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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.34 MB, 864x1150, Screen Shot 2018-03-22 at 5.37.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13241927 No.13241927 [Reply] [Original]

Look at the fashion. I mean just fucking *look* at it.

[Gags. Wretches.]

Hold me, /fa/, you would never dress like this would you?

>> No.13241929

p.s. check out the toes

>> No.13241939

Enough what?

>> No.13241944

Never watched stranger things dont know anything about the kids in it but they look dressed like kids whats the problem

>> No.13241946

Holy fuck what are Xir wearing??

>> No.13242011

Why is this butch le 56% face cunt still being pushed as some kind of hero when she openly admitted to ostracising and bullying the shooter

>> No.13242019

The drama club kids want the fame.
The parents of the drama club kids want them to have the fame.
The families of the kids of the school contain many wealthy, connected people involved in media.
There is an extensive, pre-existing network of anti-firearms ownership activists that have been waiting for years to get some kids like this to serve as their mouthpiece and steam-roller.

>> No.13242022

the wrong kids died

>> No.13242024
File: 56 KB, 534x800, Bundesarchiv_Bild_101I-394-1499-06__Russland__gefallener_deutscher_Soldat_w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open fa
>1/3 pol threads again

>> No.13242028

>itt: adults bully teens for dressing like teens

>> No.13242030

>American fashion

>> No.13242039

Ask yourself if those kids would give a single fuck even if they were here in this thread.
I think they would even quite like it, they clearly like attention.

>> No.13242044

Who gives a shit, besides you obviously.

Seriously, neck urself.

>> No.13242058


>> No.13242060


Did they make the blonde take off her heels? lmao

>> No.13242122

I thought this was /fa/ not /pol/
The fashion part is a front for the political shit.

You seriously think insulting someone's look makes your political views worth a shit? it makes you look petty and downright pathetic.
It's even worse when the odds are that you are some 20 something year old loser going off on 13-15 year olds.

this >>13242024

>> No.13242135

thats not fashion thats jeans and a tshirt retard, a normal thing
also lanklet on the right has fucking twigs how old is he?

>> No.13242165

The bald chick has fat feet, she can barely stand normally in those shoes.

>> No.13242189
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>massive attack

>> No.13242301

the fashion is just h and m tier, its shit but they're fucking florida highschool students, stop pushing your agenda on my fashion board

>> No.13242309

source for this? someone was also saying she is actually 21 and has done porn. I don't know what is happening anymore.

>> No.13242316

OP here. This was a joke, but I saw the pants and hated them so I came here to /fa/ just to post it for laughs.

They're just so outrageous. I don't even care about fashion, but I saw them and my immediate visceral reaction, out loud, was "why would you choose that".

>> No.13242328
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People will believe anything if it agrees with what they want

>> No.13242335

Shes a massive cunt. I wasn't exactly a trump fan, but I had hoped that his election would have taught people that demanding shit and calling people stupid doesn't get you want you want.

> I demand gun control!
> I demand you respect trannies!
> If you don't support abortion, you're a bigot!
> If you want border security, you're a racist!

I think theres logical debate to be had on most issues, but these people don't seem to get that pushing an angry bald lesbian spic really doesnt help their cause.

>> No.13242344


>> No.13242348

i mean you're not wrong about this dude but im as far from /pol/ possible politically and the first thing i thought of was how bad everyones jeans were

>> No.13242351

what the fuck are you even talking about you small-minded fuckwit

>> No.13242354

The dyke on the cover. Get out of your moms house and actually read the fucking news between anime sessions you fucking retard.

>> No.13242356

looks like half of waywt

>> No.13242367

She never did though.

Literally there is no source anywhere on the internet to support what you just said.

So why the fuck did you say it?

>> No.13242392

Of course she did. She did it at the memorial immediately after the shooting.


So why the fuck are you going after people on the internet when you don't know what you're talking about?

>> No.13242395

For the record, I'm not even the guy you replied to, and I'm pro gun-control. I just decided to correct you because you're both wrong and decided to be an obnoxiously cunt about it.

>> No.13242406
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>> No.13242430
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yfw perhaps?

>> No.13242442

fuck off faggot

>> No.13242452
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>> No.13242480

He's right tho

>> No.13242596

it's really a shame he couldn't get more of them

>> No.13242600

>that fucking soylord in the back

future editor at jacobin magazine for sure

>> No.13242608

hahahahahaha I cant believe a high school girl triggers u, ur life must suck ass hahahaha

>> No.13242616

>[Gags. Wretches.]

thanks op

>> No.13242656

That was my first comment in the thread, replying to your comment.

