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13146655 No.13146655 [Reply] [Original]

Why are the most effay girls also the most tragically degenerate?

>> No.13146681

How tall is she? Seems proportionate enough but somehow I've got the feeling she's actually stumpy

>> No.13146686


>> No.13146689

jesus christ, fuck off with your retarded buzzwords

>> No.13146711

Still short but not as bad as I thought

>> No.13146729

because every one treats them like fuck meat, so that is what they become

>> No.13146736

>5’8” girl
Go outside

>> No.13146743

She is not particularly effay just very attractive.

>> No.13146745

this desu, hot girls can wear anything and look good. Unattractive people need to find a style that suits them or they look like shit

>> No.13146747

Does she look younger than her age to anybody else or is it just me?

>> No.13146751

Your question isn't of correlation you fucking piece of cud

Your question is
>why is degeneracy fashionable?

Easy question
Because it signals an assertion of personal over societal values, thus of inherent personal value - enough to break from society in a meaningful way

Fucking think about it
Fuck this board where is sieg

>> No.13146752

Fine, I'll bite; at what height does a girl start being considered short?

>> No.13146755

yeah she looks 16 or 17 to me.

>> No.13146763

Average female height in the us is 5'5". Below that you would be getting closer to being considered short. The girl in OP's pic is in the 85th percentile which is definitely tall for a girl.

>> No.13146764

Average height for women is 5 feet 4 inches, so yeah 5'8 is tall for a woman since that's average for men. I consider women to be (too) short once they're under 5'1".

>> No.13146770

correction. 5'4" is US average. OP's girl is in the 92nd Percentile.

>> No.13146787

You're missing the point: nobody's asking if she's above average, the question is if she is short.
The average US male is 5'9" and everybody agrees that's a manlet.

Women around the world are on average 4" shorter than men, so given 6' as the lower limit, I'd say she barely makes it out of the womenlets

>> No.13146811

Your post reads like an autist that spends way too much time absorbing 4chan culture. Just saying.

Because the industry forces most of them to perform sexual acts to get their foot in the door. Didnt this girl fuck ian connor?

>> No.13146814

>The average US male is 5'9" and everybody agrees that's a manlet.
The average for a male in the US is about 5'10" and people in the real world don't consider that short. You've had your perspective warped by an internet meme.

>> No.13146822

literally a word, with meaning, not sure why you got your ass on blast


>> No.13146830

The average US male height is 5' 9.5", but I'm sure you round it up to 5'10" on your ok cupid profile. Just a heads up: they can tell...

>> No.13146838

>You're missing the point: nobody's asking if she's above average, the question is if she is short.
>The average US male is 5'9" and everybody agrees that's a manlet.

Are you retarded?

>> No.13146840

>The average US male is 5'9" and everybody agrees that's a manlet.
Different guy than the one who said this above, but I'll reiterate:


>> No.13146854

Questions was "what is short?"
Answer given was "she's over the average"
Procedes to point out average height is irrelevant since average male is man is a short manlet.

What's the problem exactly?

> t. manlet

>> No.13146867

It's 5'9.7". Google it.

>> No.13146883


It's actually 5' 9.467" so anybody 5'10" is tall since that's what tall means

>> No.13146922

Is claiming little people dont exist the new progressive thing?? I swear most of these posts >>13146883 >>13146840 >>13146814 >>13146811 >>13146764 >>13146763 >>13146736
are from people who think to themselves "History will prove me right" at least twice a day...

>> No.13146925

>Is claiming little people dont exist the new progressive thing?
What the fuck are you even talking about? All of those posts are making fun of him for taking a meme created by insecure basement-dwellers on 4chan seriously.

>> No.13146933

Yeah that's what I'm saying, they're all fiercely defending manlet acceptance as if their own social standing depended on it.
Come to think of it you sound pretty short yourself; how tall r u?

>> No.13146941


>literally a word, with meaning

Yeah the meaning is "any woman who isn't a blonde haired blue eyed conservative christian who is completely submissive to her husband's every demand"

It's a fucking buzzword m8

>> No.13146948

4chan poster projecting hard right here

>> No.13146968

You're quoting two different people, dude. Seriously: normal people haven't even heard the word "manlet" and wouldn't be able to roll their eyes hard enough at it if they did.

You're trying to make the half dozen or so people who called you fucking dumb feel insecure but it's just not going to work because no matter how you spin it
>the average US male is 5'9" and everybody agrees that's a manlet.
is just some laughable kid shit. It's not even that it's wrong, it's that nobody thinks that way.

