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/fa/ - Fashion

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13219023 No.13219023 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever started a trend?

>> No.13219061

when i started in uni, all my classmates start calling me faggot, that was six years ago, still trend

>> No.13219065

i was the first person to wear a g-shock in my high school in 2008, then everyone started wearing them

>> No.13219067

I caused an adidas epidemic in my high school.
Those were the days....

>> No.13219109

Laugh at me all you want, but I swear I was the first kid in my school in the 90s wearing baggy pants. The first day I wore them, everyone gathered around me and commented on them jokingly. About 6 months later, the whole school wore them.

>> No.13219119

I tucked my shirt in in 2014 and all my friends made fun of me for it. Then they started a few months after

>> No.13220069

Nearly every day in my first few years of high school, I would dress pretty sleazecore. Track jackets with rolled up sleeves, hawaiian shirt underneath, and gold chains.

Then a bunch of underclassmen started looking up to me and dressing the same way.

Needless to say, for the back half of 11th grade and my senior year, I changed my style to a generic sort of Odd Future/skater core. Because all the kids stealing my style were fucking losers that I didn't want to associate with.

>> No.13220906

yes, in 8th grade I was the first kid in my 'skinhead' little group to wear combat boots to school. After that, 5 little retards with buzzcuts and boots walking around the school kek

>> No.13221053
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I brought back Hawaiian shirts and I have no way to prove it but I Fucking know I was first fuck off

>> No.13221061

not fashion related, but I helped start bobbyposting on /tv/ in the summer

>> No.13221203
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I invented the mini skirt

>> No.13221226

several. within my friend group, i am the tastemaker of new memes and vocabulary. i have a bunch of a normie idiots running around saying they're going to fuck each other's boipuccis now, among other things. fashionwise, i have not.

based. i started a copypasta on /mu/ a while ago that still gets posted sometimes.

>> No.13221234

in my school I started converse one stars kinda and deathwish

>> No.13221237

I brought the Metal band shirt + ripped knee jeans and pinrolling pants trends to my high school a few year ago. Not too proud because looking back that "style" is pretty entry level and effortless but whatever. Metal bands were seen as weird before and I definitely NEVER saw pinrolling before I started.

>> No.13221267

i was the first person to wear stan smiths at my high school

>> No.13221291


>> No.13221296

I wore a white t once and now i see everyone wearing one lmao fucking trendhopping faggots

>> No.13221338

this post reeks of juvenility

>> No.13221460
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ive seen a couple people post a pepe/wojak edit i made

>> No.13221533

wore nike sfbs to high school back in the day and a bunch of people asked me about them and i saw about 5 people wear them after

sort of?

>> No.13221561

No but my sister started a rockabilly revival in the small town she worked in few years back

>> No.13221574

I am the reason people on Krautchan's /int/ say "additional information".

>> No.13221582

Was probably just a coincidence but I still claim to have started the pokemon trading card hype at my school/maybe my country.

>be 9
>live in small europoor country
>pokemon is pretty popular as a tv show among kids at my school, the games not so much since nobody has a gameboy
>one day my mom takes me grocery shopping before school
>I can pick some sweets, but I see pkmn cards on the counter of the store
>dont know what it is but I liked the show so I pick those
>show up at school and I am the man during recess cause all the kids want to see my pokemon cards.
>I tell some of my friends where to get the cards
>during the week more and more kids show up with cards
>buzz gets bigger about pokemon around my school
>during the following months, I see newsitems on tv about how big pokemon has become and how big the demands for cards are at playgrounds, and how some schools are banning them because of fights
>Proud of what I started

>> No.13222346


Yeah. Back in 1982 or so, me and my friend Mike brought our pogo balls to school, and busted out a routine in the lunch common area. We were doing spins, and busting up on the concrete ledges and shit. Then all of a sudden a bunch of kids came to school with them haha.

>> No.13222348

i invented fucking your mom

>> No.13222359


I made it ok for us to wear skinny jeans.

>> No.13222366

I posted a shitty meme and like someone else posted it
needles to say it was epic

>> No.13222474

I'm the original baneposter

>> No.13222500

I was the first guy to have long hair (the new revival i mean)

>> No.13222520

It's not fashion per se, but one time I went to Kinshasa (capitol of the Congo) and started a dance craze. I was in a club and, since I was the only white dude, everyone was looking at me and trying to talk to me and stuff. I couldn't understand their accent though so I just decided fuck it and started doing this weird dance. I guess they thought it was the shit because pretty soon EVERYONE in the club, like 70-80 African motherfuckers, started doing the same dance.
That was about 6 years ago and they still do the dance to this day. I know because every few months my Congolese friend will send me a video of like 50 people in a club doing that same fucking weird dance. Anyway, that's how I started an African dance sensation.

