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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 79 KB, 700x980, images.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13127698 No.13127698 [Reply] [Original]

Skin care basics: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Skin-care_Basics
Acne treatment: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Acne_Treatment

Skinacea Links:
Retinoids: http://www.skinacea.com/retinoids/retinoids.html
Sunscreen: http://www.skinacea.com/sunscreen/sunscreen.html
Ridding dark eye circles: http://www.skinacea.com/how-to/get-rid-of-dark-circles.html

/fa/ skincare FAQ:

- Basic routine, skincare guide, and products tips
- How to pop pimples, remove blackheads and whiteheads
- Why you shouldn't use ordinary soap on your face
- How to improve your skin tone through diet
- Studies on how diary and sugars create acne
- How your skin is affected by sleep, sun, skincare ingredients

>> No.13127701

What should I do for seborrheic dermatitis?
It's on the sides of my nose, and a bit on my scalp.

>> No.13127709

Go to dermatologist and they'll prescribe some ketoconazole topical for you. Clears that shit right up.

>> No.13127725
File: 71 KB, 1200x799, im not a girl fuck you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Acne fag here. Am I supposed to use this on its own with water or do I use it scrub in my face salicylic acid facewash? Also should I use every day or just a few times a week.

>> No.13127728

Which one do you have

>> No.13127735
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Just a cheap one I found on amazon that had okay reviews

>> No.13127898

ty ty

>> No.13127959

Can I get a critique of my current routine? I've got weird skin (can be easily dried out, but is typically very oily).

Morning: Micellar water (bioderma), then Cerave moisturizing lotion (PM)

Night: Cerave foaming facial cleanser, bioderma micellar water, Cerave moisturizing lotion (PM)

I get acne that seems to be hormonal/drool related and nne of this stuff seems to help with that unless my sleep quality and hormone balance (limited fapping) is kept in check.

>> No.13127984

My arms and shoulders are super prone to breakouts, but I moisturize (with goldbond) religiously after showers. When I began doing this about a year ago, it cleared up about half of the problem, but the other half is really stubborn and won't leave.
Anybody know how to solve this issue? If I should use a special body wash, do you have recommendations? My face products haven't helped below the neck at all.

>> No.13128623
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what about ice pick marks and hyperpigmentation

>> No.13129519

Would you recommend the Cerave lotion? I've heard mixed things about it.

>> No.13129609
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For all /acne/ fags: stop wasting time and money in useless shit. Go see a dermatologist and ask for isotretionin. It will be way cheaper and more effective.

Besides, drinking plenty of water is the best skincare advice ever.

>> No.13129614

Anyone knows how to treats melatonin spots?

>> No.13129619

How do i get rid off birthmarks?

>> No.13130068

Why? Birthmarks are God's tattoos

>> No.13130076

This is,,,, not good advice.

>> No.13130163
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>> No.13130365

born again

>> No.13130377

I don't know if this is where to ask but how do you clean your ears? I heard that qtips are bad for you and now I'm confused

>> No.13130379

Use q-tips you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.13130427

Does these work better than merely using your hands?

>> No.13130688
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So I've been using Dove soap for years now and I don't think it's caused me much problems, as I have eczema. However, my acnes pretty bad, albiet it's gotten better recently due to using a cleanser again and adapalene. My friend told me that dove isn't technically soap, and that it clogs your pores and causes acne, even citing an article on it (basically a blog post). I'm wondering if Dove soap really is that bad, and what are some alternatives?

>> No.13131317

I like the PM one, but I know they made a newish one that is very light and with SPF. I'd go for that one instead.

>> No.13131320

I don't know of any alternatives, but try to use products that are non-comedogenic.

>> No.13131480

The skin on my face has always been clear af but I get really gross pimples all over my back and chest. How do I stop this?

>> No.13131561

Is using Salicylic Acid together with Epiduo overkill?

>> No.13131563

stop roiding

>> No.13131853
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Is the water thing legit? I've been forcing myself to drink more water and I'm just pissing all the fucking time

>> No.13132018

benzoyl peroxide causes premature aging, right? can I remedy it with moisturizers or should I just stop using it long-term altogethe?

>> No.13132157

Any suggestions of what to do for rough, somewhat dumpy skin on my upper chest area (male)?

>> No.13132202
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is it worth it?

>> No.13132210

Stop buying expensive skin care products.

>> No.13132221

this. but people just like to spend and try a thousand things before submitting to the acutane overlord for some reason

>> No.13132244

The risks of using acutane are not worth the rewards.

>> No.13132409


>> No.13132428

>is drinking water, one of the healthiest things to be drinking, legit?
Well reread your question through my question kiddo.

>> No.13132436

You are wasting your money.

>> No.13132438

The risks aren't gonna happen, I've done Accutane and my best friend has done Accutane and aside from altering our chemical balance and making us both extremely sad for a couple years without any reason, my friend developing IBS, and reoccurring horrible chronic vivid nightmares I think it was worth it.

>> No.13132480

I mean, I guess you could say the same for almost any pleasurable purchase or hobby purchase. If I can afford "expensive" products why not? I mean you mean to tell me you only use generic brand CVS skincare products?

>> No.13132633

I didn't have a bad experience with accutane. No unmanageable side-effects and took care of most of my acne although i still have hyperpigmented spots. That said you should think long and hard about doing it.

>> No.13132787

Does anyone have experience with sebaceous filaments? I scrub 3-4 days a week, and unless I intentionally "clean out" my nose with my fingers the scrub doesn't do shit. Help

>> No.13133004

Stop buying clothes.

>> No.13133012

Exfoliate (I personally use bha) two to three times a week. Scrubs haven't done anything for me; they probably just scrape off dead skin. The morning after exfoliating though? Smooth nose for the rest of the week.
You run the risk of making the problem worse by picking at them, by the way.

>> No.13133153

Fuck u

>> No.13133182
File: 25 KB, 280x346, skin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm one oily motherfucker and I'm not sure how to treat it. I'm a male in late adolescence and it's not uncommon for my forehead to look like pic related.

I was using some bullshit skin products for a while that were just dehydrating my skin and causing it to produce an unnecessary amount of oil.
I started to use a new skin care routine where I use a light cleanser and moisturizer daily (not completely sure how often to use either, I've tried once and twice a day for both) and exfoliate a couple of times a week.
However, this really hasn't been a solution. I've only been doing this for a couple of weeks and my skin looks much clearer and healthier but still greasy as shit.

