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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 11 KB, 225x225, Bracelets-for-Men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13243147 No.13243147 [Reply] [Original]

What's your opinion on bracelets for men, /fa/?

When I say men, I specifically mean males who are not in high school, and therefore not in danger of being stuffed in a locker for wearing a bracelet. I suppose I also mean city-dwellers who are not at risk of being tarred and feathered for obvious metrosexual tendencies.

Is wearing a wristwatch on the left arm and a bracelet on the other overkill? I like the symmetry.

Pic: tolerable example of masculine bracelets, courtesy of google image search.

>> No.13243154

It's very lame to wear unless it means something or someone gave it to you

>anon, whats with the bracelet
>o-oh I just like how it looks.. heh

>> No.13243156
File: 951 KB, 500x1269, sa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get loads of compliments on mine

>> No.13243161

Some of us aren't flamboyantly gay anon, those compliments are for another reason.

>> No.13243163

basic bitch leather/rope/anchor etc bracelets are fucking vile
man up and wear something interesting

>> No.13243165

I think I agree. As a general thing, you should look as if you made no effort whatsoever; accessories are dangerous waters, since they begin to imply fucks given.

But why not just lie and say it was a gift?

>> No.13243174

From other fags in your art class?

>> No.13243179

The... cardigan thing is outright homosexual, anon. It has literal frills.

>> No.13243180

IT is fucking gay. Wear a watch that is it. You are fucking gay.

>> No.13243183

relax bois this pic gets posted in the cringe thread regularly.

>> No.13243205

What the fuck is going on in this pic? That’s one of the worst outfits I have ever seen. Everything clashes. The T-shirt neck is outrageous, especially because you’re covering up the sides with the cardigan so it accentuates the drop even more. The cardigan is stupid. Those shoes look like shit with anything other than black pants.

>> No.13243217

I don't dress to impress people who can't punctuate.

>> No.13243225
File: 92 KB, 1920x1080, h3h3 bracelets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13243384
File: 33 KB, 570x420, il_570xN.1102645919_qmi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too much?

>> No.13243417

It's fine, wear one if you want and if it doesn't clash with your overall style (for leather stuff, that' s a big if). /fa/ is fucking insecure about stuff like this because it's mostly populated by socially anxious young people who aren't old or accomplished enough to feel entirely secure in their own skins yet. That doesn't mean that any given bracelet you might pick will look GOOD, just that wearing them isn't "fucking gay" or "tryhard." Nobody in the real world thinks like that - no adults, anyway.

>As a general thing, you should look as if you made no effort whatsoever;
That's an OK approach sometimes, but it becomes less and less OK the older you get. Past your mid-twenties, looking like you "made no effort whatsoever" is pretty unattractive (even in the effay sense of "I spent 30 minutes this morning making it look like I put no effort into this outfit"). I'm not that old - still shy of 30 - and even here at my age I can't imagine anybody (whose opinion I wouldn't literally laugh at) judging me for putting effort into "accessorizing", and I can't imagine judging anybody else for that either.

>> No.13243437

I think dressing appropriately and appearing not to make a special effort are sometimes the same thing.

It's less about physical effort and more about psychological effort; if your outfit looks too calculated, it is seen to show your insecurity. An example windsor knots versus four-in-hand knots. If you're used to it and the occasion calls for it, wearing a tie is not a special effort; but deliberately making sure the knot is symmetrical betrays a desire to appear neat, or in other words, a worry that you aren't neat.

I think if a bracelet is worn idly, as a thrown on sort of thing, it remains effortless and non-insecure.

>> No.13243455

I usually wear either a watch on the left wrist or a bracelet (just one!) on the right wrist, never both.

>> No.13243474
File: 122 KB, 1080x1080, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First off, I'm sorry you live in an area where a piece of jewelry could get you stuffed in a locker.
But onto your point, I really enjoy them. I really do believe most men should take advantage of accessorizing more, be it a watch, hat, jewelry etc., it really is an underappreciated/underused technique to help compliment an outfit or style.

>Is wearing a wristwatch on the left arm and a bracelet on the other overkill? I like the symmetry.
It's totally viable, even multiple bracelets on the opposing wrist is okay if you want a more symmetrical look (regarding the size of the bezel of your watch), though I prefer to stack like pic related (though I'm trying to get away from the standard ball bead bracelet design more).

