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File: 192 KB, 1000x1500, perfect-two-block-haircut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13237980 No.13237980 [Reply] [Original]

Has any of you non-asians tries the 2BlockHaircut? If so how do you like it? Should I give it a shot?

>> No.13238091

I'd like to but my bangs aren't thick enough to cover my whole forehead like that.

>> No.13238204

its a basic, risk-free asian look. a lot of asians can pull it off, but if you're white, it could be risky.

>> No.13238210

woops didnt read the non-asian part. still holds true tho, white people would probs look awkward with it. there's one pic with a guy with white hair and circular sunglasses on - he pulls it off well but cant really think of any other examples

>> No.13238286
File: 72 KB, 1080x1350, mikkoputtonen-20180116-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It could work if you are white, but not guaranteed

>> No.13238363

it can work from what ive seen but only if youre attractive. fuck i'm so tired of these questions asking if you can pull it off or if ___ is effay because the answer always boils down to yes if you're attractive

>> No.13238367

this about every haircut and virtually everything else, /thread

>> No.13238401

I've got a hair appointment today at 2 EST, and I'm pretty sure this is what I'm gonna ask for. Caucasian.

>> No.13238481

do it, and deliver photos, you absolute madman

>> No.13238486

Great I'm gonna give it a shot aswell, caucasian too

>> No.13238529

Anybody know the difference between this and an undercut? They seem different pretty much in name only.

>> No.13238591

One o’ them cock-asians.

>> No.13238599

as far as i know they're the same thing it just looks different/feels different because of how koreans style it. when i didnt know the word for it and went to a korean hair salon i told them undercut, they didnt understand, and when i described to her what i wanted she said 'ohhh twoblock!'

>> No.13238613

I have had it for a while now and its one of the best haircut decisions I have made

>> No.13238615

Now you have to post it

>> No.13238617
File: 855 KB, 470x352, DoItFaget.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post pics when it happens motherfuckers.

>> No.13238675

Pic Or gtfo

>> No.13239775
File: 149 KB, 640x1136, 3EBD8EA2-B3E9-4E05-88F8-96F996A652A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the most flattering angles, but whatever. It’s pretty much an undercut. Not bad. Seems pretty simple and versatile so far.

>> No.13239778
File: 585 KB, 1536x2048, 20460FFD-A357-4046-8FAF-764A5FF5D127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13239784
File: 608 KB, 1536x2048, A291DF66-BBDD-448C-8EB2-F07A9D999B6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13239825
File: 189 KB, 450x472, 827suj351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like absolute shite lmao.

>> No.13239830

Yeah, well, I also just got it like, six hours ago, so I’ve got some kinks to work out with the styling.

>> No.13239833


>> No.13239843
File: 39 KB, 480x480, 2block.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think whoever cut it did a shit job, my man. It'll look better when it grows out like picrel.

>> No.13239853

oh dear...

>> No.13239857


>> No.13239859
File: 45 KB, 345x500, 71aef38ebd9d16f393adeb88d199fe4b1b94cbaf22a5d7f80e2d7492ef613784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright alright. Lets see it without the parted part at the corner of
your forehead. Don't listen to those fags btw.

>> No.13239863

I’m cool with that. Just means I can go longer without getting it cut again. Thanks for the feedback.

Anybody got any styling tips for it?
>inb4 buzz it

>> No.13239867

It looks bad not because it looks bad on you but they didn't detail the haircut.
In your haircut the ends need to be point cut so it doesn't look so bulky and is more feathered. It's such a hard transition from the buzzed area to the long layer and looks like they were rushed. It'll look a bit better when it grows out but would look better all together if they took out the bulk.
Sorry about the rushed haircut though.

>> No.13239878
File: 249 KB, 960x1280, 7DFF0B02-3AEE-4036-A267-1F9DBFE2399F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aight. I will say it looks much better in person than I can make it look with an iPhone 5s camera.

