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13221487 No.13221487 [Reply] [Original]

How should petite (short) girls dress?

>> No.13221490


giv petite pusy

>> No.13221696

I don't get this tall woman meme. petite, short girls are the best in my opinion

>> No.13221703

You've set yourself up for people to call you a manlet, anon.
But I agree with you. Unless a girl is like 4'8" I don't really care how tall she is if she's cute. Call me a manlet

>> No.13221711

I think manlets are more likely to prefer TALL women actually, as strange as that is...
Liking short girls is common

>> No.13221713

>How should petite (short) girls dress?
I think they should UNdress instead ;)))

>> No.13221717

I don’t want this to turn into a tall girl vs short girl thing. I just want fashion advice haha.

>> No.13221718

that's retarded. if anything manlets prefer tall women to compensate for their short genes.
the truth is the opposite.

>> No.13221722

well i like what you have going there tbqh, looks very cute.

>> No.13221725

It's probably too late for that but anyway what is your goal with picking a particular aesthetic? Are you trying to emphasize your height or something? Just wear whatever you feel like wearing

>> No.13221728

Yes, we manlets secretly love tall girls, as do all men. But we could not get them in a million years, bar a few lucky exceptions, so we prefer short girls for our own security.

>> No.13221740

I don't think that's true either
Tall girls are insecure about their height so they're glad when someone looks past it, even if he's a manlet
Or maybe they just notice the difference less since they're tall anyway, meaning men shorter than them and men taller than them are roughly in the same numbers (tall girl height = average guy height)
If (almost) EVERY guy is taller than you, you'll start to categorize into “only slightly taller“ and “much taller“ etc... and “same height as me“, of course, is death

As a 6'4“ guy I got way more “you're so tall“ remarks from short girls in my life
Hell, I actually can't think of a single time a tall girl's ever said it to me

>> No.13221743

You're right, and I'm not sure how what you say contradicts what I say. I'm talking about mens' preferences, not women's.

>> No.13221745

Honestly OP, a look like your pic will make you look like a little girl. It's definitely a respectable look to go for, but it will make other people uncomfortable.
What you should wear depends more on your proportion and less on your height anyway.

>> No.13221751

You said “But we (manlets) could not get them (tall girls) in a million years“ which sounds like you're saying you'd get rejected. I'm saying that's not true cause tall girls seem to mind/pay attention to height less, so they'll give you a chance

I'm not a manlet though, so what do I know

>> No.13221758

>will make other people uncomfortable
I’d rather not dress in a young way but when I dress my age, or try to look mature I look like a kid playing dress up. But I also have a babyface so that makes things worse

>> No.13221759

the one advice i can give to you is never wear anything (skirt, dress) that is below the knee, it will make you look even smaller
i made this mistake countless times and i cringe at myself for it

>> No.13221794

like an elementary school student

>> No.13221864

I don't believe it. They just have to remember heels of some sort. I think short skirts look stupid on short girls because together it looks too childish

>> No.13221868


>> No.13221870

Whatever you want, but especially girly stuff like skirts and sundresses. A petite girl with that style = my dream.

>> No.13221898
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Wear whatever you like honestly. I think generally speaking more baggy and cutesy clothes look nicer on short girls than trying to go for a super mature look with dress pants and all, but it can still work just fine. Just embrace your height and look for clothes that complement it instead of trying to appear taller because of some misguided sense of tall people being more fashionable.

>> No.13221899
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>> No.13221900
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>> No.13221915

She looks an awful lot like my ex.
Anyway I don’t like petite girls. I mean I like short girls but petite is really boring when you’re surrounded by titty monsters

>> No.13222298

There is no winning, fashion is for tall people

>> No.13222338
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I wish I could impregnate her

>> No.13222349

>tall girls seem to mind/pay attention to height less, so they'll give you a chance
Nah, only if they're still shorter or about the same height as you. If they're taller, you have so little chances you might as well want to buy a month's worth of salary in bitcoins.

What do you wear that makes you look like a kid playing dress up?

>> No.13222355


>> No.13222358

>tfw 6'1" with 5'4" gf
other than having to awkwardly try to kiss her, a short gf is the patrician's choice

>> No.13222363

The biggest problem I have with short girls i can’t fuck them without causing a lot of pain since they have small vaginas and mouths. Also being tall, it makes romantic interactions in general incredibly awkward, especially when there is a 7+ inch height difference

>> No.13222380

5’4 isn’t short, 4’10-5’2 is short

>> No.13222382

She came up on my insta explore feed. I do not believe she is in college. She looks 13 but dresses like a toddler wtf? Why are people like this

>> No.13222383

tfw 18 inches taller than gf and she still takes it like a champ

>> No.13222384

Does this mean that short guys have small penises

>> No.13222394

What a soldier. I’m quite envious. Also how fuckin short is she?

