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/fa/ - Fashion

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13186942 No.13186942 [Reply] [Original]

Twisted /fa/ feels. Get ready to listen to my cancer rant.

I fucking miss the cancer easthetic. It sounds fucked up, but I loved being super skinny, smooth bald head, pale skin, and ill expression. When I wanted hair I would wear wigs, when I wanted to look alive, I'd put on a little makeup. Now I'm not sick anymore. "Hooray!", I know, but I've gained some weight (still skinny but not skeletal), my skin complexion returned, I now have short curls on my head, and body hair that I have to take care of. But I don't even really care about that. It's mostly the baldness and the smooth, soft skin that I miss. My boyfriend does not want me to shave my head again, because he will simply not be attracted to me anymore. I started working out again, so I hope I hope I will get skinny like I used to be again, but some things will never be the same. There is just something about the dark undereyes, the paleness, and the neutral expression that I will just never have again, and that makes me sad.

So how was your day, /fa/?

>> No.13186951

Fuck this board

>> No.13186952
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Is Cancercore effay?

>> No.13186971

Fuck this board

>> No.13186987
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>> No.13187059
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what the fuck

>> No.13187064

Did your tits get small? Asking for a friend

>> No.13187066
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>> No.13187067

You're just sad because the only unique and interesting thing about you is gone. No offense, but that's probably your actual issue.

>> No.13187070

sincerely hope you get cancer again OP

>> No.13187143
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>> No.13187340
File: 269 KB, 1486x2092, BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that stupid bitch just has a severe case of special snowflake syndrome.

I finish my chemo one year ago. I am so glad that my hair grew back I have yet to cut it. I gained weight and love that I look more alive and healthy. I hope never to look like I did during treatment ever again.

pic is me

>> No.13187379

Lookin good my dude!

>> No.13187394

just start doing heroin anon :)

>> No.13187526

you're a cancer patient and you have more hair than me, fuck you

>> No.13187529

Not really. I actually didn't like all the attention I was getting because all you wanna focus on is really just getting through chemotherapy comfortably. And it's really not that nice to talk about how you are doing to everyone all day every day. I used to pretend I didn't have cancer sometimes because you get kinda sick of it ruling your life I guess (haha "sick").

I legit just like the cancer easthetic. I actually fall for pale and skinny men as well, so no sorry.

>> No.13187535

Congrats on getting better, anon. I never said I enjoyed being "sick". I'm sorry if I offended you by liking the way I looked back then.

>> No.13187544

Actually no. They got bigger actually. I had cancer for about 4 years and it was during puberty so my hormones messed up and they stopped growing prematurely. When I got chemo I started getting my period back and my breasts started increasing again. Luckily they never grew too big after all because I would like having big tits.

>> No.13187554


You should seek professional help. Not even joking.

>> No.13187574

Fucking hell. My therapist is actually the one who convinced me to go to the gym again and she understands that different people have different tastes. She even said maybe you should try shaving just to see if you do like it or not and otherwise just grow it back like I'm doing right now. Why is it so hard for people to understand that I just may just like the skinny pale look and nothing else?

>> No.13187629

>Why is it so hard for people to understand that I just may just like the skinny pale look and nothing else?

Maybe because most people don't desire to look sick and pale. It is pretty weird. You clearly can't see that, but to each their own.

>> No.13187910

I actually thought about you the other day. I remembered you from a thread or two last year and thought, "I wonder if chemo anon is doing ok."

Glad you're well. I can't relate to your feels, but having gone through a recent brush with mortality, it can definitely bring out weird feelings.

Also, post tits.

>> No.13188328

Thank you anon, very sweet. I wanna know more about your experience. What happened?

>> No.13188334

Look, I’ll spell it out for you. Skinny and pale: good. Bald head on a female: fucking disaster. You can be edgy, but be feminine, or you’ll look like a total freak (bad thing)

>> No.13188338

you look like a douche
I wish you died

>> No.13188549

>I'm sorry if I offended you
The absolute state of 4chan

>> No.13188612

u look stinky lol

>> No.13188638

oh I remember you posting here before
glad you're alive tho

>> No.13188658

The absolute state of */fa

>> No.13188670

I can actually somewhat relate. Not on the cancer/chemo side, but back when I was a neet for 5 years I was also thin as fuck, had extremely pale skin, and looked a bit ill. I loved that aesthetic.
Since then my parents kicked me out, I had to get a plain normal fulltime job to support myself, and I've started looking a lot "healthier" simply from having a more active lifestyle, eating regular meals, and being on a normal sleep schedule.
I absolutely hate how I look now compared to my old self. I tried make up to get a bit closer to my old skin tone and started doing cardio to become more lean, but it's just not the same.

>> No.13188681

fuck off you dyke cunt

>> No.13188687

finally someone said what we're all thinking

>> No.13188707

Somebody say chemo?

>> No.13188800
File: 225 KB, 1540x1080, Screenshot_20180301-150814_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna buy some of that sweet chemo?

>> No.13188803
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I can tell u I got some of the better stuff

>> No.13188805
File: 1018 KB, 784x596, implyingfaisnt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And some AZT while you're at it