What should I change? Have I just not been doing my new routine for long enough?

>> No.13133192

I would recommend it. However, in my experience, it takes a lot of pumps to get enough lotion for your entire face. Considering it comes in a small bottle, it's a hassle to keep guessing at how much lotion is left (and if you need to buy a new bottle).

Also, it doesn't come with SPF. I personally like this aspect because the SPF irritates my eyes and I don't get much--if any--sunlight due to my job.

>> No.13133247

Try using a hydrating toner. Only using a moisterizer just adds to the oil, but if you balance it with more water you will see a difference. Dehydrated skin causes excess oil to be produced, so keep your skin hydrated.

>> No.13133264
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I have acne marks all over where acne was. I tried c-serum but that did noy help. Killing myself, pic related.

>> No.13133387
File: 97 KB, 700x350, 291e5722ea1b89d70265cbacc750acea[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I fix this shit?
I've got a tiny one on my chin and one on my eyelid.
I moisturize daily. I thought maybe daily cleansing + exfoliating was causing it so I reduced the frequency to every two days, but it's still just as bad

>> No.13133397

I just got done with month two of accutane. First month was 10mg, dermatologist recommended month 2,3, and 4 on 20mg. It hasn’t done absolute shit besides making my pores where I don’t have acne a little smaller and making me thirsty as shit all the time.

I’m washing my face at least twice a day, doing one peel off mask at least once a month, drinking more water than I should, moisturizing every morning and night, and I still can’t get rid of my cystic acne on my jawline and cheek.

>> No.13133481

for showering i've been using bar soap and a wash cloth since i was born

i literally never wash the wash cloth, i just assume it's clean I guess because of all the soap. i air dry it on a rail inside my shower, same with the soap
i'm starting to think it's a bad idea now. should i switch over to liquid/gel body wash and use my hands? so all that bacteria isn't growing on the cloth and soap

>> No.13133489

thats ringworm.

>> No.13133499

that's not really a good picture, just the first for "dry skin patch face"
it looks closer to this, just a little redder

>> No.13133502
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>> No.13133527

It takes time. Just wait, nigga. Your dosage is low af tho.

>> No.13133817

I only had audio hallucinations for the first 72 hours after starting for a week, then the daily nose bleeds for a week or two after, then it settled down. Skin has never looked better.

>> No.13133899

It's not about the water itself, it's the amount

>> No.13133914
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I keep getting these hards bumps and whenever I squeeze em (bad idea I know I've stopped doing it) this small shard of something comes out.
I'm 25 and shouldn't be having these fucking skin problems. Can I buy a mask or cream or something to stop this from happening? Never had any skin issues outside the zits you get during puberty.

I'll read the wiki later.

>> No.13133918

Drink throughout the day, although I like to knock 500ml out soon after waking up.

Make sure you aren't diluting the minerals in your body. If you are peeing like crazy, it is possible that you are lacking in minerals and cannot retain water.

Kind regards, Jordan

>> No.13134190

>I only had audio hallucinations for the first 72 hours after starting for a week
Jesus christ how terrifying.

What did you hear and why the fuck is this medicine legal?

>> No.13134203

probably not

>> No.13134525

If it's persisting like that, get an eczema lotion. Sounds like eczema.

>> No.13134621


Use it with face wash. Also make sure to let it out to dry on its side. I have a clarisonic and used to always put it down face-up, only to clean it one day to find a ton of MOLD underneath the brush part. I didn't know you could take the brush and turny bits beneath it off, so be sure to give it a deep clean like this every few months.

Yes, they exfoliate much better because of the bristles and I think the vibrating helps gunk come out. You're only supposed to use it every few days at most - I personally use a konjac sponge to exfoliate every few days, and then use the clarisonic about once a week when I'm doing a deep clean spa day.
I can't vouche for whatever this is, but seeing a dermatologist will help better than anything else if your acne is severe. I had such bad cystic acne in high school to the point where I would cry about how hideous I looked :~( But then I saw a dermatologist and she gave me cephadroxyl pills with some creams and it cleared up pretty much immediately. If I went to one sooner I wouldn't have any ice pick scars to deal with.

It's probably too drying and is causing your skin to produce more oil which clogs your pores more than just using water. I use alba botantica pineapple enzyme face wash - Works wonders.

>> No.13134629

Try AHA and BHA liquids from Paula's choice and Vitamin C serum from TruSkin (make sure to keep this in a cool dark place). I'm >>13134621 and doing this daily combined with healthy diet/water and green tea helped immensely. I had the absolute worst discoloration where my skin was literally purple and looked like someone carved into my cheeks, but now my marks are only noticeable in certain lights. I'll post before and after pics shortly.

>> No.13134634
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Worth a buy

>> No.13134638
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This is the best pic I have of how bad the scarring was, I was wearing makeup in the first picture too so it was actually even worse. There's hope, just stay committed to a routine and it'll fade. I can't praise AHA and BHA enough.

>> No.13134660

Any UK fags recommend a good brand for daily face wash and acne products with Salicylic Acid.

I've been improving my sleep patterns, eating healthily, exfoliating, cleansing and moisturising my face daily and sleeping with a clean towel over my pillow every night. As soon as one spot has been cleaned another's popped up somewhere else. It's like my face is alive.

>> No.13134683

one of htese is a dude ones a girl? wtfs going on

>> No.13134695
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Yeah it's a bad pic haha, I'm just behind a male friend in a photo. This should make it clearer.

>> No.13134737
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Is this fixable? And yea I know I need a haircut

>> No.13135438

I'm currently taking vitamins A and D3, and some Zinc supplements, to try and control my acne better. Do these things actually work and anyone have experience with them? I personally think the D3 will work really well for me cuz my acne clears up a ton in the summer when I can get outside.

>> No.13136378

is acne and dark circle and spot fixable with drinking water?
or i should just go to dermatologist?

>> No.13136388

wash ur face 2x everyday before its too late.
you dont have it that bad faggot

>> No.13136399

Dark circles are fixed with better sleep

>> No.13136414
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Current routine is

>exfoliant containing salicylic acid (used 3x week)

I've pretty much stopped having breakouts, but this blotchy redness won't go away. Should I try benzoyl peroxide, or something stronger, or just go see a dermatologist?

