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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 31 KB, 512x512, 927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13166586 No.13166586 [Reply] [Original]

Why are all losers with weak jaws breaking the rules and growing beards?

Lets make a meme so they become uncool.

Jawlets need to know their place, all the ugly people from a couple years back are growing beards( and not the patchy ones) and look alpha.

Fuck, lets do something!

>> No.13166589

Do you really want to see ugly jawless mugs?

>> No.13166591

But they are fucking up our chances with women

>> No.13166594

tfw I don't give a shit cause I got both the jawline and the beard genetics so I look good eitherway

>> No.13166595

take the boibpucci pill. problem solved.
women aren't aesthetic anyway.

>> No.13166596

No good looking man looks better with a beard than without one

beards are for when you are ugly, have a weak jawline-chin or are old.

>> No.13166597

What this anon said>>13166594
Boipucci>>>>>smelly bloody vag

>> No.13166607
File: 614 KB, 596x599, Screen Shot 2016-12-27 at 20.32.41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But thats the problem, ugly jawlets are getting apha because of that and getting succsessful with girls way out of their chinlet league

>> No.13166610

you smash all the boipucci you want. more actual pussy for me.

>> No.13166617

>getting apha

No one gets 'alpha' with a beard they are just faking things the same way girls can draw cheekbones/sunken cheeks with make up its all just an illusion next time just call them out if it bothers it that much.

>> No.13166642

But they are hiding their weak chins, and look better with them, we have to force them to shave it

>> No.13166676

>caring this much about peoples facial hair
bro i dislike beard idiots as much as the next fella, but they don't really affect my life. chill out.

>> No.13166683


you're fucking up your own chances m8

>> No.13166694

beards are, first and foremost, for lazy people
or people who don't have a job that requires them to shave
the aesthetic question is secondary

>> No.13166875
File: 40 KB, 752x550, 11540824_10153212170419843_989787293317154474_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chinlets are getting more than they deserve!

We need more soyboy memes

>> No.13166877

OP is supreme gentleman. How much did you sunglasses cost?

>> No.13166897

if you are blaming other dudes for 'fucking up your chances with women' youve got the entire system mixed the fuck up. try improving yourself, dumbfuck

>> No.13167154

Beard soyboy detected, your time is running away

>> No.13167155
File: 173 KB, 800x900, the.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. soyboy

>> No.13167209

t. chinlet

>> No.13167243
File: 111 KB, 664x1000, Jason+Momoa+on+Kimmel+T1x_Kon2hPXx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you....mad soyuboyu... ;)
>Nutin prsonal..hank.

>> No.13167244

>tfw I have godtier beard genes but a weak as fuck chin
>tfw been dating a gorgeous dutch girl for a couple of years and she has a very prominent and defined jaw
Even if you might not approve of it, our babies will be gods among men.

>> No.13167280

>t. soyboy

>> No.13167482

Lmao fake chad

>> No.13167487

Shes probably fucking some model nigger on the side because any rational woman would rather want her children to have a sharp jaw rather than them being chinlet

>> No.13167783

the state of 2018 /fa/

>> No.13167789

>t. soyboy

>> No.13167880

wow i haven't seen this picture in probably 10 years

>> No.13168656

I think its a lot of /fit/ crossover. Weird to see them obsessing over others instead of focusing on their own value

>> No.13168668

I'm a chin/jawlet, always clean shave and still get rated 6-7/10 thanks to my other features
Jaw isn't everything

>> No.13169442

Same. Feels gud bruv. Too bad I'm only 5'9 kek

>> No.13169585

5'10 with those features and I have way too much sex for my own good.

>> No.13170486

>tfw not a jawlet
>grow a beard anyway
>absolutely god tier.

>> No.13170552

>lets make a meme so
jesus christ, the state of modern 4chan folks

>> No.13171328

Yeah but there's never any traps or frambois

>> No.13172050

Its cool tho

>> No.13172131

>"But mom said we were allowed to make a memay"

>> No.13173190

nypa cuckboi

>> No.13174072


>> No.13174092

Imagine being as insecure as op

>> No.13174127

How racist!!

You know most people with a "weak jaw" don't really have a weak jaw at all, it's who they are as they have 2-3% Neanderthal DNA. They will usually have a recessed jaw and a larger skull at the back.

People with a flat back skull and large jaw have 0% Neanderthal DNA.

A good way to check is to feel the back of your head and check for a little bump, it's the occipital bun and if you have it, you're part Neanderthal.

So it's really a racial feature the jaw rather than some defect.

Of course I am not talking about one of those ugly mouth breather types who are just an abomination of mankind.

>> No.13174262
File: 63 KB, 800x800, flat,800x800,075,t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being stupid enough to think OP isn't trolling

>> No.13174509


I both have the bump and a slight neanther brow

Guess thats why I get big gains in the gym, im a savage

>> No.13174535

>t. virgins

>> No.13175578

Nice reddit spacing faggot

>> No.13176089
File: 153 KB, 550x310, 1200Wx1200H[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. pic related

>> No.13176604

Boy I cant wait when you get out in the real world and see that 4chan memes arent true

>> No.13177125

>t. virgins

>> No.13177130
File: 46 KB, 800x530, 2566205-man-with-noose-around-his-neck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weak jawline
>beard won't grow anyway

>> No.13177132

>t. soyboy cucks

>> No.13177148

>t. soyboy

>> No.13177307


chat shit when youve posed face faggot

>> No.13177872
File: 185 KB, 1080x602, 29C33588-B21E-40F8-A9E8-2F301B8B2DFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13178524


more of these pls

>> No.13179439
File: 340 KB, 307x230, spongebob clickbait.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13180891

>tfw beautiful chin but chinlet coworker makes fun of me for not being able to grow a patchy beard like him.

>> No.13181702

Proposition to make spyboy and fuck bannable words so these underage fags stop shifting up the board with unneccisary threads and bumps