>> No.13222624

i wore colorful socks (and pinrolled my jeans) to my school and after a couple of weeks everyone started doing the same and they were coming up to me and showing me the socks

>> No.13222704

I tucked in shirts in 2013 I think some people started around 2014 2015 but they were kinda hipsters. Stylisticy

>> No.13223794

lol gonna need some proof

>> No.13223831

I started doing the manbun a tiny bit before it went full mainstream. I looked good in it (relative to others who did it) so some friends started going for it too, including 2 close friends. I got more women than I ever did before.

The problem was that now when three of us hung out which was fairly often, we were the bun squad. It wasn't pleasant feeling like a meme so I cut my bun off soon after.

>> No.13224202

Shameful to say, I was one of the first to buy an iPhone in our highschool. Soon everyone got one, it started with my friends and then spread.
Man, turn of the 2000-10 was a different time.

>> No.13224448
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I posted about it here before, but my friends and I gifted Shia his hat at the Fort Irwin training center when him and the crew from Fury came to learn about tanks.

Kanye wears it now too lmao.

He also bought his tan SFBs when we took him to the PX. He asked us for advice on sizing and boots to wear for mainly "fucking around LA" so we told him to take the SFBs.

>> No.13224459

I wore ratchet straps as belts before anyone else

>> No.13224609

Once on /fit/ I posted "this comment has been removed by the fitness mafia" as a joke, went on a few hours later and it was everywhere. Proudest moment of my life. That line will probably be my single greatest contribution to human culture.

>> No.13224616

I got one of those vintage colorful adidas windbreakers at the start of 2015 and soon enough almost all my friends and other people where we hung around wore them

>> No.13224670

I started (pointed out) the "and why that's a good thing" thing on /tv/

>> No.13224676

ahaha holy fuck I actually remember that

>> No.13224679
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I made this wojak for /biz/ but I see it posted more on /r9k/ for some reason.

>> No.13225040
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based pinkjak poster

>> No.13225049

Everyone wanted my blue hair in highschool and everyone wore a bandana on their knee after I did it, then I switched it to my belt loop

>> No.13225053

Whenever I post on any board people post a picture of me from 8 years ago

>> No.13225061

in high school
>one of the first to wear all black
>one of the first to cuff/pinroll jeans
>one of the first to wear baggy/oversized stuff
I was a huge loser though but when that shit caught on and I had moved on it felt weird.

>> No.13225608

I was the one who startes wearing clothes in school, everyone before that went full naked.
Big if true

>> No.13225610

literally who
and if you dont want this to happen quit being a namefag, retard

>> No.13225616


>> No.13226082

happened to me with skinny jeans!

>> No.13226094

Started the catchphrase FUTURE WAR on FYAD

>> No.13226321

I started a trend of making shit choices in my teens that has persisted into my 20s

>> No.13226327
File: 108 KB, 500x667, kanye-west-casio-g-shock-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how not a lot of people remember that trend. White G-Shocks were everywhere back then. Still remember seeing Kanye in 4 page Casio ads in Antenna Mag

>> No.13226392

I once smoked meth & all my friends got addicted to it as well. Also, meth & cocaine is in my family tree. I have a cokehead uncle who worked 6 days a week as a mechanic, my tweaker aunt who got admitted to a mental hospital for a year after throwing shit at a police officer while her brain was fried on tina, & my cousin addicted to adderall & xannax only, but on Xanax he will do any drug in the world. He doesn’t give a fuck on xannax, would even kill his own mother which he tried to do.

>> No.13226448

I was the first to buzz my head in high school, two months later half the guys had it buzzed.

>> No.13226873
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It's true. He is a pretty sweet guy. We talked politics a lot and he is pretty sharp. It's kind of sad to know he isn't a bad guy-- but if you put yourself out there your failures and fuck ups are amplified.

We may not agree but I really do respect him.

His fashion isn't as put on as I think it's displayed in media.

>> No.13227144

Milk truck's arrived

>> No.13227185

New balance sneaker trend is what i started in my school.I don't live in USA btw

>> No.13227198


I wore my visor in middle school a lot. Before long, half the kids are wearing them and Nelly starts wearing it too in his music videos.

>> No.13227221
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>Started browsing /fa/ around 2012-2013
>undercut meme was in full force
>decide to fall for it myself, have seen virtually no one with the Hitler Youth cut IRL yet
>compliments all around
>couple years later every other guy is wearing a HY/fade/pomp style cut

I'm from a small town so trends catch on a little late here. Not saying I started the trend but I definitely had a couple friends telling me they got a similar cut because of me