>> No.13136429

one good tip of advice is to stop using a cleanser with benzoyl or salicylic acid if you do because those are chemically melting your face, try doing a korean facial mask regimen for about 2 weeks, also try snail cream before bed and use Thayers Witch Hazel, the red bottle, maybe twice a day just splash it on your face.

>> No.13136431

i get everyday 7 hours of sleep, but the dark circle is unaffected.

>> No.13136484

I'm getting older and while I don't have any deep wrinkles I do have a lot of fine lines all over my face and hands crisscrossing even. They're really shallow so they aren't noticeable unless you're really close but it looks uglier than smooth skin.

How do you get rid of fine lines all over?

>> No.13136497

>benzoyl peroxide
does that sound like something you be putting near your skin? wash your face and moisturise, drink water. its that simple

>> No.13136504

reverse the ageing process

>> No.13136506

Overpriced shit that is 90% fragrance

>> No.13136517
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Don't fight it, embrace it. Baby-smooth skin is for children.

>> No.13136519

it isn't. fucking retard.

>> No.13136521

might be nasal congestion, might be genetic

>> No.13136525
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>dude just drink water
>just wash your face bro

>> No.13136529

Hydroxylic acid doesn't sound like something I'd want on my skin, what's your point? I've already been doing the basics for close to a year, and I've seen some improvement, but I've been stuck for months at this stage (occasional pimples, blackheads everywhere, blotchy redness over my nose and cheeks). I clearly need to step my regimen up, not go back to the basics because you have chemophobia.

Looking into korean mask treatments, ty anon

>> No.13137382

Why is my skin worse now, when I'm 20, fit and eat healthy, than it was when I was a fat 16 year old? I have more pimples than before, it's always dry and my nose looks greasy.

>> No.13137563

Pretty dumb logic. Read the ingredients on your moisturizer and it'll all sound like stuff you shouldn't be putting on your skin.

Yes, see a dermatologist ASAP. Hyperpigmentation and scarring from deep acne like on your nose is a real pain to deal with if left untreated.

I'm >>13134695
my routine is

>Alba Botanica pineapple enzyme face wash
>Use this with a konjac sponge to exfoliate every few days, use a clarisonic or some other vibrating brush once a week
>Thayer's Witch Hazel toner
>2% Paula'd choice BHA nightly
>10% AHA every other night or less
>TruSkin Vitamin C serum daily and nightly
>2 drops of The Body Shop oils of life to moisturize
>Gently dab any acne scars with Paula's Choice 25% Vitamin C cream nightly

Once a week I use Aztec Secret clay mask mixed with half water/apple cider vinegar. I follow this with a Tony Moly mask - Doesn't really matter which ones. I like the seaweed and avocado ones tho.

>> No.13137573

The oils of life moisturizer is pretty expensive if bought from The Body Shop btw, I managed to get mine from TJ Maxx for just $5. If you can't find any at a TJ Maxx / Marshalls just find something else. It does last a long time if you do decide to go for it, I think I've been using my little bottle for about 6 months now. I used to use CeraVe moisturizer which worked fine if you're looking for something cheaper.

Also the AHA is from Paula's Choice as well. These are also a bit off-putting because they appear expensive but they last a long time and are an absolute must-have for acne / general skincare.

>> No.13137578



>> No.13137579

buy a proper moisturiser 100% herbal, Nivea non alcohol DOVE.

>> No.13137616

I have always had Keratosis Pilaris on my upper arms but recently they have spread to the entirety of my arms and even to my legs. What the fuck? Few years ago my KP was starting to fade but now it's getting worse? Do I have some sort of allergy?

>> No.13137826

Sounds like your skin is actually dehrydrated and compensates by producing oil. Your routine isn't bad for that, but I would add somemore layers in there. Some toner, ampoule, serum, something like that. Maybe a mist to bring to work/school?

>> No.13138206
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Hey guys. Just recently decided I should take care of my skin. I do have some issues in that a lot of my face has red blots on them. I took some pictures just now that aren't so great. Android quality plus I look like shit but hopefully they'll help.

I really just want to know what I likely have so I can find out what to do about it.

>> No.13138212
File: 115 KB, 450x800, 27848545_10214103517416438_1477332549_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic 2, full face

>> No.13138302

It's really not that noticeable - your skin looks spotless and healthy otherwise. I would guess it's a light form of rosacea? I don't know to treat it at home though.

>> No.13138328

Fucking retard shut up

>> No.13138400

well in that case anyone with tips for rosacea would be much appreciated. I would love to have clearer skin.

>> No.13138969
File: 583 KB, 3024x1723, IMG_20180209_155654~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i get rid of this shit

>> No.13138989

Nigga that’s a ringworm

>> No.13139068

Have fun getting permanent popped capillaries if you keep doing this. You should not be picking at SF.

>> No.13139080

You should still be putting on some spf. UV rays can still come in through windows and you're exposed to the sun on your commute. Using spf now will prevent getting wrinkles earlier.

>> No.13139109

Get a basic cleanser, moisturizer and sunscreen
Your skin already looks really good and you want it to keep it like that
If you want to treat rosacea look into products with Azelaic acid

>> No.13139138

Does anyone use the Aesop hand cremes? There are two scents and I'm not sure which to get.

>> No.13139164

If you haven't got a routine yet, start with the basics:

>cleanse and moisturise twice daily
>use sunscreen in the morning, even if you stay inside
>make sure the products you use don't have alcohol or fragrance
>drink more water, eat more fruit and vegetables
>change pillowcase daily, or as often as possible
>nice hair btw

If you don't see any improvement in a few weeks, come back and ask adding a specific anti-acne treatment, probably salicylic acid. But it's best to start with the basics and add products as you need them.

>> No.13139330

okay, thanks you guys! will do and I'll report back in like a month. I'll go buy all the recommended shit today.

>> No.13139893

>not doxycycline

>> No.13140828

I've heard Keto works, I'm trying it at the moment, haven't seen any result yet, I've only been on it for a week. Moisturizing helps a lot also.

>> No.13140884

Are blotting papers the real deal? My T zone gets oily throughout the day but I'm not sure if it's worth it. What do you guys use?

>> No.13141435
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I got the flu and now my dermatitis has erupted on my face again, and I don't have my SebaMed gel. What the fuck do I do? Is there a cure to dermatitis or will I have to lotion myself up every day of my goddamned life? Pic related.