>> No.13239886

Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, the ends are a bit chunky, but the styling was rushed too. I may consider going back and asking her to polish it up a bit, but overall, I’m happy with it.

>> No.13239890

it honestly looks fine. suits you imo

>> No.13239896

I agree with much of what >>13239867
is saying. I think it looks good. However, its too messy and disheveled in your pics man. Do you have any product in it?

>> No.13239898

Also, yeah with out that corner part it looks better I think.

>> No.13239899

Would you fine folks care to post your hair just to provide a better example?

>> No.13239900
File: 860 KB, 2560x1440, WIN_20180301_16_03_23_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should i get it?
I personally dont think my hair is thick enough

>> No.13239902

Yep. Just some wax. Maybe go a bit lighter next time?

>> No.13239904

Holy shit look at my goddamn banana face lmao christ

>> No.13239907

lol they won't and i bet its the same guy.

>> No.13239921
File: 151 KB, 925x925, 1x28d29fk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13239922

Not lighter. You want that texture that the product adds. In the side pic the top and back stick out too much. Consider applying the wax to those spots to press them closer to your head. I've never used wax, just paste/putty and American Crew Fiber. Would you say that wax is better than those for low shine and a good hold?

>> No.13239928

Would this would look fine on a girl?

>> No.13239939

In my experience, putty and pastes are a bit sticky for my tastes. I used American Crew Fiber back in the day, and it works pretty well for hold and texture. As far as waxes go, I like Gatsby’s moving rubber, Air Rise specifically. It has really good hold for how lightweight it is, and it’s a nice matte texture.

>> No.13239943

Thanks a bunch for the feedback, by the way.

>> No.13239947

Thanks dawg.

>> No.13239957

Try it it'll look good on you

>> No.13239974

Okay. I'll try some of that stuff, see how it goes.
No problem. Tbh im considering getting this haircut myself after seeing how yours turned out. Thing is that your facial features work with this cut. I have dark thick eyebrows and a round tip nose. I'll put my hair down and see if i like it. And like the other dude said, it'll look better in like a week once it's a tad bit longer and the hair itself is used to being in that position.

>> No.13240014

don't listen to others, the haircut is good you just don't look good because of your face and cringe/autismo outfit

>> No.13240066

Thanks man. Glad the haircut looks good.

>> No.13240092

I like it

>> No.13240100

I guess you have no plans of getting laid with that weeb shit behind you.

>> No.13240105

Much better

>> No.13240125


>> No.13240583

Get fucked, son. That web shit belongs to my fat girlfriend.

>> No.13240585

My fat weeb girlfriend

>> No.13240695

Absolute madman

Looks great

Never thought you'll actually deliver

>> No.13240714
File: 362 KB, 1752x972, Split.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank for posting this, Anon. Can you plese try do do picrelated? As far as i understand this is basically the same style, but they just split hair to the sides.

There is very little info on how this looks on non kpop stars, you our only hope, anon kun.

I personally want to do it too, but i think with hair all in front i gona look like emo faggot, so i considering trying this option.

>> No.13240718

Hair of this dude is clearly longer, but maybe it can work as is.

>> No.13241199

Sorry folks, parted stuff looks like shit right now because it’s not long enough. That said, it would most likely look good once it grows an inch or two.

>> No.13241214

the unalterable truth of this entire board

>> No.13241917

how do you make your hair look pointy ?

>> No.13242003

What's a good product to give your hair that texture anyway? My volume is more than fine, but it doesn't like to fall the right way too often

>> No.13242978

I got something along the lines of this. It wasn't this exact cut but very similar. It works very well for me because of my soft facial features but if you're Chad tier I would steer clear because you'll look silly.

>> No.13243044

wow u cute anon, just stop buying funko figures desu

>> No.13243791

when you're hair gets long enough try it out
even if it doesnt turn out great its only going to be like a month of your life

>> No.13244060

Can this even work with people with roundfaces?