I also agree with these, though if someone calls you out on wearing jewelry I don't like the idea of deflecting it as a gift. Rock what you wear, be confident in your style choices. Only listen to someone's critique on your accessories choices seem valid to your style (as opposed to "bro, that's so gay")

In concept no, but it does look horrendously cheap.

>> No.13243476

I see what you're saying, but I think I'd put it differently. Although again I think this is more true when you pass 25 or so, but I don't think looking like you put effort into your appearance implies insecurity at all. Of course, if you actually are insecure and that influenced how you tied your tie, that can kinda show in the way you carry yourself, and obviously that isn't attractive. I guess what I'm saying is, there's a difference between "effortless" and "thoughtless." Thoughtlessness (in the sense of being unself-conscious) is great, looking like you made no effort isn't.

It kinda reminds me of the story about Sean Connery learning to wear Bond's suits. I have no idea if it's true or not, but as the story goes, when he was tapped to play the role, he wasn't at all comfortable wearing suits, and it showed, so the director told him to eat in his costume, sleep in his costume, wear it to the grocery store, basically wear it 24/7 until he no longer noticed he was wearing something unfamiliar. I'd argue that in the end, the way he wore it showed a lack of concern, but not a lack of effort. Like I said I have no idea if that story's actually true, but it's exactly what I do if I buy a piece of clothing and realize I'm not totally comfortable in it and I'm wearing it kind of awkwardly. After a few days I don't notice that I'm wearing it anymore and I do think that's apparent to other people.

Ultimately I'm not even sure how much we disagree, so I'm just talking at this point.

>> No.13243479

I wear beads on my right wrist and feel I've offset any sense of "fucks given" by wearing a casio calculator watch on my left wrist. The beads happened to be a gift too.

>> No.13243587

Oh no

>> No.13243615

We seem to agree. I tend to think of dressing to the occasion as something instinctive, but it's probably just absent-minded habit. Concern is the devil where style is... concerned.

>> No.13243618


>> No.13243690

If you are really a man like you say, you must be a very insecure one to ask a Tawainese mop making forum for permission to wear something as simple as bracelets.

Real men don't give two shits. They rock what they wear with confidence.

>> No.13243952
File: 354 KB, 1280x1770, 31847654df56f0fb1fd06d7196a1f2c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You people are just betas if you have to make up excuses about what you wear

If you can pull it off, you can pull it off.

(OP's leathery shit is gay as fuck tho)

>> No.13244142

what are some interesting kind of bracelets?

>> No.13244210
File: 489 KB, 1500x1500, d5a9ad1260cff68466c97535750af91e[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13244213

You need to stop shopping in the girls' department.
I say this out of love.

>> No.13244235
File: 4 KB, 194x259, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's plenty out there:
Most are basic, but there can be some interesting designs, especially in alternative leathers (buffalo, stingray, etc.).
Can also be cool as well, as long as it's done properly and not cheap looking. I also think bangles are viable, but hard to pull off.
Not super common, but can be interesting if done correctly.
Probably the most common 'different' bracelet, can be done super well (like pic related) or super poorly, and everything in between. Just don't get something super cheap/fake, and avoid too many similar styles.
Probably the most common men's type outside of leather. Usually not super great, but there are some interesting styles out there (especially done by more 'artisan' jewelry/metalworking brands). Cuffs can also be cool.
Done to death, but having one or two (especially in good colors) is never a bad thing.
Come in many forms (Shambala, Mala, Catholic Saints, etc.) and depending on the bracelet, can be worn as a fashion piece. Just be weary/knowledgeable of what you choose to wear.

I'm sure there are others, but that's all I can think of right now.

>Things to avoid
This is more personal, but a general good rule of thumb unless you really like a piece:
-Anchors (outside of Miansai)
-Skulls, Crosses, Buddha or Lion Heads, Crowns, pretty much anything with 'stand out' bead (unless insanely well done)
-Carbon Fiber
-Anything that glows in the dark
-Rubber anything
-Anything super cheap/fake looking
-Anything with words
-Chains (usually)

Let me know if you have any other questions.