>> No.13141463

Well after 6 months of doxycycline + clindamycin as well as cleanser + exfoliator + moisturizer, my acne is finally starting to erupt again. Ive been crying for hours. Looks like my only option is accutane after all

>> No.13142699

Should I use lotions with collagen?

>> No.13143048

Testosterone increases acne
had clear skin before I started lifting, moderate acne now.

>> No.13143056

I don't know how to feel about this

>> No.13143793

kill yourself retard

>> No.13143798

you're full of shit. Unless you are taking steroids, lifting isn't directly causing your acne. Wash your faucking face after working out. Use cetaphil or cerave and moinsturize.

>> No.13143963

i'd also be more mindful of dandruff collecting around your shoulders

>> No.13144015

>does dihydrogen monoxide sound like something you should be putting on your skin?

>> No.13144042

i used to have really bad acne, not even proactive worked for me. and then i stopped eating dairy and my skin has been super clear for 7 years. if you have bad acne and eat a lot of dairy, that might be your problem.

>> No.13144047

vegans are fags

>> No.13144062

fags with clear acne-free skin

>> No.13144066

how to conceal dark circles? i doubt there's a skincare solution because mine are genetic but any light foundation/concealer/bb/cc I can use to make them less prominent without looking like I'm wearing makeup?

>> No.13144236

no one else here got dermatitis?

>> No.13144364

You can eat meat and not eat dairy.

>> No.13145809
File: 53 KB, 500x500, 1454364720393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do I get rid of whiteheads?

>> No.13146056

Mario badescos drying lotion

>> No.13146138

No one in this thread knows what they're talking about. The only way to get lasting perfect skin is to eat healthy and stop using products on your face, don't even wash it at all except for once every little while with spring water. That will get rid of acne and give you soft skin and a clear complexion. If you want to exfoliate you can use natural substances that don't dry out your skin.

>> No.13146141

Why do you have a lone hair growing under your eye?

>> No.13146363

Not him, but I have such a shitty beard, it doesn't want to fill in around my mouth, but it's growing very close under my eyes.

>> No.13146366

It wasn't growing there. It was just a loose hair that I didn't notice when taking that pic.

>> No.13146525

What are some good unscented moisturizers that don't start to smell like sour milk after a while?

>> No.13146535

While I never get acne, sometimes for a few days I get a reddish complexion and my skin gets really rough looking and I look way older. I'm not changing anything with my skin care routine, any idea what it is or what could be causing it?

>> No.13146841

Dermatologists over here cut out moles if they really bother you. Otherwise make-up

>> No.13146848

Medfag here, anons are right that is ringworm

>> No.13147011
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just washing with water and using benzoyl.
I'm fucked. pls help

>> No.13147035
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Just get something like this works for me and it's not that expensive also remember your diet affects your skin too so it's not a matter of just buying something you've got to put work into it

>> No.13147165

>sunscreen even if you stay inside
Seriously? For what purpose?

>> No.13147246
File: 105 KB, 648x1152, h-help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone can tell me what is this shit i have under my knee?

>> No.13147288

Do you know how much this shit will irritate your skin? Don't fucking use it and use glycolic acid instead to peal your skin.

>> No.13147307

Use jojoba oil. I also had very oily skin and that shit helped me. It is actually a wax and its molecule closely resembles the sebum of your skin, so when you apply it your skin has the impression that it is alraedy lubricated so it doesn't bother creating any more sebum on its own. Use 3 to 4 drops of the oil daily after washing your face (with preferably cold water, because hot water robs it too harshly of its lubrication). Apply it for 6 weeks and your skin will have gotten used to producing little sebum and it will continue to produce little onward. Avoid dry patting your face or washing it often. Constantly forcing your face to be dry is what makes your skin turn on overdrive mode and produce excessive amounts of sebum. That also means leaving the jojoba oil on your face without dry patting it just because you realize your face looks shiny again. It will do its job and you will have dry skin. Did it myself and its week 7 for me.

>> No.13147317


>> No.13147334
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That shit under your knee seems nothing to fuck with...

>> No.13147345

watch your step kid

>> No.13147352

my balls always smell nasty and i shower at least once every two days and i wash them thoroughly with soap to the point that they feel dry and itchy afterwards, but the smell never goes away. HELP!

>> No.13147357

should i amputate my leg?

>> No.13147389

>at least once every two days
Absolutely disgusting. Should be at least once per day for anyone, especially someone with smelly balls.

>> No.13147405

Do antioxidant serums do anything? Where should they go in a skincare routine anyway?

>> No.13147449
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>Should be at least once per day
I would really love to but my skin gets dry as fuck after a shower and my face starts looking like a ghoul from Fallout. Still, your answer doesn't help with my case. My balls remain smelly even after the shower and the aggressive scrubbing.

>> No.13147467

It's possible that you're showering too hot, or the soap or something else is irritating your skin. If you're being really aggressive about scrubbing, that probably isn't helping.

>> No.13147470

you got fucking dandruff nigga go to a doctor it should clear up, either that or ringworm

>> No.13147474


>> No.13147486

I had bad acne on my back for the last ~8 years and now it seems like it's improved by about 80%. Unfortunately my back is still covered in red scars from the acne. What can be done to try and get rid of them faster? I already use Neutrogena Body Clear body wash, but it can't seem to completely clear up my back. Any types of body washes I can use to take care of that last 20%?

>> No.13147494

pretty much this.

Drinking tons of water aint doing shit for me, except for making me go piss all the time just white water nothing else coming out. And I aint even doing anything demanding that would get me to be dehydrated so I need that much of water.

>> No.13147497

UV damages your skin, decreasing smoothness, enlarging pores, increasing colour contrast, and of course causing skin cancer. Direct sunlight has the highest UV levels, but even ambient indoor light has a certain amount of UV. Sunscreen every morning at the end of your routine is the best answer.

>> No.13148479

Serums are products with a high concentration of ingredients meant to directly penetrate (and deliver those ingredients) into your skin. Antioxidants in skincare refer to products that help reduce/reverse the appearance the damage that occurs to skin daily through environmental factors such as pollution, UV rays/sun exposure, and any other sources of "free radicals". Yes, they do help your skin but depending on your skin issues/needs you'll want to choose a serum with a certain ingredient (for example, Vitamin C for reducing redness). As for order, serums would generally go after your toner but before your regular moisturizer. I strongly recommend looking into the Korean/Asian skincare routine, as well as doing a bit of research into 'common' ingredients in skincare products and what exactly they do for your skin.