>> No.13146974

The autism is too damn high! They're not defending manlet acceptance they're saying that being average height is not manlet especially for a woman that is well above the average height of most men. They're saying put the memes away and stop letting in warp your perception of real life. Yes we know that manlet is anyone under 6' 1" and that it's suppose to be a "joke" but it's not a joke when people start to take it seriously and use it as an excuse for their failings. And even worse when they don't realize that a girl that's as tall as most "manlet" men is not short. That's what they're trying to correct.

>>13146711 was not joking they genuinely think that someone at that height is short and even asked for clarification >>13146752 Hence the rest of the replies you think are trying to defend being a manlet.

A problem made from nothing, just like this subject of being a manlet.

>> No.13146977
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Being short or tall is relative. So if the average height for a woman is 5'5, then her being 5'8 makes her above average. To translate, this means she is taller than most, and being 3" taller than the average woman makes her relatively tall.

>> No.13146980

>You're quoting two different people, dude.
Meant to say posterS but didn't put an s, no big deal; besides, the point was they're on 4chan projecting their insecurities by saying the other anons are insecure 4chan posters...

>> No.13146983

>anyone who replies to my retarded lack of statistics knowledge is a salty manlet
G o O u t s i d e

>> No.13146993

get this stupid pol shit out of here I hate yall
these dudes are right go fucking outside and say the term manlet to the common person they are going to ask what that means and then think youre an awkward person when you explain your little internet terms to them

>> No.13147004

>Yeah the meaning is "any woman who isn't a blonde haired blue eyed conservative christian who is completely submissive to her husband's every demand"
So because you formed a fucking strawman in your head of what it means it has no meaning?

Fuck off, it means promiscuous and overly sexual slut in the case of a woman, or a deviant fag in case of a man. Quite easy to understand, you fucking degenerate. Maybe try liberating your asshole and mouth from all the cocks you shove down them. Maybe then you'll figure out where the shit and the words are supposed to come from respectively.

Postmodernism was a mistake.

>> No.13147009

she's actually 5'5" idk how the other anon got 8" you can find her height easily on google

>> No.13147010

2016- pol was a mistake

>> No.13147015
File: 90 KB, 258x410, fa2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Word just came in from the (((fashion overlords))), this is the coolest thing since Timberlands. If you're a /fa/ggot, this is a must this season.

>> No.13147016

18+ only please
you can tell this dude has said 'keskistan' in day to day conversations multiple times before

>> No.13147017


Holy crap you guys are so intolerant of diverging opinions it ain't even funny; how about you use your words and rational arguments to talk me out of my regressive stance. That goes for you >>13147004 too dimwit.

>go out
Last time I checked, this ain't your safe space, I'm just as entitled to hang around these parts as you chumps. Besides, half of the posts in wayt, cop or not, etc. are just as harsh and opinionated, but I never see you reply with "nobody would say that to me irl, go outside and see how people would be rolling eyes at you".
It's such a childish thing to say, really.

Taller than average is obviously something, but do we really want to set the bar that low?

>> No.13147019


>> No.13147026

>how about you use your words and rational arguments to talk me out of my regressive stance.
Let's be real here, you'll never stop being a degenerate. A boot to the head is the only cure.
>Last time I checked, this ain't your safe space, I'm just as entitled to hang around these parts as you chumps. Besides, half of the posts in wayt, cop or not, etc. are just as harsh and opinionated, but I never see you reply with "nobody would say that to me irl, go outside and see how people would be rolling eyes at you".
Why are you complaining about not liking divergent opinions when you are complaining about anti-regressive opinions?
If you can't handle the truth, maybe you should try reddit instead. Honestly seems like you already go there considering you think people on /pol/ actually like or are magapede "kekistan" faggots.

>> No.13147028

>tfw 6’1
>tfw barely above manlet cutoff

If you’re close to average height you’re not exactly tall. Even girls are regularly 6’0 in the us

>> No.13147032

I'm saying they need to better articulate their opinions if they ever want to convince anybody their opinions is well informed and so do you.

>> No.13147036
File: 489 KB, 800x800, bengarrison18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes, goyim, don't knock having 12 cocks in your mouth until you try it!
>you'll be so much happier if you throw away the possibility of ever creating a family and becoming an STD-laden fagslut!
>it's so empowering to degrade yourself! everyone is doing it!

Memes aside, psychology isn't a hard science and women's liberation has seen a marked decrease in reported happiness in women. Being "open" and "curious" has limits.

>> No.13147038

>Even girls are regularly 6’0 in the us
Why even bother posting something that is so clearly wrong. A 6' woman is above the 99th percentile in the US.

>> No.13147040

>if it's not a hard science, it's never valid

>women's liberation has seen a marked decrease in reported happiness in women. Being "open" and "curious" has limits.

This arguably has more to do with women being told to act like men and the rise of social media, not necessarily loosening of gender roles. Women would probably be better off if both left and right wing ideologies would stop telling them how to live.

