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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 63 KB, 596x596, the goal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13189687 No.13189687 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.13189703

>remember someone on /fa/ posting a video of pewdiepie mocking supreme for their overpriced items
>now theyre selling a $100 hoodie

not even a poorfag but this shit is ironic

>> No.13189719


>> No.13189737

stop posting his cringey faggot

>> No.13189740

yeah it's a bit overpriced but their stuff is ethically made

>> No.13189765
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>ethically made
>100% wool
For their audience it is obviously overpriced, look at the comments. For designer items it's cheap but they're not designers, and these items don't really stand out enough to warrant the price tag imo

>> No.13189769

>but their stuff is ethically made
Ah the ethical meme. Fuck off pewds..

>> No.13189774

>For their audience it is obviously overpriced, lo
Then fucking specify so in your fist comment you sperg
>don't really stand out
I don't think anyone actually cares what you think. It's made in Canada, 100 bucks is pretty fair price for hoodie that isn't sweatshop shit. Western wages and all that.

>> No.13189775
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whats with this whores voice?

>> No.13189777


get fucked. the state of this shitty ass board, jesus....

>> No.13189783

Felix I think you need to stop posting and go to sleep

>> No.13189787

hi pewds, have you recuperated from that nigger stream?

>> No.13189788

he's so hot and he doesn't deserve it

>> No.13189791

>jap meme brand name

as if them being weebs isn't already fucking cringey, no, they had to put a cherry on top of that reeking cringe shitpile.

>> No.13189800
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>> No.13189805

Agreed. I mean I don't buy in to the cultural appropriation bullshit but this Japanese text meme is just distasteful. I guess the nips use English text for aesthetics sometimes in their products too but something feels off about this kinda stuff

>> No.13189807
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>> No.13189811
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>> No.13189814
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>> No.13189819
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>> No.13189823

pewds knows how to dress and his bitch is sexy as hell.

gay brand name though

>> No.13189826
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>> No.13189827

i feel like them profitting financially from a culture that isn't theirs is what makes iy weird. i don't think it's necessarily cultural appropriation though

>> No.13189830

>pewds knows how to dress

the fuck

>> No.13189831
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>> No.13189835


>weeby name
>basic print streetwear h&m tier garbo


>> No.13189836
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>> No.13189837

lord pewds, nice fit

>> No.13189841
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>> No.13189846
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>> No.13189848

I really considering getting the hoodie, idk guys help me on this one

>> No.13189850
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>> No.13189852
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>> No.13189854

I guess they're trying to build a brand and not just shit out youtube merch. Still, if you're not an established designer or at least putting out original designs its hard to justify $100 for a hoodie.

>> No.13189859
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>> No.13189861
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>> No.13189864

fuck off pewd.

>> No.13189865
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>> No.13189870
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>> No.13189872
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>> No.13189875
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>> No.13189880
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>> No.13189892
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>> No.13189895

God damn they’re both so fucking ugly

>> No.13189905



all this shit is normie as fuck how is this fashion at all? fuck this board

>> No.13190017
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>> No.13190024

it's the shitty tattoos + dyed hair combo.

>> No.13190042

This board has the highest concentration of normies, plebbitors, and newfriends

>> No.13190054

That would be /mu/

>> No.13190071

marzia's style is pretty basic but her body so nice. does anyone know her height and weight?

>> No.13190087

notice me senpai pewds, please...

>> No.13190088

if he didn't have a gf id think total faggot

she a beard

>> No.13190094

For a split second I thought she was holding a bulge on her pants

>> No.13190099

Pewdiepie could deff get a much more attractive gf but i guess he is a beta soy boy settling for less

>> No.13190123

>Canada doesn't have sweatshops

>> No.13190135

>inb4 pewdiepie makes an /fa/ cringe video, once again getting all his content from 4chan just like YLYL and /wsg/

>> No.13190189

turtleneck is cooler imo

>> No.13190201

the thing that gets me about this is that it's literally just an embroidered character on some nice fitting pieces.
Sounds typical to say 'anyone can do that' because the fit of the shirt and turtleneck and hoodie looks cool, my bet would be on high quality fabric too, BUT LITERALLY ANYONE WITH A THREAD AND NEEDLE CAN POKE IN A LITTLE JAPANESE CHARACTER AND CALL IT "THEIR DESIGN". It's not even that hard.