>> No.13244308

Anon, what’s more cringey
>well I wear this anchor bracelet because you know it just means a lot to me, it sort of symbolises how there’s nothing that can keep me down even this anchor on my bracelet
>I just like it

>> No.13244538

Both, that's why only faggots wear bracelets lmao

>> No.13244543
File: 510 KB, 1571x2000, 50194151JJ_14_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13244634
File: 49 KB, 800x600, medical alert id bracelet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people have to wear them when they have some type of allergie or medical condition, in case they need help when unconscious.

>> No.13244642

Not bad, but don't buy something you could make 10 of with shit you can buy at Hobby Lobby in the same quality.

>> No.13245040

The men you're describing are wearing whatever is already established in their social context. They are not acting out of conscious thought any more than some feathered savage is "rocking" his sense of style "with confidence." Confidence is simply waking unconsciousness.

With that out of the way, as someone who has an outsider's perspective on humankind, and generally feels as if he is impersonating a human, I have to survey humans to establishe what their kneejerk responses are, so that I can "confidently" jerk my knee the way that they do, except deliberately.

>> No.13245054
File: 202 KB, 1004x754, 2018-03-24 09.59.50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made my own lol

>> No.13245063

Cringe post of the day.

>> No.13245101
File: 133 KB, 534x800, 547 - DaaHoZP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13245138

Looks like something for your balls... a balls ring or whatever

gay as shit

>> No.13245140

>With that out of the way, as someone who has an outsider's perspective on humankind, and generally feels as if he is impersonating a human

wow you're so special, kys

>> No.13245149
File: 105 KB, 485x656, 1519872105714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gay as shit

>> No.13245189

This rather serves to illustrate my point. Self-awareness makes people angry. Therefore, hide any sign of self awareness.

>> No.13245225

You have to be 18 to be on 4chan

>> No.13245239

Lmao you're just neckbeard who lacks social skills, hence the reason you act like you're not human.

>> No.13245246

Are you under the impression that I was bragging?

>> No.13245248

Where to cop some non-generic metal bracelets?

>> No.13245249

Any more than one bracelet is too much, just like wearing more than one watch is too much. If it is simple I think it can be pulled off, anything too gaudy will look bad imo.

>> No.13245266

Putting in effort to look good=insecurity. Jesus, what kind of beta way to think is that? What if I put in effort to look good cause I want to look good and like to look good?

>> No.13245267
File: 57 KB, 570x400, zertyuio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13245270

Have exact same one, definitely yes, but the leather is a bit too stiff.

>> No.13245274

Then you broadcast your desire for approval.

If you dress purely to appeal to yourself, then you're entering asexual autist territory. And I say this as an asexual autist who practically sleepwalks through sex and socialisation. The appearance of self-awareness is social poison.

>> No.13245289

“””masculine”””” bracelets make u look like a douchebag. girls like guys that look like lesbians. seriously. just be feminine. who gives a shit. if your issue is no girls will like you, couldnt be further from the truth.

>> No.13245292

god u dress like such a fucking douche

>> No.13245295


>> No.13245300

Wear whatever the fuck you want, just make it your own. Don't wear a shitty watch because you think you need to unless you like watches. Don't wear some Daniel Wellington or MVMT garbage unless you really like how it looks. Wear rings if you think they look cool, wear a fuckin necklace or choker or bracelet if you want. Don't be a cuck and let everyone decide what you wear for you. Obviously some things look like shit but if you don't realize your trenchcoat/fedora is cringy then there is no hope to begin with. At least even if you look like a weirdo you'll look like an individual.

>> No.13245316

Social poison is the shit you're doing now, acting like a superior fag who thinks he's special. You're a prime example of a social reject trying to be proud about his repulsive personality and toxic mentality.

>> No.13245326

Well I believe your claim to be autistic cause you are WAY over-analyzing social interactions. Seems more like you are projecting your own sense of insecurity on others. I promise you that dressing like shit is way more of a "social poison" than making an effort to look good.