>> No.13147045

Dude quit posting on 4chan and go outside, see for yourself

>> No.13147046

>you're being childish
>no, you're being childish!
>no, you!


There is a difference between people saying "anon, you REALIZE everyone here is LAUGHING at you?" like a high school girl, and grown-ass adults telling you, dude, the way you are think and talk has obviously been heavily influenced by fucking 4chan memes and will come across as neurotic and insecure and frankly juvenile to any normal person. I also don't read this as having been a particularly uncivil discussion, so this post seems like a bit of an overreaction, but hey. Pretty clear it's just beating a dead horse at this point.

>> No.13147047

You do realize that the American average is pulled down by all the Latinas and asians, right?

>> No.13147062

I dont think anyone cares about convincing you. Its just obvious your opinions are shaped by memes from a satirical website so people are pointing it out

I'm not too interested in convincing someone who cant understand basic statistics

>> No.13147065
File: 712 KB, 744x932, woke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they aren't degenerate tho

>> No.13147078

>What's the most fashionable shoe?
>I own a pair of docs
>What's the most fashionable city
>I live in Delaware
>What's the most fashionable height?
>this is the statistical average.

I swear, this board sometimes... I give up

>> No.13147086

He said 5'8 was short for women, He didn't say 5'8 isnt fashionable. 5'8 is objectively not short since height is relative and 5'5 is the average. I think you should give up cause you suck ass at arguing and keep trying to move goalposts

>> No.13147090

You sound like that guy claiming 5'11" isn't short

>> No.13147092

you keep sweet little Delaware out of this

>> No.13147095

My GF is 5'4"; are you saying I shouldn't dump her?
I'm asking for a friend.

>> No.13147459
File: 28 KB, 500x444, shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happened to this place, at least the autism from 2014-/fa/ was funny. this is just pathetic

>> No.13147465

Because of confirmation bias.

>> No.13147473

The alt-right started actively recruiting angry young shut-in males to their cause.

>> No.13147480

>nobody thinks that way
>90% of girls unironically do

>> No.13147507

/pol/tards have been hopping on the self-improvement bandwagon due to Jordan Peterson's "clean your room" meme. I suppose some wandered here thinking they'd get some red-pilled fashion only to find gays and Bernie-bros.

>> No.13147510

I've been here from 2013 and 4chan has always been antisemitic and a weird form of pro-tradition, that meme he posted is something I remember from 10 years ago being shared round all the boards

>> No.13147516

>implying most Berniebros haven't become race aware

>> No.13147520

Truth is this one autistic stay at home faced a horde of jobless 20 something nu-males today
Sad truth, never met one who didn't.

>> No.13147523

Oh you poor baby. How sad for you.

>> No.13147527 [DELETED] 
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>I've been here from 2013
>4chan has always been

>> No.13147546

>Fuck off, it means promiscuous and overly sexual slut in the case of a woman, or a deviant fag in case of a man
I know what you mean but this shit sounds like it was written by either a 12 year old or a /r9k/ virgin

>> No.13147594

It's on point, because the other definition >>13146941 is just plain wrong and sounds like some out of touch leftist who hasn't been here long enough. Unless you'd like to give a better definition.

>> No.13147761
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yes, these people exist...

>> No.13147771

Men: >5'10 = short
Female: >5'8 = short

if you are shorter than those listed heights, you are a manlet/womanlet. end of story, "averages" have nothing to do with the ideal. anything less than ideal is a negative trait and gets you labelled as such

>> No.13147788

What a rollercoaster of a thread.

>> No.13147803

So you consider 5'10" the ideal male height?

>> No.13147811

you don't know how those symbols work

>> No.13147815

Lmaooooo you use the greater than sign brainlet

>> No.13147825

All modern women are degenerate, some just can't pull it off so they pretend not to be.

>> No.13147851

I don’t know, this is very degenerate.

>> No.13148012

IQ: >100 = brainlet

>> No.13148013

>Being "open" and "curious" has limits.
I'm surprised nobody pointed this out already: you dumb motherfucker, that's exactly what >>13147019 is saying. Being open to experience means both being willing to try new fashions, follow trends etcetera, AND being willing to try new cocks, new degenerate acts, new species...

>> No.13148016

Would you guys eat sarah snyders ass given the chance? I wonder what shes like, seems like a basic bitch in her instagram stories.

>> No.13148456

>Would you guys eat sarah snyders ass given the chance?

In a heartbeat

>> No.13148505

>implying (((christianity))) wasn't an (((incursion))) into the western solar pagan traditions

>> No.13148509
File: 102 KB, 801x534, 12875123432187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these autismos getting triggered over height

>> No.13148567

She wouldn't even have to acknowledge me during.