>> No.13244126

this is a RETAKE if i've ever seen one

>> No.13244616

funny man

>> No.13244626
File: 3.10 MB, 2448x3264, 20180317_203204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Korean and I recently got this haircut

Did the lady do a good job or nah? Please don't comment on my grey hair, I know I have a lot

>> No.13244636

I think it looks good dude! Im sure it'll look better when it starts to grow out just a bit

>> No.13244675


Isnt this basically a fringe undercut. you faggots are overthinking this

>> No.13244688

looks great

>> No.13244907

This haircut brought to you by tunnelbear

>> No.13244922
File: 947 KB, 1049x1490, 1233262085216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks fuckin hot on girls, assuming they've got the facial features to pull it off

>> No.13245193
File: 564 KB, 720x1280, f5d1a004-de5e-49a5-b967-37f63fbec4c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes i had this haircut for few months

>> No.13245203

I really dig the natural grey. Blends well.

>> No.13245221

>funko pop

>> No.13245739

Looks good.
Do you have pictures with other angles, particularly the back and could you post pictures you took to your barber/hairdresser ?

>> No.13245995

Looks good, almost like korean master race. Please post more pictures

>> No.13245999

can you post pic without using a filter and better resolution. would like to actually see hair and not a blurry selfie

>> No.13247172

not bad at all desu

>> No.13247212

lost my respect

>> No.13247272

Fuck you look like a wanna be gook. The earrings and the outfit plus the hair cut. It's embarrassing.

>> No.13247275

You look like my roommate from freshman year. He was a good kid. I hope you are too.

>> No.13247629
File: 644 KB, 720x1280, 41a96019-e38f-40c4-9376-52701756134e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not using any filter and the blurry pic is just my bad camera lol
here's a old pic
i have nothing of the back, sorry

>> No.13247633
File: 576 KB, 720x1280, 0d437fae-dd99-4429-a5f0-c1c1185d1d7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for the filter, those pics are old

if you guys want to see more follow me on ig @http_fxckoff

>> No.13247700

Are you trying to look Korean on purpose? Serrious question

>> No.13247740

What is there to fucking consider? You realise it's literally an just an undercut with the crown also left long, right? If you don't like it, you can can go back and get the crown trimmed and have it turned into the regular undercut that literally every single male has at the moment. There's literally 0 risk involved here.

>> No.13247743


>> No.13247745

Jesus this is terrible.k

>> No.13247761

>You realise it's literally an just an undercut with the crown also left long, right?

lmao so u retards know this haircut literally only exists for gooks because they have flat crowns right?

if ur white just get a caesar with a nice taper fade jfc...

>> No.13247766

This. Pretty funny seeing everyone agonizing over a haircut that's essentially the safest cut in existence right with a little bit left on the back lel. What makes the difference is how you style it anyway.

>> No.13247768

Are you disagreeing with me or? Racial differences aside, it literally is just an undercut with the crown portion of your hair also left long, where it's normal cut short for standard undercuts.

>> No.13247772

This. The cut was developed for asians for a reason. It fits their natural hair type and features. There are haircuts that asians can't get that white people can get. Get those if you are white.

>> No.13247798

How are the crowns flat, is crown sides of forehead?

What haircuts are those, exactly?

>> No.13247826

>What haircuts are those, exactly?
Literally anything that involves a fade or revealed shaved sides. 'Standard' asian hair sticks straight out when it's cut a certain length, so you need to shave it so short that it looks awful, let it grow out into a wirey mess. The two block remedies this by allowing the tidiness of short back and sides while having the stupid looking erect hair covered by the hair on top.

As for fades, they just don't work. Looks awful. I tried for so long to make a fade look good in some way, but it just never happened.

>> No.13247828

weabs leave my board

>> No.13248039

im fucking epic

>> No.13248058

It looks good on Asians because their culture is to look the fucking same. That's why the two block with a facemask is popular.

when white people try it they look like some scenefag survived the cleansing of 2010