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File: 26 KB, 259x194, IMG_8138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13208486 No.13208486 [Reply] [Original]

Are subcultures effectively dead?

I remember in high school, now 3 years ago, everyone was more or less a different shade of grey, and no one really belonged to a distinct style & taste tribe.

No rockers, no mods. No punks, no goths. No preps, no skins.

>> No.13208493

Yes they are. Today anyone can be everything as long as you pay for it.

>> No.13208531

I remember when punk was a distinct subculture rather than a fashion statement. Had some punk friends but was never one of them. Dirty, smelly druggies for the most part.
Everything was much cooler back then.

>> No.13208556

I like punk music, and some items of the style of dress, but there's nothing more to it now it seems. No sense of rebellion, just the products of the movement.

>> No.13208564

They still exist, just not in the intensely isolated way they do today, and at a much smaller scale. My local scene has a huge amount of skins and casuals and the like, and they all sort of mix about both in fashion and in social circles.

>> No.13208572
File: 261 KB, 1050x1425, vinatge-london-skinheads-by-derek-ridgers-1980s-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are either dead or too small and similar to eachother to need defining.

>> No.13209138
File: 191 KB, 700x505, thompson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea man 2003 was a different time man if you can remember it you weren't there man

>> No.13209141


when we look back at this time period in 30 years we will see how were we divided into subcultures

>> No.13209179

sort of

thanks to instagram and formerly, tumblr subcultures have become so easily accessible anyone anywhere can quickly procure the image and mimic without any actual physical ties to the ""scene""

point and case the art hoe
an oversaturated fake scene that washed off the back of the continual hipster/alt evolution tree, now every suburban white girl curates a mustard yellow and light blue dungaree wardrobe, reads murakami and listens to marc demarco

its corny, tasteless and fake

real scenes still exist obviously, u'll find them in the physical space and through the net lowkey, just people keeping it real just doing their thing as opposed to peacocking on the internet about how so called alt and obscure they are with a contrived image

maybe go to gigs and start tagging

>> No.13209260

reddit = squares, 4chan = social outcasts. nothign changes

>> No.13209269

>I remember when punk was a distinct subculture rather than a fashion statement.
You must be really old then since it's been a fashion statement since the late 70s.

>> No.13209274
File: 63 KB, 755x497, no future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its similar to the homogenisation thats happening in almost every aspect of culture. this co-opting and gentrifying styles, places, cities, subcultures, music, art etc. is sterilizing it at the same time.

because nothing new and good is being made people look to the past for authenticity, yet most do it in such poor taste that they destroy it at the same time

>> No.13209279

>dude weed lmaos and/or skaters
>niggers/nigger culture enthusiasts
What're you talking about? Of course they still exist

>> No.13209463

yea i was gonna say its pretty much gentrification except instead of neigherbourhoods its counterculture

>> No.13209465

you're confused with 16 year old high school cliques, moron.

more out of your flyover state before you post here again

>> No.13209497

So you must be 50-60 years old

>> No.13210139
File: 206 KB, 750x736, IMG_8155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your picture and >>13209179 's statement literally reminded me of one of the only real subcultures in my area- JDM car 'culture' community. And no not your cringeworthy local vaping skids who meet in parking lots with their BRZs. People who actually care about the style and have good taste, collect authentic car stuff from the 80s and 90s, they exist, but seem to be spread out and connected over the internet.

>> No.13210485

The last subculture was hipster. Otherwise the 2010s have no subcultures because people are too anxious to rebel/rock the boat nowadays.
But this should change starting this year if trend cycles are to be believed.

>> No.13210487

>peacocking on the internet about how so called alt and obscure they are with a contrived image
That is an integral part of any subculture. Or was.

>> No.13210538

Although 'hipster' is really a general term, and just applied to the late 2000s early 2010s group, I would like you to elaborate on your trend cycle idea

>> No.13210625

There is still a large and active hippie subculture on the west coast. I suspect that it will diminish with the normalization of the cannabis industries.

>> No.13211320
File: 64 KB, 289x458, 1496386387696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a bit sad. When I was in high school 10 years ago, there were punks, Goths, emos, and two separate metalhead groups (the ones who liked metalcore, and the ones who didn't). None of them were effay, but they were still alright kids. Fishnets used to turn me on so much, too bad I stopped being edgy like 5 years ago. Never see it anymore

>> No.13211652

No...but I don't agree with your assessment of punk. The 90's was a good time for punk and the punks I knew were legit troublemakers and misfits. What else defines punk? It's anti-authority. It's easy to see who's living that lifestyle.

>> No.13212051
File: 235 KB, 2518x1240, virginidmchadtechno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get involved in local scenes, sounds like you don't live in a decent city. meet the right people, sure they won't be like the movie portray subcultures, but they exist in a very real way

>> No.13212156

good pic

>> No.13212641
File: 66 KB, 960x582, 34210751263_df6c1761a3_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being well groomed/looking presentable is the new counterculture. All the braindead sheep dress in obscure androgynous clothing because they think it's nonconformist when in reality they're the ultimate conformists.

