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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 15 KB, 236x356, aff581f000835279abdcbb6864328aaa--hairstyle-for-long-hair-hairstyle-ideas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13170589 No.13170589 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone know who this is or what the hairstyle is called? thanks!

>> No.13170592

Greasy you stupid lanklet soyboy

>> No.13170594


>> No.13170598
File: 20 KB, 185x156, curtains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13170602

next time ask this in the Questions That Dont Deserve Their Own Thread (QTDDTOT) thread. stop wasting space on stupid 1-off quesitons

>> No.13170614

i too would like to know

>> No.13170658

>there are currently people on this board that dont know who Dylan is

Reeeeeee surely this is bait

>> No.13170681

three quarters of the faggots on this board where vans, palace, thrasher etc. and i bet 80% dont know who this is or have ever even tried to learn to skate fuck this poser ass board

>> No.13170686

what did he mean by this

>> No.13170687

I'm new :/

>> No.13170708


Check here next time. You'll be able to see all the threads in the past that have already (and heavily) discussed this image, along with the model in the picture.

This board doesn't merit the respect to actually follow the rules anymore. Each and every thread being posted right now is utter garbage.

Fuck off underagefag.

Shut the fuck up. Skateboarding is literally just a manchild sport. Why do woodpushers get so angry when someone else wears their $40 T-Shirts?


Go to bed, you have school tomorrow fampai.

>> No.13170715
File: 43 KB, 500x620, yungleo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a young Leo but grown out a little longer + no-poo regimen/being a dirty skater

Just show it to any decent hairdresser. They'll know what to do.

t.dirty skater

>> No.13170723


this some gay fucking bait

>> No.13170729

>these fags don't know Dylan

who here /seeyalaterboi/

>> No.13170775

>Mfw someone said I look like this guy
>Also called Dylan

>> No.13170859

are you 12 m8
who fucking cares who wear what, keep it pushing you nerd

>> No.13171491

is this some kind of image joke where people post the same fucking images a million times asking the same retarded insanity-driving questions?
This image, the dude with the tucked in shirt and keys hanging out, and a couple of other more I'm sure.