>> No.13222412


>> No.13222459


>> No.13222471

not him but her user is urfatherfigure

>> No.13222554


>> No.13222606
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>hairy armpits

No no non no

>> No.13222730

Literally clown shoes

>> No.13222742

5'4 is smack-on average, stop trying to humble-brag you fuck

>> No.13222859

Be mindful of outfits that draw attention to bad proportions, particularly short legs or torsos.

>> No.13222876


>> No.13222887

They should dress like they are down on their knees and about to suck my dick.

>> No.13222900

i wear short skirts as a short girl, it really depends on the style. i avoid light colours and flowery prints. i wear pleated skirts and button front skirts in black, navy and dark plaids

>> No.13222905

I still cannot believe we have women that post on 4chan. How do you even end up here? Are you bullied or depressed or something?

>> No.13222907


I’ve fucked all shapes and sizes and tight pussy is found on all kinds of girls. Not just short ones

>> No.13222911

You do realize that even the tiniest women can shit out babies 5 times the size of your dick, right?

>> No.13223060

What brings negative attention to short legs?

>> No.13223061

where do you get your skirts and shirts

>> No.13223074

>5 times
You're severely overrestimating the size of an average penis, and underestimating that of an average newborn head.

>> No.13223084

They shouldn't

>> No.13223154

nope, not depressed, though i was once bullied and depressed in high school. now im in uni, have a decent amount of friends and a bf. i just enjoy fashion (wish i was tall enough to wear men's clothes) and giving advice to loney bois.

>> No.13223157

i get my skirts from shitty asian online shops. i wish i had more money for clothes but im a poor student.

>> No.13223165

What if they’re super goddamn tall like 6’1, and I’m king of the manlets at 5’11?

>> No.13223172

>tfw 6'4" with 5'0" gf

>> No.13223177

Are you retarded enough to compare child birth to taking a dick?

>> No.13223191

>tfw 6'3 with 5'9 gf

model tier gfs are the best, imagine taking an adult womanlet seriously

>> No.13223208

Me too
>tfw my ex was 4'10"
>My dick was thicker than her wrist
God I miss violently nutting her tiny body

>> No.13223238

I am very uncomfortable... She looks Under 18 but has sexualised pictures

>> No.13223240

Exactly like this

>> No.13223250


petite girls will give you manlet sons

>> No.13223251

i think shes over 18, just really babyfaced. i mean im an 18 year old girl and she could easily be my age.

>> No.13223277

Yeah.. I guess since I associate anything 18 and under as highschool which is kinda weird to me since I have a sis currently in highschool

>> No.13223461

She’s like 20

>> No.13223546

I suspect men who prefer short women are just pedos

>> No.13223577
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>> No.13223818

Agreed but has the critical downside of birthing manlet sons.

>> No.13223899

>tfw 6 ft with 4'11" gf who's 6 years older than me
I love tiny girls she's so cute

>> No.13223959

not op but bullied, a weeb (how i initially fell into this hell hole looking for fanart), depressed and insecure. just like the rest of the trash here.

i'm 5"5' not short but not tall, i wear thigh highs and cute skirts with sweaters n shit when i want to make my legs look longer than they are. basically know your silhouettes and what you want to accentuate. not everyone wants to look like a nerdy bimbo. go to /r/womensfashionadvice for better help.

>> No.13223981

>go to /r/womensfashionadvice for better help
or for a good laugh

>> No.13224197


t. dicklet

>> No.13224208

That's a 5cm difference, so they're most likely not interested, but you've got your chances nevertheless.

Both go through the vagina, anon.

>> No.13224503

same here, i tend to have the best chemistry with 5'2" to 5'4" girls

>> No.13224511
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Currently shopping for my gf lads, and she qualifies as petite (5'04"/101~lbs)

Any anons or femanons willing to recommend sites or brands that are good to know, or to keep bookmarked? I usually buy her Sandro when I buy her clothes, bought pic related for her in February.

I'm looking for woolen trousers, suitable for for petite, not wide-legged.

>> No.13224515

I don't care too much but sometimes height really complements their other features.

>> No.13224554

>Dressing like jailbait.

Kys degenerate.

>> No.13224576

Wow I'm in love .....
How do I get a gf like this?

>> No.13224584

Yeah im 5 9 and I prefer girls 5 8 to 5 10. Not too much taller but tall enough that my sons will grow taller than me.

>> No.13224705

Be “daddy” and look something like Jeff Goldblum

>> No.13224710

>tfw no bf to buy me expensive coats

>> No.13224972
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>choosing short neotenous girls because it makes you feel tall and they make your dick feel good for a little while
>not choosing tall girls with developed faces so you have Chad heirs to continue your bloodline
The absolute state of men.

>> No.13225009

>love petite girls so much
>Can't marry one because I being a manlet is the worst thing for a man and I would hate for my son to be a manlet.

>> No.13225037

I unironically agree with this. As a 2m (6.5 for mutts) Tiermensch, I would never date a girl under 1.9m.
I'm even willing to look over stuff like weight and shit as long as she's tall. I want my children to be literal titans among petty men and rule with an iron fist.
Unfortunately, there aren't many tall women where I live.