>> No.13190363


>> No.13190419


>> No.13190525
File: 1.57 MB, 750x1094, delete this nephew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i ever saw someone in overpriced youtuber clothes i genuinely think i'd laugh in their face. especially from someone like pewdiepie, holy shit. my 6 year old cousin watches that shit

>> No.13190540

why do people suddenly like pewdiepie, even when he got popular in like 2012 everybody who wasn't 10 hated him , now suddenly people like him because he said jew or nigger or some shit, pewdiepie sucks always has sucked and always will suck.

>> No.13190575

He changed his content style last year. He's became jaded with his whole YouTube career so he started doing whatever he wanted instead of pandering to children. Which made him popular with the 'reddit memer' audience, which is also a large chunk of 4chan at this point. He's also browses 4chan evidently because he features various content from here in his videos. So I guess that put him in good favour with a lot of people who used to hate him.

Honestly I started watching his videos in September, I never liked the guy before but his new content his decent

>> No.13190603

I like pewds

>> No.13190612
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>Which made him popular with the 'reddit memer' audience, which is also a large chunk of 4chan at this point.
god i hate this website

>> No.13190614
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We all do

>> No.13190622


4chan is a reddit where i can call you a fucking nigger and not get banned for it.

in that way its better than reddit

but thats pretty much it.

>> No.13190720

I have nothing against him and never did. He seems pretty down to earth considering his success. I just never got into watching people play video games, and care even less about watching someone crank out a daily video.

Every once in awhile I'm recommended a video, and I'll skim through it. He's not fa, and his squeaky gf is definitely dressing him.

>> No.13190723

>completely ignores the format of both websites

>> No.13190965

You must be blind, his girl is fucking beautiful. He looks alright too

>> No.13191026
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he wore this Heron Preston hoodie in his recent vid about amy schumer

>> No.13191068

Have you ever been in a fucking relationship? Dating someone you get along with is not settling for less. It doesn’t matter if you’re dating the hottest chick in the planet if you can’t stand to be around her. I’ve been there and lived that way for about five years. It’s Hell on Earth.

You shouldn’t be commenting about relationships you fucking virgin child.

>> No.13191106

He looks better than her. C'mon, insecure-bro, this is /fa/ you can be objective, doesn't make you gey

>> No.13191201

imagine wearing that in ex-yu countries

>> No.13191209

You mean her voice is a bit high pitched? nothings wrong with it, but when she talks in Italian she sounds less squeaky so it might be natural + accent

>> No.13191253

Cultural appropriation is the foundation of world peace. Peterson said that and he’s a LOT better than you. He’s not irrationally pro-white so i trust his judgement more.

>> No.13191256

He’s anti mainstream media so he’s /our guy/. Protect the heterosexual nordic man at all costs.

>> No.13191258

Damn I'm the designer of everything he's wearing in that pic

>> No.13191263

Pewds is 5’11 and in that pic she’s wearing heels so she’s probably 5’6.

>> No.13191266


>> No.13191268

I think big beards are gross and I hope that my tastes never corrupt into thinking it's cool. I'm capable of growing a full face beard + mustache like pewds, but I think I look much more attractive with short full-face stubble. It makes me feel ruggedly handsome.

I associate big beards with hipsters and Duck Dynasty douchebags

>> No.13191270

how the fuck is the BIGGEST FUCKING YOUTUBER anti-mainstream? kys

>> No.13191272

He likes Jordan Peterson, Lauren Southern, Stefan Molyneux and Sargon of Akkad. So of course he’s one of us now. He’s also not hysterical about Hitler and political correctness, so there’s a chance that he could secretly like Hitler and despise nonwhites. He’s /our guy/.

>> No.13191274

He’s anti popular culture and mainstream media. He’s also not pro multiculturalism, he’s not a cosmopolitan marxist, he’s an uncucked hetersexual nordic man that we must protect at all cost. 14/88. That’s why we support him now. 14/88, it always is.

>> No.13191278

it's embroidered

>> No.13191283

He got fed up with the whole youtube culture and realized how fucking obnoxious he was becoming, so he stopped pandering to 8 year olds and fucking idiots.
Now he's mostly just doing whatever he wants without really giving too much of a shit.

I don't really watch any of his content but he honestly doesn't seem like that bad of a guy. The videos he often makes on current events all seem pretty down to earth.
Granted the stigma of how he used to be will always follow him, especially on sites like this, but he honestly doesn't look like that bad of a guy compared to virtually any other famous youtube personality. He always comes across as very down to earth.

>> No.13191288

He said nigger, that was the turning point that got us into him.

