jumping-off point. Of course, 4chan doesn't exactly lend itself to long or deep conversations.

It's a complicated issue to break down. America is not Australia is not the UK is not Switzerland. Even breaking down those stats - figuring out to what extent the increase in Britain's reported gun violence stems from an increase in crime vs. an increase in reporting - is frankly beyond the scope of a debate on this site. And when you start talking actual policy, not just statistics, it becomes more complicated still. Would it be easier/harder to smuggle guns into the US as the UK? (It's a bigger country, but very isolated, and Britain's border controls are not strong.) It's pretty absurd to compare America's gun crime rates to Switzerland's. As you said yourself, Switzerland is a small, very rich, homogenous nation. America could NEVER have crime rates comparable to Switzerland's.

I say this as an American who doesn't particularly support gun control, not because I'm an avid gun nut (I'm not, and I live abroad anyway) but because I understand statistics and I know that while they're shocking, the yearly gun homicides in the US are a drop in the fucking bucket compared to the preventable deaths from heart disease, or auto accidents, or alcoholism, or ...

>> No.13247627

>The reason you hear from a lot of alt-right types that they want guns completely restricted is because they have a conspiracy theory that the left is going to make it harder and harder to get guns a little bit at a time until it's impossible to get them, because muh jewish/minority led authoritarian government conspiracy.
They are literally right about that - except it´s not a conspiracy led by jews/leftists/alt-righters, but rather an inevitable result in an urbanized, industrial society that introduces countless laws each year.

>> No.13247638

>America is too individualist, too rootless, too free.
Those values form the pillar on which civilian gun ownership can flourish. Please correct me if I´m wrong: you acknowledge that "gun homicide" is not a relevant or significant metric on which to base policy, but still criticize the American way of life?
>Every man for him himself, make it to the top and kick everyone down on the way. That is the soil that feeds school shooters.
Unless you haven´t realized it by now, "school shooters" are statistically insignificant and thus have no clear-cut connection to either American or foreign political values.

> And that is also why if I was American I wouldn't hesitate one second to open carry if I could. I don't trust my fellow American and I shouldn't, I have no reason to. We are not all in this together, because the only thing we share is a pledge to a flag and some freedoms.
That´s a funny stance to take, considering that areas which allow open carry are - as a rule - no more dangerous than European areas with a similar population. You´re not going to get gunned down by a random thug in suburban Texas, Oregon, Washington or Virginia; District of Columbia, Maryland, NYC, Chicago or Detroit - all of which enact strict gun regulation - are the areas you should be most afraid to visit as either a tourist or red-blooded American.

>> No.13247716

El monstruo...

>> No.13247755

Friendly reminder that the person you're arguing with on the other side is possibly under 18 years old.

>> No.13248045
File: 149 KB, 530x600, 1515286835805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"we should basically, like, have, like, more rights XDxDXD"

>> No.13248059
File: 1.02 MB, 441x603, 1405917244292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats funny is that i can neither see this person's gender or race

is this what /pol/ meant?

>> No.13248075

nah, she's trying to hard.

>> No.13248256

Sounds like they have a culture issue.

>> No.13248259

That dude looks buff, is he an athlete or something?

>> No.13248315

Used to be associated with authenticity and revolt, so it had shock value and appeal... It'll take a good 15-20 years, but the kids and teenagers looking up to them right now will cringe hard when they realize how they've been commodified for political purposes and this look will be associated with hypocritical and manipulative establishment, even more so than now

>> No.13248333

No, anti-gunners never like to admit that guns are a non issue.

>> No.13248746

Why do kids need privacy at school? So mlp loving fat boys and drug using losers can keep hiding their shit?

>> No.13248765

I will poop on your wife's chest.

>> No.13248783

Las criaturas del abismo americano

>> No.13248788

agreed, natural rights are a meme. if we can make children accustomed to not having privacy in school, it will be easier to get the population to relinquish "rights" in the longer term.

the so called right to privacy isnt even a paper right like those in the bill of rights, the supreme court just invented it in the 60s

>> No.13248839
File: 694 KB, 2000x2000, clear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after columbine my school did the clear backpacks thing, people whined about "muh individuality" but it did not go far beyond that. the only bad part is they are shitty stitching and rip with lots of books in them

>> No.13248861

yet it's still astronomical compared to other non-shithole 1st world countries.

