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File: 28 KB, 336x341, asian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13219956 No.13219956 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck am i supposed to do with this? Every normal haircut is just not possible with this.

I tried having undercut and keeping the sides short, but it still looks like shit.
I have to put fuckton of product on it since it wont hold at all.

Did anyone figure out how to not look like a retard with these?

>> No.13219971

grow it long, man.. am asian too..

>> No.13219974

Fuck all the asians that wear full ss15 slp.





>> No.13219980

I tried to do it once, but what i looked like was beyond words so i just had to get my current fucked up undercut

>> No.13220007
File: 44 KB, 377x582, 1506004040888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takes commitment and good facial genes. My long hair didn't look good until at least half a year to a year of growth had passed.

Anyway, there's always ktwink undercuts. Unfortunately though, I think a lot of the problem with asian hair is in most asian faces not being attractive to the western dominated global culture.

>> No.13220016
File: 38 KB, 448x600, 1508098110945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyway, dropping off some asian hair inspo from my folder of what I might do if I ever chop off the bun.

>> No.13220018

Yeah, there's a problem with those kind of haircuts because im not asian, im half mongolian-half slav.

Tbh im not sure any haircut can save me

>> No.13220020
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>> No.13220039
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lean in.

joking. Though it'd be pretty dope for that to make a showing in this new world order of ironic fashion.

I don't know your face, but buzzed is usually a safe bet for slavs and asians alike. I've only known one mongolian and he ran with an asian fro/occasional buzz but really nothing was saving his extreme zipperhead.

>> No.13220044

Pfff at least you don't have curly/wavy SEA hair like me, that shit is worse to style. Not curly enough for curly hairstyles, can't do straight hair either. The only semi-viable style is to go full polynesian or just keep it short and boring.

>> No.13220046

bowlcut desu

>> No.13220047

are there any other haircuts that dont make me look like a faggot

>> No.13220048

Fuck you, you don't know how bad it is

>> No.13220068
File: 15 KB, 240x300, 84f4a86b299d2794e3e8aa1e08f601a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly just to go to a salon and make them give you white people hair a la randal park.

There's this nibba who I just found google searching "asian male actors" Not a bad lot, honestly. Maybe part of the problem is also just too few role models. That we aren't inundated with enough attractive asians in media to form a basis of normal hairstyles unless you go looking for it.

>> No.13220074
File: 27 KB, 731x408, Leonardo-Nam-Top-Most-Famous-Handsome-Asian-Actors-2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have the "lets try flip hair on a fancy asian" cut

>> No.13220080

mate, what are you talking about.
You can clearly see that his hair is curly, or at least has been styled for so long that it appears this way.

If i tried to do something like this my hair would go straight down, get in my eyes, it doesn't have any kind of texture.
Just thick, straight black hair.

If i had hair like this fag in that photo i would be crying about it on 4chan

>> No.13220100
File: 440 KB, 618x412, Screen-Shot-2014-07-22-at-2.24.36-PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hair properties can be changed or hidden. Perm it curly if you want. Hairspray/tussle it messy if you like that. Gel it back like a fuccboi. Most hairstyles aren't just cut that way so if you've been luckscrewed out of good hair genes, take the reins yourself and make it good.

>> No.13220104

And how would i go about doing that?
(eastern europe btw)

>> No.13220118

Talk to a stylist about it. I don't know the specifics but I do know we've been doin this shit for hundreds of years.

Perms iirc involve basically steaming/burning/chemicaling the hair around a curler. There are kits you can order online if you're brave.

The other options are buying gel, mousse or salt spray respectively in descending order of firmness.

>> No.13220128

just grow it out, my hair was the same until it got a bit longer. Might also want to try changing the shampoo/conditioner you use and shampooing less often

>> No.13220129


>> No.13221066

bump, would also like to know what to do with my hair

although I've found that reducing the frequency at which you shampoo your hair helps

>> No.13221082
File: 664 KB, 846x864, Screen Shot 2018-03-13 at 9.32.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get one of these, ma kigga.

if not, grow it a bit longer and use a hair dryer

>> No.13221093

LMAO fuck thats golden
but u still need good facial genetics to pull off that kinda haircut

>> No.13221184

I thought we were only fixing hair problems, not your ugly fucking face

>> No.13221231

Slav here, have a the same problem.
I've tried getting the Korean gayboi shit but my sides and back look disgusting after a month or two while the bangs still look decent.
Are there any products that can fix them going all spiky and not holding down even with gel?
I could also begin to curl it but nah, I don't want to be a poser.

>> No.13221262

im asian and have an undercut. i think it looks ok on me but im definitely tired of it.
i like the "korean" look >>13220016 but i dont think i can pull it off.
my hair is very stiff so it sticks straight out. i think im going to get it buzzed

>> No.13221319
File: 1.61 MB, 500x500, 1492533863974-fa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go full jap fukboi

>> No.13221361

get a down perm on the sides and back

>> No.13221469

it's simple. if you are ugly it doesn't matter what hair you get you will look ugly. if you are decent then you can get away with more retarded styles. just look at kpop bands. sometimes their hair looks straight out of a fucking comic book but it works for them because of their face. whatever u do just copy a celebrity with a similar face shape as you. perm your hair to texture it if your hair is naturally straight and learn to trim your hair to maintain its look. use conditioner and use a brush. learn techniques on YT to style your hair

>> No.13221482

Fug I want this hair. Or hair that has actual defined locks instead of just some Asianfro mess. How obtain ?

>> No.13221488

That's just a perm.

>> No.13221623

you olang melayu manya itu senang.. bikin bising saja

>> No.13221628


Wavy SEA Hair is pretty dope desu despite how hard it is to style. peopel dont usually expect asians to have that type of hairstyle

>> No.13221698


Asian here. Let me give you tips:
>nopoo (stick with it, it's not a meme)
>leave in conditioner

This shit will make your hair look 100x better.

>> No.13221706

It's so easy to make Asian hair look good

you're probably a self hating idiot who brings pictures of white people to the barber

>> No.13221712

SEA hair asian are terrible for short hair, but you can do some neat medium/long hairstyle desu

>> No.13221723
File: 75 KB, 480x480, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw balding asian

>> No.13221729
File: 122 KB, 1448x969, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're not alone...

>> No.13221749

Let your hair grow
It will look terrible the first months but you won't regret it after (though of you are ugly, you will be ugly no matter the hairstyle)

Also do not wash them to much or find a good shampoo/conditioner for your hair. Or try nopoo and just conditioner

t. Not asian but same hair type, impossible to tame and looked like the pic in the OP short. Now they are smooth as fuck.

>> No.13221772

grow it out and get a perm
get an asian barber if you can

>> No.13221830

Fight through the shitty growing phase and wear a glorious samurai ponytail. One of my professors is an Asian man with a ponytail, he dresses really sharply. Looks like a Yakuza.

>> No.13221834

Asian bro reporting in. Got straight hair that grows out like a cactus, but somehow i’m managing short sides/side slick.

Changing my hair routine helped a lot. Shampoo about once a week and rinse for other time. Letting the wax build up in my hair actually helps styling much better

>> No.13221945

>you're probably a self hating idiot who brings pictures of white people to the barber

>> No.13222077

starting doing no poo. your hair gets a little greasier and you can start styling it properly

t. asian with slgihtly curly hair

>> No.13222099

Grow it out, buy some Gatsby and go for the douchebag look

>> No.13222267

Im going to give these both a go. Thanks for the tip

>> No.13222758

grow it out, shampoo less, and wear a beanie for 30 min while your hair dries. boom u have successfully avoided the chinkfro, works for me