>> No.13245333

You find self-awareness repulsive and unnatural. It's people like you that I have learned to dupe. I am, to all appearances, a plain and honest person, who has no unusual opinions, and just happens to dress in well-fitting clothes, in non-clashing colours, in seasonally and contextually appropriate fabrics, at all times appearing to be a part of the landscape. Obviously, I work hard not to stand out because I am arrogant. Self-awareness and arrogance are obviously the same thing. To cattle.

Looking good and being seen to make an effort to look good are completely different things.

I'm not sure you know what insecurity means. What I'm referring to is contempt for people of lower social status.

>> No.13245340

Pretty good if youre a highschooler or a loser

>> No.13245351

If you tip that fedora any harder it's gonna go through the floor.

>> No.13245353

we're reaching oioi levels of advanced autism here

>> No.13245411

google social projecting
I gurantee you project about 95% of yourself at least on to people

>> No.13245416
File: 27 KB, 512x288, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well fitting clothes

You can be self-aware and still try and dress nicely you fucking auty.

>> No.13245417
File: 378 KB, 798x731, bling bling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

metal is much better yo
pics you posted are a little overkill

>> No.13246202

I honestly don't see the point in men wearing accessories (including watches) but you do you

>> No.13246243
File: 1.83 MB, 3264x2448, 37D76861-D811-421C-8CF0-6AFB91BB4AD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one is from gf one is from childhood friend, is it gay effay?

>> No.13246264

not gay at all just meh

>> No.13246269

kys, it's your only option

>> No.13246359
File: 164 KB, 1024x1024, 1457780828133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're both pretty lame in your own ways, honestly.
one of you is the typical "I'm not like the others" snowflake autist who thinks dressing like anybody else is a bad thing
the other is your everybody no-personality dummy who'll look everywhere for the tiniest bit of social validation
you're both cancerous

>> No.13246396
File: 126 KB, 612x549, 722d8f6aacf534daa8879ec470dd39d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

femanon here.

I don't visit this board often but I am laughing at all the guys saying bracelets are gay.

You go on a fashion forum, you should know by now that girls LOVE guys who are masculine and feminine at the same time.

There's nothing sexier than a tall guy with long-ish hair, skinny jeans, a bracelet... I don't know....think like Elias Ronnenfelt. I think he's one of the sexiest men alive.

>> No.13246486
File: 40 KB, 768x768, e9378b16-b9f1-447f-93cc-8f4b5636ca60..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or you're just a faggot trap trying to make more men open to the open of being faggots

>> No.13246509

is it still 2012?

>> No.13246517

"girls" don't love anything. some like feminine guys and others like me get turned off by non-masculine men, and then there's millions with simply more variety is tastes

>> No.13246518

you're the one posting anime you repressed cuteboi

>> No.13246527
File: 1.10 MB, 2576x1932, 20180324_182532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got mine from my ex a while back, like the way it looks

>> No.13246533

>hey anon what's with the bracelet
>oh i have diabetes

>> No.13246672

Its nice, but I wouldnt wear it if your not asian. White guys wearing asian stuff looks retarded.

>> No.13246861

Thanks anon, I appreciate it, I've been considering just removing the Buddhist head for a while, but I dunno.

>> No.13246866

I don't know how you deducted that from my comment. I was just replying to a fag who thinks basement dwelling is self-aware.

>> No.13247518
File: 32 KB, 354x354, x354-q80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about cuff bracelets?

>> No.13247533

I wear one for religious purposes. It's made of silver but pretty unrefined and it's unnoticeable if I'm wearing a dress shirt and I usually wear it on my left wrist when not wearing a watch, otherwise it goes to the right since metal on metal clinking will annoy me all day.

>> No.13247534


>> No.13247863


>> No.13248188

I prefer armbands.

>> No.13248237

Just so you know, you're not fooling anyone. Everyone around you can tell and they all think you're weird.

>> No.13248262
File: 1.00 MB, 2448x2448, IMG_1112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wear same black elastic hair band even tho I don't have long hair anymore. I never take it off.

Sometimes It's useful to tie something up. Also, it belonged to my friend who passed away, I keep it as a lucky keepsake. It's been 3 years now.

It's minimal and inoffensive, so I don't see any issue with wearing it.

>> No.13248281

Why do you even browse /fa/?

>> No.13248452

I mean, it's nice when someone gives you a gift, but god are both of those super cheap.

