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/fa/ - Fashion

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13191497 No.13191497[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>a leftist
>dresses like a fucking phycho
Every fucking time

>> No.13191523

>like a fucking psycho

lol chill it's literally blue hair
it looks like shit but it's not even worth commenting on,

>> No.13191530
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>> No.13191536

>dresses like a fucking phycho

>can't even see her clothes properly in that picture
>what I can see look totally normal

fucking retard

>> No.13191539

The hair is psychopathic

>> No.13191540

Holy fuck the autism, screencapping your threads in case someone deletes a comment .

>> No.13191574

Stop posting this shit. It's not that we dress like this or that we are offended by anything you say, it's that you're annoying as fuck. Shut up and post about fashion because we don't care how edgy you think you are or how you think some leftist is a slut or how cool you think you look in an SS uniform. No one cares, we just want you to fuck off and stop fucking spewing your annoying shit everywhere you obnoxious idiots.

>> No.13191583

Join us or die

>> No.13191595

You think you are the future but you are an anachronism, the last gasp of a dying system.

>> No.13191596

you have to remember that OP is an incel, this is typical behavior

>> No.13191599
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>Waaaaaaaaaaah leftiessssssss
Y'all are so tiring just crying about the same shit every day

>> No.13191604

Are these threads made by leftists trying to paint the right as crazy?

Some on the left do dress insane (shit tattoo's, skrillex hair, feminazi friar tuck hairdos and all varieties of crazy antifa outfits), but this girl just has dyed hair.

>> No.13191618

>dyes hair blue

>alt-right incel keyboard warrior: REEEEEE FUCKING PSYCOPATHIC LEFTISTS REEEE

>> No.13191619

You are all posting on an /fa/ thread on 4chan. Quit acting like your political opinion has any fucking merit, you retrograde fools.

>> No.13191622

How does she expect to get a job or even be taken seriously with hair like that. Shit is a major red flag desu.

>> No.13191627

you know dyed hair dosnt last forever right?

>> No.13191632


>> No.13191638

Starbucks, art store, tattoo parlour, camgirl, media personality.

She could get those jobs easily enough.

>> No.13191641

Dyed hair is for attention seeking.

Same with leftist ideologies, it's what all the CoOl kids are doing.

Kinda like pokemon games back in the day, but instead of buying colored game cartridges they are buying colored hair

>> No.13191644

Judging by these repeated and shitty bait threads I guess /fa/ is mainly lefties who arent happy about recent cultural happenings?

>> No.13191646

Pokemon was harmless fun when you were 10, you leave bulbasaur out of this

>> No.13191649

>Kinda like pokemon games back in the day


>> No.13191656

True but when you interview with me and I say to HR I might be interested in this girl then they dig up her social media profiles and send them to me and i see this picture im going to pass up hiring her desu senpai

>> No.13191657

video games have truely rotted your brain

>> No.13191664
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true words anon.
Now I don't have to post it.

>> No.13191665
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>personal feelings

okay buddy

>> No.13191673

We also have a no tattoo policy so if we dont see them in the interview then we do see them on social media you are not getting the job LMAO

>> No.13191683

no, they dress like the butterflies wear their colors, bright and flashy to fool the predators into thinking they are dangerous and poisonous
They do it to draw attention to themselves and they are leftists because they want a group to belong to, they never belonged anywhere before because of certain groups have standards, requirements and such.
Being a lefty doesnt, you just have to put everyone down so that even the weakest one doesnt feel threatened by anyone.

>> No.13191692

reeeeeeee le fucking sjws smell my cum

>> No.13191695

where do you work anon?

>> No.13191698

Sounds fairly accurate, same goes for teen cliques

>> No.13191702

LUXOTICA. I used to work for sunglasshut. Pretty much same policy.

>> No.13191714

thats funny because i know someone who works there in Italy and they didnt get fired for having tattoos

>> No.13191717

Soubds about right, alt righter working at a place that makes you blind to the world aroubd you

>> No.13191719


>> No.13191723
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>confirmation bias
>cherry picking
Every fucking time arrgh

>> No.13191732

Neat. I hire lense crafters and pearl vision managers and I sure as fuck dont want them looking like poor people lmao.

>> No.13191735

you really put your feeling before your work?

Thats not very serious for someone who should want to be respected in their workplace anon but im sure you get alot of respect anyway

>> No.13191744

Lol its just policy nigger. No visible tattoos. Hiring people with tattoos which i did at sunglasshut can backfire. Like when an employee gets comfortable and comes in with them visible. "Go change". "I dont have anything else". "Go buy something". "No". "Okay go home". Great I'm down a man. Not worth it.

>> No.13191754

who the fuck cares if the cashier at the mall sunglasshut has tattoos lol

>> No.13191764

It lowers confidence, speaking as both a consumer and employer

>> No.13191767


>> No.13191773

is this a fact or personal anecdote?

>> No.13191776

Both, its not an absolute but its correct for the most part.

>> No.13191778

Will get you a police visit in the uk and canada

>> No.13191780

if someone is being an edgy cunt i wouldnt mind them being fined by the cops lol

>> No.13191793

>inb4 t. soyboy

>> No.13191806

I didn't think Starbucks allowed unnaturally dyed hair? As in colours not brunette, blone etc?

>> No.13191807

How do you people not notice tattoos as degenerate. Dont you notice how less likely it is for a person in their 30s or 40s to get their first tattoo. Its just a dumb thing young people do.

