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/fa/ - Fashion

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13202810 No.13202810 [Reply] [Original]

Cigarettes, cigars, pipes, or vaping?

>> No.13202822

none, but definitely not pipes.

>> No.13202831

Cigarettes and tuscan cigars are effay

>> No.13202835

>haha there's no reason to smoke a pipe other than to look cool
Gas yourself. If you're in your 20s: cigarettes > cigars (only on special occasions) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sucking cock > vaping
Don't smoke pipes except in private, because you'll look like a faggot

>> No.13202843


Is that you in the pic OP? Image search is coming back with nothing. If so then you look like complete shit.

>> No.13203006
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It will come back, i promise you. Don't listen to the rick owens shills.

>> No.13203008


>> No.13203048


>> No.13203093


>> No.13203366

Clean your fingernails it be nasty.

>> No.13203380

Cigarettes. Especially if you rolled your own

>> No.13204189
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Gtfo faggots

>> No.13204193

When the big faces in fashion all start smoking pipes in a year all of you will claim you smoked them before that

>> No.13204196

Vaping, because it doesn’t make my expensive clothes smell like shit and destroy the aroma of my designer cologne.

>> No.13204198

cheap cigarette packs or roll your own

why is vaping even included in this thread topic lmfao faggot

>> No.13204279

>Americano "snus"
gtfo faggot

>> No.13204288
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Epok or you lose

>> No.13204304
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are dunhills effay? currently smokin' through pack of king size dunhills and 1.4mg making me dizzy because of fasting

>> No.13204524

Rollies, every time

>> No.13204690
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>> No.13204719
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Is losing your teeth like a fucking degenerate /fa/?

>> No.13204758


>> No.13204786
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>What is the most /fa/ way to kill yourself?

>> No.13204790

smoking is not effay, pipes are for old men, hipsters and autist neckbeards like ops pic related.
the least un-effay way i can think of is long straights for that depressed but stylish look

>> No.13204798

Yikes, like the south east in here

>> No.13204814

weed is comfy but it is about the least effay thing you can do

this but never in public or you look like a twat

>having so little self control you cant even do something unenjoyable in moderation

go back to the wild west cowpoke were all city slickers here

>smoking to get thin
now this is effay

>> No.13204818

Been smoking blunts since the 7th grade. Just do that.

>inb4 hurr durr weed420blazeitfaggot. Drinkings annoying as fuck too.

>> No.13204820

rollies like a cowboy do.

>> No.13206101

/fa/? definitely cigarettes, but pipesmoking is extremely pleasurable and relaxing, not-addictive and not nearly as unhealthy as cigarettes. As anon pointed out, smoke it in private. Wanna show off? smoke cigarettes

>> No.13206269

>hurr durr weed420blazeitfaggot

>> No.13206312
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>> No.13206522

Do cigarettes actually give people a buzz? I feel like I ruined my nicotine tolerance by using snus with ~20mg/portion. I still smoke cigs to be effay of course, but I dont even like it that much

>> No.13206547


Cigars definitely give me a buzz. Not sure about cigarettes.

>> No.13206550

Juul master race

>> No.13206699

hhaha degenerates

>> No.13206718

tailies are so much more /fa/ that rollies you poor fuck

>> No.13206806


>> No.13207184

cigs are clearly the most. if that's you in the pic op, reevaluate

>> No.13207482
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>drinkings annoying as fuck too

>> No.13207499

Odens cold dry is underage tier snus

>> No.13207506
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>> No.13207521


>> No.13207569
File: 36 KB, 450x590, Hookah-KM-OX-India-BlackFrostedGold-L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i carry around a hookah wherever i go. cigtards are constantly intimidated by my master-crafted piece.

>> No.13208618
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>> No.13208691

>Implying smelling like cancer is effay
Fuck off faglord

>> No.13208693

not be fat

>> No.13208740

depends. Smoking near a pack a day, not, but if you don't smoke for a "long" time, like 1~2 days, a cigarette can feel orgasmic

>> No.13208751

Roll your own is the only answer

>> No.13209032
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Definitely hookah

>> No.13209058
File: 3.04 MB, 2109x2871, 20180309_055419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love me some cigars but can't really smoke in public because I'm too young and it borders fedoralord territory in people's minds. Sometimes I just say fuck it though

>> No.13209088


>> No.13209170

Bro that's literally the worst can you could possibly buy

>> No.13209171

always carry cigarettes.

theres nothing like having a smoke when youve been drinking too much or need an excuse to slip out for a few minutes.

also easy way to potentially make friends or have some girl start a conversation with you for a smoke

>> No.13209342

a fuckin juul move on

>> No.13209346

oh marlboror blacks i mean om, soory

>> No.13209492

I snus 14mg/portion snus and I still get a buzz when I occationally smoke a cig

>> No.13209599
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>> No.13209790

This guy knows

>> No.13209974

can i fuck your sister when youre done with her?

>> No.13210520

same here. partagas maduro is my fav

>> No.13210849

snus is sooo 2017, I haven't even thought about buying epok for 6+ months

>> No.13210885


>> No.13211062

smoking tobacco from cigarette butts from the street in a glass pipe

>> No.13211156

>literally putting a fag in your mouth
>not gay

>> No.13211160


>> No.13211795

I smoke no more than twice every two weeks and every time it's great

>> No.13211804

Products like this could make vaporizing products cool
they look really awesome.

>> No.13211883

Cigars are nice, but they're a bit big to look good. Cigs look the best, but they're fucking disgusting. Go for the middle ground that is cigarillos (smaller cigars, much skinnier).

>> No.13211895

Smoke a pipe in private with good tobacco, and cigarettes when in public.