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File: 1.05 MB, 1313x701, im fucking done.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13225234 No.13225234 [Reply] [Original]

Im fucking done with this shit, i look like a virgin nerd and i can't get any pussy, im seriously fucking done and nothing seems to help, my face fucking sucks and i can't get to gym cause every fucking chad makes fun of me and my barber is a fucking moron i can't even get a decent haircut FUCK SHIT

>> No.13225240

stop being a bitch

>> No.13225251

you just look too much like a puppy/too happy and you’re face looks too lively. frowning all the time would look worse/unbelievable. get depression

>> No.13225260

Nobody cares anon. Not trying to insult you. Nobody genuinely cares if your ugly or not. And if they did, who gives a fuck? Just go to the gym.

>> No.13225272

Listen to this guy. Go to gym and ignore the haters. You're going there for you, not for them.

>> No.13225280

take the neckpill anon

>> No.13225298

go to the gym you faggot, nobody's making fun of you, they probably don't notice you at all

>> No.13225313

did your lips run away ?

>> No.13225353

Bellone birra

>> No.13225363

You really look like a boy pussy. very tight one.

>> No.13225476

If Morrissey was a pussy

>> No.13225533

Just submit to men OP. Easy life

>> No.13225535

>i can't even get a decent haircut FUCK SHIT
cut your hair yourself you cunt it's not hard.
You could even pull off a buzz, would fit your glasses. Young Moby

>> No.13225541

get a buzzcut
and then get some stubble whenever you can grow it
avoid xenstrogens (stuff that mimics estrogen, the female hormone)
these can be found in certain foods and products people use
those xenstrogens will keep you looking more like a bitch, especially if you’re getting a lot of them

dont worry about how you look so much tho man, you’re just a regular person and you’re being too hard on yourself
worrying about how you look all the time isn’t fun

>> No.13225562

lose the glasses

>> No.13225819
File: 41 KB, 500x500, High-Fade-Long-Curly-Fringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think you should go to ur hairdresser w/ picture ref for what hairstyle you would like. if u dont have ideas i think something like ta fade would suit you. perhaps try to get thinner rim glasses or maybe a diff shape if you can. (this isn't to be mean just a general tip but i wouldn't suck in ur lips like that when u smile! smiling w ur teeth showing is nice too ) make sure to wash ur face everyday and esp if u have dry skin, use a moisturizer. this is coming from a girl btw aha

>> No.13225821
File: 59 KB, 564x846, The-hair-The-glasses-The-tattoo-and-The-outfit-are-adding-a-perfect-vogue-look-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a good ex of glasses... getting more into fashion can rly boost ur confidence and it will show!

>> No.13225837


>getting into fashion can really boost your confidence

This board proves otherwise

>> No.13225849

No amount of fashion will fix your revolting personality.

>> No.13225869

I'm guessing that's not even OP, judging by the fact that it's a screen cap taken from a youtube video.

I'm sure if he wasn't doing that thing with his mouth he'd look totally average. He could use a better haircut too.

>> No.13225873

Spursito shupala hermano

>> No.13226435

It's from a yt video cause i have a yt channel, couldn't take a pic atm so i just took a frame where i looked decent

>> No.13226449

>i can't get any pussy

it's 2018 why do men care about the disgusting bacteria ridden pussy?

>> No.13226495

>Chad makes fun of me
Fucking bullshit nobody cares at the gym stop making excuses you lazy cunt

>> No.13226504
File: 16 KB, 600x600, e9d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13226520

Why you always prompt somenone to hit the gym to boost his confidence and get some pussy? It make the situation even worse.

>personal story

I tried it and it sucks watching all those freaks with tones of muscles during weight training, most of them are fake btw. It didn't boost my confidence I just felt disgusted. I prefer being skinny with small biceps than a mentally retarded gym freak who hunts sluts all day. None of them can slain a classy artistic pussy.

>> No.13226600

genuinely laughed, this is so true

>> No.13226819

nigga ignore everything above this reply except for the anon who said you should get depression, pretty much you gotta look more serious (and if you think you're a cheerful person and you want to give off a happy vibe you'll have to start practicing on an evil-ish slightly erotic smile idk that's the only good way i can find to describe it but don't over do it, this is really important otherwise youd look like a rapist, a serial killer or a fag)

start lifting.

look up jawline exercises on youtube, they work.

also grow your hair out a few more inches and get the sides cleaned up so it doesn't look awkward. you're welcome
/thread idgaf

>> No.13226842

You look very soyish

>> No.13226854

>those guys across the gym are laughing. Fuck theyre laughing at me
>uuuh yeh just cut it short on the sides and even out the top haha thanks.
>woooow why cant i get a decent haircut
>my youtube wont take off because i look so fucking betaa not because i have shitty content

i have you figured out you self absorbed fuck

>> No.13226866

>fake muscles
this post reeks of cope

>> No.13226871
File: 1.89 MB, 200x200, 1519610726175.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the stupidest shit I've seen all day, you're acting like a woman fishing for attention instead of solutions.