>> No.13148554

should i get a moisturizer with SPF, or both of them separately?

>> No.13148896

Stop linking that sticky. It's fucking garbage.

>Contrary to some long-held skin care traditions, your exfoliator should be applied before any other product

Is so fucking wrong and is going to make your Stridex pads (or whatever chemical exfoliator you're using) next to worthless. You ALWAYS cleanse first, then apply products on top no matter what for maximum effectiveness, and under no circumstances should you be cleansing or washing off your exfoliator. It's a leave-on product. Washing it off basically defeats the whole point.

>> No.13148907

What can I do to get rid of blackheads that I had most of my life?

I have large pores on my nose and forhead. I tried everything, for the past month I have been going through the whole exfoliate, wash, moister cycle but I cannot get rid of it.

>> No.13148926

Exfoliator should be inbetween cleansing and moisturizing.

>> No.13149287

Best cleanser and moisturizer to use while on accutane? Preferably something that can be purchased at target

>> No.13149505

>acne finally cleared up
I'm still ugly as fuck but that was the first time I've ever smiled while looking in a mirror

>> No.13149599

How old are you when they cleared up

Also was it on their own or what did you use.

>> No.13150012

From 11 to 23, I've been through every medicine and every routine, but for the past year I had just given up and used soap+water and moisturizer and it finally started to clear up about a month ago on its own I imagine

>> No.13150277

Guys, I'm sort of new here.

My skin is oily type and I have moderate-low acne. I have been using benzoyl peroxide for the last couple of months, but some parts of my face started to get dry.

What should I do/try?

>> No.13150283

Only use bp to spot treat

>> No.13150343

>UK anon
>acne.org charge £20+ for shipping
>Paula's Choice products almost double in price

Where should I buy from? Any recommended stores?

>> No.13150375

Isn't it better to get some sun on your face to not look pallid and ill and help diminish eye circles?

>> No.13150404

how do you make hair like this
is it possible with just serum and a blowdryer?

>> No.13150411

I'm in the same boat
I've tried everything, but my nose has always been like a water fall after an hour or so of washing my face. I'm not sure what to do now besides contacting a dermatologist which will be a pain considering wait times etc. If i touch my nose, my finger literally becomes an oil drippage. It's terrible and i'm not sure what to do, i also have a feeling it's the reason i have so many blackheads on my nose. Fucking sucks, any help is appreciated.

>> No.13150420

Somehow i don't think putting oil onto already oily faces will have a positive effect in the long term. It may be working for you but it's not the way to treat oilyness.

>> No.13150425

>Paula's Choice
That shit doesn't even work for me, cleanser is shit, moisturiser is shit and the liquid exfoliator doesn't work.

>> No.13151105

There's nothing good about UVB and UVA. Nothing at all.

>> No.13151502

Beta carotene is what gives your skin that healthy lustrous 'glow'. Eat plenty of carrots and dark green leafy vegetables, drink a daily glass of orange juice, your skin will look radiant in no time.

Your body can produce vitamin D when in direct sunlight, but the UV radiation will simultaneously be fucking your skin up. You can obtain Vit D through diet and supplements without screwing your face over.

>> No.13151982

Does this shit work at all? How do I use it effectively? Or are there any recommendations for acne scrubs? I don’t usually get acne on my face, but when I get a pimple it’s annoying. I get more on my shoulders,back, and a few on my thighs and my back seems to have cleared up to some degree, but my thighs still get some occasionally and it’s annoying.

Any tips for acne scars?

>> No.13152124

GUYS ,am telling you , what you NEED to figure out is how to CHOOSE the Right SHAMPOO.

skin issues is all bc of the hair oil that gets on your face.
i used to have oily shitty skin , then i shaved my hair and right after that my skin was WONDERFUL , but now my hair grown back again ,and now am Testing different Shampoo's to get one that makes my hair DRY.

>> No.13152391
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I need help bros, when shaving, when Do I use face wash and when scrub? Should I use scrub after face wash in general?

>> No.13152427

After; rub face (like you have soap on it) WATER MUST BE ROOM TEMPERATURE OR COLD, NEXT
Get out


>> No.13152480
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>have pretty bad skin, get zits pretty often
>start using facewash and moisturizer every morning and before bed
>reduce sugar intake
>drink more water
>skin noticably worse than before, multiple zits all the time
what the fuck am i doing wrong?

>> No.13152520 [DELETED] 

Good day, acnefags! Just going to leave this here: http://soilandhealth.org/wp-content/uploads/02/0201hyglibcat/020127shelton.III/020127.toc.htm

>> No.13152537

It's probably caused by other things. See a derm

>> No.13152567 [DELETED] 

Start reading about fasting. Your body is intelligent and knows what's wrong, but it can only be allowed to treat the causes of ill health, and thus your acne problem, if you stop unnecessarily using bodily resources and energy by eating so often. By ceasing intake of food, you might be surprised how quickly you will find that bodily and mental discomforts, even mild annoyances, disappear. It's wise to remember that nature works in cycles, though, not overnight.

But don't trust me on it, do your own research.

>> No.13152582

>Doctor of Naturopathy

>> No.13152617

How much damage does a bad sunburn do permanently?

>> No.13153017

can someone who has actually tried these confirm - ive heard mixed reviews about aesop

>> No.13153069
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Toughts on neutrogena?
I've been using pic related for a couple months now but i'm seeing average results like small pimples not going away or skin getting crackly even when using moisturizer.

>> No.13153146

my legs are pasty and pale from wearing pants all winter. what can i put on them to make em presentable and not completely fucking ghostly again

>> No.13153484
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how do i get pale skin like the frog guy from clown things??

>> No.13153488
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Hyperpigmentation sucks. But ice pick marks can make you look better. Mature, rugged, grown up. To a certain extent, of course.

>> No.13153531
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Rate my routine, /skin/

>> No.13153555

don't know about nivea but have used middle two and was very pleased w results - the cleanance one especially

>> No.13153593

That's plaque psoriasis,

>> No.13153632

>What did you hear
Well when it got quiet but with light background noise (e.g. Walking in a park with bird and wind noises, the hum of electricity in your house at night, etc.) I thought I could hear distant joyous laughing like from a group of young teens, or at it's worst I thought people were (about 48-52 hours in) unintelligibly whispering like in a library.
It's legal because it works and, in the end, it was worth it imo.