>> No.13191292

I think it was the whole WSJ calling him a Nazi fiasco

>> No.13191315

realised he was a millionaire who didn't have to keep screaming for little kids anymore

>> No.13191409

Id on shoes?

>> No.13191456


>> No.13191470


make moree montage parodies XDd

>> No.13191488

What I was trying to say was
>canada has minimum wages
So shit costs more

>> No.13191490

he also wears gosha, raised by wolves, undercover and wacko maria

>> No.13191521


Stop sucking his cock, you god damn faggots. They’re ugly af and can only afford these brands because retarded children like you give him shekels

>> No.13191547

post yourself lol

>> No.13191581

>pewds thread on /pol/ and /fa/

>> No.13192163

>swedish guy
>selling american clothes
fuck that bullshit im not paying tax for that

>> No.13192171
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You know how manlets go after women shorter than themselves?
This voicelet found himself a woman with higher pitch than himself.

>> No.13192187

molested as a child

>> No.13192212


>> No.13192228

Go away /pol/, this is basically a gay board

>> No.13192233

to be fair he only did that because of the ricegum thing

>> No.13192243

At this point it's not even about the money anymore.

>> No.13192292

His girlfriend's face is weird, like she had botched plastic surgery. I know she had a nosejob, so maybe that's all it is. Her nose doesn't fit her face, or something.

>> No.13192302


>> No.13192306

fucking culture vulture cuck

>> No.13192335

who cares

>> No.13192358


>> No.13192368

he wants to be a rap artist so bad

>> No.13192385
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>le edgy ironic memer aesthetic

>> No.13192386

fuck off back into the basement you crawled out of

>> No.13192434

>implying that makes a difference
>IMPLYING it makes it any better

It's still fucking shit hm garbo

>> No.13192467

jesus christ you sperged out on the entire board

>> No.13192504

i made millions of babysitting for single moms by recording youtube videos for their kids

i can do anything in life

so i dyed my hair pink and became a cuck

and shill my girlfriends poorly thought out and even more poorly executed clothing brand

>> No.13192520

that would be /s/, /r/ or /gif/. I swear porn boards are filled with people who don't even know other boards exist.

>> No.13192607
File: 61 KB, 450x320, stock-photo-unhappy-stressed-man-in-pajamas-lying-in-bed-with-a-gun-on-temporal-head-portrait-sleeper-with-a-276334898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13192737

Thinking about how filthy rich these people are makes me want to kill myself.

I worked hard for the last 12 years, about to finally start my PhD after a long hustle and many sacrifices. = A bit of savings, still live at parents in trash ghetto. Life is pretty much dead end fucked.

Retards recording themselves making funny faces and silly noises. = Swim in money. Set for life.

Great world we live in.

>> No.13192740

I like him but the Japanese text shit is so stupid when neither of them are Japanese. Seems morally wrong to use a culture not yours for profit

>> No.13192763

Shut up weeb

>> No.13192764

Fuck off leftist scum. Shouldn't you be posting on tumblr about how awful white people are?

>> No.13192799

>implying any level of pro white is irrational
Good goy Peterson gatekeeping again

>> No.13192820

I wouldn't buy it but it's honestly not really that bad, obviously the japanese shit is a bit overdone.

Better than h3's clothing brand desu.

>> No.13192851
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>> No.13192910

an even more overpriced urban outfitters lmaoooooooooo. i'd love this if i was in high school tho

>> No.13192968

Did Aria sleep with you yet

>> No.13193190


How is taking one's own side irrational?

In a world where literally everyone else does it, shirking in-group preference is tantamount to suicide.

>> No.13193895

that Marcia bitch is like a vampire

she sucked his soul

>> No.13193911


>> No.13193914

>implying any level of pro white is rational
have fun having no friends

>> No.13193916


>> No.13193927

so if i become anti white i'll have friends?

>> No.13193957

love you pewds

>> No.13193975

pink H&M with moon runes

>> No.13194039
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PewDiePie looks like fucking soyboy now. What the fuck happend?

>> No.13194601
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>but their stuff is ethically made

>> No.13194721

>what is a pool party or book club

>> No.13194758

nah, he looked like a soyboy in 2012

>> No.13194846

is your brand pearly whites?

>> No.13194874

why do you still lurk on /fa/, its gotten awful here

>> No.13194918

haven't been on in quite some time, looks about the same as before though

>> No.13195017

nice, you ever gonna restock some of ur older stuff. i really like the 2036 Nokia tee.