>> No.13248874

>the so called right to privacy isnt even a paper right like those in the bill of rights
The fourth amendment protects the privacy of one´s mail correspondence, which in the digital age translates to protection of electronic communication.

>> No.13248877

You have a right to privacy, on your own property. On federal property you are scrutinized and looked under a microscope. Why not schools? They already have metal detectors for ghetto nigger schools.

>> No.13248884

>"muh individuality"
Don't those folks keep going on about "it's what's on the inside that counts"? Kek.

>> No.13248885

Not at all, unless you single out massacres committed with firearms - which there is no reason to do.

PS. Statistics will not protect you from harm inflicted during a violent confrontation with another human being, nor do they protect you from dying in a car crash, burning building or construction site debris. Will you give up your fire extinguisher, fire alarm, seat belt and hardhat by referring to statistics? I highly doubt it. Now stop being a retarded shitposter.

>> No.13248889
File: 90 KB, 645x729, 1506923809110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't those folks keep going on about "it's what's on the inside that counts"? Kek.

>> No.13249033

.t angsty high school shooter in the making

>> No.13249112
File: 27 KB, 639x470, 1521838150385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no... inalterably changing the future of the US because "muh feels" is not /fa/

>> No.13249562

>the only solution to dozens of kids shooting up their schools every year clearly is see through backpacks!
This is why nobody with half a mind will ever take the USA seriously. Your government exists to please the big corporations and businesses while you're literally left for dead and turned against each other. But it's okay because muh fast food and Netflix and [popular person] had a baby so who gives a fuck about the fact that you live in a literal third world country carefully disguised and advertised as the center of the fucking universe. The worst part is that the only people who are trying to make a difference are shunned and ridiculed for their efforts.

>> No.13249563
File: 1.14 MB, 1440x907, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look how fucking ugly

>> No.13249643

La creatura...

>> No.13249650
File: 125 KB, 500x673, 4019DFC8-6EE9-49BF-81FA-9ABC1388EB66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking idiot.

>> No.13249761
File: 119 KB, 466x359, 1506316274830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ban ammo
lol no
everything else there is reasonable and occurs everywhere but america.. sorry you cant buy an AR-15 cleatus

>> No.13249766

Hello fellow CNN viewer, good to see your (((understanding))) of firearms is the correct one!

>> No.13249773

asspain to animate

>> No.13249781

Sorry Anon but gun control is literally a white only thing. Every example ever of gun control working is in an almost homogeneously white country. You literally cannot name one non-white country in which gun control works in the slightest and now that all these Syrian* (*Totally not north Africans, Pakis, and Iraqis!) refugees started to flood Europe you are seeing way more mass shootings than ever before and illegal gun-ownership in general.

>> No.13249926

Canada allows bolt actions for hunting and Canada's situation is still nowhere near yours. It is 100% a culture issue and you people seem insane from an outside perspective.

>> No.13249938

>The most dominant nation in the last thousand years
>literally imitated by everyone else on the planet
>no culture

>> No.13249950

Who is he?

>> No.13250036

dumb bitch who's too ignorant to know that she's just the mouthpiece for a bunch of butthurt leftists

>> No.13250172
File: 29 KB, 645x729, IMG_0687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Roman phalanx

>> No.13250195
File: 53 KB, 741x244, Screen Shot 2018-03-25 at 3.30.10 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really disturbs me that this fucking shitstorm of blind wannabe freedom riders has gotten SO TOXIC I am literally losing faith in the tradition of civil rights and openness that I've held for so long.

I just hate it. It's undoing all that's been achieved. It's infinitely unattractive. As if betraying one's own could be attractive.

Every time I hear "white male Dominance" from some purple headed fuckwit I just

>> No.13250220

I guess asians are white now?

Fucking dumbass.

>> No.13250268

guns are not /fa/, if you live in flyover country you aren't /fa/

>> No.13250297

>guns are not /fa/
t. europoor who is definitely not jealous of the rights of American citizens