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File: 23 KB, 332x500, 75407fab-eb6b-4240-b62b-b2b4d28de2fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13206955 No.13206955 [Reply] [Original]

Does it work? Post before / after pics.

>> No.13206984
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1492546308278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey guys you can magically increase the size of your bones by putting your tongue on the roof of your mouth xDDDD dont forget to donate me xDDDDD

>> No.13206992

its a muscle thing bot a bone thing brainlet

>> No.13207003

doesn't matter, since it doesn't work either way

>> No.13207024

yes if you are 10

>> No.13207058

Yes if you are 12 years old or younger.
Otherwise you are being scammed by a hack orthodontist

>> No.13207177

Lol its a meme

>> No.13207235

You know it's a settled fact that how you hold your tongue in your mouth as a child and adolescent greatly impacts the growth of your face and straightness of your teeth, right?

I'm not saying mewing works. I am saying you aren't aware of how ignorant you are to dismiss it so easily.

>> No.13207281

mewing is cope

>> No.13207315


Mewing + hard chewing isn't a meme.

>widens the palate
>moves the face forward
>tightens the skin around the jaw giving you definition
>gives you hollow cheeks (proper swallowing technique)
>no more mouth breathing
>hard chewing trains the masseter muscle giving you a more aesthetic front profile
>doing both (mewing and chewing) will fix overbites/underbites over time

It works in adults. I am a testament to that. It only takes a couple months of total dedication to get used to it, then it becomes second nature (proper tongue posture even when you sleep).

>> No.13207316

>proper swallowing technique
Tell me more... I never undestood that one

>> No.13207320

Also, I would like to dispel a myth. Mewing won't give you a Chad jaw if you didn't have it in the first place. It just improves on what you have.

Mike Mew has a bunch of videos about that. Just go to youtube and search "orthotropics swallowing" or something like that

>> No.13207324 [DELETED] 

Are a five-year-old child?

>> No.13207327

Are you a five-year-old child tho?

>> No.13207336

You fell for a pseudoscientific meme. Facial aesthetics is 100% genetics

>> No.13207346

lol sure bud blame your genes for having a recessed chin or crowded teeth

>> No.13207360

is there any actual evidence for these claims in well past puberty adults or is this just wishful thinking

>> No.13207397


One thing you should know if you already understand how mewing works on kids is that the facial bones are still "malleable" even way past puberty (Dr. Mew's one example are stroke patients and how they're face changes). That means you can still shape your face as an adult. Results take time.

Honestly, I'm tired of explaining this shit. Just go to Mike Mew's youtube channel if you to learn more about this. Call me a shill or whatever idc.

>> No.13207401

but what are the actual clinical results with x-ray pictures?

>> No.13207414

You won't find them. You also won't find a single reputable orthodontist backing Mews claims.

He's a scam artist that has found an audience of incels and lonely social autists.
What type of genuine professional will post Q and A's on a website like Sluthate

>> No.13207422

>people have to be told to keep their mouth shut and their tongue on the roof of their mouth (where else would it go?)
mouth breather scum

>> No.13207423

>clinical results

Dude, is this your first time hearing about this meme?
Everyone who started doing it 2 or 3 years ago when it leaked outside of look ism and slut hate are now probably off 4chin for good because mewing changed their life. Some said it even cured their depression.

Do your research. There's this forum called the-great-work .org to help enlighten you.

>> No.13207447

I don't give a shit about what some retards online think. I want the ACTUAL SCIENTIFIC PAPERS DEMONSTRATING CLEAR RESULTS IN ADULTS ON SKELETAL TISSUES. Fixing jaw deficiencies non-invasively and without as much as braces is practically orthodontic nuclear fusion, so if there are no results despite obvious interest in such it should be clear that it's quackery. Just find one or two clear before and afters and I'll admit that there might be something here.

>> No.13207460


did you even go to the site I gave you???
looks like your the retard, who wants everything spoonfed to him. baka
you're not on reddit boi


>> No.13207467

>hurr it's real but I'm not gonna post one iota of proof

>> No.13207472

That's not how you back up a claim.

>> No.13207473

There is no proof
All you have is testimonials from mouth breathing adults who have deluded themselves into thinking their face has changed significantly over the course of several months.

It takes years to see results in young children who are getting treatment from orthodontists in person.
It's just a meme, he has found the perfect audience to market to and is taking advantage of it

>> No.13207484
File: 94 KB, 866x900, 45318EF3-6E50-4418-92E6-0FE8DCF6D899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your the retard

>> No.13207497

The thing about scam artists is that they are trying to benefit from their cheating ways. Mikey isn't trying to sell you anything. He is a private practicioner, and an orthodontist in second generation. All his content is presented for free in youtube. He even got disbanded from the British orthodontic society because his material was deemed controversial. All his efforts have gained him no revenue, and have potentially harmed his business.
What would motivate him to make this shit up?

>> No.13207501


>> No.13207513
File: 314 KB, 326x576, ml.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mewing since 12

>> No.13207515

Bigger fame=more patients

>> No.13207519

Proof that hair is everything

>> No.13207684

Where do I start with this?

>> No.13207755

in your mouth

>> No.13208021
File: 212 KB, 1218x1015, 1511856832735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Facial aesthetics is 100% genetics

>> No.13208673

how should I hold the tongue on the roof of my mouth? should i have the tip touch the roof directly or curve my tongue backward so that the underside of my tongue is touching the roof and the tip is facing back

>> No.13208710

slightly biting your tongue makes you look better

>> No.13208887

Alright boys I've read articles and videos and i'm a bit confused on how to keep the back of my tongue on the roof of my mouth and how to swallow

>> No.13208899

>it works guys!
>no i won't post photos

>> No.13208956

yeah, these people spend a lot of time talking about the positives of it but never explain how to actually do it...

>> No.13208959

mewing is fake as hell just dont breath through your mouth and you'll be okay

>> No.13208966

Jaw aesthetics is genetically determined, you’re a gullible brainlet if you think otherwise

>> No.13208985
File: 17 KB, 762x294, mouth-breathing-effects.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, nose got permanently blocked as a teen and his only way to get air was through his mouth. but I guess he was just genetically destined to have bad jaw aesthetics, right?

>> No.13208995


he looked like a model at age 10

>> No.13208998

well that is an extremely flattering photograph but he definitely did look much better when his mouth wasnt open 24/7

>> No.13209116

Hair really is everything, a good haircut can make someone look a million times better

>> No.13209730
File: 59 KB, 1000x666, 1520030392775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All it does is correct your tongue from pushing on your teeth when you swallow and fucking up your bite alignment. As long as your parents took you off apple sauce and gave you solid food to chew asap you should have a chad jaw. Blame your parents.

>> No.13210014


I knew a guy who grew up with asthma and was a mouth breather. Still had chad jaw like his father. His secret? He chewed a lot of gum.

>> No.13210048

100% this, dr mew said so, it only work with kids

>> No.13210060

>Still had chad jaw like his father
The answer is right there in your post you pseudoscience loving brainlet