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/fa/ - Fashion

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13168525 No.13168525 [Reply] [Original]

Why do women dress like this?
Is it /fa/?

>> No.13168534

no that shit is more like /SLUT/

>> No.13168567
File: 570 KB, 584x589, the western woman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look like clowns to me.

>> No.13168569

So they can attract males that are physically and sexually superior to you.

>> No.13168601

because they can, and it shows off what they got, putting them above the herd of all the other girls. She has the hard part down, being attractive, all she needs to do is flaunt it.

No its not /fa/ at all, but it doesn't matter the slightest bit. This chick could wear a potato sack and she would have more people saying she's "fashionable" then anyone on this board.

>> No.13168609
File: 106 KB, 1080x1184, tumblr_p2subf6YrJ1w8qywzo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's hot...
I'm glad they post pictures of themselves like these online, it's really kind and sweet of them!

>> No.13168610

They're not meant for you.

>> No.13168612
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I know, but it's just how seeing them and imagining, y'know...

>> No.13168616

If you want to endure real torture. I live with the personification of Chad Thundercock and he frequently brings over girls like this and I can hear them bang.
Then he just discards them like the condom he probably doesn't even use. Girls you and I could never dream of having mean nothing to him.

>> No.13168620
File: 108 KB, 1080x1280, tumblr_p1re9pWVEY1w8uhodo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you masturbate to them banging?

I'd prefer to have a slutty roommate that patronizes me though. Like patting my head and asking me for a lift to her club since I'm not doing anything with my free time anyway.
And when I pick her up from her one night stand, she'll say things like how I'm nice and sweet unlike the guys she has sex with but still won't give me sexual favors!

>> No.13168646

what in the actual fuck is going on in this board

>> No.13168664

Cultural conditioning, the best examples of which being the Kardashians.

Thotcore is way better than shit was in the 2000s and probably the 90s, stop being gay.

>> No.13168670


You need to give them a hint you are willing to provide unreciprocated service. Even slutty girls are far too nice to initiate on their own.

>> No.13168687

what is wrong with you?

>> No.13168696

Most don't.

What's with all the polbaitin here lately?

>> No.13168703
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>> No.13169039
File: 1.00 MB, 640x1136, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What compels girls to wear outfits like this?

>> No.13169072

>british outlets
eastern european whores detected smhhhh

>> No.13169076


/pol/ has been fucking up other boards for years now it sucks

>> No.13169079


Offer to give her a lift until she takes you for granted.

>> No.13169083

Serious question: How does anyone actually get a girlfriend that looks decent without makeup? Whenever I hook up with a girl and start texting them the following days/weeks, I always get a massive shock when I see what they look like without makeup and then I promptly end contact because I'm not attracted to them anymore. It's incredibly frustrating.

>> No.13169085

kim kardashian et al are demons for making this kind of look trendy

>> No.13169088


Are you partially blind or something? I can tell straight away if she has good genetics by the bone structure. Look at the skin of her hands and legs to see if she has shitty skin although I like skin imperfections myself.

>> No.13169089

No homo, but men are the sex capable of REAL aesthetics.
Girls have about one thing going for them: physical sexual attractiveness. Makeup is their cheat- it allows them to jump up 3 points on the 1-10 scale.
Men gain their attractiveness through social status, demeanor, and performance.
Anyone jealous of girls is a fool.

>> No.13169095

>Looking at hands to determine how her face looks.
Bro science, unless the skin on her hands looks like raisins.

>> No.13169098


The same thing that compels men to hit the gym and spend their summer days shirtless.

>> No.13169124

>summer days shirtless
Hate those assholes.

>> No.13169153

t. tranny

>> No.13169292

Yeah fuck of pol sage this shit.

>> No.13169300

4chan was always /pol/ and THAT place was created to appease normalfags in the first place

>> No.13169305

they think their celebrities ?

>> No.13169547

why do women not get that you can get better, richer, more distinguished men by dressing up. Is it because they deep down realize their face is weak and that tits and ass are a safer bet?

>> No.13169665


do you know why girls wear makeup and perfume?

>> No.13169679

i think it's great, makes it really easy to sort out the crazies

>> No.13169715

she looks like she's going to break her back

>> No.13169724

i like you

>> No.13169731

they lack patience and long term planning ability

>> No.13169735

a lack of a father

>> No.13169775


Ok I will samefag then:

Because they are ugly and they stink.

Jesus you guys suck.

>> No.13169963

>This thread AGAIN

>> No.13170695

I can't get over the shoop on the right girl

>> No.13170699


Because they are spiritually diseased.

>> No.13170726

>you need a lift?
>u can seat between the backside and my dick

>> No.13171060

who goes to a kitchen showcase dressed like that?

>> No.13171528
File: 678 KB, 800x1200, 1518681579184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls who won't have sex with me!

>> No.13172148


Her ankles are hideous

>> No.13172154

Why you gotta point shit out

>> No.13172222

u got the lyrics wrong mane

>> No.13172685

not this again

>> No.13172706

slutcore. It's technically shit by mydick disagrees.

>> No.13172796

t. dyel

>> No.13172826
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>> No.13173081

women dress for sex appeal, not fashion or even looking decent. They want pieces that accentuate their bodies so they can garner male attention and feel "sexy"

>> No.13173229


solid pasta

>> No.13173509
File: 84 KB, 800x450, lucioano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

begone THOTS!!!!!!

>> No.13174009
File: 123 KB, 720x960, 1518868052939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not pasta if I type it out manually.

>> No.13174198

Don't tell me these aren't porn stars

>> No.13174968

you sound like a fuxking moron to me