And you're almost re-phrasing my point. Why do you care?

>> No.13242669

La creatura

>> No.13242776
File: 463 KB, 1080x1350, whoisjacov_Bge9IrvgM4I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol she's wearing the Jacob Wallace meme belt

>> No.13243047

i instantly thought of /fa/ when i saw this autism

>> No.13243054

Holy balls.
>YES, I used to bully the shooter, but YOU DIDN'T KNOW THE SHOOTER, he deserved it

>> No.13243071


She said they ostracised him. They might have had justification, you shouldn't have to hang around with people you don't like for fear that they'll come in and murder you.

>> No.13243080

The only weird thing is that the one girl is barefoot

Other than that, please grab your guns and go defend some schools /pol/acks

>> No.13243087

PROTIP: To make foolish people think your crimes are small admit to a small crime to cover up your big crimes.
It's called a limited hangout.

>> No.13243092

came here to post this

>> No.13243093

Could you be any more of a queer, op?

>> No.13243102

How is /k/pol/ supposed to defend schools when they're gun free zones?

>> No.13243117


Dude was clearly a psycho. No wonder people didn't want to know him.

>> No.13243123
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>> No.13243143
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madre de dios... la luz extinguido...

>> No.13243208

>t. brainlet

>> No.13243215

what does this have to do with fashion, /pol/tard? you seem unaware that in order for marginalized groups to get human rights, they had to demand those rights because people like you didn't care for the most basic aspects of their wellbeing. fuck outta here and go back to sucking your mommy's tit.

>> No.13243245

Why the fuck is that girl barefoot? Disgusting!

>> No.13243246

>david hogg

>> No.13243248

god i wish this was true

>> No.13243260
File: 39 KB, 384x406, 1509479506627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're teenagers. Why should grown-ass men care what 16-year-olds wear?

>> No.13243261
File: 55 KB, 371x480, 4958ca1a38559a833b30933097b187a630015b8d397c495d58cc113a855c359w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you lost the only war you ever fought

>> No.13243265


>> No.13243267

>taking away everyone's right to own firearms, including your own, is getting yourself a right.
>being an ethnic minority has something to do with school shootings

>> No.13243289

Why is that bitch not wearing shoes.

>> No.13243302

As in ENOUGH of their shit?

>> No.13243341

>I had hoped his election would have taught people that demanding shit and calling people stupid doesn't get you want you want.
Did you not read this sentence back to yourself after typing it or something?

This decision to put the angry dyke in the foreground makes perfect sense from a marketing perspective. Hard lefts will be appeased by the appearance of xir "leading" this group, hard rights will want to balk at her opinions for the same reason, and everyone else will read it because it's just a fucking magazine cover with some high schoolers on it.

>> No.13243352

Who is this xir anyways

>> No.13243523

Ya, what are they talking about?

>> No.13243551
File: 133 KB, 960x683, B24690B6-0539-4EF6-A86A-8CB09A72C631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying 4chan isn’t half underage

Been going here since I was 14, and I’m 22 now.

>> No.13243623

In my area, it's legal for students to conceal carry in class (at least for college students)

>> No.13243676

>fuck off faggot

>> No.13243680

You have to go back.

>> No.13243689

>implying any of those kids are effay
Lie to me and tell me those ripped up jeans or the shoeless cunt are effay.

>> No.13243693

>emotionally unstable and highly suicidal girls
why is that a gun?

>> No.13243699

Pretty funny how threatened by a handful of highschoolers /pol/ac/k/s feel

>> No.13243713
File: 8 KB, 219x187, 1511352247164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a meme belt? I've been wearing a thrifted belt just like that for at least 4 years

>> No.13244318

Fuck off, that belt was used a lot way before that shithead started to wearing it.

>> No.13244323

>making a whole thread about how you dont like how literal children dress


>> No.13244330

he was a right wing nazi fuck
bullying him is justified and cool and good

>> No.13244333

>literal children
Nigger, they're all at least 17. They're all being put on a pedastal by anti-gun media outlets anyways, they're gaining more coverage so it's our duty to ackowledge that their fits are shit.

>> No.13244368
File: 1.50 MB, 500x209, B72385B7-7939-4CC4-8921-E8C2C38D0E70.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13244667
File: 65 KB, 386x500, sup_gay_boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretending bullying teens over their shit fits is not what /fa/ is FOR

>> No.13245826

use the board, faggots

>> No.13245886

>reddit spacing

>> No.13245966


AKA "'Pleb Quartlerly". Of course them fools is dressed like doggy do.