>> No.13249023

Those pieces people wear for emotional reasons are always top effay, I only wear Stetson cologne now because of my uncle who passed away when I was 10, it's all he ever wore.

I even wear around his green flannel now and then because it doesn't look half bad.

>> No.13249117

My arms are too hairy to look nice with bracelets therefore I have to wear my f91w

>> No.13249141

And you're a fucking dirtbag loser. Don't forget that with your hairy smelly arms. All you fuckers on 4Chan are scum. FUCK YOU. You're fat,useless losers. And you know it

>> No.13249144

don't lie, you wear it because you want girls to think you'll be ready to give it to them when they want to suck your cock without her hair getting in the way

>> No.13249402


nigga wearing a curtain

>> No.13249551
File: 2.25 MB, 1242x2208, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only wear bracelets

From top left:
Le Gramme
Alexander McQueen
Unbranded vintage I inherited
Fake Miansai

>> No.13249554
File: 757 KB, 1242x2208, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear a lot of rings too

From left to right:
Sonia Ferland
Surface to Air
Unbranded my gf got me
Lucky Brand

>> No.13249832
File: 25 KB, 400x509, DYXe8qaUQAAkPwx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13250129

Thread is made of insecurity.

It comes across as declaring yourself special and unironically asking for attention for something bad.
Or something.
I don't know, it just pisses me off, sry m8, learn to coat yourself in a balming coat of lubricated irony to ease your social interaction.
Or when in doubt, listen to Mr. Franklin and shut the fuck up.

>> No.13250176

>Buying accessories from fashion houses

Aside from that, decent collection, albeit on the boring side.

>> No.13250178


>> No.13250341

that is a 10 cent bracelet from alibaba.

if its any consolation your ex probably got ripped off at a flea market and bought it for $10.

>> No.13250355

All jokes aside SICK bracelet though. Did you get it at chuckee cheeses ?

>> No.13250367

Does it actually matter how much it costs? If it looks nice wear it, I got some sick ass jeans that have a good fit for like 10$ at a local thrift store, I may be poor, but that doesn't mean I can't buy some good shit when I see it.

Also you're heavily implying she spent basically anything on it

>> No.13250383

I'm actually implying it looks cheap and looks like it cost less than 5 cents to produce. Which it did.

>> No.13250385

also using a thrift shop as an example for getting something that is good quality at a good price is pretty retarded if you ask me.

>> No.13250406

I really like having something on my right wrist as I feel it looks terribly skinny and naked without it, but the only thing I have that has meaning to me is a red rubber bracelet that I got with friends when we went to an event all together (rare for us). Would this still be something to avoid?

If it helps at all, usually things I'm wearing have a small red detail on them, which, in my head, matches with my wrist. This is incredibly autistic now that I'm writing out, but look where we are.

>> No.13250420

How so? Clothes are clothes no matter what price, if they look good and fit good, why spend extra money on shit that is the same but pricier? My understanding right now is you don't know how to budget, and only extremely expensive shit can look good.

Go into detail on how it "looks cheap" it's literally a bracelet with beads, it doesn't need to look like the most perfect piece in history like a watch would. Plus I shower with the thing in sometimes so it probably looks worse than it should.

I feel like I want to sit you down, and show you two different pants, one's I got from a thrift store that were 10$ and the priciest, most perfect shit that my understanding is what you prefer, and see if you can actually consistently differentiate them. Because I don't think you can.

>> No.13250437
File: 1.55 MB, 3264x1836, 15220480441851526540459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, i like it

>> No.13250440

I mean if plastic shit that looks like it came out of a gumball machine looks good to you, by all means. I'm not saying not to wear it. I guess plastic bracelets just aren't my style. If you can't tell a quality piece from that I'm not sure what to say.

Yes, I also can tell the difference between materials and composition. My point was just because you got them for $10 doesn't mean they are $10 jeans.

If you showed me some shitty abercrombie jeans you got a the thrift and the exact same shitty abercrombie jeans that someone bought from a retail store, no, I guess I wouldn't be able to differentiate.

>> No.13250447

I'm not denying it's bad quality by any means anon, I know it is, it was stupid cheap actually, but it doesn't look bad to wear, and it's sentimental.