>> No.13153772

Can aloe vera gels really work as an alternative for moisturizers? I've been using the Holika Holika aloe vera gel instead of my usual for the past week and and it's been pretty great so far.

>> No.13153777

that's a wart, should be cheap to get it lasered off or something

>> No.13153936

be a child lol

>> No.13154008

Any tips for getting rid of bags under eyes aside from getting a good night's sleep?

>> No.13154847

Is it true that rubbing a banana peel on your face can treat acne?

>> No.13154894
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is there nothing that can be done about these cunts ?

>> No.13154917

Collapse the veins with a sterile syringe. Use a magnifying mirror

>> No.13154935

it didn't work on my skin

>> No.13155978
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I got these small white heads between my lips and my chin but they are only visible when I'm stretching my skin. How can I get rid of these? I tried squeezing them out but it doesn't work. Any ideas?

>> No.13156323

Not all exfoliators are the same retard. Some wash off.

>> No.13156494
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Non meme way to get rid of acne scars? Ain't severe but it still annoys me

>> No.13156538

Professional laser treatments

>> No.13156584

See a dermatologist

>> No.13156742

Any cheaper options for a stingy European?

>> No.13157115

Starting to set up a routine. I already bought Neutrogena Ultra gentle cleaser.

Now, Cetaphil, ISDIN or La Roche-Posay? Planing to buy one of their fluid moisturizer with SPF (Daylong from Cetaphil, Fusion Fluid from ISDIN and I think Anthelios from LRP). My skin is kindo f greasy, and I want something that absorbs quickly.

Cerave is not available in my country.

>> No.13157255
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>> No.13157689

They're sebecauous filaments leave them be

>> No.13158459
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reduce added sugar intake
exercise regularly
have a consistent skin care routine
get a healthy amount of sunlight

start here bud. lazy niggers like my brother wont try putting in a little effort and reach for the accutane. dont be that way

>> No.13158921

Doesn't sunscreen make ur face oily as shit?
Also, there's moisturizers which include UV blockage, right? Would these count for sunscreens as well?

>> No.13159418

>Doesn't sunscreen make ur face oily as shit?

Regular sunscreen does, because it's sold to normal people who only care about not getting burned. Obviously don't put that shit anywhere near your face - unless it's midsummer and you're spending the day at the beach and you left your products at home. Oily skin is infinitely preferable to sunburn.

>Also, there's moisturizers which include UV blockage, right? Would these count for sunscreens as well?

Combination products are just as good. Most people use a moisturiser/broad spectrum UV blocker as the final product in their routine.

>> No.13159440

Jesus what brand of accutane did you guys take. All I experienced was dry lips lmao

>> No.13159504

Hello guys,
I dont have heavy acne anymore, just some few breakouts when i eat shit like McDonald Icecream and very little white pimples (no more red acne)... but my skin is still pretty shitty.

I been trying to understand how my skin type reacts. I have very large pores and black dots in my nose area. Its very oily too but for some reason its normal in the morning. I am very very pale and my skin is very sensitive.

My current routine is just soup and water in the morning shower after workout (sometimes only water, i still dont know if my skin is better with just water or soup) and then i apply a moisturizer (after showering my skin dries a lot) thats it.

During the rest of the day it gets oily but i dont wash or moisturize again... i should?

>> No.13159515

Not the other anon, but could you recommend a brand? The exfoliater didn't work for me either.

>> No.13160034

are you british?

>> No.13161043

Either way, you still cleanse very first thing no matter what. All products work best on clean skin.

>> No.13161169

Not him but
I can do all these except the
>have a consistent skin care routine
This whole skin care shit seems so overwhelming, you people recommend 50 different products for the most petty purposes, I wish there was a list like "here are THREE skin products that will really give you benefits"

>> No.13161185

is this all good?

>> No.13161187
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forgot file,
i have slight acne on my cheeks and some dots on the forhead.
i just want clear skin.

>> No.13161198

might aswell stop washing your hands with soap.

>> No.13161201

my acne is gone but they left these red spots... how do i remove them?

>> No.13161254


digging your humor homie. what you have is either PIH or PIE, use vitamin c serum and a Niacinamide serum, would recommend TO Niacinamide 10% & Zinc 1 %. Then get some Azelaic acid as a chemical exfoliant. Top if off with sunscreen everyday even if it's cloudy and it will be gone in 6ish months.

Can also buy a microderma roller 0.5 to 1 MM. Laser helps too.

>> No.13162141
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How do I get rid of these things on my cheek? I cleanse and moisturize and what I currently using is not making them worse but not better either. I would try something different but I am not sure what would be effective. Should I exfoliate?

>> No.13162165

No that is overpriced for what it is. You don't need anything that scrubs your face.
ya you should be exfoliating twice a week

>> No.13162171

my nose is a blackhead hotel, lots of them and they've been there for a while. Any hope of realistically getting them out using some products or my best bet is to schedule a professional skin cleaning and start taking care from there on? Never took care of my face, aside from washing it on shower + 1 time during the day.

>> No.13162202

Ideally you want this routine:


You have three cleansers and one exfoliant. Cleansers work by stripping oil from your face, you will be dry and itchy and your skin will start peeling off, and you will be extremely sensitive to sun damage. Get moisturiser, and sunscreen if you don't want your skin to age 5x as fast (you can get 2-in-1 moisturisers and sunscreens). Also, despite the name, don't scrub your exfoliant, always apply products as gently as possible.

>> No.13162255
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Thoughts on tiege hanley?

>> No.13162273

the pores will just continue to refill, and most extractions just enlarge the poors and make it worse. Avoid 'popping', just use an aggressive exfoliant and hopefully with time the pores will shrink a little. In the meantime you can cover them up wih concealer if theyre really noticeable and youre self-conscious

>> No.13162326

its actually exactly how most treatments work, its counterintuitive but 'drying' the skin just makes it oilier

>> No.13162332

shaving is a form of extreme exfoliation, you dont need to be scrubbing areas you shave

>> No.13162342

desu most face washes/scrubs etc are pretty much the same, the more expensive ones just have nicer fragrances

>> No.13162833

this sounds risky can anyone can confirm? Just vain and mad enough to try it

>> No.13163727
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Occasionally my nose becomes very flaky and I can easily scratch off dead skin until my nose is smooth and much redder. Anyone know what is likely causing this?