>> No.13212650


>> No.13212658


keep telling yourself that fucko

>> No.13212659

Also edgy

>> No.13212670

Non binary gendered ((nonconformist)) detected. How does it feel to be the ultimate sheep?

>> No.13212694

what the fuck are you talking about. even on this very boad there are techware people, prep people, hypebeast people, etc etc.

also stop treating the media you see from 30-40 years ago as indicative of the times, you only see pictures of the cool stuff. Im sure there were a ton of t-shirt and jeans people around, not everyone was heavily invested in some subculture.

>> No.13212718


>> No.13212724
File: 247 KB, 640x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is pic-related an example or a counter-example?

>> No.13212798

how can following the lifestyle the people that run our country and control our lives be counter culture?

>> No.13212816
File: 36 KB, 545x184, basedreviewbrah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely an example. He even made a video about his fashion ideals. Based reviewbrah.

>> No.13213028


>> No.13213677


>> No.13214695

y'all are just fucking old...subculture is everywhere you're just...fucking old...go on insta, go to a show, go to a gallery, y'all are fucking old

>> No.13214707

this is so silly. guarantee you're at least twenty-eight. what you're describing is just becoming old and out of touch with culture

>> No.13214836

Yeah, basically. Commercialization sucked the life and soul out of all former subcultures

>> No.13214842

Shill your gay merch elsewher, Paul.

>> No.13214880

i'm 19 years old and from an area that is now heavily gentrified and a soulless corporate husk of what it used to be.

open your eyes and think about things before you call them silly

>> No.13214893


This, old japanese car culture is fully it's own thing now, with the fashion being the parts and the cars instead of the owners, though I have noticed a lot of asian hypebeasts lately.

You go to these meets and brands like SSR and Volk are essentially fashion labels

>> No.13214895


literally FjAAK's instagram

>> No.13214920

I don't think subcultures are dead so much as expressing belonging to a subculture through fashion is dead. I think it's shifted more towards substance over style.

>> No.13214974
File: 10 KB, 368x272, NOJE-21s33-mods-86_368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Swedish mods was fa! Kids in the 60's from broken homes fucked over and forgotten by the system. They basically became homeless aristocrats, looking down on the common worker. All of them was alcoholics and most of them heroin addicts. Most of them died before becoming 30, the rest was once again dependent on the system that once had rejected them. Look up Stefan Jarls mods trilogy. Truly fascinating and heartbreaking stuff. Don't know how much is subbed.

>> No.13215417


Oh common that's a normie wheel

Okay this is a fair point

>> No.13215601

Very reasonable post.

>> No.13215657

no, sad boys who cuff their jeans and borwse weeb forums are definitely a subculture. it just takes time for people to collectively recognise stereotypes as it's own subculture, and by then it's usually pretty dead

>> No.13215674
File: 174 KB, 750x654, 1510423883764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

google cultural omnivorousness

>> No.13215823

>le gentleman

>> No.13216282

>now every suburban white girl curates a mustard yellow and light blue dungaree wardrobe, reads murakami and listens to marc demarco
this is common? Most suburban white girls i'm around wear adidas sweatshirts and leggings 24/7, and only listen to trap.

>> No.13216804

i'm 19 years old and i guarantee you're a dweeb who never leaves the house.
t. part of the local hardcore punk scene

>> No.13216807

Subcultures died in 2000.

>> No.13216976


>> No.13216989

lol very well done

>> No.13216996
File: 190 KB, 1280x1920, 28E422FE-868E-4EFC-96C3-B4F020B1B474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13217205

Do subcultures require gatekeeping to be "genuine"? I've been trying to get out and explore different local subcultures (goth, punk, hypebeast, high fashion, etc) and I've been able to blend in despite only having a fleeting interest. Every single subculture community I come across seems to have the attitude of "love of the culture" instead of having a set of rules or conditions for membership.
Is there even a "genuine" subculture at all?

>> No.13217398

if you can't play the game at least acknowledge your failure.

>> No.13217898

They exist if you fucking go outside and support your local band.

Shit thread.

>> No.13218831

They are the two sides of the same coin
Stfu shy post

>> No.13218845

We used to tell the gatekeepers to fuck off at our local punk places because that wasn't in the spirit of the scene.

>> No.13218847

How does one start one tho

I love the 60s UK rocker scene (greaser) and dress in 501s, creepers, plain Ts or plaids, etc. Listen to Elvis, Chuck Berry, that sort of rock daily, but have virtually no idea how to get others to join in for real. Everyone is too spread out and neutral in my city.

Like my friends all like that music when I play it and admire the way I dress but they're aren't gonna take it up themselves, they're way too casual.


>> No.13219275
File: 1.55 MB, 2880x1440, Screenshot_2018-03-13-00-42-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are hypebeasts right now, that is a distinct, albeit lame, subculture

Just spotted this Van jacket in a bosozoku video tbqh

>> No.13219282

Yes, and this is why so-called "subcultures" are so watered down anymore. Anybody can just put on the uniform and claim to be a part of it.

>> No.13219310

no posers man