>> No.13226875


this is bait right?

fake muscles wtf? where do you live, Russia or something?

>> No.13226877

christ anon have you never done anything athletic in your life? i thought this neckpill shit was a meme but you look like i could strangle you with one hand

>> No.13226879

>evil-ish slightly erotic smile
that's a grin

>> No.13227125

these oversized rectangular with soft edges glasses meme has to stop, I've never seen a single example where it looks good

>> No.13228098

chad here, i've never made fun of anyone at the gym.

>> No.13228103


>> No.13228131
File: 483 KB, 141x141, 1468653204351.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aw don't be so hard on yourself anon. plenty of girls like the "nerdy guy" aesthetic. In any case, you're definitely not ugly, you just gotta have more confidence in yourself. I know that's a meme to say now but it's true, the only person standing in your way is you. Not your haircut or your glasses or the Chads at the gym, but you. You gotta learn to love yourself, anon. You're gonna be spending the rest of your life with yourself, after all

>> No.13228368

>Soyboy haircut
>Soyboy glasses
>Soyboy facial expression

Want to know why it works for Chad? Because it's the opposite of what you'd expect him to do.

The "opposite" style philosophy is often used for choosing eyewear: most people choose a lens shape that is the opposite of their facial features. Most Asians wear round lenses because of their slanted eyes. Squared faced Chad wears round lenses too. Most people can wear squared glasses but the black frame is getting overdone.

Just try a buzzcut because unless you're a serious chad wearing a pompadour ironically, everyone wearing a pompadour looks fucking geeky. Maybe revisit the more extreme haircuts once you feel more comfortable in your skin.

Best actionable advice I can give you right now is to get your eyebrows trimmed. Most guys never consider this. Shave your patchy ass facial hair because I promise you it looks like shit.

Start lifting too and in 3,6,9 months you will put on noob mass quickly and immediately look better.

>> No.13228411

wow I'm retarded, yes

>> No.13228580

Grow your hair out
(but stay clean shaven and trim the sideburns)
Take off your glasses and start squinting for /fa/ hooded eyes.
get contacts if youre a pussy
Chew a shit ton of gum and learn to posture your jaw
wear clothing that accentuates your body and hides your bad features
ex: wear long sleeve tees to hide skinny arms
wear half zips to conceal pencil neck
wear timberlands or some other chad boot to appear more masculine (not docs or whatever faggy redwing shit you see on plebbit)
stop wearing jeans
sweatpants and chinos are the way to go
get a tan
dress preppy, bitches love that shit

After you have done all of this
hang out with the social losers, specifically those who are uglier than you but popular because they're friends with everyone. You will appear more attractive around them
be cool with chicks and ask them for their number/tell them their cute straight up. Don't skirt around it, cold approach is best. A few sentences then say hey you're cute whats your number
Cure whatever autism you have by talking with girls and snapchatting them, send heart emojis and shit but never do long paragraphs. Have a bitch you cry with and act cool with everyone else
get invited to parties
get laid/eat girls out They love getting eaten out bc nobody does it but they see it in porn

(I'm at this stage, went from ugly autist loser to surfer-looking dude. I have more success with people who dont know me bc my past still haunts me.)

>> No.13228598

> i can't get to gym cause every fucking chad makes fun of me
No, he doesn't

>> No.13228611

Not picking on you specifically but lol at this fucking facial expresion everyone pulls all the time like they're apologizing for their existence

>> No.13228618
File: 35 KB, 500x500, artworks-000150814469-dc5v9u-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im fucking done with this shit, i look like a virgin nerd and i can't get any pussy, im seriously fucking done and nothing seems to help, my face fucking sucks and i can't get to gym cause every fucking chad makes fun of me and my barber is a fucking moron i can't even get a decent haircut FUCK SHIT

>> No.13228627

How do you look so much like a soyboy with your mouth closed?

>> No.13228630

You need smaller glasses to look older than some 13 year old gen z faggot.

>> No.13228646

Chad would encourage him to do better. If anything he might be talking about Brad

>> No.13228681

take the NECKPILL

>> No.13228695

this, nothing makes more impact on a soy face than to photoshop it a wide neck