>> No.13195069

maybe but i don't really think about that older stuff, i much prefer stuff i've made recently and things i'm working on currently

>> No.13195449

His latest video was 25 minutes of him talking about reading books and trying to convince his audience to do the same and discuss them with him. Granted it was all pretty basic stuff like Dune. But still. The dude has by damn respect for trying to redpill the youth.

>> No.13195455

>The dude has by damn respect for trying to redpill the youth.

you should say that about Jordan Peterson or Stefan Molyneux. then it would make sense because there would be an actual depth and meaning about what you could learn but a stupid reddit memer who only does it when the drama train hits him hard does not really qualify in my opinon.

>> No.13195555

>6 yr old cousin
Well you better fucking stop tour cousin because pewdiepie likes to steal YLYL threads from 4chan and react to them. I wouldn't want any 6 yr old to watch that shit.

>> No.13195587

On a video she said she's 160 cm without heels. It was from some years ago

>> No.13195595
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I only like pewds because hes smart and right-wing
He will do great redpilling the next generation

>> No.13195621
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>> No.13195636

sorry my dude we don't all wear guy fieri flame shirts and pretend girls like what we wear

>> No.13195779
File: 930 KB, 750x775, 1517928550437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Everything has always been about streetwear ever since Swinging London in the 60s

>> No.13195847

why is it his fault that you choose to pursue a "dead end fucked" life?

>> No.13195952


>> No.13195990
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>Youths understanding Jordan Peterson or Stefan Molyneux

>> No.13195995


this stuff is head and shoulders above suprememe

>> No.13195999


>> No.13196005
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>le complex intelleshual discussion

>> No.13196010
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>everything is already sold out
>8 week delay on new orders

>> No.13196014


>beautiful Swede
>made millions off millenial retards
>hot italian wife
>amazing fashion sense
>hot italian wife growing your brand
>even selling clothes for you

He is truly a fucking God

>> No.13196023

Huarache ultra

>> No.13196095


Peterson and Molyneux aren't fucking redpilled.

>> No.13196103


Pewds have own fashion brand?

>> No.13196114

this is his fashion brand

>> No.13196118

OP's pic and video I mean

>> No.13196132


I doubt he had anything to do with the design, his gf probably decided everything how it should look

>> No.13196176

>those hearts on the knees
Am I overreacting or is it normal to want to shoot her in this pic?

>> No.13196232


Its a little autistic but you can't really argue with the overall aesthetic

>> No.13196246

Tbh that black and red swirl thing looks pretty cool.

>> No.13196314

they need to start somewhere

>> No.13196317

but Pewds is? bitch pls.

>> No.13196342

Please do at some time. I would love to buy a the shining tee.

>> No.13196356

fuck off with your high quality garnments niall lol

>> No.13196457

back to tumblr you go

>> No.13196526


literally none of these people mentioned are "redpilled"

>> No.13196527

I want pewdiepie to lovingly and slowly fuck me
This brand is shit tho

>> No.13196535

Marzia is a precious angle and predispose had a cool beard

>> No.13196540
File: 217 KB, 1087x574, a_fucking_nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actual fashion discussion
>5 posters
>a fucking nigger
>100 posters

>> No.13196545

you ain't shit, you faggot.
who is redpilled then, cuckerooni?
you're not even making a point.

>> No.13196552

"look at me i am so cool i hate reddit!!!!"

>> No.13196567

>racemixing with shitalian
you Amerimutt by any chance?

>> No.13196598

Die in Spain
Perhaps friend

>> No.13196774

>who is redpilled then, cuckerooni?
Mencius Moldbug
Nick Land
Aleksandr Dugin
Jonathan Bowden
Steve Sailer
to some extent, Richard Spencer

>> No.13196811
File: 132 KB, 1200x797, C206vtbWEAUCOPr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling others soyboy on /fa/

>> No.13196816

Italians are one of the most /fa/ species you filthy weabo

>> No.13197023

no. you'll have friends if you treat people like human beings and don't fixate on race.

>> No.13197031

it's cute

>> No.13197062

>that thing
Lmao fuck no

>> No.13197203

he's 175 cm

>> No.13197266

You racist neo-nazis are not "us" you retard

>> No.13197311

>not allowed to embrace another culture because you happened to be randomly born somewhere else

People used to take these things as compliments of their culture but now we have this "cultural appropriation" bullshit which is literally just dividing people for no reason

He's just using words from another language, no one owns language, the Japanese do it themselves all the time with English and no one gives a fuck, nor should they.

