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/fa/ - Fashion

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13152972 No.13152972 [Reply] [Original]

t. legitimately no sense of style

at least do I look not-retarded?

comfy late winter shit that I throw on

also thoughts on ushanka hats? I get polarized opinions positive/negative

>> No.13152979

you look retarded

>> No.13152984

legitimately depressing that someone could wear this fit unironically

>> No.13152985

you look like a soyboy

>> No.13152994

I am /fit/ underneath those rags
have sharp jaw and cheekbone too

>> No.13153007

doesn't make up for the autism, honestly

>> No.13153008

we can literally see your jaw in the pic. its not sharp.

>> No.13153014

I think you might have autism.

>> No.13153074

the hat is bad, the jacket is bad, how it's rolled up is bad, pants over shoes is bad

start again entirely

>> No.13153093

you even wear your watch retardedly

>> No.13153108

t. never did MMA or any fighting sport

>> No.13153290

do you go out every day expecting to get in a fight? you're fucking dumb. and OP, you look like the smelly engineer kid who nobody wants to be around, but nobody says anything.

>> No.13153298

oh man.....this has to be bait please be bait

>> No.13153302

you belong in an episode of iCarly

>> No.13153335


>> No.13153336


>> No.13153349

what the FUCK is your problem. what the FUCK

>> No.13153371

Jesus fucking Christ people. It's not good, but it's not THAT bad, and he was upfront about having no sense of style, it's not like he came here swaggering and acting like he was hot shit. I swear this board wasn't always filled with such catty little bitches.

OP, there are obviously problems with the fit. This anon listed several of them. >>13153074 I disagree that the jacket is flat-out bad, it could look OK if you wore it differently, but you're not wearing it well here.

But above all, take off the fucking hat. Like or dislike ushankas (it is possible to wear them well, but a lot easier to wear them badly) it just does not go with what you're wearing at all.

>> No.13153400


This poor soul came asking for help and admitting his ignorance and half of you just acted like faggots

>> No.13153405

This is literally my first time on this board in eight years or something. People in this thread are behaving just like I remember everyone behaving. Just less tripfag drama and bad advice.

>> No.13153440
File: 49 KB, 283x323, IMG_0355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how old r u

>> No.13153493
File: 35 KB, 640x641, rat smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably too old to be here and not even sure why I opened this tab last night.

Also OP you are from the wrong climate to wear anything with fur without looking silly.

>> No.13153503

you dress like a metro last light character

>> No.13153506

Can you explain this?

>> No.13153507

Top kek
Looks like absolute shit. Autism/10

>> No.13153509

Yes you look like a retarded soyboy

>> No.13153540

Terrible, just no. I own one of these and I only wear it when its snowing, and snowing a lot (like when I go snowboarding or something). Its just cringey looking, almost like a fedora imo.
Shirt seems just a little big in my opinion? Just a little ill fitting, but its fine. I have the same but purple instead of blue.
>Bottom Jacket
Just looks weird to me. I'm not a fan personally. Just like a plain jacket with a hood would look much better here. Maybe in green?
>Top Jacket
Unroll the sleeves for sure. Not a fan of the color. Feel like just a dark black or dark color in general would look better. A little long for my tastes. This jackets fine in all honesty, just nit picking.
Too long and baggy. Go down a size (length wise) and consider buying skinny fit. Colors fine but I like mine darker honestly.
Nothing really wrong with them. I just like black in general, so I'd say swap them out for some Doc Martens or something. They're fine though honestly.
Get a leather or fabric strap. Looks like a shitty watch from the dollar store. Please swap it upright. It just looks dumb and nobody cares if its "for MMA"
More fashionable then most I guess. There's just way too much going on here. Too much color, weird hat, a lot going around on the neck/collar, bad watch. You're noticeably dressed differently, but not in a good way. Not saying people look at you in disgust, but people don't look at you and think you're really fashionable.

Hope this massive wall of text helps OP.

>> No.13153550

This is the first really good post in the thread (coming from somebody who posted previously in the thread). Actually helpful advice delivered with a modicum of fucking perspective. I really don't know where people are getting the UGH SO TERRIBLE shit from, honestly. I think it's just hivemind bandwagoning.

There are problems, e.g. with the fit of the jeans, as you pointed out, but overall it's not atrocious, apart from the hat. I agree about the shirt, jacket (top), and boots - they're not to my tastes either, but there's nothing wrong with them.