That's a good point there to make, but that's running on an assumption that I'm buying low quality shit at a low quality price, which I have stated before you attempting to make that point, to be false, hence the disconnect we're having here.

Again running on an assumption, if I buy good quality shit right, for cheap, then that's good, I'm saying you do not need to consistently buy top dollar shit when you can get the same shit for way cheaper, albeit it might take longer not all thrift stores are amazing at always having shit in. their stock, and some might not even fit you, but checking weekly is enough for me to get 10 pairs, one for every day and some extra so I don't wear the same shit down to the day.

TLDR stop being such a goober anon

>> No.13250454

>I don't know, it just pisses me off, sry m8, learn to coat yourself in a balming coat of lubricated irony to ease your social interaction.
I'm already an alcoholic, and to be honest it's working out marvellously.

>> No.13250455
File: 69 KB, 620x387, buildingchina_2721939b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, just take a step back and think about this for a minute. Why do you want to wear all this effeminate shit?
Is it because you feel like women get a better deal with fashion and you feel short-changed in the options you're socially permitted to have?

You are not a woman, you are a man. As a man your job is not to adorn yourself with crap you buy. It's to adorn yourself with crap you earn.
*Money (admittedly this is generally expressed as things you buy. but it's not to look pretty, it's to look wealthy.)
*Social skills
*Social proof (friends around you that look up to you)
*A good physique

You don't need a fucking bracelet. It doesn't do anything good for you. Stop thinking about bracelets and start improving your life and your skills.

>> No.13250469
File: 28 KB, 570x380, 5cm il_570xN.1248881194_2m8r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of leather cuff bracelets, /fa/?

It's hard to find good pictures of people wearing them, and I think that's a warning sign. I'm considering something like pic related, but in all-brown leather.

>> No.13250480

I'd like to rebutt your post in a dismissive and contemptuous way, but it's not as if you have the wrong idea.

What you're overlooking is that anything that gets a rise out of other men is intriguing to women.

You are experiencing mild annoyance at the thought of bracelet wearers, and it's not because you assume they are homosexuals. Ask yourself: why am I annoyed? Is it because these people are doing something unusual in public and attracting attention because of it? Why does this then make me want to take them down a peg? Doesn't this imply they're somehow up a peg in my mind, without me even realising it?

Ancient tall poppy instincts at work. Your status is based what you listed. It annoys you that others have status based on things you don't have. Hence your response.

You have heard of peacocking, haven't you? It has nothing to do with the actual objects used in peacocking. It has everything to do with being a man who can get away with wearing something odd in a public place, while someone like you stares angrily at his pint of beer and thinks about giving them a piece of his mind, but decides against it in the end. It creates an artificial status dynamic; but all status dynamics are artificial.

>> No.13250488

Actually dude, I don't think a bracelet is edgy. I think it's kind of mundane and a waste of money. Instead of buying crap like bracelets you could instead put that money into a better quality shirt, or tailoring for a shirt, or something like that.
The rise you are perceiving is not so much the bracelet itself as a trend of posting on /fa/.
>hey /fa/ what about this (useless and effeminate accessory)
A great example might be black nail polish.

I don't believe any of these posts are made by PUAs looking to peacock. I believe they're made by young men that have been persuaded to believe the way to look better and more attractive to women is to spend money on garbage. Like a morbidly obese girl getting her hair dyed strange colours.

>> No.13250493

>Russian shitter

>> No.13250527
File: 107 KB, 717x720, 0C715BB2-4D09-46D2-946B-34C8BF175194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

James Dean wore one, you should wear one. I have one myself nearly identical to his and it’s a perfect touch but simple enough so it’s not try hard.

>> No.13250546

I agree that men should focus on the fundamentals, and that /fa/ is seriously lacking in those.

Spending money on bracelets and necklaces is probably going too far. One poster has name brand jewellery in non-precious materials - that's demented. A no-brand piece of leather cord with a stone bead on it achieves 100% of the effect at 1% of the cost, or even less.

I think the sheer un-necessariness of a bracelet is the appeal, though. It's not fundamental like a tie or even semi-useful, like a watch. It sort of implies leisure without implying wealth, the way bling would. What kind of fun can you get up to that doesn't cost anything? To answer my rhetorical question: sex.