>> No.13163730

dunno i sorta have the same thing, with rosacea on top.. very nice..

but ive found that using raw organic coconut oil on it really helps, almost makes it completely normal.

>> No.13163787
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>month 3 on accutane
>skin still looks worse than before

>> No.13163953

rubbed it on my dick, grew 10 inches

>> No.13164204

Is Kiehl's any good? Looking at the Ultra Facial Cream SPF 30 as a face moisturizer with decent sun protection. Anything else worth it from them?

>> No.13164905

that shit's gonna make you go a little crazy but there's a light at the end of the tunnel and everything will be fine

>> No.13165342


>> No.13165348
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I have really mild acne. What exfoliant should I use? I heard the corsx brand is supposed to be good. Should I use AHA or BHA?

>> No.13165366
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so i've been trying to take care of my skin now
i wash it every night before going to bed
during the day i use a face lotion with sunscreen but at night i put this on my face too after washing it
is it okay? i think it's a body lotion and i read somewhere that you shouldn't use body lotions on your face. it does feel "stronger" than the face lotion though

>> No.13165368

it really depends if your skin is sensitive to the stuff and it makes you break out. Mine is for example, so I can only use certain moisturizers on the face (cerave)

>> No.13165931
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rate my routine

>> No.13165938

use cosrx instead of the paula's choice! it's a lot cheaper too. you also are missing sunscreen. other than that it's a solid routine. maybe consider a simple toner like witch hazel.

>> No.13165943

thx anon. ill check cosrx out

>> No.13165960

I had severe cystic acne that only Accutane could cure. But it's not a cure-all for everyone. People should take it slow and work up to it if literally everything else fails. For most people, using salcylic acid and a decent AHA + knowing what your skin responds to will work wonders. Also >hydration is a meme

>> No.13165962

oh man i loved my nightmares. hyper vivid sexual violence. WAVY.

>> No.13166057


Im pretty sure thats millia actually.

>> No.13166359

i used this when i was 15.
it stopped me from growing. dont use isotretionin unless you're fully grown already

>> No.13166598

Planning to exfoliate for the first time, which exfoliator should I get?

>> No.13166734

Putting my routine together, right now I have:

>Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser - £9.00
>CosRx BHA Blackhead Power Liquid - £22.00
>Paula's Choice Clear Moisturiser SPF 30 - £33.00

PC moisturiser/sunscreen works well, but the price tag is kinda steep. Am I being a stingy bastard, or is there a cheaper product I should swap in? Not Cerave, that stuff makes me even oilier.

>> No.13167172
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1. A face scrub (use once every second or 3rd day)
2. A face wash (use every shower or at AM|PM)
3. A moisturizing cream (1-2 per day)

That's it.

>> No.13167186

How does shaving factor into all this?

>> No.13167205 [DELETED] 

there are moisturizers that cost way less. l'd pick the cerave AM lotion with 30 spf rather than Paula's choice one. Cheaper.

>> No.13167218

Blue lizard dude. Best sunscreen ever. Be sure to pick the one with antioxidants.

>> No.13167237

Is the CosRx BHA thingy good? I've hear mixed things.

>> No.13167296

it's not even a routine if it's only 3

>> No.13167297

Anyone able to recommend me a good cleanser? This off-brand one I use feels obsolete and I'm looking to upgrade desu

>> No.13167330


>> No.13167780

Cleanser and moisturizer for a poorfag with oily skin?

>> No.13168081

what's the difference between cerave day and the night one besides the SPF

>> No.13168217

this guy get it

>> No.13168611


>> No.13169800

Is it okay if there is some alcohol in my products? Like lotion
I just read the ingredient labels on some of my stuff and they have alcohol but resources online say it isn't the end of the world

>> No.13169850
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So i've been asking on a lot of places for help but i get the same bullshit answers that don't help so i'll ask here again.
>sebaceous filaments
>Nose gets oily as fuck, almost dripping after an hour of washing or even if dont wash, it's producing a shitton of oil
What can i do? I'm using a cleanser and a 2% exfoliant at the moment but i don't see any changes. Also as a side question, how do i get my teeth whiter? they're basically stained a bit yellowish/darkish from drinking coke too much all these years.

>> No.13169909

Get some toothpaste that has a whitening effect. If you're already pretty bad off that's only going to help so much though.
You could get your teeth bleached, it's fairly inexpensive now and is going to get you the pearliest whites.

>> No.13170057

>mfw people leave the house with this shit on their skin and touch things

>> No.13170064

>I'm using a cleanser and a 2% exfoliant at the moment but i don't see any changes
Stop it. Try just washing with water and use a moisturizer.

>> No.13170100

I have to use something to clean my face... water won't cut it.

>> No.13170152

i was LITERALLY about to post this

>> No.13170527
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Anyone know if the face lotion is decent? I was looking through my local drugstore for something since my daily spf lotion ran out and these were cheap enough

>> No.13170740

I'm tired of getting my face cut up and getting disgusting bumps from cheap ass disposable razors.

What's the best shaving knife kit on Amazon for sensitive skin?

>> No.13170745

you're going to skin yourself alive with a straight razor
use a safety razor

>> No.13170748

Doesn’t work for my oily skin

>> No.13170756

What's the transition like from shitty Arm and Hammer razors to safety?

>> No.13170763

I’m having similar problems. I’ve ordered gel based cleansers and moisturisers to see if that stops the oil compared to creams and lotions.

>> No.13170773

i literally have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.13170776

That's alright. Thank you anyways anonymous.

>> No.13170856
File: 887 KB, 1436x1079, Screenshot_20180222-010001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any recommendations on body acne? My face is practically spotless but my legs and shoulders have either some light acne or weird red speckles on them. I'm currently not doing anything special besides a healthy diet, daily shower, and lots of water.

>> No.13171122 [DELETED] 

Do I still need to re-apply sunscreen if I only go out for 20 mins then stay inside for a few hours before going outside again?

>> No.13171123

Do I still need to re-apply sunscreen if I only go out for 20 mins then stay inside for a few hours before going outside again? I read re-application for chemical sunscreens should be about every 2 hours but is that for 2 hours of continuous direct sunlight exposure? I am guessing when you are inside a building or during cloudy days the sunscreen starts losing its effectiveness much slower, right?