Actually, you know what? Fuck it. I like the jacket. I don't like it with the rest of the outfit, but it's cool.

>> No.13153564

I honestly don't understand why people who know are fashion retarded don't just wear jeans, a white t-shirt, boots and a jacket. It's not that hard.

>> No.13153566

The hat is fine and the jacket could work if you didn't roll up the sleeves. The rest is questionable at best.

>> No.13153571

Fashion is basically about the vulnerability associated with making yourself noticeable. When you specifically engineer as beige and layered of an outfit as possible it just reflects the lengths you go to go unnoticed which is a) funny because it makes no sense b) expensive and wasted effort
but like whatever it's not like worse than how how other people dress if that's what you're comparing him to

>> No.13153579

Neutral colors and layers do not automatically equal an attempt to go unnoticed. Sometimes they can be pretty striking.

>> No.13154038

flipping your watch greatly reduces it's profile on the outer of the wrist, greatly reducing chances of snagging and helps reduce any chance of damage to the watch face in a fight.
not saying this is practical on a regular wear sense, just an ingrained habit from years of fighting

>> No.13154058
File: 46 KB, 600x503, color-wheel1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The jacket isn't doing you any favors. But really it's the color scene of the whole thing. You need some contrast op. Study the wheel.

>> No.13154101

you look like you smell bad and have a nasally spergy voice.

>> No.13154110

he made a thread exclusively for himself when we have a WAYWT and fuccboi threads. he deserves all the shit he gets.

>> No.13154125

w2c that coat?
does it come that worn?
i really like the coat

>> No.13154234

you look super retarded

>> No.13154247

>winter hat
>at least two layers
>winter boots
>rolled up sleeves
What temperature is it where you are?

>> No.13154256

looks bad but no one outside this board is going to notice
lose the hat though

>> No.13154366

flecktarn parka dyed black

>> No.13154390
File: 24 KB, 480x319, 368c1e2e-c999-4b5e-a5aa-285a77a8e094..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO, let me phone up the FBI to lock up another lying faggot

>> No.13154402

Ushankas are good if the ear flaps are down
If they're up you look like a larper

>> No.13154973

You are not /fit/.

>> No.13154988


No one wear a watch like that in MMA or fighting sports because they don’t wear watches at all. The only people with a legitimate reason to wear their watch like that are mil, special secret squirrel mil on top of that. It’s so they can see the time or direction if they have a compass integrated into their watch. It’s easier to see if your support hand is holding the rifle and your watch is on that wrist. The only time they don’t is if they’re HALO jumping and have a built in altimeter, but most use the issued one and it’s easier in free fall to wear it normally so they don’t induce any unwanted movement mid flight by moving their hand.

You don’t know anything

t. Actual fit, fighting, parachutist former milfag.

>> No.13155124

I agree but it makes since that literally anyone carrying a gun with expectation to use it wear it like that. not just spec ops guys

>> No.13155157

Most groundpounders have no need to look at the time or use a compass out in the field today. I’m just saying, they’re the only ones with a legitimate use, grunts don’t do time coordinated attacks, timed infil/exfoliate, use slam charges or even worry about land nav. Usually anything to do with land nav or time is dealt by a Lt or senior NCO.

>> No.13155160

>exfil auto-corrects to exfoliate

>> No.13155161

To add, most on the lower rungs who deal with time don’t need the immediate time, they’re MPs in nuclear waiting to get off watch/duty so that they can make it to some bar in Wyoming to drink their depression away.

>> No.13155302
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>> No.13155329

Your head shape looks like mine except I'm skinnier

>> No.13155649

>More fashionable then most I guess
Saying that to someone who looks that bad is honestly the meanest thing that's been said in the thread

>> No.13155790

lose hat
plain colored undershirt
dye jacket black
textile shoes or black boots.

>> No.13157236

ditch the hat
ditch the under jacket
ditch the striped shirt, go for something plain grey or blue and crew collar
better fitting jeans, slimmer and shorter
seriously, ditch the hat, jesus
unroll sleeves

and stand up straight, because you're doing this weird reverse slouching thing where you stick out your groin and stomach and it makes you look fat and dumb

Congrats, you'll now look like a male basic bitch, but at least not bad like right now