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13241161 No.13241161 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13241165 [DELETED] 

le essential soy core XD

>> No.13241182 [DELETED] 

I've liked all the tops I've bought from them.

>> No.13241185

I've liked all the tops I've bought from them. Maybe it was just with the pair I bought or that specific model of jeans but I bought some skinny black jeans about 2 years ago from Acne and they split down the side within the 3rd wear.

>> No.13241186

Top tier.

>> No.13241192


>> No.13241232

Boring, average quality for price.

Shoes are terrible.

>> No.13241236

They're jeans are like that
I like their beanies and tops, minimalistic style, low amounts of branding which is what I like

>> No.13241240

Price and quality doesn't match.
Only worth it at 50% off, otherwise stay away, so much better stuff to spend your money on.
t. works in a shop that has stocked acne for 10 years, and this is the last season we're carrying them because of prices going up and quality going down/staying the same.

>> No.13241252

>Top tier.

>> No.13241302

Aware me on some good bang for your buck brands, desu

>> No.13241441


>> No.13241458
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>> No.13241464

I've only ever bought denim from acne, their jeans are nice and routinely available for less than half of the retail price. Their aces are some of the best-fitting jeans I've ever owned

t. proud kekistanis

>> No.13241574

what are the soy brands?

>> No.13241602

Me being born and raised in Stockholm, its definitely my all time favorite brand. Love what they stand for and what they do, their shops, their employees and the position they've placed themselves in.

>> No.13241641

I like their style.

>> No.13241666

Fits aren't that bad if you remove the billboards. I've got no beef with most feminists as long as they aren't "#killallcismen" feminazis, but I hate the text that no matter what it says.

>> No.13241673

soyboy cuck faggot brand

>> No.13241688

Can someone explain how those hairstyles are supposed to be effay?

>> No.13241981

Du verkar helt olidlig

>> No.13242018

All of the brands sub-literate retards such as >>13241673 dislike because they don't share their LARPy political views

>> No.13242021

I don’t think they’re worth the money. I usually don’t like their tops and their jeans are inconsistent. I would say they’re a brand where they mark up a lot to seems more upscale.

>> No.13242043

Terrible name

>> No.13242048

t. #ImWithHer tweeter

>> No.13242053

don't you dare acne studios wearer

>> No.13242078
File: 100 KB, 584x469, Brandenburg_Gate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. unable to comprehend that there exist political views outside of his retarded natsoc/hillary binary
catch a bullet you LARPing loser

>> No.13243353

Its basically higher priced uniqlo