>> No.13148574


5'8 isn't short for a girl, my guy

Talk to girls that are actually short (5'1/5'2) and you'll realize that

>> No.13148608

Personally, I've always enjoyed degenerate girls, regardless of height or religion. I draw the line at stupid though. They need at least half a brain to think for themselves.
Besides that, what ratchet ass, 3rd world shithole are you in, anyway? And, why is a QT like that hangin' around there?

>> No.13148629

Can someone please explain what this tweet is saying I’ve been sitting here for like 5 straight minutes.

>> No.13148670

-cows didn't give consent to robots draining their tits, thus dairy is rape, claims the vegans.
-vegans are often anarchists, and as such are the passive accomplice to manarchists promoting rape culture, claims the feminist.
-let he who is without sin cast the first stone, says she; basically dont guilt me out of my smoothie while you're in an opened relationship with your boyfriend and his ex gf, because that is somehow related

>> No.13148982
File: 29 KB, 192x191, 1402559896719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all these angry manlets itt

>tfw 6.3
>tfw AVERAGE height for men is 6.1 in my country

>> No.13149037

I know variations on "y u mad tho" might seem like great put-downs to you but they really only work when people are actually angry, and I don't think anybody actually is (except maybe the dude who posted the original manlet post that started it all). Derision isn't anger.

What country do you live in, anyway? Some Nordic one? (inb4 cuck memes, nobody cares)

>> No.13149472

once and for all...
you're only tall, when you are noticeably taller than most people, so 6'5" and above.
Although to be honest anything below 6 foot is less than ideal for a man.

>> No.13149478


Your reading comprehension sucks.

I don't think anyone has made that claim in this thread.

>> No.13149481 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13149498

Id say your double digit IQ is a lot less desirable than being 5'10

>> No.13149502


/pol/ brainwashed r9k and the r9k losers come to /fa/ thinking dressing better will cure inceldom. r9k always leaks into /fa/ a lot, usually just the shitposters though

>> No.13149520

I'd say for a girl, 5'4 or smaller is short, 5'5-5'7 is average, and 5'8+ is getting into the tall range. With guys, I think if you are 5'9 or taller then you're fine. I'm 5'11.5 no e-stats and people call me tall all the time, girls think I'm 6'1-6'2, etc. 5'10 can be a very aesthetic height for guys.

>> No.13149536

agree OP's usage is incorrect but its caught on because so much of this world today HAS degenerated. not a buzzword.

>> No.13149545

5'11 YES

>> No.13150507

Funny, I remember all that shit being mostly ironic in 2013 and it slowly became more and more serious as the retards flocked into /pol/ and then spread

>> No.13150520

is instagram and social media to blame for the degeneration?

>> No.13150950

Fuck off, I'm tired of people saying this shit. I've been on /fa/ since pre-mirandabags (2007) and it's the same fucking shit all across this website as it's always been. Literally the only thing that ever changes is the boogyman/buzzword insults that people use.

>> No.13150973

>Why are the most effay girls also the most tragically degenerate?
Because there comes a point to where sex just becomes boring, some reach that point faster than others. In which case the first thing that is thought is "what will make this interesting again?" to which you do more creative, bizarre, and even nasty shit.

>> No.13150991

>be me, male
>officially a womanlet
idk how to feel. are there any solutions?

>> No.13151002

this is wrong

anyone under 6'0 (lowest of the low) is short for men

>> No.13151015

how's 5'6.5"? is there any redeeming me?

>> No.13151088
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>> No.13151095

>fat white guy hand
u prob smell like cheese

>> No.13151100

>Talk to girls
I mean, that's sort of the long and short of the issue at hand.

>> No.13151103

she fucked ian connor she's been ran through by every rapper / fashion / actor even leonardo dicaprio fucked her ur guys are gross

>> No.13151115


>> No.13151351

fashion goes hand in hand with degeneracy

>> No.13151439

My gf is 5''6 but I'm 4''(sqrt of x) for y=6 in f(x)=0.25x.

How will we manlets ever recover?

>> No.13151444
File: 208 KB, 1536x2048, FB_IMG_1517271261662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm 6.4

Gtfo manlet. Noone of you will ever b able to taste the superior dna out of my nutritious semen!

Thou shalt not swallow the essence of alpha masculinity.

>pic familiar

>> No.13151623

flex on em

>> No.13152059

looks like a run of the mill basic thot.is this what you consider "effay"?

>> No.13152075

It definitely was a lot more ironic back then. Before I saw 4chan as a place for anime lovers and people who wanted unfiltered discussion and the ability to say controversial things. Now its just alt-right memespouters, it's like reddits evil twin brother now