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13204817 No.13204817 [Reply] [Original]

Fashion can't reach its back

>> No.13204927

no, as a fat person you can try to look good, but ultimately youll always look like a blob with ill fitting clothes, even if youre wearing the same pieces your favorite model wears. imo the biggest struggle is trying to lose weight while also trying to be concious of how you dress. i used to be about 400 pounds 6 foot even, now im 300 pounds and im aiming for 160-180. even though ive lost a lot of weight, im still extremely fat. i dont want to dress in sweats and old t shirts like i used to, but unless im gonna take every single pair of jeans to a tailor, its impossible to find stuff that fits in every single area that are also decently form fitting, same with trousers and coats. plus for fatasses that are actually trying to lose weight like me, my waistline drastically changes like every 2 months, so recovering landwhales hesitate to buy anything besides sneakers because even if we find something that fits us well and we get it tailored, in 2 weeks itll look just as baggy and ill fitting as it was before you got it hemmed

>> No.13204928

good luck dropping the weight anon. i want quite as heavy as you but ive lost 100 lbs like a decade back and its way better living as a skelly

>> No.13204937
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Damn she is so hot it makes me crazy

>> No.13205137

Godspeed anon. Props to you, you got this!

>> No.13205165
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Fat people deserve death. In my version of utopia, anyone overweight gets one year to return to normal human size and if they fail (as they probably would seeing how they're pathetic excuses of human beings) the government legally gets to execute them.

If you're fat you will never be attractive.

>> No.13205201

yeah its not hard to lose the weight (literally just eat about 1500-1800 calories a day and try to drink 1 fl oz of water per pound you weigh a day), but its hard not looking good while losing the weight

>> No.13205266

wait so youre drinking 300 fl oz a day??

>> No.13205340

fat women cannot look as effortlessly good as thin or slim women. you can look good and clean as a fat person, but it's always going to take twice the effort. everything has to look perfect when you're fat: makeup, hair, accessories, most of these women wear waist cinchers and spanx to give their bodies a human shape.
most thin people only need to put together well fitting outfits and that's it, you can still look good without a massive amout of ornaments to distract from the weight.

fat men are a whole other story. they can never look good in my opinion.

plus obesity is an illness and those who deny it deserve to die from a heart attack. it should not be glorified or even praised, especially not in the fashion world. these fat cunts are trying so hard to become a trend it's almost pathetic.

>> No.13205364

I did something similar a few years ago, but from 270-135. you can do it anon and its worth every second of it

>> No.13205420

no, they should be put into a meat grinder and fed to the skinny poor. that is all they are worth

>> No.13205485
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youre going to make it, anon.
no. also a fatty. it mess with the silhouette to much. instead of looking ike a person and having a consistent bases to create your image from, you have a bloated round shape which can only look like that. you cant create lines or folds with that.

>> No.13205506

When you're fat, you aren't just bigger, the shape of the body is completely different.
There's a ton of designs, let's face it, most of them, simply won't work on fat people.
Runaway show will always be full of thin models, that's the way that most designs look the best.

>> No.13205512

If you see fashion as an expression of yourself through clothes then yes, they can be fashionable. They won't fit a certain style but you can't honestly tell me that a guy who's slightly overweight wouldnt rock "sleazecore" as well or better than a skinny little teenager

>> No.13205525

obesity and being fat are different things dood, and this shit would never work cause obese people can be rich asf

>> No.13205557

Redistribute their wealth and use it for cultural improvement, ez

>> No.13205690
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>there's no way around it