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File: 866 KB, 2122x1415, shave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13184682 No.13184682 [Reply] [Original]

How do you do it?

>mach 3 in the shower masterrace reporting in
>no mirror. all by feel, baby

>> No.13184692

safety razor while showering, dont use cream or anything.

>> No.13184716

normal 4 blade razor with shave butter and lotion up afterwards.

Looking to try out a safety razor. How are they?

>> No.13184722

I get razor burn really fucking easily from my ingrown hair

So I bought an electric razor (clippers) and still get it along my jaw line

>> No.13184756

I second this. Cheap since you're buying into neither the Quads® nor the shave soap marketing garbage.

>> No.13184757

switched to a safety razor last year. no bumps, lot less irritation and cheaper

>> No.13184762
File: 20 KB, 355x355, 51ZBMp5ZPDL._SY355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking about an electric razor myself and using pic rel

I shave in the shower and moisture dulls the blades if you don't dry them well
I don't get razor burn, but I did reduce shaving down to 2x/wk (tuesdays and fridays)

nice electric contraption might be what I need... but I don't know anyone who uses them

>ps, I think pic related might be discontinued now ;_;

>> No.13184783

Really nice, switched to one about two months ago, was shaving with a 2 blade cartridge razor but got ingrowns and a bad shave, took me about 10 min to shave, now I shave with a DE safety razor, takes me about 15 min +1-2 min to get the lather done but I have no irritation and a better shave and a almost no costs. After you get past the buying in price and getting used to it's pretty good. A pack of 100 blades costs around 10 euros and a blade lasts me 3-5 shaves and I shave daily.

>> No.13184817
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U don't lol

>> No.13184837

I shave with a safety razor every morning after shower. Safety razors give you a better shave and save you money.

>> No.13184849

faggots. real men use a lawnmower

>> No.13185532

for those of you considering safety razors

it's good for the face, but do not, under any circumstance, use it on your body, that shit will cut you up if you aren't real careful and if you are it just takes too much time

>> No.13185690
File: 9 KB, 225x225, Unknown-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i use a Phillips one blade its pretty awesome i recumbent it to people like me who have really sensitive skin which shaving with a manual blade irritates.

>> No.13185709
File: 161 KB, 1600x1178, New open comb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Safety razor. Picked up a Gillette New at an antique store for a few bucks. It's cheaper than cartridge razors until you fall down the fucking rabbit hole of soaps, brushes, and aftershaves. But at least shaving isn't a chore anymore.

>> No.13185734

I use a safety razor but I would consider the oneblade

>> No.13185759

Shavette or safety razor if I'm in a hurry.

>> No.13185766

>hate shaving
>no matter how new the razor is, it always feels like it's pulling my hair out even if I trim it
>only blades that don't hurt are disposable safety razors
>nick myself more often with those

>> No.13186299

You probably have very thick hairs like me. Disposable safety razors have much, much, much duller blades than the sharp blades that you can get for a proper safety razor. You need to buy a proper razor and use the sharpest blades you can get. I use Feather Hi-Stainless blades. You need to avoid shaving against the grain. You will get a close shave but only if you shave the same spot multiple times and brush the shit out of the hairs using a circular motion after every pass so that you get the hairs to stick out instead of having them stick to your skin. I personally use a boar brush. I don't know if the brush type makes a difference. I know that this is pretty obvious but you really need to use shaving soap/cream for every pass or you will get a razor burn. Surprisingly this doesn't take as long as it sounds, you just use up a lot more shaving soap/cream.

>> No.13186845

I dont. Rocking a beard before they were cool. And I let my barber trim it when I go for a haircut.

>> No.13186887
File: 20 KB, 400x400, tend skin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using a braun series S3- 3040s, the cartridge lasts a long time and it's really easy to clean and dry up, I travel a lot so it's very convenient also costs as much as a pack of fresh blades. At home I use a braun series 7-760cc the cleaning station is a bit of a joke but I just clean the cartridge with some rubbing alcohol and let it dry (basically what the station does), it provides a similar shave compared to the S3 except for the speed variation and doesn't heat up as fast. However, both of them have a really nice foil cartridge that works well for me. Use some Tend Skin solution after shaving if you have some ingrown hairs/razor burns, cools them down and clears ingrowns. I use it on whatever part of my body I shave, works quite well. Also take a low dose of anti-androgens to reduce the growth but that's just me, perks include naturally smooth skin.

>> No.13186892

During shower with throw-away razors and shampoo as shaving foam

>> No.13186941
File: 330 KB, 398x398, IFFY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 26 and such low T I only have to shave once a week
>tfw can only grow wispy mutton chops
>tfw grew it out for 6 months, looked like a gay Wolverine

>> No.13186986
File: 69 KB, 376x366, 1516031681894.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meh, my shit don't look too good either and it grows back into 5'oclock shadow in a day. If you have a clean face than less facial hair is probably for the best.

Asians get those cool whiskers though, i've always envied that till i was able to grow a full on mustache at like 15.

>> No.13187007

I use whatever the top Gillette product is. My old roommates dad worked for Proctor and Gamble and she gave me boxes of cartidges. That was like 2 years ago and I still aren't even halfway through them.

Electric razors are for lazy people and don't give you as close of a shave. Never used a safety razor or straight before.

>> No.13187016

Not entirely true. I have acne so electric razor is less damaging to my face.

>> No.13187040
File: 73 KB, 1000x1000, hr_405-057-00_dovo-bismarck-ebony-straight-razor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only acceptable answer

>> No.13187304

thank you! looking at one now

>> No.13187319

that dude looks like a fat version of Chikatilo

>> No.13187329
File: 34 KB, 200x172, 1517598250305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont shave because i have no facial hair

>> No.13187338


>> No.13187902
File: 108 KB, 194x192, Wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone on reddit having a good enough beard to warrant a straight razor