>> No.13197594

As a White nationalist, I have to agree. We have a rich culture and they could use one of our symbols instead of an alien race's; it demeans us and it probably looks weird to East Asians that we use their culture like this in clothes and tattoos and whatnot. If they wanted it to look strange or foreign, they could use Greek or Cyrillic or choose from a ton of forgotten and archaic symbols we've used since classical times.

>> No.13197600

when will this meme die

>> No.13197607

Don't try to act like americans have any connection to europe and its past

>> No.13197686

>Alien race
Dropped. Your views are nothing but outdated and misguided.

>> No.13197876

Are the losers on this board getting worse?
I cannot understand why someone would think that pewdiepie looks acceptable LET ALONE good enough to warrant a thread on a fashion forum.
This together with the other autists making posts about "I wanna look like an animeh character how do i", announcing their misfit retardation to everyone else are ruining this board (even more).

>> No.13198152


>> No.13198194


Richard Spencer actually did a fantastic series of podcasts with Bowden several years ago. Highly recommended.

>> No.13198409

Tell that to the niggers and spics.

>> No.13198417

to be fair, blacks are far less affected by the weeaboo problem

>> No.13199361

Pewdiepie is such a handsome lad.

>> No.13199384

That analogy doesn't work you tard, he literally is the President now

>> No.13199388

shoot urself nigga

>> No.13199519


>> No.13199667

americans are an alien race...white settlers have been in north america for a fraction of the time that indigenous peoples have

>> No.13199745

I forget the porn boards are even exist, any time I've ever gone to one it han't even felt like part of the same website

>> No.13199946

decent merch as long as no one knows who it is from

>> No.13200225

Is he ever gonna shave that nasty beard?

>> No.13200392

keep telling yourself that subhuman mongrel Amerimutt,you will never be considered white

>> No.13200397

says the shitalian or Amerimutt with shitalian heritage

>> No.13200406

this niggagot some yung lean merch hes so /fa/

>> No.13200429
File: 51 KB, 750x750, 0f5b385386645d2e58a963a6c77cbb2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on his new merch everybody?

I actually like it.

>> No.13200442

tell me ur joking and nobody bought this

>> No.13200446

he just launched it today, I'd never pay this much for something I'd just get laughed at for wearing, but I'm positive people will buy it.

>> No.13200449

I wanna see pewd at the sweedish diverse fashion week

Pewdie is like an obese version of Hedi Slimane

>> No.13200463

>I'd never pay this much
kek the thing is so bad that I was just thinking about how ashamed I'd be to wear it and the price didn't even occur to me; how much that nice piece of cringewear would set you back?

>> No.13200478

65 AUD. I dig the colour, and the design is quirky enough for my taste.

>> No.13200503
File: 2.09 MB, 1873x1198, Screen Shot 2018-03-06 at 10.25.11 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13200716

nigga i swear ur on /fa/ all day everyday

>> No.13200863

you mean /gif/

>> No.13201420

He'd probably use runes but the fallout would be too great. Japanese/Asian lettering is the next best bet

>> No.13201654

no i've not used fa at all in like 6 months

>> No.13201668

I was agreeing with you until "morally wrong"

>> No.13201879

He's not right-wing, though.

>> No.13202011
File: 122 KB, 750x775, 1519767894260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>advertising merchandise with advertisements for your other merchandise on it

>> No.13202511

I know, it's genius

>> No.13202564

Ok here's this. Japan and other Asian countries use random English words on clothes sometimes in much the same way. I do not feel offended or slighted by this, it is obviously admiration.
People like putting Japanese on stuff because:
>it's a language the the common westerner can't read (knowledge superiority/shibboleth)
>association with anime (otaku [is the new geek] culture points) {previously orientalism}
It's basically a way to suggest to everyone who sees you that you are more knowledgeable and more cultured than they are.

So is any of this (Japanese using English or Westerners using Japanese) morally reprehensible? I don't think so.
Is there some other angle to it?

>> No.13203984

He stopped doing all this bullshit Youtube shit and started creating content that he enjoys creating,

He's been reaching out more with whiskey, cooking, and now books, etc. He's just making videos on stuff he likes,not what he thinks his audience would like, and it shows in his work.

>> No.13203986

>muh cultural appropriation...

>> No.13205234

guess youre just a filthy disgusting normie.

How much karma does your reddit account have?

>> No.13205249

do you not see that cultural appropriation is fucking cringy?