>> No.13250551

You're way overthinking this, holy shit. I am starting to think 4chan nerds need to stay the fuck away from anything related to gender roles. It's not that you're bigoted and I'm triggered so fucking hard, it's just that what you posted was really dumb.

Plainly, not everyone considers bracelets inherently effeminate, and most of the people ITT who wear them or are considering wearing them are doing so because they think they look cool. It's perfectly normal and healthy to want to wear shit you think looks cool. You're more than welcome to disagree in re: them not being effeminate / them looking cool, but that's a disagreement about aesthetics, there is nothing to diagnose there.

>> No.13250560
File: 3.51 MB, 4128x3096, 1522055024621-334257057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this?

>> No.13250594

Kinda gay and out there. My rule for bracelets and necklaces and shit like that is Simple, and Clean, the more a piece like this is standing out, the more gay you look for it, it just ends up looking attention seeky and what not, these however are subjective views, and I must stress that.

>> No.13250601

Dean was a lowkey faggot and he beat the shit out of stoya for no reason

>> No.13250640

>stuffed in a locker
When does this ever happen?

>> No.13250690

Yes, that's my secret malicious intent.

>> No.13250775

I like how you noted that your opinion is subjective. Unlike most of fags here. Thanks.
This is some ancient Japanese symbol for whatnot, my ex used to draw it a lot on my hands, so I made this myself for her but she returned it to me for some reason I won't tell here :) (no not the breakup).
It means a lot to me, it's not just attention whoring.

>> No.13251175

I mean I get them all as gifts or on Grailed/Real real, I'd never pay retail. I do prefer simple bracelets but my rings are super unique

>> No.13251209

As someone with long hair, you're bullshitting. Those things don't last 2 years, especially if you never take it off. They lose their stretch after a couple months, tops. Unless you've found some super awesome hair ties. If that's the case, I'd like to know.

>> No.13251234
File: 2.62 MB, 3000x2411, 1520619754730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'll be damned, because this one is functional and still tight. As I said, I didn't find it or bought it.

And may God fuck me up, if I'm bullshitting about my friends fate.

>> No.13251348

Now that's a shithole outfit, if I ever saw one

>> No.13251356

Pulling them tight and exposure to hair products will degrade the elastic faster (a few months of lifespan), plus I think his isn't the thinner kind I used but a beefier model. If so, thicker elastic will hold up longer. If he has a smallish wrist, I can buy it lasting two years.

Your keepsake is going to start wearing out before too very much longer. It'll disintegrate slower if you stop wearing it, but it's not something that was made to last.

To put my two cents into this surprisingly belligerent thread, I don't see the value of wearing or carrying something purely for decorative. But when I can't see what the function is, I suspect there is one and I just don't know about it. I should start asking people about that, I'm liable to learn something, and even if I don't it's an ice breaker.

The example of a hairband could be quite useful in a number of situations, as long as you know how to tie a lark's head knot. Mostly I used my spares as rubber bands.

>> No.13251387
File: 16 KB, 320x180, 740518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get lots of compliments on mine


>> No.13251421

You're right, I may need to take it off in few months as I want it intact.

>> No.13251642

I don't wear one but I've never really thought much about it when other guys do. Wear one if you like it, it's not all that out there and not a big deal. Don't overthink dumb shit shit like this fag >>13250455

>> No.13252803

Thanks on that, it's what you wear anon, if you like it no one is stopping you. A good chunk of people forget there are no real "Objective" rules for fashion, because it's entirely a subjective subject. However there are general consensus on what does "Look good" so you obviously shouldn't walk around town with a pair of pants 3 times bigger than what you wear usually and a jacket that's hot pink with 40 zippers ya feel? Just wear what you want, if it fits good, and is comfortable rock it to your hearts content.

>> No.13253403

I'am atheist but still spiritual and kind core.

>> No.13253405
File: 260 KB, 624x327, Screen Shot 2018-03-27 at 5.45.43 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some folks can pull it off. some can't.

I think it works really well here.

>> No.13253544

F-91W on the right hand
A piece of copper on the left

>> No.13254211

steady on chang

>> No.13254808


>> No.13254817

*slap bass