>> No.13171362

Have you actually tried just gently cleaning your face with warm, not hot, water and applying a tiny bit of a good moisturizer afterwards two times a day for like a month? If that doesn't help you should definitely visit a dermatologist.
What you are describing, blackheads and being oily as fuck, sounds like your skin is desperately trying to recover from you torturing it by being way too rough and using a lot more product than you really should.

>> No.13172139

My skin is fucked beyond redemption and I want to die.

>> No.13172145

That's Keratosis Pilaris. I have it as well but nothing I've tried works against it.

>> No.13172223

Are moisturizers with SPF truly as effective as when as separate products? I've read some posts here claim so quite boldly but heard the opposite by most patently dedicated people.

I swear to God these have dried my body more than the average appropriate pH liquid soap. About that, should I moisturize my body? (Any tips on application?) It's been getting itchier lately. I'd assume scratching does bad in general. Last, notwithstanding the autism, how the fuck am I supposed to wash my body without a loofah? I've always done it like that and need to switch (to hands, I'd assume). Am sure that's what's been drying me.

>> No.13172347

How do I lose face fat?

>> No.13172754

What to do for ringworm?

>> No.13172762

Safety razors are more difficult to use properly, but the shave lasts longer. I'd recommend a quality handle, a nice brush, soap, and some pre-shave oils. There are demo videos on youtube if there isn't a good local shave/barber shop.

>> No.13172898

are spray sun protectors any good? i want to start using sun protection but i dont want it to be too noticeable, specially in winter.

Is there any cream that isnt very noticeable?

>> No.13173003

stop eating dairy

>> No.13173133

Usually when I get pimples on my face they go away after a few weeks, but there's this cluster of five small pimples on my cheek that haven't gone away for about 2 months. They aren't too bad but they're definitely noticeable. Any tips on getting rid of them?

>> No.13173200

Hydrogen peroxide, if you must, otherwise not at all, since they're self-cleaning.


>> No.13173208

I heard spray on sunscreen are not good. Like they dont spread evenly on your face to actually protect your skin and what not.

>> No.13173455

Urine therapy.

>> No.13173522

will i ever get rid of the little dent scars on my forehead from acne?

tips and advice please desu

>> No.13173538

Literally my thoughts lmao

>> No.13173644

Whats the deal with aloe vera sprays as a face moisturiser? Does this keep the face clear and free from pimples?

>> No.13173778

Sunscreen makes my face look and feel too oily, even Japanese ones. What do I do?

>> No.13173781

honestly i think thats just the way sunscreen is. its still better than burning and having your skin age horribly from the sun

>> No.13173847

Had chronic eczema on my forehead for over a year and now it's clearing up it's covered in fine lines/wrinkles, looks like the forehead of a 30 year old (am 10 years younger)

Is there anything I can do or am I fucked like people who have wrinkles from being old

>> No.13174606
File: 308 KB, 480x727, moisture_control_shampoo_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommend me some good shampoos and conditioner. Also thoughts on Oribe?

>> No.13175062

Not without cosmetic surgery. Though scars by themselves aren't a big deal, it's the pigmentation and enlarged pores that mess your face up.

>> No.13175338

bumping this. How to deal with bag under eyes besides sleeping? All I've read is putting cold stuff on the eyes (cold tea-bags, for instance) and massaging it to increase circulation. Help

>> No.13175905

Is baking soda really good for cold sores?

>> No.13176052

I've developed an obsession with the skin of my feet recently, I just want to get a knife and scrape away or use pumice or something to get rid of the dry skin, it just looks so disgusting.
Any advice?

>> No.13176234
File: 526 KB, 2048x1365, 5xcin759e4kz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you do a homemade chemical peel? I think someone posted about how they did theirs but couldn't find the post.

>> No.13176262


>> No.13176360

But >>13173847 I can't have this at this age ffs what other way is there

>> No.13176391

What moisturizer do you use? The vast majority of them clog pores.

Baby Foot peel

Retinol, vitamin C serum, niacinamide, AHAs


Use specific bodywash for dry skin, preferably without sulfates

>> No.13176520

What's the diff between BHA and AHA in terms of its effects?

>> No.13176733

My cheeks sometimes go red, can be mild to very obvious, but the circle around my lips and my forehead stay their usual pale colour. Do any of you know what could be causing this? would diet fix something like this?

>> No.13176749

Daily reminder to go outside and get fresh air. It helps

>> No.13176786

Ehh, I drink 3 litres of water a day and it doesnt do much for my skin. Eating healthy does wonders though.

>> No.13176838
File: 137 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I do for to stop the redness and other spots?

>> No.13176935
File: 183 KB, 500x375, 1488516406507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vitamin c
and exfoliating with aha or bha
all of this will help, itll take a couple months but itll go

>> No.13176973
File: 81 KB, 1024x733, 1513158029797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exfoliate and moisturize

AHAs and BHA have shared benefits. They both

-diminish the look of lines and wrinkles
-make skin look and feel firmer
-improve the look of dull, uneven skin tone
-smooth out rough texture

AHA: works on skin surface, water soluble & generally preferred for normal to dry, sun-damaged skin, due to their ability to enhance natural moisturizing factors within skin and are effective in reducing the visible signs of sun damage.

BHA: works on skin’s surface and inside the pore; it’s oil soluble, so it’s most often preferred for normal to oily skin prone to bumps, clogs, blemishes, and enlarged pores. BHA also has natural skin-calming properties, so it’s gentle enough for sensitive skin prone to redness and/or rosacea even suitable for skin prone to milia.

you should use that on your body, try getting a Cetaphil or Cerave moisturizer

you should exfoliate (blackheads) and use products meant for oily skin
such as cleanser then moisturizing your face, use a good moisturizer meant for your skin type also try sunscreen these products will add the correct amount of oil to your skin. Watch what you're eating too.



whats your skin care routine?

>> No.13177097

I use one of those exfoliating electric brushes sometimes and moisturise

>> No.13177129

you should invest in a cleaner a small one lasts for a long time
itll help you

>> No.13177169

Any recommendations on brands

>> No.13177274

There's a lot of stuff written about it but for me personally BHA doesn't do much and glycolic acid is the holy grail. Very soft skin and less acne

>> No.13177360

cerave and cetaphil are both drug store and very great entry level skin care products