>> No.13191808

>politically entrenched fuck
>REEEEs when his personal value systems are indirectly challenged
>feels this way from HAIR DYE

Guess what? Nobody cares.

>> No.13191812

because i dont care about small stuff like tattoos, i wouldnt get one myself right now since im not that into it but i dont think there any reason to care this much about tattoos lol

>> No.13191817

It says a lot about a person when they get one. I guarantee if you put a naked dude beside a naked tattood dude and asked who would you trust more or who is smarter? 99% of people will pick the one without tattoos and they would be right.

>> No.13191820

>basing your trust on number of tattoos

r u ok anon? do i need to call help?

>> No.13191822

So true

>> No.13191823

Just thinking like a customer you nigger lol.

>> No.13191825

>thinking like sheep

cant say im suruprised


>> No.13191827

have you considered you may be the psychotic one? You are exhibiting the behaviour of a psycho

>> No.13191836

its says a lot about a person when they call people niggers if i was a big corportae daddy boss i would fire you.
*fixes tie while sipping water from a paper cup in a very masculine + proud way*

>> No.13191841


>> No.13191847

post a fit you fucking autist

>> No.13191857
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>> No.13191862
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leave my baby alone.

>> No.13191863
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I don't have any really. I have this old picture from when I was bulking up LMAO

>> No.13191867


no wonder youre so angry LMAO

>> No.13191869

Wtf I'm 5'11 Lol

>> No.13191871

confirmed manlet LOL

>> No.13191874


>> No.13191875

well i can see your not one of those PYSHCO sjw cucks young man truly am independent thinker which is a very rare thing in the current year:))))) now clean up ur room and sub to nofap

>> No.13191876

>how cool you think you look in an SS uniform

You see, this is your problem. You are unable to realize being an extreme leftist is as bad as anything else. Anyone with a different opinion than you is a nazi.

Girls with dyed unnatural hair 9 times out of 10 are following an ideology and it's very left wing. We are not talking equality, fairness or anything but extremes like teaching 3 year olds about transgenders.

I'm black and the extreme left (you) calls me a nazi because I wont play the poor oppressed black man role that you want me to play to make yourself feel moral and good. It's a selfish pursuit by you (the left) to use blacks to feel good.

I've never had any issues with conservatives but the left always use my race like a tool "omg how you can not support us you are black and we are for black rights and are against racism but we are judging you by your race"

I abhor the left wing. It's a cliché but you truly are the fascists and are racist to the core.

>> No.13191877


Heres something you might want to consider buying

>> No.13191879

king of manlets

but in all honesty, what the fuck are you doing on /fa/. you don't belong here
go shit up /pol/ some more

>> No.13191881

>reddit spacing

>> No.13191883

>getting this triggered by a nazi joke

>> No.13191885

I dunno the what are you wearing today threads are pretty funny desu.

>> No.13191887

>pretending to be black on a christian image board

try harder

>> No.13191904

Point proven. Typical leftist reply.

I am. I admit it. Lots of people think bright blue hair or whatever is a bit out there and the majority are young white girls who follow an ideology of radical feminism. People who point that out are not "nazis" they are the 99%.

Which proves my point, anything you say to these left extremists that goes against their ideology, they call you a nazi. That's EXTREME and I am tired of them.

>omg a black guy isn't playing ball, omg he is not playing the oppressed victim that i can show all my friends how much of a good person i am by sticking up for him so he must be white!!

Go fuck yourself. I grew up with a mother and father who worked and installed education in me, I am not a victim and as much as you want me to play that role, it's not going to happen.

>> No.13191909

> I grew up with a mother and father

nice try niggerlover

>> No.13191911

>look at me
>i am a left anti-racist
>a black with 2 parents

Like I said, you guys are racist to the core in reality. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.13191914

for how long are you gonna continue larping nigger

>> No.13191918

its a j o k e you dumb monkey spear chucker

>> No.13191921

I'm not left wing I just don't like nig-nogs.

>> No.13191925
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>a leftist
>cuts off dick like a fucking psycho

>> No.13191933

>i care this much about other men's genitals

>> No.13191936

>a righty
>has a pathological need to bully so that they can distract others from their own failures

>> No.13191939
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>> No.13191941

WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH LIBERALS. we need to go back to a time when being gay was against the law and landed you in the pysch ward.

>> No.13191951

Is anyone from /fa/ still here or has this thread degenerated into /pol/tards just arguing with themselves.

>> No.13191971

/fa/ is a redpilled board now.

>> No.13191990


>> No.13191993

In what world did you ever think leftists would be interested in fa? Obese bright pink haired with facial tattoos into fa?

High fashion is the opposite of leftist beliefs.
Even blacks on here are not into ghetto thug culture and are not leftists.

>> No.13191995

Who would you trust more?

It's true though, the edgy kids got tattoo's and the normal kids didn't. I'd trust the normalfag more.

>> No.13192001

3 replies hating on this guy
Like clockwork

>> No.13192012

Red ties and navy suits for everyone :D

>> No.13192013

>i was just playing dumb

>> No.13192016

I dont know who i would trust more but im sure that tattoos wouldnt be making the decision for me that would be hyper autistic

>> No.13192021


>> No.13192084
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>> No.13192121

>Fairy lights used as home decor all year round

Red flag right there.

>> No.13192124

Why lefties have such bad fashion sense

>> No.13192126

>Entire personality archetype is basically "LOOK AT ME REEEEE"
>Surprised they cannot into subtlety and monochromatic fits